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Dave Janes: Cohen Hearing: A Search for Truth? This is about the free press and about our representation .
Charles Roll: The new worst ever trade deal - worse even than the TPP TISA - the worst trade agreement ever - worser even than TPP!
Cumhur Ozkaya: The latest statements from Julian Assange with videoconference Wikileaks director Assange says: "Iraq public would have rebelled if Tunisians wouldn't have rebelled"
Cumhur Ozkaya: The Latest Interview with Julian Assange How Assange test whether the secret files come to him are true or not. Why does someone ask whether he is a journalist or not and he is a spy? 1 1 Comment Count

Steven G. Erickson: Asking Sen Leahy to consider Paul Craig Roberts/James Corbett [videos] Do any average US citizens actually get representation for their taxation? Do US Senators and Congress People have the authority to actually question the Military Industrial Complex run by offshore corporate banksters?
GLloyd Rowsey: Dateline Aug 27th: US raised academic boycott vote with Norwegian government, Wikileaks shows Cables released this week by Wikileaks show that the US government raised with the Government of Norway concern over a motion to boycott Israeli academic institutions at University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU) in Norway.
GLloyd Rowsey: WikiLeaks Cables Show Haiti as Pawn in U.S. Foreign Policy, by K. Soltis of COHA, as reported by Lloyd Rowsey Haiti's history is one of brutal colonial exploitation followed by systematic neocolonial intervention, and today the country faces extreme poverty and political turmoil. According to the UN Development Program, 78 percent of Haitians live on less than USD 2 per day and 54 percent of the population, or around four and a half million people, currently live on less than USD 1 per day.[1] In light of the problems facing this tro... 1 1 Comment Count

Steven G. Erickson: Unmanned Aerial Spying and "The Cloud" Internet Surveillance The ramping up of domestic spying and police use of unmanned drones is just more proof that the global banking and corporate organized drug running criminals have declared war on us. 1 1 Comment Count
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Alfred McGuire: Barack Obama : Law Reformer Mr. Obama's attitudes toward the law require most careful scrutiny.

Kevin Anthony Stoda: World's Largest Military Giant Takes Notice of SOA Watchers Insight into the U.S. pressure tactics to keep the SOA/ WHINSEC in business has been presented via Wikileaks from Costa Rica--a country that didn't even have a military till the Reagan Administration bullied it into having one.
Marta Steele: Hot and Heavy: Yellow vs. WikiL Differing with Republicans on the subject of various shades of honesty and the truth.

Steven G. Erickson: New 9/11 video taken from NYPD helicopter At about 4 minutes, 20 seconds in, video attached shows a blow torch like flames coming up from the first tower to "fall". Views not seen from the ground are exposed in this video. Buildings just never collapse like this, melting cars and everything surrounding from any sort of fire.

Steven G. Erickson: "If law fails, CIA will assassinate Assange" Paul Craig Roberts is interviewed by Russia Today. 1 1 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Please, Erin Brokovich, stand up and speak more strongly in support of Bradley Manning and Others We need more Americans to support whistle-blowing, especially after the Obama [and the Bush Administration] have decided to (a) attack the messenger/whistleblowers instead of taking the message as a source for investigation of crimes and facts & (b) fail to prosecute criminals and/or those promoting crimes, violence and genocide.
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Where is this film, Hollywood? NOTES ON THE PUNISHMENT OF ANOTHER AMERICAN PATRIOT The time is getting ripe, America, to go after our skeletons in the closet this 2011. A good Hollywood movie on the life and times of Susan Lindauer vs. Cheney and other Criminals might be enough to leave a decades long impression of outrage to last into the next generation. Let this be the year of Outrage!!!
Elizabeth Ferrari: Ben Adler: Bad Reporter Newsweek's Ben Adler denies worldwide support among journalists for Wikileaks

GLloyd Rowsey: WikiLeaks Leads to New Call for Prosecution of Assange from the U.S. Senate Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein is one legislator who was calling loudly for an espionage prosecution. She took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal, calling Assange an "agitator intent on damaging our government" and saying that, because Assange "intentionally harmed the U.S. government," he should be "vigorously prosecuted for espionage." She also wrote that she thought such a prosecution would be successful. 5 5 Comment Count

Kevin Tully: BECKWATCH: "I'm A Christian, But..." - The Fox News Caveat Should Progressives buy body armour?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Taiwan-living Tibetans Confirm Nepal's Collusion with China Nepal has been shown to be colluding in the increasing number of arrests of Tibetans fleeing their occupied homeland in China over the past year.

Kevin Tully: BECKWATCH: Haley Barbour Is Probably A Good Man, However... We can choose to forget and we can choose to forget - if you know what I mean.

GLloyd Rowsey: Assange is Free on Bail in England WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, fighting extradition to Sweden over alleged sex crimes, walked free on bail from a British jail on Thursday protesting his innocence and pledging to continue exposing official secrets. 1 1 Comment Count
Saman Mohammadi: The Politics of Truth: WikiLeaks, The Power Elite, and Deep Politics The Politics of Truth: WikiLeaks, The Power Elite, and Deep Politics. 1 1 Comment Count

Steven G. Erickson: Obama wants your DNA, Internet Patriot Act- The People vs. Banksters James Corbett or of the Corbett Report with co-host tackles the subjects eluded to in OpedNews.com title for this blog, called a "Diary" on this site.
Arn Specter: The Nuclear Review, Issue#51, Dec.13,2010 The Nuclear Review, Issue#51, Dec.13,2010 by Arn Specter 1. Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) strategy 2. Government Replies to "Letter from Nagasaki" for Start of Negotiations for NWC (NUCLEAR WEAPONS CONVENTION) 3. Another Quiet American, By MICHAEL J. YBARRA On May 23, 1950, the FBI arrested Harry Gold Compelling Story! The Invisible Harry Gold, By Allen M. Hornblum 4. NUCLEAR LINKS WORLDWIDE ... 1 1 Comment Count
Henry Porter: Important Swedish documentary on Wikileaks (in English) This Swedish documentary gives an excellent overview of Wikileaks' history. You will be surprised at how many stories they broke that you recognize.
From ImagesAttr
Eileen Fleming: *WikiLeaks: The Documentary See this amazing and powerful video about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. It tells the story of this very courageous person and people working to nonviolently speak truth to Power and get the truth to the people of the world... 1 1 Comment Count
Michael Greenwell: We Are Obviously Beneath Contempt Warning, this article contains evidence of Doublethink
Kevin Anthony Stoda: MAJOR MEDIA--PLEASE PUT THE STORIES TOGETHER ABOUT INTERPOL, PLEASE INTERPOL is biased and needs to start arresting Cheney, Rumsfeld and CIA-operatives for war crimes etc.

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