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Cliff Schecter

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Cliff Schecter is an author, pundit and public relations strategist whose firm Libertas, LLC handles media relations for political, corporate and non-profit clients. In 2008, his first book, The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him--And Why Independents Shouldn't, was published by PoliPoint Press and became a political (#2) and non-fiction (#17) bestseller at Amazon. As founder and President of Libertas, he has counseled Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), Chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and The Alliance For Climate Protection, run by former Vice-President Al Gore. Other clients have included IBM, The American Association for Justice (previously The American Trial Lawyers Association), Global Strategy Group, Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, and the Earth Day Network.

Schecter was an analyst at polling firm Penn & Schoen in 1996, helping re-elect President Bill Clinton. As a political and media strategist overall, he has helped advise the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as the campaigns of former Virginia Governor and current U.S. Senator Mark Warner, former New York Attorney General and Governor Elliot Spitzer, former Connecticut Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont and former Ohio Congressional candidate Paul Hackett, among others. Schecter's been a lecturer for the U.S. State Department--delivering briefings on U.S. politics to diplomats, journalists and academics in countries such as South Africa, Australia, Romania and Malta.

Schecter is a weekly columnist for Al Jazeera English, reaching almost 400,000 readers, 80% of which reside in North America. He is a contributor to The Guardian Online and Huffington Post. Previously, Schecter had columns syndicated nationally by United Press International and Knight Ridder Inc. His writing has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, Philadelphia Daily News, Miami Herald, USA Today, American Prospect, Salon.com and Washington Monthly Magazine. His ideas have been quoted in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Baltimore Sun, and he's been profiled in U.S News & World Report, Wired.com and the Huffington Post.

Over the past decade, Schecter has been a regular guest on PBS, MSNBC, CNN FoxNews, BBC and NPR. He was an on-air political analyst for the Sinclair Broadcast Network in 2004, syndicated on 60 local broadcast-news affiliates to 38 media markets around the country. He served in a similar capacity for Al Jazeera in 2008, with his analysis reaching countries spanning the globe. Currently he is a regular panelist on Your Voice, a Sunday morning public affairs show broadcast on Fox and ABC in the Columbus, Ohio area.

Schecter is a graduate of the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (MA), where he concentrated in International Journalism and Public Relations, the University of Pennsylvania (BA), where he studied American History and Legal Studies, and the Institut de Francais, where he received a French Immersion Certificate. He is ABD (all but dissertation) in his studies for his Ph.D. in American History from American University in Washington, D.C.

He has a wife, a young son and two cats. He likes all of them a lot.


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The battle for gun reform rages on., From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 25, 2014
How the NRA Enables Massacres Sadly for the NRA, we are in the Information Age, and the truth is starting to regularly get past their efforts to thwart it. But sadly for the rest of us -- and at this moment, most tragically, the victims at Santa Barbara -- the NRA has been so successful at bullying, threatening and obfuscating for so long, that we likely have too many more UC Santa Barbaras to come.
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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 27, 2013
Senator Durbin: Don't sell us short on Social Security Right now the Republican Party "brand" is roughly equal to that of, oh, syphilis. Clearly, shutting down the government was not one of their more lucid moments. Scarier thought, maybe it was! In fact, You, Dick, let us know that one of the negotiators during this crisis told the President he "couldn't even stand to look at him."
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Scandal Of Scandal In Washington If you are these Republican guys -- that is, completely amoral, care not a whit for your country and seek power at all costs - what do you do? You gin up "scandal" of course, and hope that, even though people hate you, they might just hate the other guy more once you are done.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 12, 2013
Grow Up Already Twice in recent weeks newscasters have said what my 3-year-old calls "bad words" (where's George Carlin when you need him?) on television accidentally, and both times they have been fired, because apparently we are all still striving to reach puberty.
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 2, 2013
Our very own West Texas From the explosion at the fertilizer plant due to flagrant flouting of environmental regulations to the attack in Boston, this was shaping up to be a Bush Legacy week whether he stayed home to paint nude portraits of Jeb or chose to step out and try to defend a presidency many Americans must be still convinced was just one long phantasm brought on by a bad batch of Peyote.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Bipartisan-Ship Of Fools There is no word in the English language that allows the sun to poke through the clouds, inspires cherubic song and makes lobbyists high-five while lording over a beer-joint urinal on in official Washington than "bipartisan." Bipartisan is just so darn cool. It's hip! It's now! When that word is uttered in Washington there is only once choice to be made: Run.
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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Republican Party's Anger Mismanagement It's clear to anyone taking so much as a gander at what animates the GOP of 2013 -- as well as Scalia's immunity to legal reasoning -- that it's not any set of policy ideas, but simple emotion: all-consuming, blood-curdling, vein-bulging-out-of-the-forehead, Mel Gibson-watching-Fiddler-On-The-Roof ANGER.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 25, 2013
Old White Guys These guys have to actually answer today for the ultimate form of elitism: their white male privilege of being able to tell us all how to behave while blithely ignoring the very same dictates. But those they used to dominate by custom or sheer numbers aren't listening anymore. We have the numbers at polling booths, and it's driving them bonkers.
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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Kafka's talking points: The NRA goes to Congress After the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School, the LaPierre/NRA solution included -- wait for it, wait for it -- closing the private-sale loophole! And more gun-free school zones! Which in current NRA lore exist only to provide irresistible Poison-Ivy-like pheromones to lunatics with assault weapons.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 7, 2013
The Fool's Gold-en Rule NRA ghouls are consistent nihilists who look at a certain number of dead American children as "the cost of doing business." Compassion simply need not apply anymore for a patent on these people's souls.
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 24, 2012
Gary Ackerman's Important Goodbye Retiring Representative Gary Ackerman, a 15-term legislative veteran from New York, delivered what can only be dubbed a jeremiad. In it, he called out the Republican Party for governing via pretty much everything Yoda warned against in The Phantom Menace. He lamented the partisanship and political games that even dominate issues of national security in Washington. "The train had veered off the track," as he put it.
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(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 2, 2012
Don't get fooled again Americans who re-elected President Barack Obama and voted for Democrats to pick up seats in Congress support one of the President's key positions -- allowing tax rates to go back up on the top 2 percent of income earners, or in monocle-speak, "shared sacrifice." It's a sea change from the last 30 years. And it's a mandate."
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Unfit for command As a corporate raider, or vulture capitalist according to Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney became filthy rich by preying on companies that were doing just fine, but vulnerable to his predatory ambition. He chose to load them up with debt, extract whatever was not nailed to the floor and cost hardworking Americans their livelihoods. When it comes to basic character, Mitt Romney is simply unfit to be president of the United States.
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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 1, 2012
Desperation, Ohio Romney has tried every trick, from lying about the auto bailout to pretending he hasn't spent a life self-deporting jobs to China to almost dressing up as the Coal Miner's Daughter when in Southeast Ohio. None has worked. The people of Ohio know who's on their side and who's a phony, and no amount of tax-shelter-supplied campaign funds will change that.
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 18, 2012
50 shades of GOP Those values Republicans dismiss so handily are honesty, liberty and equality, and the particular government-loving miscreants we're discussing are of course not "big spending liberals" as the Right will tell you, but authoritarian and hypocritical conservatives.
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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Two Romneys So, President Obama, come out strong in your next debate. Bring the fire. And remind people that there are two different Mitt Romneys: The public Mitt, and the one behind closed doors. And God help us if we give either of them a chance to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Good, The Bad And The Politically Ugly Romney's good pal Senator Scott Brown showed off his bellicosity and amazing sonar-based ability to determine ethnic origin during a debate with Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren. We have six more weeks of this election season, and in the Right's current state of desperation, we can expect much more of this.
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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 20, 2012
Paul Ryan's Rage For The Machine Then there's the fact that Ryan's tax plan would make things just so darn convenient for his running mate -- namely by turning the United States into one big Swiss bank. Ryan would end all taxation of capital gains, interest and dividends, lowering Romney's tax rate in 2010 (the one year of returns he publicly released) to less than one percent.
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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Boys with toys They fantasize and fetishise like little boys playing laser tag, not accepting reality, like those of us who've chosen to become adults. They threaten, bully and posture because deep down, as studies show, they are consumed by fear. They come up with conspiracy theories that the massacre was planned by our government to pass more gun control.
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SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Romney's Choice: Vetting Veeps Just as Mr Romney now believes he must "vet the president" -- because nobody has ever heard of Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers -- I think it is time to get to know who our second-in-command might be come January 2013, should Mitt Romney find a way to bring his brand of jet-ski conservatism to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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