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Domp Filanowski
At: /domp

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You'll get emails whenever I post articles on OpEd News

Neologist, absurdist, menial laborer, CERTIFIED PROPAGANDIST - working to FIGHT AGAINST propaganda

AS in Graphic Design; "BS" in Manipulation (Psychology) s/; Master of Science in Reality s/



Greenbelt Overhaul Alliance of Levittown (GOAL): 2021 - 2023

Appointed board member; serving Lower Bucks County with refuse removal, educating the public, and working with other local organizations and municipalities to the benefit of the community and the environment; volunteer at periodic cleanups since 2016



The Knights of Columbus, Advocate for Pokrova Council: 2019 - present

Elected Officer position; liaison between the Council (13561) and the community; organized coordination between the Council and GOAL/EAC



*I never had the opportunity to meet Dale Frazier, the founder of GOAL who passed away in 2015, but I was very close to the former president of GOAL, Edmund Armstrong. Before his untimely death, Ed was working on developing "#microcontroller based, water-level detectors that would, in real time, bounce water levels off of cell towers with the information being available via the Internet."



Ed passed away in 2023, and the organization was dissolved shortly thereafter. The eulogy I gave at Ed's funeral tastefully joked about his lack of faith and made reference to my coordination efforts between Pokrova Council and GOAL (link below). Several of his family members praised the eulogy and thanked me for giving it afterwards. Also in attendance at the funeral was the son of the Commanding Officer who sent Ed to the brigantine before his dishonorable discharge for insubordination, a punitive separation of which he was proud (I admire Ed for his courage and perseverance). Ed was kind and respectful enough to wait until after the Commanding Officer's son had walked away (I met his son at a GOAL cleanup before Ed's passing) to tell me the story about his so-called "duck dinner."




Bristol Township Environmental Advisory Council: 2019 - 2022

Appointed board member; advise elected officials of the local municipality on issues that relate to the protection of natural resources; de facto member since 2016; banished from Municipal Complex in 2021 due to vaccination status (attended virtual meetings when possible in addition to GOAL meetings at private residences; GOAL and BTEAC typically held joint meetings in the Bristol Township public auditorium)



#Petitioned the Philadelphia Free Library to provide virtual access to the Oxford English Dictionary: 2018

Shared by Peter Gilliver (OED editor, lexicographer) on October, 6, 2024


#FreeOED4PA #WordsHavePower #PowerToThePeople



#RecentEvents regarding October 9, 2024 (please click on all the "bubbles" to view all the tweets in each thread):







The Knights of Columbus Food for Families Program: 2018 - present

Transport nonperishable goods from St. Mary's Parish in Bristol to Mother's Cupboard, a pantry at St. Michael's parish in Tullytown / Levittown #KOCfood4families



Provided free campaigning services for local Green Party candidates: 2017




St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church (adjacent to the Bristol Township Municipal Complex): 2016 - present

Church usher; collection of offerings; light candles; turn out lights and lock doors; aid elderly parishioners down steps; Eucharistic Adoration (monthly meditation IN THE PRESENCE OF God)



Bucks County Technical High School: 2002 - 2014

Chairperson of the Educational Advisory Committee, in which the curriculum of attending students is discussed for revisions and improvements; #AdvocatedFor every high-school graduate to have a comprehensive understanding of gestalt theory principles



ARTICLE: #TheGraspOfGestalt by Domp Filanowski




SERIES: #ThePhiladelphiaChronicles by Domp Filanowski

An in-depth critique of partisanship and its destructive nature in the context of Covid-19




My #TwoResponses to Gabriel Shipton's (Julian Assange's brother) X-post: "What would you say if you were Julian?"

1. https://x.com/dompfil/status/1840742334561984880

2. A continuation of "The Philadelphia Chronicles" research (8 pages long)

"Please read beyond the first few items as they lead up to a much stronger case below (e.g., 2009 #ECDC Public Health Guidance; Meryl Nass, MD bio). . ."



Gabriel Shipton's post:


PACE hearing on Assange, detention and conviction:


Kevin Gosztola's transcript of the PACE hearing below (Gosztola is THE whistleblower journalist -who, unlike some MSM reporters we know, was capable of staying awake while covering the Manning trial; check out his book, "Guilty of Journalism. . ."; also, please support his website, Shadowproof.com; the man works very hard, and his coverage has become an invaluable resource; Gosztola and Kiriakou both signed my book at the 2023 Busboys and Poets presentation; transcript below):




Gender dysphoric #PhillyBoy; unabashed Catholic; lifelong proponent of the Second Amendment who #VoluntarilyRelinquished all his firearms out of a legitimate concern that he may one day be "suicided" by the state, for speaking truth to power






In solidarity with Tavis Smiley and Michael Render, AKA Killer Mike. . .


#TavisSmiley #Solidarity #KillerMike

#ElevateBlackVoices #AmplifyBlackVoices

#CreateHealthyWorkspaces #SenseOfNuance #EndUpBeingGuilty #GuiltyByAccusation

#MeTooMisAppropriation #MeTooMisAprptn #P_BS



#WellRegulated #SelfRegulated #WellOiledMachine #FineTunedAbleBodied

#OED1stEdition #RegulateDefinition2

#NonviolentResistance #2ndAmdtLeverage

#UnderstandingNotTNT #NoStrongerInTheirHands #ThePeopleNotTheState



#AntiStateSolidarity #InternationalSolidarity #CommonStruggle

#ParaTodosTodoParaNosotrosNada #EverythingForEveryoneNothingForUs

#UnMundoDondeQuepanMuchosMundos #AWorldWhereManyWorldsFit








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Ravenous Artwork - Lotus Flower, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 27, 2024
5.) Ravenous Artwork: Impossible Dimensions, Tessellations, Fractals, and Figure-Ground Animations The symbolism and creative process behind the graphics used to feature this series of articles (Ravenous Wolves). *** Impossible dimensions, tessellations, fractals, and animations created by fluctuations in the mind's perceptions of the #Figure / #Ground. *** (see article: The Grasp of Gestalt *** OpEdNews . com /populum/page.php?f=The-Grasp-of-Gestalt-by-Dom-Filanowski-Covid-19-211118-818.html
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
#GnG_Reciprocity Dandelion, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 15, 2024
4.) Green & Gold Reciprocity Agreement: A Proposal for the Green and Libertarian Parties to Form an Alliance The #ManagerialClass has its left-right alliance with the corporate-owned #UniParty, the #MAGAantiMAGAparty, which is known to many as the Democrats and Republicans. *** The time is long overdue that the #WorkingClass catches up in forming its own #LeftRightAlliance.
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
New Spiritual Order, 5-D Awareness, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 5, 2024
3.) New Spiritual Order, 5-D Awareness A Spiritual guidance based on my own personal faith. *** BTW it quotes Black Sabbath, Public Enemy, Mikhail Bakunin, and the Book of Revelation for good measure.
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
Ravenous Wolf KamaLa Harris, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 3, 2024
2a.) Ravenous Wolf KamaLa Harris There has been a #Realignment of the #TwoParties, which started around 2016. And this realignment has been #Instrumental to #MaintainingPublicSupport for the #TwoPartySystem. *** This #Maintaining of the #PartisanDivide could not have been accomplished without the #Support of #fmrPresidentDonaldTrump or the #PolarizingAntics of #VP_KamaLaHarris, along with several members of the so-called Congressional #Squad.
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
Ravenous Wolf Donald Trump, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 2, 2024
2b.) Ravenous Wolf Donald Trump There has been a #Realignment of the #TwoParties starting around 2016, and this realignment has been instrumental to #MaintainingPublicSupport for the #TwoPartySystem. This #Maintaining of the #PartisanDivide could not have been accomplished without the support of Donald Trump or the polarizing antics of KamaLa Harris, along with several members of the so-called Congressional "Squad".
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
EstablishMent Web, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 1, 2024
1.) Five-Dimensional Web of Lies The influx of absentee ballots are an existential threat to democracy. *** Donald Trump did make a #BaselessClaim regarding the outcome of the 2020 election, but liberal pundits conflated Trump's #BaselessClaim with the public's #LegitimateConcern regarding: *** The insecurity of #USPS_DropBoxes provide an #Opportunity that does not exist within the confines of #TraditionalPollingPlaces.
Series: Ravenous Wolves (6 Articles, 15666 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 12, 2024
1.2) Magnitude of Mortality (ARCHIVED) This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 10, 2024
1.1) GBD Suppression & Mischaracterization (ARCHIVED) This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 8, 2024
1.0) The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration (ARCHIVED) Is the economic impact of subsidized housing the true motivating factor for the smear campaign against the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and the apparent majority within the scientific community? The widespread mischaracterization of the GBD amounts to what legal scholar Patricia Williams has referred to as 'definitional theft' WRT Critical Race Theory.
#ExitTheWHO, From Uploaded
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The Forgotten Accomplishments of Donald J Trump Trump opponents seem to be parroting the same weak arguments against the former president, time and time again, and they seem to be doing it in lockstep. But for all the people who are still intoxicated by the elixir of Trump, here are some accomplishments that you may have overlooked.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 5, 2021
National HomeOwners Association Trust (NHOAT), a Contemporary Approach to Reinstating the Homestead Act This publication was originally intended to be a supplementary article. However, due to the constraints of time, other articles in this series were prioritized while this one was set aside. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Should Donald Trump's Persona be Taken at Face Value? This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "'The Science' is not Exactly Science"
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 28, 2021
"The Science" is not Exactly Science "The science" is not a true science but dogma founded on a biased assortment of facts. Science was used to gather these facts, but politics and media influence have been utilized to denigrate opposing scientific perspectives. The World Health Organization and the Great Barrington Declaration have both been criticized for not conforming to "the science." This political denigration is the antithesis of science.
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 18, 2021
The Grasp of Gestalt This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Get the Shot . . . Some people think we shouldn't take others seriously when they make reference to "traitors," an apocalyptic holy war, or the scalping of faces. Is it a wise decision to ignore such threats?
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Magnitude of Mortality This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 16, 2021
GBD Suppression & Mischaracterization This is a supplementary article. For a greater understanding of context, please read "The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration."
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
The Wizard, From Uploaded
(18 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The Unjust Condemnation of the Great Barrington Declaration Is the economic impact of subsidized housing the true motivating factor for the smear campaign against the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and the apparent majority within the scientific community? The widespread mischaracterization of the GBD amounts to what legal scholar Patricia Williams has referred to as "definitional theft" WRT Critical Race Theory.
Series: The Philadelphia Chronicles (8 Articles, 9048 views)
From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 20, 2021
Home Run for Julian, Philadelphia: Bases Loaded John and Gabriel Shipton, father and brother of Wikileaks' Julian Assange, are touring the US, the Home Run for Julian tour. Assange has been denied bail and continues to sit in a maximum-security prison, on remand, six months after a UK judge blocked his extradition, and the US DOJ appealed the ruling. Video and a transcript of the Philadelphia tour stop are provided along with my opinion as to the nature of the status quo.
In solidarity, From ImagesAttr
(32 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 10, 2018
Two Steps Back: The Yellow-Vest Response to Bad Planning A response to rising gas prices and eco-taxes, the social unrest of the Yellow-Vest movement is a valuable lesson in governance with inadequate foresight.

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