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Erik Larson

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Erik Larson, Human Being and concerned Citizen. I only advocate and practice non-violent methods of social and political activism & change.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here by me in my articles and diaries are my own. I do my best to only reference reliable facts and credible sources in my writing. I submit Quicklinks for posterity, information, feedback and debunking; they may or may not represent my views. I welcome all feedback on my writing and submitted links.


OpEd News Member for 939 week(s) and 3 day(s)

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(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Who's lying about 9/11? Review of Jon Gold's new book In the aftermath of 9/11, those in power who failed to protect the US and defend the Constitution before 9/11 used the attacks as a pretext for suppressing rights and launching wars - and they still do. Those doing so have received public support, and increased authority and budgets from the Executive branch and Congress. Whistleblowers and witnesses pointing to false statements and other wrongdoing were silenced and punished,
Sibel Edmonds: Classified Woman (book), From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 18, 2012
DOJ Confirms Previously-Denied File Said to Implicate US Officials in Nuclear Espionage by Erik Larson In a March 12, 2012 FOIA appeal response, the US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) implicitly acknowledged the existence of FBI File 203A-WF-210023, which FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has said contains evidence of top US officials' complicity in the trafficking of nuclear secretsIn 2008, the Sunday Times of London reported that the FBI, in response to a different FOIA request, denied the existence of the file.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sibel Edmonds vs. the Nuclear Terrorists This is a primer on Sibel Edmonds; her story will be of interest to anyone concerned about US national security and sovereignty; terrorism; 9/11 truth; and abuse of power by public officials. All claims of fact in this article can be sourced in the Sibel Edmonds:US Government Timeline and the Media Coverage Timeline at the bottom of the article. This article and the timelines are not exhaustive.
(115 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week A letter has just been published in The Open Civil Engineering Journal published by bentham.org -OCIEJ is a mainstream, peer-reviewed scientific engineering journal. This event is significant because the authors, Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, James R. Gourley are known for hypothesizing that on 9/11 WTC 1, 2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 13, 2007
Why Should S. 1959 aka the "Thought Crime" Bill Be Exempt from FACA? S. 1959 aka the "Thought Crime" Bill exempts itself from FACA, which requires the government to disclose information about who is advising it, what the advice is and what the government is doing with it.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 6, 2007
9/11 Press For Truth Sat, Aug 11 3p Claremont, CA- Friends Meeting hall San Bernardino 9/11 Truth is sponsoring a screening of 9/11 Press for Truth at the Claremont, CA Friends Meeting hall, August 11 3-5pm

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