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Gregory Patin is a free-lance writer residing in Madison, WI. He earned a BA in political science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and a MS in IT management from Colorado Tech. He is politically independent and not affiliated with either the Democrat or Republican party.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, September 2, 2013 Who really used chemical weapons in Syria?
While seemingly rushing to war, the U.S. government and corporate media is omitting some key pieces of evidence regarding who is responsible for releasing chemical weapons in Syria.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, April 8, 2013 Closing corporate tax havens: The solution to the sequester
The mainstream media reporting from Washington D.C. about cutting spending and/or raising revenue is almost void of one simple fact. American companies and the wealthiest 1% avoid paying their fair share of taxes by utilizing tax havens to shelter their assets and profits. If these tax loopholes can be closed, sequester and austerity will be words Americans would never have to hear again.
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 23, 2012 Psychotropic medications and school shootings: Preventing another Sandy Hook
While stricter gun laws may be part of the solution to preventing school shootings, legislators need to take a closer at the link between gun violence, mental illness and the medications commonly used to treat it. Here are some common sense solutions.
(9 comments) SHARE Monday, December 17, 2012 School shooting in CT: Stricter gun control laws are not the solution
The horrible shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut will reignite the debate over stricter gun control laws, but there are more things that Americans need to consider if tragedies like that are to be prevented.
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, December 10, 2012 7.7% unemployment inaccurately depicts true jobless rate
As usual, the Bureau of Labor Statistics failed to depict the true jobless rate in the U.S. Even modest adjustments put it far higher then 7.7 percent.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 6, 2012 National insider threat memorandum: What is the threat?
A little over two weeks after winning the election, President Obama quietly wrote a memorandum regarding insider threats. Since legislation is already in place for that, many question what are the nature of these threats.
(17 comments) SHARE Friday, November 16, 2012 A few questions for secessionists
With all the serious issues to be dealt with now that the election is over, I cannot believe this nonsense. So, I thought I'd have some fun with it. Here's my OpEd for secessionists.
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, November 12, 2012 The Ron Paul factor in the GOP's defeat
No one in either party seems to want to mention that what the GOP did to Ron Paul and his supporters may have had huge impact on the election.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 24, 2012 FBI creating terrorist plots to scare Americans
The latest terrorist plot thwarted by the FBI is yet another example of how the agency creates terrorism in order to take credit for stopping it, and scares the American people into supporting expenditures on wars and homeland security that are unnecessary and forfeiting liberties for security that is not under threat.
SHARE Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Fusion centers: Invading your privacy at your expense
Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the U.S. government has spent millions of dollars since 2003 to create fusion centers. A recent Senate investigation determined that the centers are worthless in the "war on terror" and by implication, are designed to spy on the American people.
SHARE Monday, October 1, 2012 U.N. summit: What the U.S. media fails to report about Iran
While Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad sparred in speeches at U.N. summit, the U.S. media was again napping on the lap of the military-industrial complex and promoting more wars.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, September 28, 2012 9/11 official story doubts becoming more mainstream
After 11 years and a constant drip of information from a myriad of sources, more people in the U.S. are questioning the events of 9/11.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 16, 2012 Embassy attack, protests: Are they really about a movie?
The U.S. government and corporate media would like Americans to believe that the embassy attack that took place in Libya and the global protests that are taking place now are the result of an anti-Islam movie. There is much more to it than that.