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(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 19, 2020 DNC, Fearing an Unfriendly Sanders Takeover, Will Sell out to Bloomberg for Pennies
How much is the Democratic Party Inc. worth?
It is easier to understand the machinations of the DNC Inc, if we understand what they really are. The DNC Inc. operates just like a private corporation.
So, what is the valuation of the DNC Inc.?
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 16, 2020 Why Media's Bias works in Trump's favor
Bernie Sanders has been consistent in his agenda, messaging his whole political life. Bernie speaks to People and Planet not Power and Profit. He doesn't tell a group of wealthy donors "nothing would fundamentally change."
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, March 12, 2018 What can we do about Gun Violence in the USA?
What can we do about Gun Violence in the USA?
Congress will not be a solution to Gun Murder. Why? They can't do anything about it and if they could they wouldn't. They will not trade American lives for votes or money. Congress is irrelevant.