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(44 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Will Putin Stab the Kurds in the Back?
I am giving my support to Putin and in Syria. But if he betrays Rojava as Kronstadt was betrayed, the ghost of Rojava will track him down just as the ghost of Kronstadt tracked down the Soviet giant. Just as the ghosts of all the true freedom fighters ever betrayed by the USA are now tracking down that giant.
(111 comments) SHARE Monday, October 31, 2016 We Are The Means By Which The Oligarchs Stay In Power: We Are Not Innocent.
The established powers are not going to judge themselves or remove themselves from power. They did not acquire this power simply in spite of everyone else. They precisely used the common characteristics of people to build their ladder to the top.
(22 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 29, 2016 What Is Racism?
The ending of racism is not a merely political question. It is a human identity revolution question.
(36 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 30, 2017 What Is The Real Purpose Of A Police-Force?
The purpose of the police force in the USA is to protect capitalist power and to create the illusion of serving and protecting people in general. The police force in the USA is just an extension of the military force...
(30 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 5, 2016 The A B C's of Anarchy
An attempt to clarify the principles of anarchist philosophy and practice and the tasks still before us.
(36 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 22, 2016 What Is Democracy And How Is It Created? Part 1
Precisely what our so-called 'democracy' is missing is genuine relationship between freely developing individuals. This relationship is the only real means of preventing tyranny. And without this relationship some form of tyranny is inevitable.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 12, 2016 Trump City: This Recurring Nightmare
Do you really believe that you bear no responsibilty for the coronation of Trump? Do you see yourself as an innocent and helpless beggar before the oligarchy and its well-dressed goons? You can't have it both ways. If you are not a helpless beggar then you bear your responsibility. You look it in face, acknowledge it, and you resolve to do whatever is necessary to compensate for your failure. Whatever is necessary.
(19 comments) SHARE Monday, October 24, 2016 Evolution or Hell 2
There is only one reality that can finally make a claim on our loyalty and that is Truth. Evolution demands that we now be beyond the kind of nationalism or patriotism that allows psychopathic power-lust to make use of us for its evil ends that are of no benefit to humanity.
(13 comments) SHARE Monday, October 24, 2016 Evolution or Hell
There is no such thing as a situation in which we have no choice or in which one is entirely at the mercy of others.
Every individual is an inviolable and endless world within time/eternity, according to Arlan Ebel.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 23, 2016 What Is Democracy? Part 2
What would it really mean to have a 'free press' and what would it look like?
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Revolution, Evolution and Reality
The meaning of real revolution as opposed to 'political revolution'. Revolution is not about politics which is a game. Revolution is about removing the obstacles to human growth through the conscious decision to refuse to cooperate with deadly games and being prepared to live or die for this end.