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Trita Parsi is the author of Treacherous Alliance - The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States (Yale University Press, 2007) and President of the National Iranian American Council, the largest Iranian American grassroots organization in the US.
Treacherous Alliance is the recipient of the Grawemeyer 2010 Award for Improving the World Order, and the 2008 Arthur Ross Silver Medallion.
He wrote his Doctoral thesis on Israeli-Iranian relations under Professor Francis Fukuyama (and Drs. Zbigniew Brzezinski, R. K. Ramazani, Jakub Grygiel, Charles Doran) at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.
Treacherous Alliance is the first book directly addressing Israeli-Iranian relations, and their impact on US national interest, since 1987. It is the only book based on extensive interviews with decision-makers from all three countries.
(11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 2, 2018 The Tragedy of Benjamin Netanyahu
In presenting no new information about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program, the Israeli prime minister is actually undermining his own country's security, argues Trita Parsi.
SHARE Thursday, October 12, 2017 How Trump's Iran Decision Invites War
By decertifying the Iran-nuke deal, President Trump would put another Mideast war of choice on the table, but war on Iran is really the choice of Israel and Saudi Arabia wanting the U.S. to do the killing and dying, as Trita Parsi explains.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 9, 2014 AIPAC's Lost Invincibility
Neocons have remained a powerful force inside Official Washington despite their prominent role in the disastrous Iraq War. But the invincibility that they and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee once held has been shattered by recent defeats, says Trita Parsi.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 12, 2012 Are We on the Brink of War with Iran?
Yielding to pressure from Netanyahu Obama has adopted a Bush II policy toward the Muslim world.