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# Date Link
#1 3/21/2024 Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, A "Dictatorship" on Day One? (Tom Engelhardt)
#2 3/19/2024 American Journalist Doc Challenges Trump's America (Earl Ofari Hutchinson)
#3 3/19/2024 Tomgram: Stan and Priti Gulati Cox, Blocking the Aid Trucks, Letting the Tanks Roll (Tom Engelhardt)
#4 3/18/2024 Tomgram: William Astore, Cutting the Pentagon Down to Size (Tom Engelhardt)
#5 3/15/2024 Civilians held under terrorist rule in Idlib demand their freedom (Steven Sahiounie)
#6 3/15/2024 Europe realized its doomed sanction policy (Adomas Abromaitis)
#7 3/14/2024 Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, My "Children" Say They Won't Vote for Biden (Tom Engelhardt)
#8 3/12/2024 Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Living in a Quagmire World (Tom Engelhardt)
#9 3/11/2024 Tomgram: Liz Theoharis, This Can't Be as "Good" as It Gets (Tom Engelhardt)
#10 3/10/2024 Medvedev threatens Armageddon nuclear attack on DC and London if Russia has to give back any Ukraine territory
#11 3/10/2024 The Fonz Is Pimping For Big Pharma (Martha Rosenberg)
#12 3/9/2024 U.S. public is tired of paying for Ukraine's war efforts (Adomas Abromaitis)
#13 3/7/2024 Tomgram: Nan Levinson, The Enticements of War (and Peace) (Tom Engelhardt)
#14 3/5/2024 Tomgram: Engelhardt, A Big-Time War of Terror (Tom Engelhardt)
#15 3/5/2024 Israelis want Netanyahu out, but no freedom for Palestinians (Steven Sahiounie)
#16 3/5/2024 West Virginia Attorney General Implores VP Harris to Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
#17 3/5/2024 South African President Ramaphosa reaffirms South Africa's support for Palestine at the Hague's newer court
#18 3/4/2024 Netanyahu has lost Saudi Arabia, and Biden will lose re-election (Steven Sahiounie)
#19 3/4/2024 Tomgram: Juan Cole, How Washington's Anti-Iranian Campaign Failed, Big Time (Tom Engelhardt)
#20 2/29/2024 A Palestinian legal masterpiece by Dr. Ralph Wilde at the ICJ (Steven Sahiounie)
#21 2/29/2024 Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, On Trial (Never?) (Tom Engelhardt)
#22 2/29/2024 Hariri's return to Lebanon tests the waters for a political comeback (Steven Sahiounie)
#23 2/28/2024 "The Zone of Interest" is a film about Auschwitz, and Gaza (Steven Sahiounie) 1 1 Comment Count
#24 2/27/2024 Stop Thieves, The FBI Will Not -- Verify Bank Wire Transfers by Phone Before and After Sending (Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
#25 2/27/2024 How We Kill Creativity and Why It Matters More Than Ever
#26 2/27/2024 Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, War's Cost Is Unfathomable (Tom Engelhardt)
#27 2/26/2024 Lithuania has "addicted" to military purchases from the U.S. (Adomas Abromaitis)
#28 2/26/2024 Tomgram: William Hartung, False Job Claims Fuel Massive Pentagon Budgets (Tom Engelhardt)
#29 2/26/2024 Jewish Voice for Peace: "Dump AIPAC" March
#30 2/23/2024 Lithuania continues to face falling living standards (Adomas Abromaitis)

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