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Jim Goodman, a WK Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow, is an organic dairy farmer and farm activist from Wonewoc Wisconsin. Encouraging local food production and consumption in the industrialized north, allowing the global south sovereignty in food production and ensuring fair prices for all farmers are the goals of his work. Small farmers and consumers have little voice in these matters, so there is a need to look for the media outlets that let people communicate without being marginalized by the corporate food system.
(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 5, 2008 Apathy and Greed Fuel Food Crisis
The world food crisis has its roots in our lack of caring about our food system. For most of us the shelves have never been empty so starvation and food riots have little meaning to us. Perhaps, if we could in some way, feel the pain of hunger we might wake up?
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, April 25, 2008 Food Shortage Looming if Crop Focus Isn't Altered
We need to change the focus of agricultural production in the world, move away from commodity crops that are used to feed animals and our cars and promote local food production. We must question the true value of GM crops and the "neo-green revolution" that promises to again feed the world.
SHARE Wednesday, April 2, 2008 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Why You Should Care
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are a concern to those unlucky enough to live nearby for many reasons. Perhaps more importantly they are an unsustainable part of an agricultural system that by its nature is heavily dependent on fossil fuel, hazardous to the health of farm workers and a threat to the environment.
SHARE Tuesday, March 4, 2008 Clinton, Obama Trade Debate Rings Hollow
While Senators Clinton and Obama have sparred over the North American Free Trade Agreement, both have cast votes supporting its continuation and neither will commit to scrapping it.
SHARE Sunday, February 17, 2008 Clinton, Obama Must Answer to Farmers
Senators Clinton and Obama need to make their plans clear, no more platitudes. We need real answers to farm policy,health care and economic issues. We need to know how you will end the failures we have endured under the current administration, failures that the Democrats endorsed.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 27, 2008 Cloning, Anything but Natural
Consumers should think carefully before assuming that cloned meat and milk are safe. Safety testing was inadequate at best. Who will benefit consumers, farmers? No, only the corporations that own the technology.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 3, 2008 Biofuels, the Biggest Scam Going
While touted as the perfect replacement for fossil fuels, biofuels are not better for the environment, farmers or consumers. Production of biofuels will cause increased food prices and hunger for the poor. They are not a renewable fuel and based on research are anything but green.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 20, 2007 Democracy is Too Important
The Bush administration claims to promote democracy around the world, but instead uses force to impose a corporate empire. While claiming the moral high ground of democratic rule, his administration systematically destroys democracy in the US.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Who Does the Bush Administration Really Support?
The Administration dismisses anyone who disagrees with their plans for continued war in Iraq as "not supporting the troops" In reality it is the Administration who is not supporting the troops. They instead support the extension of an American Empire and those who will profit from it, all at the expense of the poor and middle class.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 28, 2007 We Have Run Out of Patience
Peace activities across the country on March 17 could be a sign that organized resistance to the war in Iraq is starting. People are tired of the Administrations imperial designs on the world, their refusal to listen to the people and their "you're with us or you're against us" attitude. We must demand and use our Constitutional rights.
SHARE Friday, February 9, 2007 Food Sovereignty or Food Dependence?
Food security is not enough, everyone has a right to safe nutritious food that respects their culture and their dignity.