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Mark Adams

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I represented Clint Curtis, John Russell, and Frank Gonzalez in contesting their alleged losses in 2006 in Florida State court and in the U.S. House of Representatives. Our contest was instrumental in exerting the pressure to
pass a paper ballots law in Florida which at least gives us something to count if someone can find an attorney who will file a lawsuit or a contest.

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 17, 2008
URGENT ACTION ITEM on the Air Tonight I'll be the guest on Ron Paul Revolution Radio with Charlotte Brown. You can listen in. The show airs from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM Eastern Time.We'll discuss the lack of action by any campaign so far on the South Carolina Constitutional provision which prohibits votes from being counted in secret on computers. If enough people push for action, then I may have some good news to report.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 9, 2007
Listen up! I'll be on today's VoteRescue Radio! I will be the second guest. You can listen live.All of their shows are well worth listening to.I'll be talking about my experience in election cases.Read my short commentary on Op Ed News about How to Take Action on Holt and Fix Our Elections.NOW we must take a stand against those who have undermined our Constitution,our liberty,and our prosperity for far too long.We need to take our government back before it's too late.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 26, 2007
Action Alert: Request for C-SPAN Coverage for Coalition for 11/28 Judicial Accountability DC Briefing November 28 --- 8:30 AM;Cannon H.O.B. Room 121,Congress, US Capitol CONGRESSIONAL ACTION NEEDED in 2008. Calling for Judicial & Legal Reform.Sessions go until 4:00 p.m. and will be conducted in an interview format. Topics include lawyer whistleblowers, judicial transparency, should there be an independent judiciary, congressional oversight of the courts, judiciary's new rules for judges: are conflicts of interest now okay?
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 19, 2007
How to Take Action on Holt and Fix Our Elections do you want to restore and preserve our democracy,or do you want to entrust it to those who would continue to use secret vote counting machines which are unreliable,expensive,and unnecessary?If you are for fair elections,spread the word like Paul Revere before Holt passes and the powers that be claim that they have "fixed" our elections.(Imagine Bush, Cheney,et al.smiling like the Grinch and laughing sinisterly) ...

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