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Debra Craig is writer whose articles have been published nationwide. She is also the author of two books, the most recent one called, "Welcome to My Nightmare, I mean, Classroom: A Teacher in the Trenches Shatters the Myths, Lies, and Half-truths about Public Education." (A.T. Publishing, NY, 9/07)
The book shares with readers her reality of working at an underperforming high school and how the problems in education aren't what they appear to be. She knows because she has been a public school teacher in Moreno Valley, CA, for over a decade.
Debra is now on a mission not just to write about the problems with our public schools, but wants to be an instrument of change in improving them.She's tired of the government's lip service that they care about kids' education when in reality nothing is farther from the truth. This former kindergarten and fifth grade teacher plans on doing whatever it will take to effect change in a system that is so very broken.
(31 comments) SHARE Friday, February 8, 2008 Serving Divorce Papers to the Republican Party
As if asking me to stay loyal to the Republican Party in spite of eight nightmarish years of the George Bush reign wasn't enough, now they expect me to support John McCain? No way. That's expecting too much from this 25-year member of the Republican Party. Why it's time to leave.
SHARE Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Performance Based Grouping: The Cure for "Bad" Schools and Their Socially Promoted Students
Money maybe the root of all evil but it is not the root of what ails our schools. The practice of social promotion gets that honor. It is responsible for the achievement gap, the high dropout rate, and students who graduate being uneducated. If we are truly serious about improving our schools, then we must blow-up the current education system and replace it with one that uses performance based grouping.
SHARE Friday, January 11, 2008 The Upside of a Budget Defict for California Schools
Author, high school teacher, and education advocate Debra Craig shares her "sacrifices" when it comes to closing the $14 billion CA budget crisis that in the long run might actually help education.