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Steve Consilvio

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Steve grew up in a family business, was a history major in college, and has owned a small business for 25 years. Practical experience (mistakes) have led him to recognize that political rhetoric and educated analysis often falls short of reality. TAX Your Imagination! is the name of his first book, which he hopes will be a series. Two hundred years ago, it might have been called Commonsense. Thomas Paine, Henry Thoreau and Edward Bellamy (author of Looking Backward) would have been his best friends, if given the opportunity. He is a deep thinker with a light heart and a quirky sense of humor. If you want to categorize him, he is a neo-transcendentalist. Balance and simplify!


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$100 Bill, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 16, 2013
14. What is Modern Finance? This chapter deals with the rise of paper money and stocks and their role in the destruction of feudalism. Modern finance is not very old, and has not solved any of the problems it was expected to solve. In trying to understand the issues of today, it is good to understand the history of how they arrived. We are, unfortunately, repeating ourselves while expecting different results.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
GDP Explanation, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 30, 2013
8. What is the GDP/GNP? from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination! A growing GDP is considered a bellwether of a healthy economy, but these statistics are actually meaningless and should not be used for setting public policy. Inflation is being measured, not the quality of life or material output. The flawed assumptions highlight the failures of how economics is understood and practiced.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Debt as the inverse of inflation, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 30, 2010
The National Debt is the inverse of the profit/inflation in the private economy. A discussion of how the deficit formed, and its link to inflation and the volatile boom-bust cycle.
Boom and Bust Drivers, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 4, 2013
What are Boom and Bust? Alternative Economics 101 - Chapter 5: Tax Your Imagination! Boom and Bust cycles are not 'natural' events, but the inevitable result of inflation, which is caused by the applied percentages of Taxes, Profit and Interest. The Boom of increased revenue is a Bust of too much expense for someone else.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
inflation is the national debt, From ImagesAttr
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 10, 2013
9. The National Debt is the Inverse of Inflation - from Alternative Economics 101 / TAX Your Imagination! The battle between rich and poor is really a battle over mathematical conditions that have social consequences. What drives the math? What made fiat money, and paper money so problematical. Follow the math, and you will realize how the real enemy is inflation. Get a sense of the dynamic interplay between the private and public sector.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
The Cost of Living Ratio, From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 13, 2013
Alternative Economics 101 - What is the Cost of Living? This chapter explores the links between the Cost of Living and the Standard of Living (or Quality of Life), and the role of debt in both. It is claimed that increased revenue increases the quality of life, but it also increases the cost of living, making life more stressful and the economy more volatile.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Price Dissonance, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 30, 2013
Alternative Economics 101: Chapter 4: What is a Inflation? - TAX Your Imagination! Different theories regarding inflation are debunked by a simple mathematical observation.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Book Cover: TAX Your Imagination!, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination (Chapter 1: Money) TAX Your Imagination is subtitled: Alternative Economics 101, The road to a debt-free and inflation-free economy. A lot of political discussion is wasted on laying blame on the winners and losers, rather than analyzing the math that generates winners and losers. The book is being serialized, a chapter a week for 14 weeks. This is Chapter 1.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Big History, From ImagesAttr
(17 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 1, 2013
11. Big History, The Anatomy of Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! Chapter 11 deals with how different people are able to see the same event differently. What is the basic structure of how we understand the world? How and why do different ideas interact?
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
The Power of Interest, From ImagesAttr
(54 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, April 10, 2014
Chapter 15: The FIRE Economy and C=M+L People think the economic choices are between modern ideas of capitalism and socialism, but what we actually live is an adaptation from feudalistic system, with corporations as the nobles. This chapter explains the role of interest and land bondage upon which all of society is based, the oddity of Wall Street, and offers a new economic formula (C=M+L) to replace Marx's surplus value and M-C-M' claims.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Tax Your Imagination book cover, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 16, 2013
Alternative Economics 101: Chapter 3: What is a Budget? - TAX Your Imagination! A brief inquiry into why we have budgets, what makes them so important, how they divide people, and what makes them so difficult.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Banking: The New Feudalism How the illusion of the Free Market is really a market constrained by historical power. Everyone is a peasant under New Feudalism. Banking is a system of faceless despotism where everyone must serve the corporate charter and nonsensical inflation.
doublethink, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 16, 2013
12. The Anatomy of Contradictory Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 -Tax Your Imagination Chapter 12 explores how contradictory ideas are shaped, which eventually leads to contradictory policies and unexpected and undesirable consequences. For a system to work, we need to agree on what is good and bad. How do we understand virtue? This chapter suggests a way forward.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Which is True?, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 16, 2013
10. What is a Ponzi Scheme? - from Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! Chapter 10 discusses how a ponzi scheme is more than fraud, but is a mathematical framework based on the false belief (intellectual fraud) that 2+2=5. This formula can be found in all our institutions. The promise of a free lunch is that you can be given back more than what you put in. Unearned income is a slave system by proxy.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
The Anatomy of Hierarchy, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 24, 2013
13. The Anatomy of Hierarchy, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! This chapter is part Chomsky and part Orwell. It explores the structure of language at the intersection of newspeak, and how organizations fulfill their role as leaders. It also lays bare the illogic of 'checks and balances' and a competitive 'free' market.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
transactional economics, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 2, 2013
7. The Politics of Money from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination! Everyone has a different experience of the economy. We can understand economic problem by studying what creates the different perspectives. This chapter introduces Transactional Economics, which explains a lot about the automatic divide in wealth, and how our economic position changes over time.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
The Bell Curve of Progress, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 11, 2014
What is to be done? (Final Chapter of Tax Your Imagination!) The final chapter of "Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination!" is a blueprint for a new economic system that uses local government as a wedge for systemic reform. There are many mathematical contradictions inherent in capitalism. This plan addresses all of the major ones. The 99% have the power to change the world, but they need a plan that is balanced with mathematical reality.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
U.S. budget documents, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 26, 2013
What is a Budget? Alternative Economics 101 - Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination! (Chapter 3) A brief explanation into why budgets have grown to be so important, volatile and are practically meaningless as a management tool. They contribute to the problem that they were meant to solve.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
Book cover: TAX Your Imagination!, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, April 13, 2013
Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination! (Chapter 2: Who Owns The Money?) Chapter 2 of the book explores the root desire for commonwealth, with an exploration of how money is owned and used in trade. Structural contradictions begin to be exposed.
Series: Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (16 Articles, 20061 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 1, 2011
Obama the Black This is what the Native American's must have meant about white men speaking with forked tongues.

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