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Caitlin Johnstone is a brave journalist, political junkie, relentless feminist, champion of the 99 percent. And a powerful counter-propaganda tactician. Rogue journalist, poet, illustrator, utopia prepper, and proudly 100 percent reader-funded throughPatreon and Paypal . Published in Zero Hedge, 21st Century Wire, New York Observer, Real News, Mint Press News, Global Research, and as seen on The Humanist Report and The Jimmy Dore Show.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 2, 2023 It's Not The Really Blatant Propaganda That Gets You - Caitlin Johnstone
As we've discussed previously, these subtle little adjustments of perception are what constitutes the vast majority of the propaganda westerners ingest through the news media from day to day. This is because the really overt, ham-fisted propaganda isn't what's effective; what's effective is those sneaky little lies that slide in unchecked underneath people's critical thinking faculties.
SHARE Monday, March 20, 2023 It's Good To Be Mean To War Propagandists - Caitlin Johnstone
Sydney Morning Herald editor Bevan Shields has published an article titled "We are not above criticism but these attacks go too far", tearfully rending his garments over criticisms his paper's three-part war-with-China propaganda series "Red Alert" has received from former Prime Minister Paul Keating and from ABC's Media Watch.
The whole article is Shields moaning about the way Keating raked Australian war propagandists
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, February 27, 2023 There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement
Things are escalating more and more rapidly between the US-centralized power structure and the few remaining nations with the will and the means to stand against its demands for total obedience, namely China, Russia, and Iran. The world is becoming increasingly split between two groups of governments who are becoming increasingly hostile toward each other, and you don't have to be a historian to know it's probably a bad sign
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, February 3, 2023 Celebrities Protect The Interests Of The Empire
The only people who say "Putin can end this war at any time by withdrawing" are those who deny the US empire's aggressions which led to this conflict, which is just a nonsense garbage position based on lies.
SHARE Sunday, January 22, 2023 Let's Nuke The World Over Who Governs Crimea
It's so crazy how the fate of everyone alive and everyone who could potentially be born in the future is riding on the way two governments choose to navigate a conflict in Ukraine, just because those two governments have most of the world's nuclear weapons. It's like two people in a bar getting into a brawl that kills everyone in their city.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 15, 2023 A Prison Where The Prisoners Don't Know They're In Prison
One of the main differences between myself and other commentators who talk about an elite conspiracy to implement a totalitarian dystopia is that the others warn that we are being pushed toward this dystopia, while I insist that we're already there and have been for generations.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 13, 2023 You Are Home
You're home, and you are home. You are home, but you are also made of what home is. All the elements in your body and the dance they do, are from home, are home, is home.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 19, 2022 Euthanizing The Poor Is Just Capitalism's True Face
We're at the most dangerous point in humanity's abusive relationship with US unipolar domination, for the same reason the most dangerous point in a battered wife's life is right when she's trying to escape. The empire is willing to do terrible and risky things to retain control.
(15 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 8, 2022 Opposing Armageddon To Trigger The Libs
Everyone has lost their f*cking mind. Propaganda has made madness look like sanity and sanity look like madness, has normalized cheerleading for nuclear world war and abnormalized calls for de-escalation and detente. It's truly as bat sh*t insane as anything could possibly be.
Over and over again we're being fed the message from the US and its proxies that this game of nuclear chicken can only escalate and never de-escalate
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 24, 2022 As We Move Closer To WW3, It's A Good Time To Reassess Our Priorities In Life - Caitlin Johnstone
as nuclear-armed powers which refuse to compromise with each other accelerate toward direct confrontation with nobody's foot anywhere near the brake pedal, it's probably a good time to pause and re-evaluate our priorities in life.
One who is sincere and courageous about having an authentic relationship with reality will take seriously the very real possibility that this could all be ending fairly soon.