All Comment(s) Posted by Dorothy Reilly


On article "I'm Dumping the Democratic Party, Personally"

Elizabeth Warren is a female Obama

by Dorothy Reilly (0 articles, 3 comments) on Friday, May 4, 2012 at 2:11:17 AM

On article "I'm Dumping the Democratic Party, Personally"

How the hell did it take you this long?????

by Dorothy Reilly (0 articles, 3 comments) on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 3:37:50 PM

On article "The myth that the Dems are as bad as the Repugs"

Ron Paul did not vote against the NDAA

by Dorothy Reilly (0 articles, 3 comments) on Monday, February 13, 2012 at 12:21:50 AM

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