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Doug Soderstrom is a retired Professor of Psychology having taught for forty-two years at the college level. He was a columnist for the Populist Party of America (www.populistamerica.com/now discontinued) and has been a feature writer for www.iranian.com. His main interest at the present time is in writing poetry, and is in the process of gathering together somewhere around 700 poems that he has written over the past fifteen years, and will be publishing a book entitled "Loose Cannon Parables" if he can find a publisher willing to take on the job of publishing his book of poems.
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 15, 2010 This One Is For You Julian
Land of the free"" Home of the brave, but when a courageous young man such as one like Julian Assange comes along and is willing to "tell the truth," let the rest of the world know what nefarious governments, rich corporations, and powerful people have been saying and doing, what do the Americans do? Well, they scream bloody murder. They cry foul. They run for cover. They become mad as hell and look for someone to kill!
SHARE Thursday, May 13, 2010 Like a Wild Bird
A Wild Bird........ The kind of person I wish that I had the courage to be!
SHARE Friday, May 7, 2010 An Old Man And His Dog
I was just a young man at the time. I should have known better, but as I said..... I was a young man! But in time I have grown to become an old man, and now I understand, and I am very sorry for what I did to that old man and his dog!
SHARE Thursday, May 6, 2010 Lonely Pony On A Rainy Day
Lonely pony on a rainy day.... Seems to have lost his mama somewhere around the middle of May.
SHARE Thursday, May 6, 2010 Just Another Day
No big deal.... Just another day as Charley goes to work, meets the boys at Yansky's Bar, comes home from a hard days work, greets the family, has a meal, watches a little TV and a few more beers, then several hours of office fantasies tamed by a "fondled embrace" in bed, good night sweet heart sweet dreams.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 6, 2010 During That of My Later Years
Poetically speaking that is....... during that of my later years it seems that defecation has had a way of cleansing my soul.
SHARE Thursday, April 29, 2010 Rottentide
Into the night I ran.... full steam ahead. Into the dark.... until I was dead. I cared for nothing.... greed had its day. Raw meat and razor wire..... Rottentide its way!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 29, 2010 Lurking in the shadows
It is essential that every man realize that deep down in the deepest depths of his being lies "this thing" that can, and most likely will, destoy his life unless he lives his life with humility, and understands that it is only by the grace of God that we are allowed to make our way through life.
SHARE Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Prison Break
The United States of America, Land of the Free..... imprisoning more of its own people than any other nation in the world! Mostly Black people though, but I wonder why? Perhaps now that we don't need as much slave labor as we used to, we need "a place" to put Blacks more or less "wharehouse them" until we once again need them sometime later in the future!
SHARE Sunday, April 25, 2010 An Unkind Word
No less than a missile shot through the body...... an unkind word can destroy not just the physicality of one's life, but the quality of one's life from the day one is wounded until the day one dies!
SHARE Sunday, April 25, 2010 A Soldier's Prayer
A soldier's prayer that he might become at one with his enemy, that he might choose to become his enemy's friend rather than choosing to kill his enemy.
SHARE Sunday, April 25, 2010 Monsters in the Midst
A poetic description of those who should perhaps be held responsible for those "caught in the cross fire," individuals slaughtered in the many mass murders that take place in the United States of America.
SHARE Friday, April 23, 2010 Young Men Silently Sitting
Young men discovering that that "real religion" (the truth) cannot be found by sitting in church listening to old men (or even young men) preach, but that a glimpse of "the truth" might be found in the "school of hard knocks" (like war, divorce, and/or getting fired, etc.) by allowing such incidents to teach us what it means to be decent human being, and thus to how to live a decent life.
SHARE Thursday, April 22, 2010 The Greatest Wound Of All
The greatest wound of all is that of allowing ourselves to be drug down to the level of being an animal that will kill in order to stay alive!
SHARE Monday, April 19, 2010 Caged
Like animals living in zoo-like cages, brainwashed (socialized/civilized) beyond imagination we live out our lives having "never lived" at all.
SHARE Saturday, April 17, 2010 Caged (poem)
Like animals living in zoo-like cages, brainwashed (socialized/civilized) beyond imagination we live out our lives having "never lived" at all.
SHARE Saturday, April 17, 2010 For What Good is Life
For what good is life if one must kill in order to preserve it?
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, April 16, 2010 That Sand-[n-word] Lying There On The Ground
A bad day on the sands of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, or anywhere in the Middle East where our soldiers kill without conscience!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 15, 2010 Poems With A Punch!
An assortment of poems that will make you think twice about what life is about!
SHARE Tuesday, April 13, 2010 At the Dead Man's Ball
Three dancing babies, two caring clowns, And a fakir from East Nepal,
Each and all performing tonight,
At the opening of The Dead Man's Ball.