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Leni Matlin

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Leni Matlin was born in NYC and attended Brooklyn College before moving to California in his twenties. For the better part of his adult life, he has worked as a musician (keyboards / vocals) and played in more bands then he can remember, while living and working in New York, the Bay area, LA, Key West, Costa Rica, Palau (Micronesia), a Caribbean cruise ship, and elsewhere.

His travels have also taken him to Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam, and India where he lived for 10 years.

Writing has now become Leni's creative focus and his works include novels, screenplays, and varied genres of short fiction. His interests range from political, social, and psychological themes to the metaphysical, spiritual and visionary. He regularly employs humor and satire to explore issues and events both contemporary and historical.

His eBooks are available at most eBook retailers including

Amazon Kindle:

and Smashwords:

A free song and video montage of the Occupy Movement is available at:

and a CD of original music is at

OpEd News Member for 649 week(s) and 5 day(s)

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 24, 2012
Play Ball! (Fiction, Satire) "It's a perfect summer day here at Orioles Park at Camden Yards in beautiful downtown Baltimore, sunny and clear, not a cloud in the sky, with a pleasant breeze blowing through the stadium, outstanding weather for a ballgame..." that is as long as you don't let news of an impending tsunami spoil the day.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Little Boy Who Knew Everything - A Grim Fairy Tale Once upon a time but not so long ago there was a little boy who thought he knew everything. What makes this story unusual, however, is that the little boy did know everything. He was just born that way.You might expect the people around him to be happy there was someone who knew everything to help them solve their problems but that didn't happen.Instead, they became immensely annoyed...
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Thought Police Joshua Adams was enjoying the peace and quiet of having the house all to himself on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Yes, it was a good day... until the T. P. knocked on the door...
Photograph: Alexandr Kornienko, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 20, 2012
Obituaries of Note We're all of us slouching toward the Inevitable - a.k.a. the Big Sleep, the Big Chill, the Big Plotz, the Final Upload - and if you happen to be someone notable, all those years will boil down to a few short paragraphs in a newspaper column buried in the back pages. Maybe these obits might give you a few laughs or even provide some insight into the one thing we all have in common and can't do anything about: Our exit strategy.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 16, 2012
Man Sues Machine: A Judicial First Desmond E. Buntzel has secured a place in judicial history as the only human, so far, to sue a machine - the Fairlight Weight Master - for personal damages; mind you, he is not suing the inventor or the company that assembled it, he is suing the machine itself.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 16, 2012
W's Conscience Speaks-Finally! George W. is bored, and who can blame him? "After the presidency everything else is such a let down. What can top hobnobbing with heads of state, talking on TV to the whole nation, ordering the Pentagon to invade another country and thousands of soldiers cheering and saluting you?" But George is about to meet a new friend, someone who has been waiting a very long time to make his acquaintance: His conscience.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 15, 2012
How Far Will Reality TV Go? In the ever-escalating competition for ratings, Reality Television shows continually try to outdo each other, leaving many wondering how far RTV will go to draw viewers. For a longer perspective on this phenomenon, renowned psychic Mary Anne Tussle used her inner vision to see what may lie ahead. She reports that You Lose!- a game show that already exists in the ethers - will likely be on the airwaves within ten years.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 10, 2012
Applying for a Job in 2015 Jason, 11, is excited about getting his first job (delivering newspapers in his neighborhood) until he and his dad Ernie come up against something called the Media Control and Security Act, an obscure subsection of Patriot Act Four, and things suddenly get very complicated.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The White House Voice Menu If you have not recently called the White House, you are in for a sobering surprise when you hear their latest voice mail.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 3, 2012
The True Origin of World War II Revealed Recently discovered documents from the personal archives of Sir H. R. Trumpleflush, Nobel Laureate for History, have utterly stunned contemporary historians as to the true causes of WW II. And, incredible as it may seem, it may all boil down to the insidious effects of a little known innocuous root vegetable: Hickleberry Root.

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