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Mark Lewis

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Mark received his BS degree in Finance from Boston College and an MBA in Marketing from Tulane. He worked for IBM for 13 years before forming Communique' in 1994. As President, Communique' quickly became the South's fastest growing ISP, building a client base of over 10,000 users. After Communique' was purchased in 1997, Mark merged multiple businesses to form a new Internet Company called Orange Twine, which was chosen by the Chamber as the Rising Tide Small Business of the Year in Technology. In late 2002, Mark became President of the Louisiana Technology Council (LTC) to assist the state in technology development. In 2005 Mark was selected by the Governor's office as Technology Leader of the Year for Louisiana. He helped Louisiana rise from 49th to 32nd out of 50 states in technology employment. Mark continues to appear live (12+ years) on WWLTV's monthly program called "Digital Gumbo," that helps promote local technology initiatives/companies in the region. In late 2012, Mark became a principal partner and then 100% owner of the consulting firm Communique'. Mark coaches and consults entrepreneurs and small businesses for success. For the past 6 years, he moderates three CEO Round tables to help with their growth. For the past 8 years, Mark has been the Coordinator for Louisiana's largest Annual IT Symposium, specifically for CIOs, CTOs, (etc.) and their direct reports. In late 2018, Mark self-published the book, "GIVE A DAMN!The Ticket to Cultural Change". GIVE A DAMN discusses the challenges facing society and business, what needs to be done, and how a GIVE A DAMN attitude can culturally make a difference both professionally and personally. Give a Damn has made a big difference in company cultures. He has appeared on several radio shows promoting his movement, including the Frankie Boyer Show, the Ed Tyll Show, and The Tom Barnard Show. Mark is a highly successful, energetic, thoughtful leader, entrepreneur and keynote speaker. His presentations provide for engaging and interesting stories, while also providing the motivation and insight to help businesses and individuals succeed at all levels. Mark is a Board member of Entrepreneurial Organization of Louisiana as its Membership Chair. Through his leadership, Mark helped EO of Louisiana become the fastest growing Chapter in the country. And in July of 2019, EO of Louisiana awarded Mark the "Marshall Klein Louisiana Entrepreneur of the Year" Award


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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 3, 2020
Let's Stop Judging People One of the biggest problems we have in today's society is that we continue to judge people. We judge them based on their skin color, how they dress, their heritage, their upbringing, and the list is endless.
Give A Damn - The Ticket to Cultural Change, From InText
(21 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 24, 2020
Letter to America - The Silver Lining behind Covid19 Not discounting the horrifying aspects of the cornonavirus pandemic, there have been some developments that can be viewed as positive. here they are.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 8, 2020
Would you want your son or daughter to model Trump's character or behavior? A thought provoking article on the importance of humans interaction towards others.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 13, 2019
One Key element of Entrepreneur and Personal Success: GIVE A DAMN! This article describes how a simple mind set change can make a huge difference in the lives of many professionals and individuals alike.

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