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Enviro Eco Nature

Jose Manuel Silva: Green buildings in cities -- Sustainable Architecture Ecological paving solutions for all areas that need to remain permeable.
Trevillion - Winter Solstice, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Bob Passi: Winter Solstice - 2024 It is time to stop and think about what the Winter Solstice represents and to take the time to call upon our own resilience. 1 1 Comment Count
Joshua Soo: Nuclear Energy, Friend or Foe? Nuclear energy is finding new adopters. How should we respond? 2 2 Comment Count
David Son: Cycles of Time Cycles measure time. There are natural and created measures of time. Time is marking change and motion within these cycles. 3 3 Comment Count
World Flood Map, From Uploaded
Which areas of the world will be most affected by sea-level rise over the next century, and after that? Some of the most powerful effects will be seen on flatter coastal land abutting the shallows of large water bodies. If these areas also are prone to landfall by tropical cyclones, the effects will be further intensified. Among the hardest hit will be tropical and sub-tropical river deltas – broad fans of sediment and waterways where rivers meet the sea. Because such deltas often are the sites of port cities... 1 1 Comment Count
Karl Grossman: ADVANCE Act Pushing Nuclear Power Passes U.S. Congress by Lopsided Margins The "ADVANCE Act," a bill to promote nuclear power, was passed 88-to-2 in the U.S. Senate last week. The ADVANCE stands for "Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy." The only senators voting against it were Edward Markey of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. It was approved in the House of Representatives in May, also by a lopsided margin: 393-13. And has gone to President Biden. 6 6 Comment Count
Destruction, From PixabayPhotos
Bob Passi: The End is Near! : Human Development This is what is happening to our planet and to the human race. We will need to wake up and make a major change of direction to survive. 3 3 Comment Count
Race against time, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Bob Passi: The Human Race The human race is in a race against time. Losing is not an opeion if we are to survive as a viable species. It is now a sprint. 1 1 Comment Count
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station%2C 2012., From WikimediaPhotos
Katie Singer: Exploring humanness during radioactive times: a review of "SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power's Legacy" In the mid-1940s, a small group of scientists learned to split uranium atoms. They applied their newfound knowledge to making and deploying nuclear bombs. When World War II ended, yet other scientists wanted to split uranium atoms to generate electrical power for military operations and public utilities: they wanted to make nuclear reactors to produce plutonium, the basic material necessary for thermonuclear bombs. 3 3 Comment Count
Three Futures for Humanity | Duane Elgin & Coleen LeDrew Elgin, April 2022 The Time is Now: Showing up for the Earth with James Baraz & Friends Interconnected Engagement Duane Elgin & Coleen ..., From YouTubeVideos
Blair Gelbond: Toward a Mature Global Civilization "Although human societies have confronted major hurdles throughout history, the challenges of our times are unique in one crucial respect: they are planetary in scope." 8 8 Comment Count
The Waverley Abbey Yew, winner of Tree of the Year 2022., From Uploaded
Vote for the Tree of the Year The Woodland Trust is the largest woodland conservation charity in the UK.  It has planted over 50 million trees since 1972. They mount an annual national contest which "celebrates urban trees in our neighbourhoods, from city parks and busy town centres to residential streets. Each one is a locally-loved ancient or veteran tree with a fascinating story, as well as supporting urban wildlife, clea...
Bugs, smoke, and dystopian bliss, From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: Waking from the dream of causality It's what we do with who we are that makes a life. Throw away the crutch of excuses
Raised bed, ready for winter, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Katie Singer: First comes love, then come unintended consequences Daily, I learn about unintended consequences of projects that corporate self-regulation and government agencies (like the Environmental Protection Agency, increasingly rendered powerless by Congress and the Supreme Court) fail to protect... 1 1 Comment Count
Gary Lindorff: More soul-retrieval: Trees in the silo We hear the sweet songs of birds / We feel the soft petal of a flower / That has erupted like a steel lance through concrete
The Bia?owie?a Forest today, From Uploaded
John Henry Egan: Hitler's Jurassic Park Any attempt to understand World War II needs to analyze German Nordic and Aryan racial idelolgy. 4 4 Comment Count
Chef Chic's Healthy Lunch, From FlickrPhotos
Gary Lindorff: Eating Healthy is Do-able / Eating healthily on the fly (plus thoughts on hypoglycemia) It's not hard to eliminate unhealthy food from my diet, but it is a bit challenging to buy (gather) the healthy food that I want in my body.
Power Lines, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Paul Cohen: Perverse Delivery Charges "Delivery" seems to take on a variety of meanings, but we are often charged for it. This article examines what this entails, but particularly for electric power. 4 4 Comment Count
Forest, From PixabayPhotos
Meryl Ann Butler: How Plants Can Rescue the Planet! (Short Video) Plants can rescue the planet! This video is short, snappy, informative, I loved it. 4 4 Comment Count
~ End Of The World ~, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
1.1 Billion Have Already, Directly Experienced Effects of Climate Change "You don’t have to save the world. You can’t anyway ... It’s not your problem.' In this podcast, whose transcript I'm also posting, Whowhatwhy's Jeff Schechtman interviews author and activist Paul Hawken on "tackling climate change, [highlighting] ... his 'Regeneration' movement, which is rapidly gaining momentum worldwide with the aim of ending the climate crisis within a single generation." 98 pe... 4 4 Comment Count
Heat pumps can be used for cooling and heating, From Uploaded
We've been looking at energy savings the wrong way around With a virtual forehead slap, energy expert Michael Barnard,  writing  in CleanTechnica, invites us to look for the energy (and greenhouse gas) savings we so desperately need from the demand side rather than the supply side. In particular, he walks us through data and calculations showing that just one intervention --  using heat pumps to do most of our domestic, commercial and industrial heating and cooling&nb... 2 2 Comment Count
poster Fire of Love, From Uploaded
John Hawkins: Film Review: Fire of Love Review of the 2022 Sundance Festival favorite. Fantastic footahe of volcanos alive and kickin 1 1 Comment Count
Your iPhone, Kindle, and EV: Conrad-level evil inside?, From Uploaded
David Rothman: "Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives": A Book Review In Cobalt Red, researcher-activist Siddharth Kara offers searing but credible prose about cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Child labor, pregnant women breathing toxic fumes, deadly tunnel cave-ins, rape in the mines--Kara fearlessly writes of them all while reminding us of cobalt's importance in tech. Your iPhone, Kindle, and EV: Conrad-level evil inside? 3 3 Comment Count
Human sperm --  an endangered species?, From Uploaded
Robert Adler: Where have all the sperm cells gone? New research reveals an accelerating reduction in human sperm counts worldwide, with major implications for fertility and health. 12 12 Comment Count
Frosty Wooldridge: Humanity Just Hit Eight Billion On This Planet: What Does It Mean For America, Canada and Europe? This week, November 16, 2022, world demographers announced that the eight billionth human being just made his or her entry onto the planet. In just 12 years, from 2010, humans added another billion of themselves onto Earth. In another 12 years, humans will add another one billion of themselves, net gain, to our world. 10 10 Comment Count
global warming graphic, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Jonathan Cook: Blocking roads isn't crazy - It's our last hope that sanity will prevail As long as there is a war to worry about - even nuclear Armageddon, as President Joe Biden recently warned - the threat of an environmental Armageddon can be deemed less pressing, less horrifying, less worthy of attention. 1 1 Comment Count
How does war damage the environment?, From Uploaded
Nord Stream Gas Leaks Could Amount to One Third of Denmark's CO2 Emissions, Official Warns This article from Haaretz about the apparent sabotage of the Nord 1 and 2 gas lines from Russia to Europe is a missing piece from the American MSM. Instead of weighing in on whodunnit it talks of the economic damage at a time when Climate Change issues should be front and center. Here, the focus is the leak of methane into the environment. From Haaretz: The Nord Stream pipeline leaks pumping huge ...
Warming Seas and Melting Ice Sheets, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Robert Hunziker: Sea Level Acceleration Significantly, the past 150 years of sea level rise is unprecedented in human history. A graph of the last 30 years of satellite recordings demonstrates the rate of rise increasing during the first 10 years at 2mm per year followed by 3mm in the middle 10 years and 4.5mm per year over the past 10 years. 2 2 Comment Count
Subway, From FlickrPhotos
Carl Petersen: Done With Public Transportation In Los Angeles After getting stranded at Union Station following a concert at the Los Angeles Coliseum I cannot trust our city's post-COVID transit systems.
Fires along the Rio Xingu, Brazil, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Robert Hunziker: Kiss the Amazon Goodbye? The rainforests hydrological role for the planet extends all the way to the cornfields of Iowa and across the oceans. The Amazon embodies the essence of life for our biosphere. 1 1 Comment Count
Unprecedented flooding in Pakistan, From Uploaded
Robert Adler: New research more than triples the value to society of cutting CO2 New peer-reviewed research published in the prestigious journal Nature more than triples the future value of cutting greenhouse gas emissions today. 24 24 Comment Count

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