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Tom Courbat

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Tom’s quotes, articles and interviews have appeared over 100 times in local newspapers and radio and TV stations as well as on national Blogs (www.bradblog.com, OpEdNews.com and www.blackboxvoting.org) and regional radio stations. He appeared on CNN’s Lou Dobbs show a week before the November 2006 elections pointing out that Sequoia voting machines have a yellow button that allows anyone to vote as many times as possible, and questioning why criminal background checks are not performed prior to employing precinct captains who have total access to the machines. The Chairman of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors (BOS) referred to Tom’s statements as “despicable!” and the CEO of the County called Tom “insane”. The then-Secretary of State Bruce McPherson recommended the machines be pushed closer to the wall as a security precaution.

Tom has shot several hundred hours of video of a multitude of elections, voting events, meetings of the Board of Supervisors discussing voting issues, and has used these to demonstrate the recurring violations of election law and general confrontive attitude of the Registrar of Voters (ROV) and her staff.

His group has forced the creation of the Election Observer Panel (EOP) whose purpose is to observe all aspects of any election as required in CA but generally ignored by many of the 58 counties,. He also forced the posting of precinct results at the precincts, another law typically ignored by most counties. The actions of SAVE R VOTE have been so effective that the BOS appointed a hand-picked Blue Ribbon Elections Review Committee (ERC) to review the ROV operations and report back. When the ERC recommended ditching most of the 3,700 DRE touchscreens, the BOS immediately formed another committee to look at the findings of the ER committee and report back in two months, likely too late to implement for the February 2008 presidential primary.

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, April 16, 2009
Save R Vote presentation in Riverside Co, CA This is an amazing display of the concept that the best defense is a good offense.And we are not given a chance to respond at the end.No,Jeff Stone instead makes a motion that the Board put an advisory measure on the ballot in Riverside County to ask "Do you like electronic voting?"Yes,he actually does that,as if "liking" electronic voting is an element that should overrule the fact that the machines can be hacked in minutes
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 6, 2009
20,000 Ballots counted in Riverside Co (CA) AFTER votes were certified? My efforts to get an explanation from the ROV for this phenomenon so far have been met with a curt "I think you know the answer"¦"
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 13, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Formal Complaint Filed with CA SOS re Riverside ROV Certifying election without all votes tallied and tal If this concerns you (see story below), perhaps an email or phone call to your local Board of Supervisors member, your state legislator, or the Secretary of State or Attorney General would be in order. If there is no public outcry over these violations, there may be less likelihood of enforcement of these critical election laws.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 9, 2008
SAVE R VOTE Report Prompts former DA to Audit Riverside Co. Election Department weeks before Nov 4 election In what could have more potential to force other elections departments in CA to comply with election laws, Riverside Co is now under the microscope amid allegations &evidence of failure to protect ballots,voting machines,&electronic results cartridges.Riverside Co is the 4th largest in CA with a population of over 2 million,& uses the same voting machines used in San Bernardino Co.Together they are the 2nd largest, only LA is
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 9, 2008
Illegal Vote Counts in Riverside County now on Video - testimony before CA legislature This was an absolutely historic hearing. The chairs of THREE very important legislative committees in CA took testimony for over five hours in what was booked as a 3-hour "Joint Informational Hearing - Discussion of Problems Faced by Voters at the 2008 Presidential Primary Election.SOS Debra Bowen, as usual, showed her acute awareness of the issues and was warmly embraced by the panel and the audience in general.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 9, 2008
Riverside Co, CA: ROV Violates Four Statutes of State Law! It is the right BY LAW of observers to view each & every aspect of the electoral process,including observing the secure storage of ballots.You were on premises the entire time we were there and refused to respond to the numerous requests of Mr. Cassel & me.Since you will not delegate decision making authority to any of your staff,even at the highest levels, your making yourself unavailable to respond amounted to an unlawful...
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 16, 2008
39 CA Counties' Election Observer Plans now on SOS Web site 39 of 58 CA Counties have now complied with the law and have submitted their Election Observer Plans (EOPs) to the Secretary of State.They vary in length and comprehensiveness from one page to 15 or more pages.This is the first time, and the first administration,to provide this level of transparency across the state.Here we can see transparency,the theme of the Bowen administration,being implemented. This is a very good thing
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 10, 2008
NH: Strong Argument for hand counted paper ballots See my question below about why Obama wins overwhelmingly 83 towns vs 45 towns on hand-counted(and easily verifiable)paper ballots and Clinton clobbers him 59 towns to 38 towns in those precincts using the same Diebold machines that Harri Hursti hacked in the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy? Every one of these machines is programmed by and controlled by one man,John Silvestro of LHS Associates as a subcontractor for Diebold
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 9, 2007
CA Elections - Better Accurate than Fast! Many counties across CA will likely shut down their precincts after the polls close on Feb 5th,bundle up their paper ballots and drive them to the central tabulator for counting (those without precinct-based scanners).No counting at the individual precincts,thus no posting of results at the precincts,thus no check and balance on the report from the central tabulator-a perfect way to ensure the public cannot verify...
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 11, 2007
"No need to maintain integrity of voting units" RiversideCo ROV Dunmore tells TV station Not taking security of the machines seriously has always been a charge made by SAVE R VOTE of the ROV,but actually seeing and hearing it admitted on a television interview is absolutely astounding.When will the BoS come to the realization that this ROV does not value election integrity(as stated in the newscast)""at least not as it relates to the 3700 voting machines the county has spent over $35,000,000 on the past 7 years?
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 26, 2007
BREAKING NEWS: Riverside ROV sends out see-thru ballot envelopes Absentee ballots sent out over the past week or two allow a voter's ballot to be viewed once the envelope is sealed. This is contrary to state election code requirements related to secrecy of the ballot.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 21, 2007
Suppression of Free Speech in Riverside County CA This is Riverside – birthplace of E-voting and where the courts have ruled the "ballot is not relevant" in a recount. Simply pressing the reprint button is adequate.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Dunmore insults and demeans Election Integrity advocate Paul Jacobs Barbara Dunmore is the Riverside County, CA Registrar of Voters and has denied observers the right to view the counting of the ballots in the central tabulator room, refused to post precinct results at the precincts, refused to put up signs telling voters of the availability of paper ballots, and, with her predecessor, Mischelle Townsend, spent over $35 million on Sequoia equipment, all of which is currently in mothballs.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 17, 2007
Riverside County set to sole-source purchase decertified Sequoia vote scanners Tomorrow morning the Riverside County Board of Supervisors will consider a proposal from ROV Dunmore to bet over a half million dollars that machines she wants to buy MIGHT be certified later by the SoS for the upcoming Feb '08 election.If they are NOT certified,they will join the other $35 million in decertified and hackable equipment the county unwisely purchased against the advice of SAVE R VOTE.Why is the county gambling..

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