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Eileen Dannemann

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National Coalition of Organized Women (and the men who loveus)

Website: www.ProgressiveConvergence.com (bio-about)

Eileen Dannemann is the founder of The National Coalition of Organized Women. NCOW is a verb, an organizing force, a coalescing energy based on the Unified Field...quantum physics defines it. NCOW has no matrix, no special tax status, no agenda. It can not be found because it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All activities arise from the “individual”, his/her personal connection to Source and the enlightened spiritual impulses deriving there from. NCOW is simply “individuals” spending their own time and money as individuals speaking up for progressive change and a new vision for America…and the world.

I became aware that non-profit status hampered the activity of activists and their organizations as it pertained to top down political action. Non–profits were unable to “endorse” candidates even though the candidate supported the very issues that they represented. Ifound that non-profit organizations were in such fear of losing their tax status that they invariably put more boundaries on their activities than were even required. As individuals, however no such restrictions pertained, hence NCOW!


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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 17, 2009
Judge Forces Chemotherapy on Minnesota Child: Emerging Totalitarianism via the Medical Model A description of American emerging as a Totalitarian society as seen from the forced separation of parent and child; child protection services; and the American Medical Model.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Laymen's talk FISA and Obama

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