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Patrick Walker is co-founder of Revolt Against Plutocracy (RAP) and the Bernie or Bust movement it spawned. Before that, he cut his activist teeth with the anti-fracking and Occupy Scranton PA movements.
No longer with RAP, he wields his pen and his activist network to wage holy war for climate justice. Hoping to help build a counterculture of revolt, he also writes quirky, highly literate song lyrics for the rising indie band God's Comics.
A happily married man for over 10 years, Patrick has lost his beloved wife Ginger to colon cancer. He resides with his ineffably charming Sheltie dog Jasmine in East Amherst, NY.
(8 comments) SHARE Monday, June 3, 2013 "44" Is NOT "42"--the Tragic Inevitability of Uncle Tom's White House
A fervent critic of Obama, I was deeply provoked by Robert Parry's interesting--but in my view misapplied--comparison of Obama to the heroic Jackie Robinson in his OEN article "42 and 44." I contend that the proper comparison is a purely speculative one: a consideration of the overwhelming pressures Robinson would have faced NOT as a player, but if he'd been 1st black baseball commissioner after major (lucrative) scandals.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 1, 2013 Obama Is "White Power" Tool--of Carpetbaggers, Not of KKK
In a provocative application of history that's a radical shift of perspective from my previous OEN article, which came down pretty hard on political "rednecks," I point out that, like these tragic poor Southern whites after the Civil War, we are all prey to political "carpetbaggers," who exploit the erosion of proper government after a "civil war" to make it the tool of their predatory self-enrichment.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 29, 2013 With Second Amendment Dead, We Need CHARACTER Assassination
Justifying the provocative, morally abusive language of my previous OEN articles, I point out that character assassination--of the same sort that brought down Boss Tweed but using powerful modern media--should be our weapon of choice when the Second Amendment remedy of ACTUAL assassination or armed revolt is now, due to modern weaponry, far too dangerous to risk.
(23 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 23, 2013 Obama's Real Legacy: Savior of Corporate Fascism
A bold assertion that--in wake of the deep disrepute Bush and Co. brought to corporate fascism--Obama may find his real legacy in proving its savior. Also, a clever (and I hope, insightful)analyis of Obama's timing, speculating that he's starting to show signs of open fascism (and hence normalize it) for an event where it will be needed most--his almost guaranteed, wildly irresponsible approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, May 17, 2013 Barack Obama--and the Sick, Twisted Dynamic of Racism
Perhaps the edgiest progressive political analysis you'll ever see published, a scathing--and penetrating analysis of the deep evil (a "vampire's kiss") that happened when Barack Obama met his "fairy godmother" Penny Pritzker. Little "bad language," but CERTAINLY for adults only ...
(40 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 14, 2013 To Save the Democratic Party, We Must Risk Destroying It
A desperate plea that in our desperate circumstances--cicumstances CONFIRMED desperately by the popularity of alarmist writers on OpEdNews--we must risk splitting (and thereby possibly destroying) the Democratic Party for the sake of at last giving REAL progressive values a voice in our government. Before it's too late!
(16 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 12, 2013 News Buried by "Idiot Wars": Unchecked Globalization WILL Destroy Us
A follow-up to my recent popular article, "Obamaheads--like Extreme Right--Are Useful Idiots for Corporatocracy," this piece identifies the BIG STORY that our two major parties' angry "idiot wars" are driving off the front page. Namely, their criminal abdication of the responsibility to manage economic globalization, and the guaranteed "race to the bottom" that means for us and our environment.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 8, 2013 The Dangers of Liberals' Repressed Reptilian Brains
A supremely daring dissection of standard PC liberals' unacknowledged primitive unconscious motives for accepting the most unprogressive poliicies, whether from Bush or, more especially, from Barack Obama.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, May 6, 2013 350.org and Pipeline: Bill M. Needs 12-Step Obama Rehab Program
Another scathing Patrick Walker exercise in iconoclasm, this time skewering 350.org's Bill McKibben for his masochist support of Obama in the face of evidence screaming that Obama intends to approve the Keystone XL pipeline
(9 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 4, 2013 Obamaheads--like Extreme Right--Are Useful Idiots for Corporatocracy
A scathing analysis of how "useful idiots" of both the Republican and Democrat stripe dominate the news with their mutually hateful "idiot wars," keeping the far more important story or corporation domination off its rightful place on the front page. Also stresses how much liberal idolaters of faux-progressive Obama block political progress as much as the "right-wingnuts" they vilify.