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Called the Dating Guru of Millennium, I had years of experience as a matchmaker in Ireland. I ran my own dating agency and ventured out into the field of cyber-dating when chat rooms and internet dating-sites became more prevalent, acceptable and--let's face it: forced me out of business. Recently divorced and playing the game as a freshwoman in the dating field when in my forties, I have gathered enough experience to know what I'm talking about. All the stuff about love and relationship you don't learn at school; only in the school of life or hard-knocks. I had talked the talk --now it was time to walk the walk.
SHARE Wednesday, October 24, 2012 You want Scary?
This Halloween it's not just vampires, werewolves and zombies that scare me. Or even the election campaign. GMOs have the same effect and they are here to stay. Prop 37 in CA demands a right to know on labels. How scary do you want it? I can give you scary.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Outsourcing War to former Ugandan Child Soldiers
The US has been outsourcing their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for many years. As was reported on the German nightly news yesterday, former Ugandan child soldiers from Kony's rebel armies are among the ones who fight there,who get injured and get their legal right to medical care denied. Since it's all about money, other countries send cheaper troops. A form of modern slavery according to the newsbreaking jourmnlist R. Achalo
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, October 7, 2011 HOW TO SAVE THOUSANDS OF $$$$ ON YOUR NEXT VACATION
Not only in these hard economic times, you can save thousands of $$$ when planning your next vacation. And also on car rental. How? It's quite simple.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 14, 2011 Why do men cheat?
The new Congressional Sex Scandal surrounding Wiener opens up a can of worms. The question as to why has never been answered satisfactorily. Now more political consequences are at stake.
SHARE Thursday, May 19, 2011 Online Daters Trust in God
Online dating agencies keep specializing
more and more to stand out from the competition and to attract the right clientele. Now there is a Christian outfit that promises the help of God in this endeavor. Where itself praying should help a fee charging service is sequestered.