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Holiday parties can be challenging for people in recovery. Hosts can make things easier., From MyPhotos
Bob Gaydos: Celebrating the holidays in recovery "No thank you" is a complete sentence and perfectly acceptable answer. It should not require any further explanation. "One drink won't hurt you" is a dangerously ill-informed reply. The same goes for, "A few butter cookies won't hurt. C'mon, it's Christmas." Or, "Get the dress, Put it on your credit card. You'll feel better." Not really.
William T. Hathaway: My Dear Other A poem about how the difficulties of love can strengthen it.
Lavender, From PixabayPhotos
Irene Fowler: La Vie en Purple "I think 'The Color Purple' is so bursting with love, the need for connection, the showing of the need for connection around the globe." - Alice Walker
Frosty Wooldridge: Margaritaville & I Left My Heart in San Francisco We celebrate the entertainers' past and present that keep Americans enthralled with their talents, energy and excitement. 1 1 Comment Count
Arshad M Khan: A Favorite Poem Do not go gentle into that good night is a famous Dylan Thomas poem. Please bear with me if you are much too familiar with it.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; The Amazon Frieze, British Museum, From FlickrPhotos
Philip Kraske: Summer Flicks: America at its Barest Oppenheimer, Barbie and Mission Impossible: they bare the American soul.
Sun Drama, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Irene Fowler: The Sun Came Out To Play Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine." - Charlotte Brontë from Jane Eyre. 2 2 Comment Count
Andy Mccoy: About the Variety in the Designs of Earring Jewelry There are different kinds of jewelry. There are hand jewelry, necklaces, rings, and earring jewelry. Sometimes they come in a complete set with a pair of cartilage earrings, a necklace, a ring and a bracelet. An anklet may also be added, along with a brooch. The history of the evolution of jewelry is one that is complicated and ever changing.
Cross, From Uploaded
Ethan Indigo Smith: The Fourth Initiation of The Jesus Christ Story The esoteric inspiration within the resurrection idea and its occurrence during the Winter Solstice, and the exoteric replacement.
Funny Games, From Uploaded
BK Faunce: Silly Film Olympics: Knock Knock and Funny Games An analysis of two "home invasion" films, Knock Knock and Funny Games. 1 1 Comment Count
Marlene and mom at the Ritz, From Uploaded
Dwayne Hunn: Marlenes obituary around Thanksgiving An obituary on the life and courageous times of Marlene Hunn. 1 1 Comment Count
Earth, From FlickrPhotos
Blair Gelbond: Transcending Paradigms Pt. 10: Primitive Humans > The Trauma of Modern Society > Global Citizens "If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. "People who can open to the web of life that called us into being." Joanna Macy 94 94 Comment Count
Anton Chekhov, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Kevin Tully: AI: The Writer Dies Artificial Intelligence soon at a bookstore, art gallery, poetry reading, photography exhibit, war zone and furniture store near you.
Grandson of a college founder, Will Bunch is an award-winning columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer., From Uploaded
David Rothman: 'After the Ivory Tower Falls': A Book Review Will Bunch, the Pulitzer-winning Philadelphia Inquirer columnist, has written a thoughtful AND lively book called After the Ivory Tower Falls. He tells how colleges have exacerbated cultural and economic differences. Grandson of the founder of a small college closed after enrollment declines, Bunch fervently hopes that policymakers will understand the importance of college and vocational training as public goods.
Goodnight David, Goodnight Chet, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Kevin Tully: A Thought About Story Anthropologists must be chuckling and shaking their heads, if not wringing their hands. There was a singular, very important component of the rise of civilizations -- story. Without it they would have stayed just a bunch of loosely connected hunters and gatherers, individually avoiding catastrophe, trotting into oblivion. 19 19 Comment Count
Global Warming (Effetto Serra), From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Kevin Tully: The Groovelarians Contemplate Their Choices "The Groovelarians hovered above the cooking, burning, screaming planet..."
Is Food Addiction Just a Willpower Issue? No. An increasing number of scientific studies suggest that food, like drugs or alcohol, can have addictive qualities., From YouTubeVideos
Bob Gaydos: Teens, food, eating ... addiction? It's not just drugs and alcohol. One in 10 female teens may have an eating disorder. A smaller percentage of teen boys, perhaps athletes such as wrestlers or runners, also have issues that revolve around body weight and image.
Ronnie Hawkins August 2008, From Uploaded
Chris Coggon: So long, Ronnie Hawkins Ronnie Hawkins, icon of Rock, is dead. Original photo and poem tribute. 2 2 Comment Count
Only extant photograph of Sukanta Bhattacharya, From Uploaded
Monish Chatterjee: To Mahatma-ji (Tribute poem by Sukanta Bhattacharya, early 1940s, to Mahatma Gandhi) Recalling a significant tribute poem written by Bengali poet-prodigy Sukanta Bhattacharya (1926-47) in honor of Mahatma Gandhi in the early 1940s, identifying him as the galvanizing figure central to the Indian freedom movement against 200 years of British imperial occupation of the sub-continent. Sukanta was a powerful leftist/progressive voice who had written momentous poems in a life taken much too soon, in 1947 at age 21. 8 8 Comment Count
Taras Bulba, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Kevin Tully: The Ghost of Taras Bulba "They all left. She resisted. Her grandchildren tugged at her beautifully embroidered apron. She resisted..." 3 3 Comment Count
Teddy, From PixabayPhotos
Irene Fowler: An Ode To Lost Love "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson 13 13 Comment Count
Woodstock Logo, From Uploaded
Bob Stuart: Musical Goodness Entertainment can be a strong force for both personal improvement and for cultural change. Here are a few links to music and comedy that I've found inspiring but are not the best known. 6 6 Comment Count
Vintage Fashion Daisy Dress and Luggage on Haight with Sutro Tower Reflected in the Window, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Irene Fowler: Daisies Are Forever "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage But you'll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two." Harry Dacre 2 2 Comment Count
Hiroshima was a truly happy place before the Americans destroyed it, From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: Bomb the ending followed by a reflection Bomb the volcano! / Bomb the city. / Bomb the northern lights if you want to.
From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: There will be a war It will not be just any old war. / It will be our very own war. / Make it count. 4 4 Comment Count
Somewhere in coimbatore, From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: Somewhere in Coimbatore Somewhere in Coimbatore / There is a patch of grass / That is greener than green
LOW, From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: Tenderized by L/life You might not understand what I am saying. / That is why I am including the link in this poem.
Miles Davis, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
John Hawkins: Three Poems on Race Three Poems on Race. The new year of poesy begins from he formerly known as the daily sonneteer. Normal again, ordinary, and don't feel good.

John Hawkins: BOOK REVIEW: Cautivos by Ariel Dorfman BOOK REVIEW: Cautivos by Ariel Dorfman. Ariel Dorfman: Caught in the Commission of a Truth. Dorfman's short novel provides an entertaining and insightful look at Cervantes captivity as a catalyst for his later penning of Don Quixote. Well worth the read.
Gary Lindorff: Letters from camp (fact-checked) I am the second oldest in my cabin. / Ben is the oldest. He is 10. / Spiders live under the cabin. 1 1 Comment Count

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