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Justin Soutar

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Justin Soutar is a Catholic researcher and author. His articles about faith, the Pope & his message, pro-life and religious liberty issues, American politics and elections, terrorism, the Middle East, and other topics appear in a wide variety of print and online publications. Justin's book "America's Back-Door Enemy: Unmasking the Unknown Terrorists" (Tate Publishing, 2009) discusses terrorism from a Catholic perspective. His second book, "My Christmas with Mother Teresa," was written for a retired program director of Catholic Relief Services who worked with her during India's massive refugee crisis of 1971. Justin's next book will be a biography of America's colorful pioneer priest Father Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin (1770--1840), who founded the Catholic community of Loretto, Pennsylvania and whose cause for sainthood has recently been opened by the Catholic Church. Justin was born in 1986 to good Catholic parents in Irvine, California. His father was (and still is) an irrigation system designer for landscape architects in California. His mother was a devoted homemaker who helped teach, raise and care for him and his sister Amanda. At age five his parents moved to Santa Maria, where he spent the remainder of his childhood. Justin attended Catholic school for one and a half years and was then homeschooled through high school. In 2002 Justin and his family relocated across the country to western Ohio to pursue a healthier, more self-sufficient lifestyle in the countryside and to help other interested Catholic families do the same thing. After graduating high school in 2004, Justin took up his father's AutoCAD drafting business. In 2005, his interests in political and pro-life issues led him to begin writing. Besides being an author, Justin is also a classical pianist, composer/arranger and recording artist. His scores are available on the Score Exchange website. His first album, "Selections from The St. Michael Hymnal," a collection of favorite traditional and contemporary Catholic hymns, was released in 2013. Justin lives in Virginia and enjoys a variety of activities in his leisure time such as reading, playing piano, coin collecting, watching movies, bikeriding, fishing and amateur astronomy. One of his favorite books is The Lord of the Rings.


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(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 20, 2015
On Welcoming the Stranger The idea that refugees from Syria should be categorically excluded from the United States is sadly misguided, as it is based on fear and unhealthy nationalism rather than facts and clear rational thinking. While there are many good reasons to admit Syrian refugees into the U.S., there are no good reasons whatsoever to keep them out of our country.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Space Exploration: A Catholic Perspective In 1969, Pope Paul VI praised the "genius, dedication and perseverance" that went into the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing. Unfortunately, the nobility of purpose and sound scientific principles that marked the Apollo explorations are largely missing in the U.S. scientific community today. We need to recover the spirit of service and the genuinely scientific approach that made the Apollo missions so remarkably successful.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Four Victories The last three weeks saw four notable victories for the American people and their inalienable rights against the fierce onslaught of Big Government and Big Business.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A Lesson from the Canary Children Autism--Prevention Care and Management is a groundbreaking and important book that should be read by every American concerned about our individual and public health. Although geared primarily to parents and caregivers of autistic children, the book reveals that the current escalating autism epidemic is merely the tip of the iceberg.
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Killer Cell Phones: Why Honeybees Are Dying Worldwide Have you heard the news? In just the last ten years or so, the world's honeybee population has taken a huge dive--and nobody seems to know why.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hurried, Corrupt and Evil Health Care Reform From the perspective of a concerned American citizen, this op-ed presents a few major reasons why "U.S. health care reform is on the road to disaster."
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Hypocrisy of Democracy Middle Eastern history, Thomas Jefferson and G. K. Chesterton teach us to beware the illusion of democracy.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 15, 2008
An Average Joe for President To say that "Average Joe" Schriner is a remarkable presidential candidate is a bit of an understatement. While he may match the average American on issues, his campaign is anything but average in the midst of multi-million-dollar, slick-talking, show-biz, twenty-first century American politics!
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Two-Party System: A Catastrophic Failure For a number of years now, respected pundits have lauded the American two-party political system as an excellent balance between the dictatorship of a one-party system and the instability of a multiparty system. Yet the two-party system has caused our country great harm.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Why Is Peace "Missing"? A peace divorced from history and the real world is no peace at all. Dennis Ross's gigantic volume "The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace", published in 2004 and reprinted in 2005, is an absorbing narrative of the epic conflict of our time--and how the radical American-Israeli ideology threatens to dash all hope for peace.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 7, 2007
Iraq: What Next? Instead of bringing hope and prosperity as promised, the war in Iraq has inflicted violence, corruption and poverty on the country and further destabilized the Middle East. What should the United States do next?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 13, 2007
Military Force v. Terrorism: A Lesson from History In his 2004 book, Deliver Us from Evil, popular neoconservative radio host Sean Hannity claims that "the only language terrorists understand is that of strength and force." This has become the great creed of President Bush and his faithful train of neocon believers. But if Mr. Hannity really grasped even a segment of the Arab-Israeli historical record, he would be obliged to question his dogma of force.

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