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Dr. Tom Termotto

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Tom suspended his health consultancy for 9 months to serve as the coordinator of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative) -- an informal cyber-conference initiated to ascertain and disseminate the facts about the BP Gulf Oil Spill.

Tom is also an avid environmental health advocate at the local and state levels focusing on issues that profoundly affect human and animal health. Long term advocacy work includes many attempts to alter Florida mosquito control policy and procedure so as to minimize the systematic, wide-area and indiscriminate spraying of residential subdivisions with toxic insecticides.
Other environmental causes have included the termination of biomass incinerators in Florida and the SE , as well as the removal of fluoride from the Tallahassee municipal water supplies.
Tom assisted in the formation of the Healthcare Professionals for Clean Environment, an informal group of likeminded health advocates who are concerned about the effects of environmental pollution on human health.

Tom is an Integrative Health Consultant with Wholistic Health Solutions in Tallahassee, FL and is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine. He specializes in holistic health coaching, wellness counseling, and medical/dental consulting and advocacy.

As a Doctor of Ministry, Tom established the Radiant Life Foundation, Inc., a registered nonprofit which functions as a health counseling service.


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(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying - Part I It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind. The Gulf of Mexico does not exist in isolation and is, in fact, connected to the Seven Seas...
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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 4, 2010
Strangelets, Black Holes and the GOD Particle The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator that straddles the border of France and Switzerland, is quite busy lately playing with the most basic ingredients of the universe. Much of humanity is completely oblivious to what is taking place there, even though the elemental forces of creation are being manipulated as never before. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look at some...
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(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Strangelets, Black Holes and the GOD Particle The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator that straddles the border of France and Switzerland, is quite busy lately playing with the most basic ingredients of the universe. Much of humanity is completely oblivious to what is taking place there, even though the elemental forces of creation are being manipulated as never before. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look at ....
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(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 21, 2010
Why is the World Rushing Headlong into Environmental Armageddon? Is there any doubt that planet Earth has been undergoing an environmental armageddon for decades? We are not just referring to the spate of oil spills all over the world such as the BP Gulf Oil Spill, or the many other toxic deluges which go unreported unlike the Hungary Toxic Sludge Disaster, or the ongoing destruction of the world's rainforests like those being systematically wiped out in the Amazon Basin. We are also ....
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 29, 2010
What in the world are they putting in the water? There's a continuing saga in Tallahassee, FL that has gone on for many years, which is representative of similar sagas that are taking place across America. It all revolves around the water -" specifically the water that is filtered and treated by municipal water quality divisions in every city and county throughout the nation. The issues taken up in this article affect everyone who drinks water from the tap-serious issues...
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(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 9, 2010
Environmental and Health Impacts of the BP Gulf Oil Spill If you live anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico, and this includes the entire SouthEast quadrant of the USA, this article is a MUST READ! This piece includes some invaluable references which ought to be circulated among the medical and alternative health communities throughout the Gulf Coast. The information contained herein, together with the video-documentary, BLACK WAVE, ought to be required reading/viewing for all concerned.
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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 25, 2010
BP NUCLEAR OPTION Spells Mega-Disaster For Gulf Of Mexico There has been much speculation lately about a nuclear device being planned for closing in the BP Macondo Well in the Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of exercising this option go well beyond killing the Gulf of Mexico; there would be far-reaching and profound ramifications for the oceans of the world. There are many risks associated with this option that must be considered. Let's review some of these before BP finishes ...
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(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 18, 2010
PRESSURE At The Wellhead And What It Really Means An analysis of the most likely challenges facing BP as they attempt to maintain the cap on the Gulf oil gusher. Takes a much closer look at serious issues concerning a very possible breaching of the well system which have been overlooked. The methane gas effect is elaborated upon for its influence on different aspects of this entire saga. It ends with, "HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! A HUGE PROBLEM ! ! !" Whose responsibility?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 9, 2010
An Historic Failure of Government And Industry; A Tragic Violation Of The Public Trust And Social Contract A wakeup call has been delivered this past July 4th for those who were fortunate to read it. This simple and forthright recapitulation of events in the northern Gulf of Mexico ought to prick the conscience of every stakeholder in these United States of America. It places the burden of responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the citizenry, where it rightfully belongs. True freedom always comes with a price; time to pay.
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(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 6, 2010
"OPERATE TO FAILURE": How BP's MO & The US Addiction To Oil Caused The Catastrophe Of The Millennium Introduces the notion of Abiogenic oil and the far-reaching ramifications for the Oil & Gas Industry, as well as for humankind. Points to the absolute necessity for the community of nations to begin transitioning away from the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm at breakneck speed. SOS! Also lays bare the BP corporate culture and industry SOP's which fostered the environment for such an unprecedented disaster. Extremely important READ!
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(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 27, 2010
United States Congress Must Act Re: BP Oil Spill Candid assessment of the Gulf Oil Spill and proposes a needed response by the US Congress. Lays bare the lapses in corporate responsibility and governmental oversight which ensured such a catastrophe would occur. Calls for a radical approach to corporate criminal behavior as a necessary deterrence to future conduct. Presents practical ways of funding the inevitable multi-decade cleanup in the wake of the oncoming BLACK WAVE.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Gulf Oil Spill: A Matter Of National Security? Chilling analysis of the real story behind the Gulf oil spill. Breaks down the political and military dynamic behind this very MANMADE disaster. Shows how we as a nation allowed this to happen due to years of conditioning by the military industrial complex and its network of media. Also points to the very hard decisions in front of the national conscience regarding our foreign policy, militarism and interference abroad.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 20, 2010
An Open Letter to President Obama Re: Gulf Oil Spill Solution A call to action by President Obama to take charge of the Gulf Oil Spill in a commanding and compelling way. This national emergency demands an extraordinary response by the government and the industry which this oped piece clearly describes. Very candid portrayal of where we are now, and where we must go if the Southeast is to come out of this disaster with hope and promise. Perspective needs to be shared widely.

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