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Pokey Anderson has broadcast or published numerous reports on voting machine issues over the past four years. She co-produces a weekly news and analysis radio program, The Monitor on KPFT-Pacifica in Houston. A previous article was "Even a Remote Chance." She has done research with a number of authors, contributing to a Nation cover story on elections by Ronnie Dugger, and providing extensive research for a book on Enron's collapse by Mimi Swartz with Sherron Watkins. Her email address is Pokey at kpft.org.
SHARE Monday, November 21, 2016 Voting Irregularities: Post-Election Collection
With all the articles flying around, I took the time to take the best and make them into one document. Here you go!
And don't forget to take the action step at the end. Share widely!
SHARE Saturday, January 16, 2010 On the Ground in Haiti -- Some Charities Report their Efforts
Reviewing the charities who are getting things done already in Haiti, as of Saturday morning, January 16, 2009. Four charities of many, reporting from their own websites or emails: Doctors Without Borders, Partners in Health, Oxfam, and National Nurses United.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 16, 2010 The Red Cross -- A Humanitarian Agency, or Is It A Major Disaster?
A closer look, however, is not that comforting. In the past decade, the Red Cross has had frequent turnover in its top job, and has squandered millions of dollars in severance pay to chief executives who bungled the handling of two of our country's major disasters, September 11 and Katrina. It also spent at least half a million dollars to burnish the image of one of its CEOs and the agency.
SHARE Thursday, August 20, 2009 Former NM SoS Indicted on Misuse of Over Million Dollars in HAVA Funds
She and several others now stand accused of 50 counts including fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion, and kickbacks involving over a million dollars in HAVA money, during her time as NM SOS, during the 2006 election cycle. Hell, there's even one count of conspiracy!
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 21, 2008 Check out all these unexpected deaths of people involved with elections
Keep your coincidence caps handy, folks. People involved in elections and voting machine companies seem very unlucky. Especially those in Ohio (4 of the 7) and Georgia (2 of the 7). The timing of Connell's death is particularly striking since his testimony regarding 2004 could lead high up into Washington's upper circles, and even into the White House.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 20, 2008 Who was Mike Connell?
Links to independent media sites that have covered the story of GOP IT guru Mike Connell whose testimony regarding the 2004 Ohio election was being compelled. Connell died last night when a small plane carrying him crashed.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, September 22, 2008 How to Thwart Democracy
There are many many ways to put things into motion that are enemies of democracy.One is to put flawed or fraudulent election systems into place.A related way is to corrupt the voter registration rolls by removing valid voters.But, other techniques can accomplish similar anti-democratic goals. We should just be aware that election schemes are one of many routes for thugs to get what they want.
SHARE Friday, April 25, 2008 Obama Website Hacked
My favorite quote from this, below:
Oliver Friedrichs, director of emerging technologies at Symantec Corp. and a noted researcher on electoral cybercrime, said the U.S. presidential candidates' campaigns were clueless about the threat to their Web sites. "There's just a general lack of awareness," said Friedrichs ...
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 6, 2008 A Sampling of Misconceptions & Outright Lies About Elections
All of the statements found herein are false, at least part of the time. What we currently have is Voter Con instead of Voter Confidence. The country's "elected" officials have become unhinged and disconnected from what The People want.
SHARE Monday, January 21, 2008 Who Counts in New Hampshire? And, are Diebold memory cards forgetful?
In this interview, Dori Smith of WHUS looks at aspects of voting system security. Both her state of Connecticut and the state of New Hampshire contract with the same vendor, LHS Associates. LHS sells, maintains, and provides memory cards (the electronic equivalent of the ballot box) for the Diebold optical scanners used in these states, as well as in Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine.
SHARE Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:40 pm CDT: Monitor radio Tonight -Dori Smith looks at LHS and New Hampshire
A statewide recount of the NH primary is been scheduled to begin on Wednesday,called for by Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich and little-known Republican candidate Albert Howard.One reason for the recount was the stunning reversal of expectations in NH. Yet in the corporate media, important questions are going unasked:
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 9, 2008 The Surprising Democratic Primary Results in New Hampshire
The pundits speak for themselves and the NH results. [Live broadcast, evening of January 8, 2008, New Hampshire Public Radio. NHPR comments are notes by Pokey Anderson, typed as heard, but may not be word for word.]
SHARE Sunday, November 25, 2007 Tonight on KPFT: David Earnhardt and Mark Weisbrot
Monitor co-hostPokey Anderson welcomes our guest,DAVID EARNHARDT.David's work has been recognized with Emmy and other awards.His new film,UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections,is his first full-length documentary.It was just released a few weeks ago,and its premiere was to a sold-out audience in David's hometown, Nashville.It is available to individuals for purchase.Weisbrot will talk about social security.
SHARE Monday, September 17, 2007 Are Elections Very Important?
In '04,corporations,labor unions and interest groups spent more than $3 billion trying to influence the federal government,according to Center for Public Integrity.Example: Since'98,Lockheed Martin Corp.spent roughly $89 million on lobbying and received $94 billion in government contracts.Example:Big Pharma spent nearly $109 million & hired more than 800 lobbyists to ensure the passage of $535 billion Prescription Drug Bill.
SHARE Sunday, August 19, 2007 Listen Up! Today on KPFT: Judy Bertelsen on California election integrity developments
KPFT - Pacifica Radio
listen online at www.kpft.org
. . . in Houston, 90.1 FM
6 pm Central
. . . 7 pm Eastern
. . . . . 4 pm Pacific
If you miss a show, you can listen later.
1. Go to KPFT's archives at: http://archive.kpft.org
2. Or, go to the show's own website: www.TheMonitor.wordpress.com
CO-HOSTS: Mark Bebawi, and Pokey Anderson
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Peering Through Chinks in the Armor of High-Tech Elections
one of the most comprehensive updates on election integrity we've seen in a while, and that's saying alot, because we've been publishing amazing articles lately