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I am a Strategy & Foresight consultant based in Malaysia. I have written extensively on the geopolitical implications of current developments for various journals, including OpedNews, between 2004 and 2009. I specialize in weak signals, general trends, force multipliers and how they potentiate to impact our future.
SHARE Monday, August 18, 2014 MH17, Gaza and the "Genius" of Western Propaganda
While the US continues to blame Russia for the MH17 shootdown, "evidences" compiled by social media opens up hitherto unexplored, ludicrous dimensions to 21st-century information warfare.
SHARE Sunday, June 15, 2014 US Quandary: Iran offers help to combat Al Qaeda
Yesterday, Iran offered to work alongside perennial foe Washington, but only if the latter takes the lead in repelling Sunni Arab militants. The preconditions may leave the US in a geopolitical quandary.