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Early in the 2016 Primary campaign, I started a Facebook group: Bernie Sanders: Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win! As the primary season advanced, we shifted the focus to advancing Bernie's legislation in the Senate, particularly the most critical one, to protect Oak Flat, sacred to the San Carlos Apaches, in the Tonto National Forest, from John McCain's efforts to privatize this national forest and turn it over to Rio Tinto Mining, an Australian mining company whose record by comparison makes Monsanto look like altar boys, to be developed as North America's largest copper mine. This is monstrous and despicable, and yet only Bernie's Save Oak Flat Act (S2242) stands in the way of this diabolical plan.
We added "2020" to the title.
I am an art gallery owner in Santa Fe since 1980 selling Native American painting and NM landscapes, specializing in modern Native Ledger Art.
I have always been intensely involved in politics, going back to the mid's 1970's, being a volunteer lobbyist in the US Senate for the Secretary General of the United Nations, then a "snowball-in-hell" campaign for US Senate in NM in the late 70's, and for the past 20 years have worked extensively to pressure the FDA to rescind its approval for aspartame, the neurotoxic artificial sweetener metabolized as formaldehyde. This may be becoming a reality to an extent in California, which, under Proposition 65, is considering requiring a mandatory Carcinogen label on all aspartame products, although all bureaucracies seem to stall under any kind of corporate pressure.
Bills to ban aspartame were in the State Senates of New Mexico and Hawaii, but were shut down by corporate lobbyists (particularly Monsanto lobbyists in Hawaii and Coca Cola lobbyists in New Mexico).
For several years, I was the editor of New Mexico Sun News, and my letters to the editor and op/eds in 2016 have appeared in NM, California, Wisconsin, New York, Maryland, the Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, and many international papers, on the subject of consumer protection. Our best issue was 10 days before Obama won in 2008, when we published a special early edition of the paper declaring that Obama Wins! This was the top story on CNN for many hours, way back then....
My highest accomplishments thus far are
1. a plan to create a UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry, a plan that is in the works and might be achieved even before the 75th UN General Assembly in September 2020.
2. Now history until the needs becomes clear to the powers who run the United Nations: a UN Resolution to create a new Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection, strongly supported ten years ago by India and 53 cosponsoring nations, but shut down by the US Mission to the UN in 2008. To read it, google UNITED NATIONS UNDERSECRETARY GENERAL FOR NUTRITION, please.
These are not easy battles, any of them, and they require a great deal of political and journalistic focus. OpEdNews is the perfect place for those who have a lot to say, so much that they exceed the limiting capacities of their local and regional newspapers. Trying to go beyond the regional papers seems to require some kind of "inside" credentials, as if you had to be in a club of corporate-accepted writers, and if not, you are "from somewhere else," a sad state of corporate induced xenophobia that should have no place in America in 2020!
This should be a goal for every author with something current to say: breaking through yet another glass ceiling, and get your say said in editorial pages all over America. Certainly, this was a tool that was essentially ignored in 2016, and cannot be ignored in the big elections of 2020.
In my capacity as Editor of the Santa Fe Sun News, Fox interviewed Mikhail Gorbachev: http://www.prlog.org/10064349-mikhail-gorbachev
SHARE Wednesday, February 14, 2024 Scientists recommend "Global Moratorium" for mRNA injections by Liberty Counsel in California's Desert Review
This news is a profound and long overdue breakthrough to protect the health of several billion people, whose Health and Justice Ministers, and United Nations Ambassadors I will send this OpEdNews article graciously published by OpEdNews Founder, Rob Kall from Pennsylvania! We are winning this specific war which will eventually be recognized by Historians as WW III, a cruel, unprecedented monstrous insidious war of ATTRITION!
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 17, 2020 The Yuan cannot replace the Koran! Criticism of China: "The New Blasphemy of Unadorned and Unstoppable Power"
China has made inroads with a different approach than USA's: that of being there to do business, rather than oppressive military backed hegemony. Because of its excessive dependency and reliance on military power, and arms manufacturing, what we have come to expect from USA's many years of dependency on the military industrial medical corporate vaccine complex, the USA should continue to listen and watch via satellites.
SHARE Monday, December 14, 2020 Towards a United Nations Council of Centenarians: Benefits, Principles and Practices
Seeing past so much of the idiocy confusing the forefront of the current plandemic, we should be listening to the Centenarians from each nation, particularly statesmen to find the best path into the future. From present data the number of worldwide centenarians is around 450,000.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 28, 2020 Recommendations for Preventing Illnesses Caused by USA Continuing to Allow Corporate Manipulation of the FDA and EPA
USA will appear in the International Court of Justice (not just Gates and Rumsfeld in the lower International Criminal Court), in response to the lawsuits of other nations for the wrongs done by the USA in weaponizing the coronavirus patented by William Henry Gates in 2015 in "Her Majesty's" London patent office at WO 2016 O12793 A1. Dow Jones Industrial average at 30,000 is contingent upon a chromosomally impossible vaccine.
SHARE Friday, November 27, 2020 Update from Project to Create A New United Nations Branch in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The future for Humanity, that is to say the 980 years before we reach 3000, requires serious focus on resolving many serious problems not through continuing biological warfare as we have seen since the beginning of this recent medical cataclysm, which I believe still deserves a UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry in New York appointed by the Secretary General, in coordination with the International Courts.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 30, 2020 Japan's Emperor Naruhito Asked to Rescind Exports of Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde, the Artificial Sweetener
27 October: Stephen Fox, United Nations Santa Fe, sent by registered mail to Kunaicho formal request for Naruhito to rescind the approval for Ajinomoto to continue to manufacture and to export aspartame, including a detailed letter from Betty Martini, Mission Possible International on Rumsfeld's regulatory usurpations in 1981; assimilating formaldehyde worsens effects of Gates' UK Patented virus {WO 2016 012793].
SHARE Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Maryland's Chief Federal Judge, James Bredar: Requested to Order FDA to Rescind Approval for Aspartame/Formaldehyde
Stephen Fox has sent this 26 minute treatise on aspartame/formaldehyde to the Hon. Judge James Bredar who is Maryland's chief federal judge having jurisdiction over the matter, as well as Fort Detrick, Maryland, asking him to send an order to Stephen Hahn, the FDA Commissioner to rescind aspartame's approval. Please send your letter to:
Hon. James Bredar, 101 W. Lombard St., Baltimore, MD 21201 [410-962-0950
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 26, 2020 UN 75th General Assembly Must Convene "Documents of Adjudication" Conference to Stop International Child Trafficking
UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, the new President of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir of Turkey, and United Nations Undersecretaries General in New York must initiate the effort to bring about a cohesive international conference of compiled documents concerning adjudication of child trafficking cases in their respective nations.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 7, 2020 Establishing The Truth and The Solutions for Bolsanaro's Term of Office for the Amazon Basin
The LUNGS OF THE WORLD are at stake, and I encourage heads of state to shout at Bolsonaro, and for those American readers who see that their letters can make a difference, to take on the CAUSE represented in protecting the indigenous peoples of BRASIL, who have suffered from the genocidal onslaughts of the past 500 years, from the Portuguese, now revamped with this right wing President, Jair Bolsonaro.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, August 24, 2020 Rescinding Aspartame's FDA Approval Depends On Maryland's Federal Chief Judge James Bredar
Inquiries by journalists may be made by letter to Maryland Federal Judge James Bredar, 101 W. Lombard, Suite 5A, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
I particularly encourage victims of Aspartame poisoning to write down their accounts, in informal letters delineating the chronological cause and effect in Rumsfeld's Aspartame Plague, on going irreparable sufferings, key components for Judge Bredar's order to FDA to rescind Aspartame.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 6, 2020 International Court of Justice Report on Child Trafficking in Belize, Canada, USA, Germany, Mexico, Haiti, and Guatemala
This report is in partial fulfillment of the dissection of the USA's own appetite for its 400,000 missing children in 2019. International Court of Justice Members recognize that Belize officials won't want to cooperate with a few mere USA citizens like me inquiring into why they "look the other way", how much they are paid to do so, and by whom, within the International Court of Justice's Advisory Powers.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 5, 2020 International Court of Justice Filing Regarding Gates' Coronavirus Patent Number
External silence thus far from the International Court of Justice regarding an injunction to stop Bill Gates doesn't indicate that the 14 top jurists in the world have given tacit approval for Gates' actions in African nations and in Europe. Delays are inherent in the judicial process, but while time goes by, more Africans are being murdered by Gates and his Pandemic Profiteering Vehicle, the World Health Organization.
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Brief Submission for International Court of Justice Re: Administrative Order to USFDA to Rescind Aspartame Approval
The International Court of Justice might seem to some of the uninformed, venomous, and vituperative, recalcitrant subset as irrelevant, bought out, or inaccessible, but they know little of how it was created nor what was the intent of those principled leaders who put it together. This court is truly the most important part of the United Nations system, and deserves much more study by all who read this article.
SHARE Wednesday, July 22, 2020 International Court of Justice: Please Investigate Child Trafficking and Recommend Death Penalty in All Jurisdictions
The 75th United Nations General Assembly could be held in Santa Fe New Mexico, as New York City, always a demanding and inhospitable place, sometimes the target of architectural and financial collapses, might be past its prime. The decision to relocate the UN to Santa Fe rests with the 197 heads of state who participate in deliberations that go back to the Prophet Isaiah.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 19, 2020 Part 3: Video Expansion of ICJ Injunction Request Regarding Peru, Ecuador, Poland, and USA
Unlimited are International Court of Justice' Jurisdictions and Powers to do the right thing to protect humanity, DNA, RNA, freedom to pursue happiness and good health. "We hold these truths to be self evident," was how the USA Constitution framers put it. How shocked they would be to see how far USA has devolved into promoting pandemic profiteers William Henry Gates III and Melinda Gates, so unlike trillionaire merchant Bezos
SHARE Saturday, July 18, 2020 A New Look at Syria, for the 14 Members of the International Court of Justice
A closer look into the Russian bombing of Aleppo, and the intricacies of "strategic power considerations", which, if unchallenged, will continue to be the indifferent bored complacent way that the two old super-power rivals, Russia and USA, enjoy themselves flaunting the use of their weapons. I can't speak to or for Russia but I can at least ask key questions as an American. Others may dissect these efforts, but no problem.
SHARE Wednesday, June 17, 2020 Child Trafficking International Video Series
Ongoing Expose of Child Trafficking Videos International as part of United Nations Santa Fe efforts. Efforts are underway for the Attorneys General of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico Arizona and California, to speak with the Attorneys of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora, and Baja California. What they discuss will result in fewer children victimized.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 16, 2020 A Start on How to Stop Child Trafficking Internationally
As part of the emerging UN Branch in Santa Fe, New Mexico, we are focused on several key goals, the most important of which is the cessation of child trafficking in many nations, the most egregious of which statistically is the United States.
SHARE Tuesday, June 16, 2020 USA Leads the Field with 400,000 Missing Children in 2019; Video Introduction to Stop Child Trafficking Internationally
Santa Fe New Mexico has been selected for a new branch of the United Nations, with a much stronger focus on stopping child trafficking than has occurred heretofore with the hardworking people and programs at UNICEF. What has been missing thus far is coordination with law enforcement, a lack of statistics compilation, and the direct participation on both sides of each international border. United States and Mexico, for example
SHARE Thursday, June 11, 2020 United Nations 2020 to 3000
United Nations Branch in Santa Fe New Mexico USA, a brief description of the functions and raison d'etre
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, the Philippines, and Guinea Bissau--Robert F. Kennedy II: Gates's Cataclysmic Vaccines
Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines, Nigeria, India, Guinea Bissau, Kenya: the list grows of other nations that have endured the litany of the deadly vaccine campaigns of William Henry Gates III. Complaints are filed in International
Criminal Court. Gates believed that money would protect him, even the $200 million he used to buy the World Health Organization. Robert F Kennedy II elaborates.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 24, 2020 DNA and RNA Structure Make Gates Vaccine Impossible
DNA and RNA's functions impaired by weaponized virus produced in China with $3.7 million NIH grant from USA. This makes any vaccine impossible. Thus William Henry Gates III efforts must by stopped by heads of state from the 177 nations without biological weapons, accompanied with a total cessation of imports from the 16 nations retaining biological weapons. There is henceforth a line of demarcation between the 16 and the 177.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 23, 2020 Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, and HRH Charles Speeches from 1588, 1940, 1947, 1953, 1969, 2020
Elizabeth I 1588
We have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit our selves to armed multitudes, for fear of treachery; but I assure you I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear. I am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live amongst you all.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 22, 2020 8th Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon of Korea
In 2016, Foreign Policy named Ban one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers for his achievement of making the Paris Agreement being ratified and entering into force in less than a year after it was adopted. António Guterres was appointed by the General Assembly on 13 October 2016 to be the successor of Ban Ki-moon as he stepped down on 31 December 2016.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, May 18, 2020 Kojo Annan Addresses UN General Assembly on the Legacy of His Father Kofi
Kojo Annan said "World Citizen" meant "completely embracing the common humanity of all of the world's citizens; it's about seeing potential in anyone and helping build a world where anything is possible for that someone. It's literally unfathomable that an obscure young man born in Kumasi, Ghana's second city, 19 years before Ghana's independence could become the 7th Secretary General, and yet that was my father's story.
SHARE Sunday, May 17, 2020 Kofi Annan: 7th UN Secretary General
During the Kofi Annan years, I wrote a Resolution to creat a new Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection, using UN Charter Articles 7, 26, 33, 57, 63 (Section 2) and 97.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 17, 2020 Resolution to Create a New United Nations Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection 2020
Pakistan's Supreme Court ordered MSG's permanent ban; Pakistani Journalists wrote about it as CHINESE SALT, because most of it was made in Chinese Factories. Japan's Ajinomoto makes MSG in factories in Japan, Brazil, France, and in Iowa and Augusta Georgia USA. More nations have poisonings, like Zimbabwe welcomed Chinese Virology Weapons Laboratory, so recently I called Zimbabwe's President to inform him of his error.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 16, 2020 President and First Lady Duda of Poland: Please End Abuse of Polish Children Adoptions!
Letter to President and First Lady Duda: I ask you before you leave office in a few months is to elevate one of the best opponents of abuses in the Polish adoptions system to the person in charge of ending this abuse, with all of the powers of the Ministry of Justice behind him. He has already compiled a massive amount of evidence documenting this corruption.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 16, 2020 6th United Nations Secretary General Boutros-Boutros Ghali
Regarding Rwanda:"I tried," he said, by writing to more than 30 heads of state after the United States and other Western countries made it clear they would not get involved. "I begged them to send troops. I was in contact with different organizations and tried my best to be able to help them find a solution to the problem. Unfortunately, let us say with great humility, I failed. It is a scandal. I am the first one to say it."
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, May 15, 2020 Address to UN Security Council by Stephen Fox, Author of Plan to Create UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry
As of 2015, these were the nations with biological weapons:
Canada, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Libya, North Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria, the United Kingdom and the United States, plus Taiwan.
There is no point in writing to any of the heads of state of those nations. Once they have biological weapons in their arsenal, they won't give them up.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 13, 2020 A Brief International History of Biological Warfare
I tried to keep this short, and there is a lot more to discover. If the United Nations moves forward with creating a Pandemic Board of Inquiry, these concerns might be addressed, and should not have to wait until the 75th General Assembly, and even then the veto power could be used by the Big 5. Each of the 177 without bioweapons should have their own Pandemic Board of Inquiry.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 12, 2020 The Fifth United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar
Javier Perez de Cuellar, a reluctant compromise choice for United Nations secretary general, astonished the diplomatic world by brokering peace agreements in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America as Cold War thawed in late 1980s and early '90s, the first from Latin America, "everyone's last choice." No one expected much, least of all Pe'rez de Cue'llar who admitted that he was "not considered the most exciting candidate
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, May 11, 2020 Estonia's President Kajulaid Address to the United Nations 2019: "Grassroots Movement to Save the Planet"
In 2014, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious of the vaccines they were receiving from Gates and sent multiple batches to be tested. Researchers discovered that the vaccines that were being administered to 2.3 million African girls were full of HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages and sterilization.
Turning back this tide is imperative and only possible by waking up and empowering people in the 177.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, May 11, 2020 History of the UN Secretaries General from 1945 to 2020 U Thant of Burma, Third Secretary General
In the wake of Hammarskjold's passing on 3 November 1961 Thant was unanimously appointed as acting Secretary-General.
In 1948, Burma gained independence from the United Kingdom. Nu became the prime minister of the newly independent Burma and appointed Thant as director of broadcasting in 1948. By then, civil war had broken out. The Karen insurgency began and Thant risked his life to go to Karen camps to negotiate for peace.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 10, 2020 UN Secretaries General History from 1945 to 2020: Trygve Lie of Norway, First United Nations Secretary General
This compilation is crucial to understanding how the UN has evolved since World War II. Those were very difficult times; understanding how this has all worked since 1945 after the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, makes clear that reading the books by the Secretaries General should be part of school curricula at even elementary school levels up to University levels in every nation.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 10, 2020 UN Secretaries General History from 1945 to 2020: Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden, Second United Nations Secretary General
Hammarskjöld died in a plane crash in Zambia, near midnight, on September 17, 1961 [shot down by United Kingdom Royal Air Force]. Hammarskjöld has been referred to as one of the two best secretaries-general of the United Nations. I realize now that in comparison to him, I am a small man." On the 50th anniversary of the crash in 2011 Knut accompanied UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to visit Dag's grave in Uppsala, Sweden.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 7, 2020 International Court of Justice Will Need UN Pandemic Board of Inquiry's Evidence
In 2014, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious of the vaccines they were receiving from Gates and sent multiple batches to be tested.
Researchers discovered that the vaccines that were being administered to 2.3 million African girls were full of HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages and sterilization. Oops. In Andhra Pradesh, India, the authorities say five children died immediately after Gardasil shot.
SHARE Monday, May 4, 2020 Estonia's UN Security Council Presidency in May 2020 and Proposed UN Pandemic Board of Inquiry
16 countries plus Taiwan have had or are currently suspected of having biological weapons programs: Canada, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Libya, North Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria, the United Kingdom and the United States, as of Dec 30, 2015
None of the 16 nations with biological weapons wants to be blamed, faulted, or assessed damages by the International Court of Justice.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 3, 2020 Uganda's Museveni Clarifies 5 Thermonuclear Powers Impede Reform and Improvements
"The people of Africa, the people of Uganda, are entitled to a democratic government. It is not a favor from any regime. The sovereign people must be the public, not the government. These days, political pundits across the continent are calling Museveni an African Bismarck. Some people now refer to him as Africa's "other statesman," second only to the venerated South African President Nelson Mandela.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 3, 2020 Elizabeth II State Banquet for Donald Trump, plus more Truth from Dr. Boyle and the Organic Consumers Association
Organic Consumer's Association: "It's time to shut down every Biosafety/Biowar lab in the world (including Bayer and Monsanto's lab) and implement a true global ban on weapons of mass destruction, including all atomic, chemical and biological weapons and WMD experimentation.
Until we do this, none of us will ever be safe again."
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 30, 2020 UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry Will Be Empowered by The Wisest Heads of State
To my knowledge, the other heads of state of the usually considered "ethical" nations, Margrethe II of Denmark, Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden (one of the nations with Biological Weapons), Muhammed XVI of Morocco, Naruhito of Japan, and other heads of state, have not addressed the production of biological weapons as the root cause of this pandemic.
SHARE Wednesday, April 29, 2020 No Country Can be Great in Isolation, UN China Representative in South China Morning Post; UN Pandemic Board of Inquiry
Stephen Fox in response to UN Ambassador Zhang Jun's Opinion Editorial: The human race has evolved to the point that we really no longer needs these biological weapons; there are 16 nations with vast arsenals of these weapons, horrible products far worse than intentionally or accidental releasing a weaponized flu virus made in the Wuhan Virology Institute in China with funds invested from the United States and France.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 26, 2020 USA President's Speech to UN General Assembly 2019
"I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, an educated man who is well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family's life in this country."
Dr. David S. Glosser, uncle of Stephen Miller
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 25, 2020 International Lawyer Dr. Boyle's Testimony Must be Used to Back Away from Bio Warfare by 193 Heads of State
Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic-implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses and signed into law by George H.W. Bush. This is the evidentiary heart of why the UN must establish a Board of Inquiry.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, April 24, 2020 US Senator Martin Heinrich on Pandemic Response Efforts in New Mexico
Children are some of the most vulnerable among us, and we must fulfill our moral and legal obligations to protect their health and safety. There are currently nearly 2,400 children in Office of Refugee Resettlement within the Department of Health and Human Services custody, including licensed shelters. Keeping these children in needlessly prolonged detention poses immeasurable risk to their lives and their loved ones.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 22, 2020 UN Pandemic Board of Inquiry: An Updated and Condensed Evolving Plan
Most citizens of every nation are certain that a vast majority of nations desire a cessation of the development of all biological weapons and the waste of money and lives attached to these weapons, which are found in the arsenals of far too many nations. Biological weapons represent the most dangerous way to pursue the Arms Race that monopolized most of the last half of the 20th Century, the 2 Superpower Apes on a Treadmill.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 22, 2020 How Vietnam is Beating the Coronavirus Pandemic, and Some Memories of The Venerable Thich Thien Anh
Bilaterally, Vietnam has donated test kits and masks to many countries. Among them, Cambodia and Laos are its close friends, and the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain are its comprehensive and strategic partners. In supporting others, Vietnam has demonstrated its commitment to traditional relations and strengthened relationships with important partners.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 21, 2020 Australia's Foreign Minister Marise Payne Calls for Global Pandemic Inquiry NOT Connected to World Health Organization
Foreign Minister Payne urged China to allow transparency in the process and does not believe the WHO should run the inquiry. "It will need countries to come to the table with a willingness to be transparent and to engage in that process and to ensure that we have a review mechanism in which the international community can have faith. Labor Party Chris Bowen said: "It can't just be a talking point, a point in an interview."
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 19, 2020 Chapter 4 Establishing UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry~~~Inspiring Words from the Man Himself
"The poorest and most vulnerable members of society are being hardest hit, both by the pandemic and the response. Reduced household income forces poor families to cut back on essential health and food expenditures, particularly affecting children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. we must commit to building back better by using the recovery from COVID-19 to pursue a more sustainable and inclusive economy and society."
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 19, 2020 Towards A UN Pandemic Board of Inquiry: Francis Boyle~International Law Prof Who Wrote USA 1989 Biological Warfare Law
If UN Secretary General Guterres needs one reason to convene a Pandemic Board of Inquiry focusing on legal ramifications, not medical, this article's topics would just scratch the surface of what must be considered so that the truth may emerge, however painfully. Economies all over the world have collapsed because of this "predictable accident" of biowarfare-let's put an end to this infernal waste of money for all time!
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 18, 2020 Bill Richardson Helping Navajos Whose Rez Virus Has Swept Through "With Ferocity"; Disproportionately High Death Rate
Navajo people face unprecedented challenges as coronavirus spreads through the Nation. Many Navajo elders are vulnerable because they don't have masks and protective equipment," said Richardson, who credits Navajo political support for his initial election to Congress in 1982. Richardson fears the pandemic could reach a vast scale of suffering reminiscent of the 1864-1868 forced removal now called the "Long Walk."
(103 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 18, 2020 Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears: Robert Kennedy Jr's Letter to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta
"Presidents come and go~a more enduring tragedy is that we can't trust media to tell us the truth about health issues with advertising dollars at stake. You wonder how all those Trump supporters don't share your indignation at Trump's mendacity? They are disheartened by media who have set the precedent of routinely lying and violating the public trust, faith in critical institutions and our children's health."
SHARE Thursday, April 16, 2020 New Mexico's Senator Heinrich will serve on White House Coronavirus Task Force
"As someone with a background in science, I strongly believe that we must use the best available data and scientific expertise as our guiding light. We won't be able to go back to life as normal or stop the economic downturn until we have gotten a handle on the spread of the coronavirus. I'm fighting to ensure our long-term economic recovery does not leave anyone behind, especially our rural communities and Indian Country."
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 16, 2020 Nothing New about Belief that Covid Originated in Wuhan Lab; Trump won't discuss whether he talked with Pres. of China
Nothing new here. See Janet Ossebaard's film part 1 and 2 but skip part 3 because some is a little off the deep end. I'd like to know what you think of all of this background intrigue. The footage starting at 6:40 is very graphic and disturbing. I don't believe any of this footage is faked, nor are the shots of the hospital with room doors and windows with bars. We Americans would like to believe that "it can't happen here".
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Chapter III: Towards Creating UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry
The General Assembly opens 15 September; 1st day of high-level Debate will be 22 September. I would like to see as sponsors and cosponsors ethical, stable, and focused nations like: Finland, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Bolivia, Chile, Botswana, Morocco, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Kenya. In the post-pandemic world there will be a host of legal questions to be resolved, not on battlefields.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Towards A New UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry: 2 Finland Foreign Ministers Respond
"There are many ideas and proposals floating around as to what should the international community do with the post-Corona-situation. All of them are welcomed and should be considered carefully, as we cannot after this return to any business-as-usual scenario...in line with our firm commitment to the rules-based multilateral framework of cooperation, which needs to be reviewed and strengthened in the light of this experience."
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 11, 2020 Badge of Honor: NRA Sues NM's Governor for Closing Gun Shops during Pandemic; Calls Her NM's "Malevolent Michelle"
Aside from the fact that governors have too much on their plate making up for Trump Admin's Covid omissions & that dealing with a federal lawsuit of this level of epic stupidity is a waste of her time: to me, NRA gun shop suits are a badge of honor for her. Maybe a federal judge or a federal appeals court could go one step further after ruling in her favor and shut down the NRA? Keep up the great work, Governor Lujan Grisham!
SHARE Thursday, April 9, 2020 Senator Heinrich of New Mexico asks Trump Admin to "DROP THE DOGMA" on ACA Virus Response
"I am urging my congressional colleagues to expand upon the Coronavirus Relief Fund that we secured in the CARES Act and open up this critical funding so no community is left behind, especially in New Mexico.
We are doing everything possible to keep our rural hospitals afloat during this crisis. The vast majority of rural hospitals have ceased performing elective procedures and seeing non-urgent patients during the crisis."
SHARE Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Queen Elizabeth II speaks on coronavirus in rare address, only the 4th in her reign, since 1953
"This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again."
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, April 6, 2020 Krystal Ball Knocks it out the Park Again--By Telling Bernie to Stay in the Race!
Why would any amount of additional Time for Joe to run solo against Trump help him, when he is so sadly imploding on a daily basis entirely on his own? Krystal nails the DNC manipulation correctly: they are getting worried that their straw-husk candidate is losing any credibility, and, like 2016, they will TRY to blame Bernie once again.
How could the idiocy of our contemporary era get any deeper or any more doomed?
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 5, 2020 Scott Tips, NHF~"Never Has So Little Done Harm to So Many~~Coronavirus Attack Is A Cover for Restricting Health Freedom"
The legal aspects of this pandemic are not yet fully recognized nor discussed, compared to the vast and profound discussions going on in the medical realm. Who at this point has interrogatory or subpoena power? Scott Tips: "It is important that none of us are stampeded into being the obedient slaves that the massive fear-mongering campaign waged by the Deep-State media and government would have us become."
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 5, 2020 Mahler's Symphony #1 is So Beautiful, You Might Weep. Michael Tilson Thomas Explores Its Origins in Mahler's Youth
Released on YouTube recently, conductor and video producer Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Orchestra perform with his analysis of this pristine pillar of modern music. I have written OEN articles about classical music; the first of these was on the 5th Symphony Adagietto, the greatest musical love letter of all. Mahler will guide your soul to soar and could strike you so deeply and lyrically, you might even weep.
(15 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 2, 2020 These Senators May Soon See the Folly of Endorsing Biden Instead of Bernie: This Needn't End As An Epic Tragedy
These two commentators are the most hardball right-on brilliant commentators in America. I watch their What's on Your Radar broadcasts several times a day, but with this particular segment, I have to speak up; judge for yourself.... Whoopi Goldberg was so colossally rude when she repeatedly interrupted Bernie Sanders. You shouldn't talk to anyone this way, let alone a US Senator with the credibility and humility of Bernie...
Baffling, isn't it? Real video of empty hospitals and zero lines of people waiting to be tested. Could it be the time of day that explains this mystery? I ask to know what YOU think. While on that subject, please go back to 1997 on YouTube to watch a few WAG THE DOG clips, plus Director Barry Levinson's long discussion with Lawrence O'Donnell about Trump and Wag the Dog, well worth watching, on The Last Word.
SHARE Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Aspartame Inflames Coronavirus, Clearly Implicated In Pulmonary Distress: Treatise by Dr. Betty Martini
"Aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen shown by the Ramazzini Studies by Dr Morando Soffritti on rats and Harvard's study on humans. Even the FDA~Dr. Adrian Gross~admitted it to the Senate and said approval of aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment. It was marketed by G. D. Searle who hired Rumsfeld to force it onto the market after the FDA revoked the petition for approval. On YouTube: "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 31, 2020 UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres: Please Create a Coronavirus Board of Inquiry in the Hague International Court
It must have all of the full subpoena and interrogator legal powers of a Tribunal, to examine how Coronavirus started, who started it and when, who will benefit economically from this pandemic, and was it truly biological warfare or some freak of nature, or a "predictable accident," as Dr. Francis Boyle put it; he is a professor of International Law at the University of Illinois and a graduate of Harvard Law School.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, March 30, 2020 Albert Camus' Novel, The Plague, Even More Relevant Today, A Pillar of Existentialism
The Plague~or La Peste~is Albert Camus' novel published in 1947, the story of a plague sweeping the French Algerian city of Oran. It asks the most profound questions about the nature of destiny and the human condition. The characters, ranging from doctors to vacationers to fugitives, show the ravaging effects the plague has on this populace. A pillar of existential literature, it is based on the 1849 Oran cholera epidemic.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 29, 2020 SC Democrat Congressman Joe Cunningham who Hammered Bernie's "Socialism," now has Tested Positive
I was shocked reading that ignorant criticism of Bernie by Cunningham weeks ago obviously intended to put his own thumb on the scale for Biden, long before SC Congressman Jim Clyburn did so, the single worst timed fiercest damage to Bernie. 2 Congressman jumped the gun; in an ethical campaign, they should have let South Carolina decide unencumbered; most Biden endorsers will come to regret their ignoring his cognitive decline.
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 29, 2020 Everything has Changed. The Democratic primary is no longer over.
Why You Need To Change Your Mind About The Primary Immediately~If you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, you have been demoralized. You might be working on virus relief, but you have lost hope that Sanders can be the nominee, but you are operating as if the world hasn't changed. The world has changed~bold actions like Bernie has proposed on healthcare once looked risky~ Now the risk is that we won't implement them quickly.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 28, 2020 Bernie Sanders Discusses Medical Response with 2 Front line Physicians and President of National Nurses Union
MDs from New York and Baltimore~ICU patients # have quadrupled; for nurses on the front line and the need to protect them: the CDC's response is like fighting a big fire with a squirt gun. Nurses don't have the proper gear, training, & necessary staff, not prepared for the trajectory of the surge~ NY MD~"I fear for other hospitals" Maryland MD: "Tests taking 5 to days to come back-wings being converted to isolation wards."
(8 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 26, 2020 "Bowing to Critics," Gilead Retreats on FDA Orphan Status re COVID19 Drug; US Senator Murray FDA designation~"Misguided"
Lots of pressure has now caused Gilead to decline the long range lucrative Orphan Drug-Rare Disease status granted earlier this week by the FDA and Trump's Big Pharma advice team~which might or might not include Donald Rumsfeld~~he joined Gilead as a director in 1988 Chairman 1997-2001, who has a long and egregious history profiting off of vaccinations, including Swine Flu, Tamiflu, and Avian Flu, worthy of many more articles.
SHARE Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Avi Scharf, Haaretz English Editor's Letter on Coronavirus, from the Most Progressive Paper in Israel
One thing that helps us is the positive feedback from our readers, on our coverage both of the coronavirus crisis and the importance of not losing sight for a moment of the escalating constitutional crisis in Israel as well, not yet under complete lock-down; it's getting there~my heartfelt thanks go out to our reporters in the field, our translators and editors at home, and those who continue coming into the newsroom ever day.
SHARE Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Playwright Terrence McNally Dead From Complications With COVID-19
He was an award-winning playwright who was called "one of the greatest contemporary playwrights the theater world has yet produced" by the New York Observer during his 20th Broadway production in 2014. He has written over 30 plays, 10 musicals, four operas, four screenplays, and several TV projects.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 24, 2020 NM Governor Lujan Grisham's Hardball Orders against Coronavirus; What Other States Can Learn; Shutdown for 2 Weeks
"The only way for us to stop the spread of this virus is for New Mexicans to stop interacting with each other," said Gov. Lujan Grisham. "New Mexicans must be crystal-clear on this point: Right now, every time you leave your house, you are putting yourself, your family and your community at risk. Only by distancing from one another, by remaining home except for essential or emergency travel, can we limit spreading the virus."
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 24, 2020 FDA Gives Gilead Orphan Status on Remdesivir/Coronavirus as "Rare Disease"~Reminiscent of Rumsfeld's Swine Flu Debacle?
FDA granted Gilead "orphan" drug status for antiviral drug remdesivir allowing the Pharma company to profit exclusively for 7 years from it, one of dozens being tested as a possible treatment for Covid-19, a designation reserved for treating "rare diseases" will block supplies of the antiviral medication from generic drug manufacturers and provide a lucrative windfall for Gilead, which maintains close ties with Trump's team.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 22, 2020 A Respiratory Therapist Describes COVID19 Lung Failure~"Gasping for Air with Pink Frothy Secretions"
"We might run out of ICU beds; I don't know what happens if patients need to be intubated and put on a ventilator. Is that person going to die because we don't have the equipment to keep them alive? What if it goes on for months and people die because we don't have ventilators? Hopefully we don't get there, but if you have one ventilator, and you have two patients, you'll go with the one with the best chances, like in Italy."
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 22, 2020 Dr. Gabriela Leon, Mexican Biochemist, made Nbelyax: 1 Ton Shipped to China to Treat Coronavirus
"with antibacterial gel, a molecule of chlorine reaches the cell, the membrane breaks, and from the moment it breaks until the cell dies, seconds can pass, and that is enough time for "microbial resistance" can be created; because unlike Nbelyax, antibacterial gel or chlorine do not destroy the genetic material~ our nano technology is so small that it can enter the body (infected with virus) and destroy genetic material."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 20, 2020 Straight from Common Cause and NY Times' Leonhardt: Calls for Senator Resignations, Insider trading on Coronavirus
"No matter your party or political orientation, we should all be able to agree that senators should not be profiting off of a national crisis. In addition, senators who mislead the public and their constituents and only share critical health and safety information with their wealthy donors have violated their oath of office.~Please join me in lending your voice today."
Jack Mumby, Deputy Digital Director, Common Cause
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, March 20, 2020 Please Respond to Jennifer Rubin's Washington Post Vicious Contemptible Smear: "Bernie Sanders Has Some Nerve"
Did it ever occur to columnist Jennifer Rubin or the exalted Washington Post political editors that exit poll discrepancies in at least 8 states, the rampant voter suppression that went on in Texas and other state, plus 300,000 missing Michigan Bernie votes, all add up to a vicious picture of election fraud that has not been investigated, let alone adjudicated? Nonetheless, Bernie is supposed to just crawl off and evaporate?
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Trump Brags About Cutting Pandemic Response Team in 2018~Video Scrubbed but Here is UK's Independent article
Question by Yamiche Alcindor, a reporter for PBS:
After denying that his administration was responsible for any failures in the roll-out of American coronavirus testing, Alcindor had asked Mr Trump: "You said that you don't take responsibility, but you did disband the White House pandemic office, and the officials that were working in that office left this administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take to that?
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Moveon Petition To Federal Election Commission, a Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC for Fraudulent Primaries
"How is it that the candidate who out fund raises everyone, packs stadiums for rallies, has terrific numbers in exit polls, still losing? There is something completely wrong. Not to mention, why is there primary voting going on during a pandemic and the nation is in a state of emergency? Nothing is adding up."
"The discrepancies are blatant: media publishing the results in 2 different states before voting had even begun?"
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Krystal Ball Debunks Biden's Litany of Lies; 25,000 Signed Moveon Petition for UN Investigation of Dem Primaries Fraud
Soon it might be 1.2 billion people asking questions about Biden's cognitive problems and lies. What an election that would be: 2 old liars with a lot or a little dementia (depending on which physician the media speaks with, if any at all), trying to destroy the credibility of either, with rampant vote flipping and exit polls discrepancies, evidence causing 25,000 American already to ask UN for observers to investigate fraud.
(10 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 17, 2020 How to Hack Voting Machines and Flip Votes In Less Than 2 Minutes in 18 States
Tobac explains that accessing the voting machine's administrative functions is as easy as removing the hood with a release button, unplugging the card reader, picking the lock to turn on the machine which she says can be done with a ballpoint pen and pressing the bright red "on" button. After the machine boots up, a "secure voting terminal" loads on the screen. An error message pops up, but Tobac presses "cancel" and "okay."
(11 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 15, 2020 How many Medical Alarms can We Democrats Sweep Under the Rug about Joe Biden's Cognitive Decline?
"Dems are sleepwalking into a brutal beating." Whether his state of mind is due to aneurysms or age, these are legitimate concerns for a future president. How much worse will this get next summer if he is the nominee trying to keep up with Trump? Dems are conspiring to gaslight the American people by engineering the election of a man clearly suffering from dementia. This is no time to be "polite," talking about the Presidency.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 14, 2020 Washington Post's Mark Thiessen~~~Not a Gaffe, but a Huge Lie, about Getting Arrested Going to see Nelson Mandela
"I think we can win back the House!"~he gets confused about what state he's in; called Fox News Chris Wallace "Chuck"; said his late son Beau was US attorney general; confused former British PM May with the late British PM Thatcher; claimed to have worked with Deng Xiaoping on the Paris Climate Accord (Deng died in 1997). He claimed during a debate that "150 million were killed by guns since 2007 (almost 1/2 the US population)
SHARE Saturday, March 14, 2020 Krystal Ball hits another Grand Slam, asking Bernie to Lead his Organization's Response to Coronavirus
What a breakthrough idea and stroke of pure genius! Krystal credits Aaron Mate of the Nation for the inception of this idea. It makes me think back to beautiful moments and passages in the lives and leadership of Gandhi and Mandela, of Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth, of Martin Luther and of Martin Luther King.
SHARE Friday, March 13, 2020 Please Call Your Senators Asking Them to Clarify Their Position on "Candidate Dementia" (or to Endorse Bernie)
This is an overdue workable solution to looming inevitable problems, clearer every day, just around the corner in current political history: the implosion of Joe Biden's fictitious civil rights activism, plus the gaffes manifesting serious underlying medical conditions, which will be exploited massively by Trump and the GOP, even more than they are already! His gaffes are already the subject of international news programs.
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 12, 2020 "Biggest Risk is Biden's Cognitive Decline~This isn't going away": Jill Stein, Harvard MD, Plus Washington Post
Jill Stein, Harvard MD: "Biden's lies & record are bad enough, but the biggest risk is his obvious cognitive decline. He said he's running for Senate, confused wife & sister, forgot Obama's name: if Dems close their eyes & keep pushing Joe, it'll be an agonizing 8 months ahead; Biden's team won't let him do interviews. He made 2 teleprompter speeches in Missouri this weekend & both generated massive gaffes that went viral."
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Forget the Gaffes; What About Biden's Lies? Ramifications on Commentary from the Intercept
If progressive Democrats are alarmed re: Biden's gaffes AND lies, imagine what comes out of the GOP meat grinder! Shaun King's book comes out 4/21 about Biden's civil rights history fabrications, and then James Clyburn, Kamala Harris, Beto, Cory Booker and others have to deal with their endorsements, which were based on a rotten false core, and blacks will line up to vote for Trump. Will DNC ask Bernie to come to the rescue?
(23 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Biden's Cognitive Decline Critics~Enjeti:"Highest Form of Gaslighting"~Young Turks Beg Bernie to Not Be Silent
Young Turks Ana Kasparian asks Sanders to talk about Biden's cognitive decline: "I hope that Bernie hears what I'm saying; I'm not the only one. They'll attack you as being a vicious, divisive and horrible person who goes against unity. You can call Biden your friend every day. Please address something that everyone sees, your supporters see, but are currently being gaslit about on social media and in the mainstream press."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 10, 2020 UK Health Minister Tests Positive~~Coronavirus Medical News Clearinghouse~New Facebook Group Created
What a bewildering flow of information, hyperbole, some accurate and some not, political bloviating, plus self-promoting corporate bilge from interests solely only in vast potential profits. This chemical made by Biochemist Gabriela Leon of Mexico has potential but is getting zero exposure in English, except by Wall Street firms who are doubtless thinking about how much money they could make in due course off her products...
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, March 9, 2020 Shaun King Proves that Biden Doesn't Deserve ANY Black Votes; King's Book "Make Change" Coming out April 2020
Biden and his 1988 campaign team admitted he never marched in Civil Rights Movement and that he never once participated in any sit-ins in any restaurants in Wilmington or along Route 40 anywhere in Delaware. When his campaign was over, his spokesperson, Larry Rasky, said Biden may have helped in some non-sit-in kind of way at 1 movie theater and one restaurant but he named many in Wilmington. Read King's 2 Truths and 29 Lies.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 8, 2020 Michigan Endorsements Will Help Bernie: Jesse Jackson and former US Senator Don Riegle, vs 2 Largest Detroit Papers
"With President Sanders the rule of law will be reestablished; we will be on a path to a future of economic, social, racial and environmental justice"~Donald Riegle, former Michigan US Senator.
Jesse Jackson: "What will the firewall mean for the black community under the leadership of Senator Bernie Sanders or former Vice President Joe Biden in 2021 and beyond?" Start with: Putting an African American woman on Supreme Court.
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, March 6, 2020 "We can't keep polishing the brass while the Titanic is Sinking"~Missouri Times & Arab American News endorse Bernie
"Missouri voters have been forward-thinking in their choices. In 2018, Missouri repealed the so-called right to work, raised the minimum wage, legalized medical marijuana, and got big money out of politics. It's time to elect a US President who shares these Missouri values and will bring the stubborn dedication of the Missouri mule to enacting them across the country. I support Bernie because he supports us."
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, March 6, 2020 Biden's Campaign wins Mega Support from Big Pharma Executives
Sanders challenged Biden to stop accepting money from big pharma companies, having himself pledged to reject contributions over $200 from PACs, executives and lobbyists of pharmaceutical and health insurance companies. "If we are going to break the stranglehold of corporate interests over the health care needs of the American people we must confront a Washington culture that is corrupt" putting profit ahead of people's needs."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 6, 2020 Biden Fought to Keep Out All Vietnamese Refugees from the US in 1975
The Fall of Saigon~~~~what a time that was! Compassionate people all over the US stepped up to bat to do what we could do especially in Southern California with refugees living in a tent city at Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Joe Biden fought to keep ALL of them out; he didn't want to rescue even one of them. He lost that battle in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Gerald Ford. Has Biden really changed at all since then?
SHARE Thursday, March 5, 2020 My Letter about Super Tuesday, Texas Vote Suppression and Bernie's Path Forward, in USA Today 3/5/20
"Let's clear away the smoke and mirrors and move forward based on truth, or be prepared to be eviscerated by the GOP's propaganda machine/meat grinder coming to America's political consciousness soon. Occasionally I hear claptrap accusing Sanders of promoting socialism leading to communism in the US. Most sixth-graders would see through this because they know that Congress would limit the legislative agenda of any President."
SHARE Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Democracy for America Endorses Sanders in 'Wake-Up Call to Broken, Visionless, Corporate Democratic Establishment'
"Bernie Sanders is the candidate who is energizing our base, connecting with those who have long felt ignored by our politics, and electrifying the next generation of Americans."
Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America: "a wake-up call to the broken, visionless, corporate Democratic establishment. Americans want fundamental change in Washington."
SHARE Tuesday, March 3, 2020 United World College President Victoria Mora writes on Coronavirus as it Pertains to the College's Goals
No one from the global UWC family has been infected by COVID-19. Only colleges where the virus is present in significant concentrations have moved students off campus. We will all be asked to trust one another as the conditions around the virus change; I am confident that we will all rise to the needs of this situation in a way that is constructive and effective. This gives me pride in our UWC-USA community, near and far.
SHARE Saturday, February 29, 2020 Several Key Ann Arbor Michigan Politicos Explain Their Reasons for Supporting Bernie
These kinds of support statements, when they are properly reported by open minded and accurate Mainstream Media sources, will do a world of good for Bernie in Michigan. You would expect this in such a great university town, but what about Grand Rapids. Marquette. Lansing and Rural Michigan? Michigan went for Bernie in 2016; all indications are that he will continue to build on the base of his 2016 supporters working together.
SHARE Saturday, February 29, 2020 Starting with Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Bernie has powerful supporters in Minnesota~~He could win!
56 key Minnesotans, (officials, community leaders, union members and activists) endorsed Sanders before the March 3rd primary. A press release distributed to Minneapolis and St. Paul media says these individuals cited Bernie's leadership regarding issues like immigration reform, labor rights, universal health care, elect-ability, social, racial and economic justice, and combating climate change as reasons for their support.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 29, 2020 Krystal Ball on The Hill is The Most Brilliant Political Commentator in The USA; She Should be in Bernie's Cabinet!
This woman is the most accurate and brilliant political US commentator. Although this video was from the night before South Carolina, it is prescient; watch it anyway and be rejuvenated by Truth. Understand how Biden's victory in one state will be SPUN by the networks, the mainstream media, and the Old Guard DNC, yet means so little in the larger Super Tuesday scheme of things. She truly should be part of Bernie's Cabinet.
SHARE Friday, February 28, 2020 Illinois Seeing Strong Intercultural Support for Bernie Sanders: This is a Detailed Analysis
State Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Chicago: "What Bernie is building is consistent with who I am and what I am committed to as a woman of color who has dedicated her life to social services, racial and economic justice, and fighting to end homelessness. Bernie has consistently stood on the side of justice when it was unpopular."
US Rep. Chuy Garcia: "He can ensure that our country never again rips children from their families."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Sen Heinrich~Flight 294 to Cabo San Lucas~Fight High Drug Prices? Utah will Pay People to Go To Mexico For Prescriptions
US Senator Heinrich D-NM: "I have a better idea than sending Americans to foreign countries. I have written legislation to reduce the cost of prescription drugs here at home to mandate a maximum price that is no more than the average cost in Canada, Japan, and Europe.
This problem is easily solvable if we work together AND are willing to take on the powerful interests that have a stake in keeping things the way they are."
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 22, 2020 Fox News Called it for Bernie with 2% of Vote in! 2 Hours Later, Networks were Slothfully Slow; Bernie's Victory Speech
Exciting stuff, how various media outlets and news sites process the news. It is almost as if some of them find Bernie's landslide so unnerving that they delayed in reporting it, as if to show they were wondering if and how it could all be true. Best of all are Bernie's words in his victory speech in Nevada and in San Antonio, Texas, as he has moved on to a richer delegate harvest in the Lone Star state just around the corner.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 20, 2020 "Fat Broads and Horse-Faced Lesbians": The Most Memorable 2020 Coup de Grace from Elizabeth Warren
Political campaigns can turn on a dime; this is one that might spell DEMISE for Michael Bloomberg. Politics at the presidential level is a blood sport, full of nasty and sometimes unfair revelations, but when it comes to clearing the path for Bernie Sanders I am in the cheering section. Maybe all of the Mayors for Mike will have a second thought and a few reservations about campaigning further for Mayor Mike Bloomberg.
SHARE Thursday, February 20, 2020 Bernie Beats Trump in New Poll in MI and PA, behind in WI, Rolls out North Carolina Endorsements
News of Bernie's surge is coming in fast and furious from all over the nation. We are trying to help keep OpEdNews readers right up to date with the breakthroughs and are always interested in your tactical and strategic ideas, and whether you can write a letter to your own hometown newspapers, asking them TO ENDORSE BERNIE SANDERS FOR THE NOMINATION.
SHARE Wednesday, February 19, 2020 New Mexico's US Senator Martin Heinrich: Agent Orange [and the Crueler Story from Vietnam]
"The Trump administration's callous efforts to deny veterans the care they need are outrageous. I've been leading the effort in New Mexico to secure critical benefits for Vietnam veterans suffering from health conditions associated with their exposure to Agent Orange. I have called on the Trump administration to stop denying scientific evidence and expand the VA's list of medical conditions associated with exposure."
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, February 17, 2020 Please Write Miami Herald to Refute their Headline Bernie Story Quoting Rep Shalala~>'He's not going to be the Nominee'
Any political journalist reading widely on the 2020 primaries is going to run into some pretty outrageous BS, but when something really takes the cake and wins the Prize for Ludicrous, I will take issue. In this case I think it is vital to write your own letter to both the Miami Herald and the Charleston SC Post and Courier about the remarks made by Congressmen dumping on Bernie in this article. Keep it under 150 words, please
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 16, 2020 Ukrainian President Zelensky rejects Trump's claim in CNN interview with Christiane Amanpour
In a CNN interview, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky strongly rejected US President Donald Trump's claim that Ukraine is corrupt. He also said he is ready for another phone call with Trump and open to visiting the White House. Zelensky spoke wtih CNN's Christiane Amanpour at the Munich Security Conference in his first one-on-one interview since the end of Trump's impeachment trial.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 13, 2020 Ronnie Cummins, Founder Organic Consumers, now Board President Citizens Regeneration Lobby, Endorses Bernie
"Industrial agriculture's monopolistic approach to farming has all but destroyed America's family farms and rural communities; the reliance on toxic chemicals and degenerative farming practices makes it one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas pollution. Sanders' Green New Deal holds the fossil fuel industry legally accountable for its pollution and climate-destructive and declares moratorium on factory farming."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 11, 2020 San Francisco Bay Guardian Endorses Bernie for President: "The 2020 Election will be About Turnout"
"The 2020 election will be about turnout, about inspiring voters, particularly young voters, to go to the polls. Trump has his base, and it won't change. In the swing states, Trump won because so many Democrats either stayed home or voted for a third party. We still believe that Sanders would have beat Trump if he were the 2016 nominee. He has the best chance of energizing Democratic voters and defeating the incumbent."
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Bernie Steps up Super-Tuesday Primary Campaign in Texas, Expounding on Texas GOP
This is great news!! I hope everyone who supported Beto O'Rourke in his Senate run in 2018 will turn out and vote for Bernie on Super Tuesday. Texas may still be purple and not yet blue, but we learned from the 2018 Beto/Cruz race that Texas Democrats CAN and WILL turn out to turn the tide~I personally recommend that opening an office in Dallas/Ft. Worth would be an obvious next step in the Super-Tuesday campaign Texas effort!
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Biden's SC Firewall: Chris Cillizza Interviews Schuyler Kropf, Political Editor, Charleston Post and Courier
Political Editor for Charleston Post and Courier: "46 county party Democratic chairs mostly all mentioned Biden 1st, but it was more as a 'shrug' of support than clapping enthusiasm. What will non-committed Democrats do in 3 weeks: make a pick on policy choice or play ping-pong in their heads over who has the best chance in the fall of defeating Donald Trump? The black vote, by no means monolithic, will dominate the turnout."
SHARE Monday, February 10, 2020 Pete Buttigieg Staffer Physically YANKS Status Coup Cameraman Jamal Jones' Press Credentials
While reporting at a Pete Buttigieg campaign event on February 9th in Nashua New Hampshire--there were major press freedom issues. This is quite oppressive and portends even stranger things coming in the future as the campaign grinds on. Please take the time to share this to African American voters in particularly, and to anyone concerned about preserving press freedoms and not oppressing African Americans anywhere.
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 8, 2020 This is NOT the way to get Bernie Elected: Subset of Supporters Using Hostile Tactics to Drown Out Critics
This must not go uncorrected or unadmonished. After Working Families Party endorsed Warren, Sander supporters responded angrily on Reddit for days.
This article is extracted and lightly edited from KTLA coverage of the campaign, a Los Angeles TV station. The conclusions are alarming and demand immediate attention from Bernie and staff.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 4, 2020 Brian Wilson, Beach Boys Founder, Castigates Reno Gig Playing Before Trump Jr, Asks Boycott Protesting Trophy Hunting
Never was a Beach Boys fan, but learning now that 100,000 signed this petition promoted by Brian Wilson: this changes my reactions, thinking of what a barbarian sadistic set of traits in Donald Jr. leading him to such behavior. Remember when Reagan's Secretary of Interior James Watt objected to Beach Boys playing on the DC Mall because they attracted "the wrong element"? Watt resigned in 1983 after mocking affirmative action.
(11 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 2, 2020 41 New Hampshire Community Leaders Endorse Bernie, plus Utah Dem Progressive Caucus, plus large Arizona Hispanic Group
This is all very heartening good news, adding to the best news coming from out Iowa Caucuses 2/3. Bernie's Endorsements have common themes that run through them reminding me of an exhaustive study and article I did on Obama's endorsements for 2008 General Election. Utah we generally think of as ultra right wing Republican, but there may be a rapprochement coming there soon; could many Mormons end up voting for Bernie Sanders?
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 1, 2020 See how Each Senator Voted, Schumer's Response, and What This Does to American Jurisprudence and for all Defense Lawyers
Will we be smoothly massaged into forgetting all about this by sophisticated journalists at papers and media outlets owned by or for billionaires, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Associated Press and Reuters? One could go on and on about billionaire kleptocracies; but my key epiphany and takeaway is that this sham of a Senate trial will change American Jurisprudence at very deep levels.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 1, 2020 "The 'Never Bernie' apocalypse is coming, Dem insiders warn"~~New York Daily Post's Hatchet Job
Journalists doing a hit piece, or "hatchet job," as it used to be called, can always hide behind the credible illusion that they're just reporting news; in 2017, New York Post was reported to be the preferred newspaper of Donald Trump, who speaks frequently with Post owner Rupert Murdoch. A person close to Sanders' campaign told The Post they were aware of the "Never Bernie" effect, but unbothered~~"no point in being afraid".
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 31, 2020 Shaun King: "Stolen Valor and Fundamentally Disqualifying"~ Biden's Lies about His Role in Civil Rights Movement
This staggering meticulous shocking account is completely credible by journalist/truth caller Shaun King, from his recent newsletter. This should be distributed along with Nina Turner's op/ed in the SC newspaper, The State, to every black voter in the United States before each individual primary. If this were done in South Carolina with 100K copies, Biden would NOT win South Carolina, even though he was Obama's Vice President.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 31, 2020 New Mexico's US Senator Martin Heinrich: "We must call witnesses and documents~we have to get this right"
"As the son of an immigrant, whose family came to the United States from Germany in the 1930s, for me, America stands as a shining beacon of liberty, equal justice, and democracy. We are a nation forged by a revolution against kings. We are a nation founded by the ratification of the most radically democratic document in history, the Constitution of the United States of America. Our Founders acted with courageous faith."
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon: "I stand with NPR and the Free Press Against the Demonization of Inconvenient Media"
At a time when dictators and strongmen around the world are imprisoning and killing journalists and using cries of "fake news" to justify it, U.S. foreign policy needs to include a robust defense of freedom of the press. Instead our top diplomat is encouraging the demonization of inconvenient media because he was asked some hard questions. He's even barred NPR from flying with the U.S. delegation on an upcoming trip overseas.
(56 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 29, 2020 Robby Mook (2016 Clinton Campaign Manager) in Charge of Counting Dem votes in Iowa
Iowa Democratic Chair Troy Price: 'We are confident in the security systems we have in place.' I don't easily accept those assurances, given the larger picture of Tom Perez stacking DNC committees with Clinton apparatchiks and Wall Street consultants. But, just because Mook was HRC's 2016 campaign manager doesn't mean the whole matter is one of incarnate evil, voting machine manipulation, changing votes, vote flip chips, etc.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 28, 2020 You Could Ask Your Newspaper Editors to Endorse Bernie Sanders! from NH retired Judge and Iowa City Councilor
So, please, after you finish reading these letters, get inspired and sit down and write 200 words for your local papers, rather than the longer 600-800 oped length, and focus on asking that paper to endorse Bernie Sanders for the nomination with two or three brief reasons on why they should do so. We can make this happen, in part, thanks to the continuing power of editorial pages in America, plus your own sincere voice.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 24, 2020 "Elections Have Changed. So has Facebook" (Then Why Is FB Muzzling Bernie Admin Activists Till After Super Tuesday?)
Facebook is not the usual corporation by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe it has grown so quickly and so big that it can't have telephones or emails to ever be able to reach anyone. That access has all been totally and resolutely hidden, and I do understand the reasons for doing so. But if you get thrown into FB jail, and I have 39 times in 3 1/2 years, the "Appeal" process is absolutely meaningless~just be ultrapatient!
(8 comments) SHARE Friday, January 24, 2020 World Holocaust Forum and the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
This article is compiled from 4 sources, 2 in Israel, 2 in the US. HRH Prince Charles speech is particularly moving to watch or to read~~~it is all there. Thank you for reading it, and I hope you will take the time to forward and to share it. Remember that Charles grandfather was King of England during World War II and dealt with these atrocities in the context of all out war with Germany. That adds great impact to my feelings
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 23, 2020 Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb: Rural vote should be 'bedrock' of party
Nebraska's Democratic Party chair warns White House hopefuls not to overlook rural communities in their pursuit of the Democratic nomination, predicting that this voting bloc will play a key role in November's election.
"If we really care about the U.S. Senate, if we really care about climate policies at the state level we have have to start closing the margins in rural communities," Jane Kleeb told Hill.TV on Wednesday.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 23, 2020 "The Facts Matter: You Can't Have a Trial without Witnesses and Documents"~~New Mexico's US Senator Martin Heinrich
"Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans spent the entire opening day of this trial preventing the Senate and the American people from viewing documentary evidence or hearing from witnesses. They have shut down every opportunity for witnesses and documents. They are creating an environment that clearly serves as a cover-up of the president's actions."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Bernie Could Win SC and Super Tuesday Using Nina Turner's Op/Ed on Biden and Bernie's History of Differences on Race
This is the opinion piece by Turner in South Carolina's 2nd largest paper which, should be printed out in 20 million copies and put in the hands of every African American voter in not only SC but all of the Super Tuesday states and all of the Rust Belt and Great Lake states, to boot (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin):
While Bernie Sanders has always stood up for African Americans, Joe Biden has repeatedly let us down
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Levi Sanders, Bernie's son, Responds To Clinton's Absurd Negative Sour Grapes Comments about Bernie
Levi: "This is a surprisingly good article by "CNN and will get people that much more motivated to get involved in the campaign. Particularly apathetic voters who are so disillusioned with politics and yet are barely making ends meet."
Bernie: "Secretary Clinton is entitled to her point of view. My job today is to put together a team that can defeat the most dangerous president in the history of the United States."
SHARE Saturday, January 18, 2020 Bernie's Iowa State Director gives reality check: Voters don't care about political gossip
Sanders' Iowa State Director Misty Rebik describes the campaign's strategy as the Iowa Caucus rapidly approaches. This is Rebik's first work on a presidential campaign. She was hired by the Sanders campaign in March 2019. Prior to working for the 2018 Sanders campaign Rebik worked as the event and stewardship coordinator One Iowa, regional director of strategic partnerships and development for Planned Parenthood of the Heart.
(28 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 18, 2020 Former Vermont Goveror Shumlin You're So Wrong~Bernie is the Cleanest Presidential Candidate in 60 years of US Politics
Former Vermont Governor is stumping for Biden but the effect clatters to the floor~ Remember what Thomas Jefferson wrote from Paris to Edward Carrington (Jefferson's delegate to the Continental Congress 1786-1788) on the importance of a free press to keep government in check~ that if he had to choose between a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 17, 2020 Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Bernie Leads in New National Poll
Is anyone truly surprised? This lead will increase as the endorsements come roaring in. I very recently started a new Facebook Group, and hope you join it soon! Bernie Endorsements : Editorial Pages, Unions, Political Groups, Celebrity and is located here: .facebook.com/groups/609430773192387/
SHARE Thursday, January 16, 2020 Leonhardt of NY Times Posits His Ideas about "President Bernie Sanders"
I have always deduced that this stance from the New York Times against Bernie derived from his opposition to Billionaires, Big Banks, Wall Street Bailout, and American Corporate Kleptocracy, so for the Times to advance towards a real understanding and potentially truthful journalism: this is a serious and positive breakthrough. Leonhardt always has a mind of his own; I appreciate and value his serious independent streak.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Bernie's Endorsements~ the Rationales Behind Them; Meet Sanders' National Political Director Analilia Mejia
Bernie is on a roll with key endorsements from individuals and from groups; my hope is that it continues to spill over into the editorial page endorsements, which in Iowa should start showing up very soon. He is lucky to have the guidance and help of his National Political Director Analilia Mejia, plus strong support in all 4 first primary states, including Native American leaders as Chairs in Nevada and Arizona.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Bernie Lands Major Nevada Endorsement: the 19,000-member Clark County Educational Association
From the Clark County School District, the fifth-largest school district in the country, this is really huge news for Bernie in Nevada, the first major endorsement that we know of in that state, one of the last states to have its primary just before Super Tuesday. Bernie is in a position to win in Iowa, New Hampshire, and I believe in Nevada, with the momentum of this important endorsement building rapidly.
(10 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Bernie's Co-Chair Nina Turner: While Sanders has always stood up for African Americans, Biden has repeatedly let us down
This is a very important and memorable statement from Bernie's Co-Chair, which unravels the cataclysmic differences between the 2 candidates' history bringing facts for our analysis, and not just jolly campaign rhetoric written by grownup Poli Sci wonks employed as "spin doctors." If Turner keeps up this great journalism, it will turn the tide and garner warranted support for Bernie from African Americans in every state.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 12, 2020 Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Barrasso: "Forever chemical' bill has 'no prospects' in Senate"
The real issue to be resolved in unraveling this confusing tangle of legislative language, initiatives, and priorities must be that nagging eternal question of WHO is going to pay for cleaning up PFAS at 300+ sites, potentially comparable to Superfund cleanups. Corporations should bear the brunt of such expenses but as well all know, Trump and GOP Senators are likely to deny any such assessment of all corporate liabilities.
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, January 6, 2020 1st Iowa Newspaper Endorsement Went to (Take a Guess To Whom!), Plus a Young Iowa Congresswoman Endorses Biden
What matters the most to you, an endorsement from a newspaper editorial page, a congressman, or a political organization? How about voting machine manipulation? Please comment. We need to know what you think; if you are able to ask your own nearby newspapers and your own Democratic politicos, please do so soon. You could do a world of good for Bernie Sanders in this humble and very personal way, in writing +/or on the phone.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 5, 2020 How Bernie Sanders hangs in (An Early Quasi-Endorsement in a Vital State~~~Ohio)
"Mr. Sanders' enduring strength comes, first, from authenticity the quality that was supposed to help Mr. Biden. But Mr. Biden is, it turns out, mostly an authentic lifetime pol weighed down by contradiction and a lifetime of deals, even if legal. Bernie Sanders is rooted in a set of values and he has been utterly consistent about them for 40 years. You may not agree with him on everything, but you can respect his sincerity."
(30 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Trump's EPA Pumps Up Bayer Fighting $25 Million Verdict in Roundup Cancer Despite Many Nations Having Banned Roundup
Given numerous jurisdictions in the US and internationally banning Roundup/Glyphosate, it is incomprehensible for the EPA Pesticide Cheerleaders to have filed their Amicus Brief, until you realize the true full import, that not only the EPA but the FDA as well are in complete obeisance from the massive corporate strangleholds on them, starting back about 1980 with Rumsfeld forcing carcinogenic aspartame's approval through FDA.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 30, 2019 Of 49 Journalists killed in 2019, 5 Murdered in Mexico, 7 in Syria, 2 in Iraq, 2 in Somalia
What shocking statistics! but still way fewer than were killed and murdered in 1994 (56), 2006 (49), 2007 (51), 2009 (54), 2015 (51), 2018 (36) Coming forth with the truth is especially dangerous in Mexico, Syria, Philippines, and Iraq. Since 1992, 870 journalists have been murdered, with motive identified. William Westhoven, NJ journalist, asks "Why do you snicker when he says 'fake news' and paints a target on our back?"
SHARE Sunday, December 29, 2019 List of Bernie Sanders' 2020 Presidential Campaign Endorsements
The person reading the letters to editors is often the person who writes the endorsements, or is on the editorial board making endorsements just before the primary election. I encourage you to watch this 66-minute video of Bernie with the Editorial Board of the Des Moines Register, the largest paper in the first primary state. See my article Bernie's Brilliant Des Moines Register Interview.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 29, 2019 Most Eloquent of 2020: President Lopez Obrador of Mexico responds to Trump's tariff threat
Lopez Obrador: "President Trump, social problems are not resolved by tariffs or coercive measures like turning a neighboring country overnight into a ghetto, an enclosed place for the migrants of the world, where they're stigmatized, abused, persecuted, and excluded and the right to justice is denied to those who seek to work and to live free from want. The Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol."
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Nevada & Arizona Tribal Leaders Chair Sanders' State Campaigns; Deep Nevada Inroads, reported from Local Media
Sanders is the candidate most fluent in Native American issues. Indian Country has avoided politics, distrustful of governments waging war against them, polluting land, not living up to treaties. Fueled by Standing Rock plus the election of Rep. Deb Haaland and Rep. Sharice Davids as the first two Native American women to serve in Congress, Native leaders are making a stand in 2020. Message to candidates: Native Votes Matter!
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 23, 2019 Glenn Greenwald: "I can't leave my house without armed security guards," plus Interview with Lula in Prison
During the last 6 months of Intercept's reporting on Bolsonaro's government, the right-wing leader has not only publicly threatened me with prison, but also accused me and my husband of having a sham marriage, and adopting Brazilian children as a fraud in order to avoid being deported. They know that transparency and free discourse are the primary obstacles to returning Brazil back to the dark days of military dictatorship.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 22, 2019 Beto's New Organization Powered by the People, Focused Initially on One Texas Legislature Race
Grassroots organizing, door-to-door block walking, and voter engagement is the best way. That's how I've won long shot races in the past, it's how I won more votes than any Democrat in Texas history in 2018; it's how we're going to help Eliz win this race-why I'm starting a new grassroots organization, Powered by People, to help candidates by bringing volunteers from around the state to work on the most important Texas races
SHARE Saturday, December 21, 2019 Humanitarian Volunteer Scott Warren and Family Reflect on Borderlands and 2 Years of Government Persecution
The comments issued by the United States Attorney for Arizona after the trial underscore that the Trump administration will continue to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the border with repression, fear and intimidation. The outpouring of support our family has received reminds us that decency and compassion are what link us as humans and citizens of the earth. We are profoundly grateful.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 21, 2019 Bernie's Brilliant Des Moines Register Interview (The Most Important Newspaper in the Context of the Primaries)
I believe now, as I did in 2016, and as I did in the various elections in 2018, particularly Texas, that the Editorial pages ... can and will tip the scale for the ultimate victor.
This is something to be proud of as Americans, that despite many harsh criticisms, we still have a functioning free press that is not largely beholden to Wall Street or to corporate America.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 20, 2019 David Leonhardt of NY Times Explains His Views on How, Why, and When to Send Impeachment Articles to Senate
From Stephen Fox:
With or without "leverage" in the Senate, I personally believe the issue of whether there will be fair and open trial is gigantic and crucial, and that delivering the Articles should and must wait until that is explicitly clear and debated, then advanced in accordance with the satisfaction of the House leaders. and to quibble over that term is moot, in my opinion. Just time it right.
(18 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 18, 2019 "We cannot let the Senate trial be part of the cover-up."~~US Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon
Senator McConnell has made his intentions plain: This will be a show trial, designed to quickly dismiss the serious charges against the President. He has rejected Senator Schumer's request to call critical witnesses with 1st-hand knowledge, including the acting White House chief of staff and the President's national-security advisor at the time. McConnell complained that calling these witnesses is a pathway "to get to guilty."
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 18, 2019 "We Need to Clean up this Mess!" New Mexico Senator Heinrich on PFAS Pollution
The federal government has a responsibility to clean up after itself and an obligation to protect the health of military communities like Clovis. We can't wait to clean up this toxic PFAS mess and protect the health and safety of impacted communities. DoD must remedy contaminated sites, provide clean water to farms, and compensate affected landowners.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Netflix, stop glorifying law enforcement! from Jade Magnus Ogunnaike, Color Of Change
Black migrants seek safety through the US-Mexico border but law enforcement's demonization continues. By racially profiling people and creating fear, law enforcement agencies make Black Americans and vulnerable. Black migrants feel unsafe in their own homes and unwelcome in this country. Despite these disturbing realities, Netflix's "Border Security: America's Front Line" neglects to show law enforcement's ongoing atrocities.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Merkley Announces Senate Passage of Legislation Preventing American Products Used for Human-Rights Abuses in Hong Kong
Sen Merkley announced that the Senate unanimously passed his bipartisan legislation banning export of crowd-control munitions and equipment to the Hong Kong Police Force for one year. Amnesty International has called upon US gov to suspend exports of such products to Hong Kong. The Senators' bipartisan legislation meets this call, helping ensure that American products are not being used to enable human-rights abuses.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 2, 2019 5 Reasons to Avoid Diet Drinks [Aspartame is Metabolized as FORMALDEHYDE] Naveed Saleh, MD, MS, for MDLinx
Anything less is inertia & a dereliction of duty, which is IN FACT on going in all 50 Departments of Health, well as at the FDA whose department of food safety has been corrupted since 1981 when Donald Rumsfeld forced the aspartame's approval to go through the FDA in one of the crookedest deals in the checkered history of that belabored agency!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 28, 2019 How far We have Devolved from the First Thanksgiving....
Thanksgiving celebrates when a migrant caravan immigrated to America to escape persecution and seek asylum, and Native Americans gave the undocumented immigrants the aid they needed to survive.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Bernie Needs a Million Letters to the Editor All Over US; He Responds to Obama's "Too Far Left" Critical Comments
My straightforward idea boils down to Bernie asking his supporters to write either opinion/editorials and/or letters to the editor and send them out to 5 newspapers. This would be a tidal wave of public expression, something at this time in the cycle would be like dropping a brick in a full bathtub: the waves would hit the sides, and the media at large would be not able to continue to push myth that Biden is the "FRONTRUNNER"
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, November 15, 2019 We Are In The Middle Of An Amphibian Crisis: Force Change Educational Series by Nick Englefried
Habitat destruction:
From the rainforests of Brazil to wetlands in the United States, amphibian habitats are under attack. Deforestation, damming of rivers, and draining of swamps and marshes are all activities that destroy the homes of amphibians and countless other animals. Some of the highest concentrations of frog species are in the tropics, where rainforests are cleared for timber or to make room for agriculture.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Taking on Big Pharma by US Senator Jeff Merkley
No one should go bankrupt just to afford the daily medication they need to stay alive. It's time to put people above profits, and tell the big drug companies that their days extorting Americans who need insulin are over.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Big Democrat Wins In KY and VA signal Major Shift Coming in 2020
Big wins for Democrats in Kentucky and in Virginia portend big wins in 2020 and a repudiation of those small red hats festooned with Make America Great Again! Even in my home stompin' grounds of little old Santa Fe New Mexico, for the first time ever, there are more women on the new City Council than men.
SHARE Thursday, July 25, 2019 Senator Martin Heinrich speaks out on the Humanitarian Crisis at the Border
"Children as young as infants and toddlers have been taken from their families. The Trump administration is throttling the legal ports of entry where refugees are required under law to present themselves for asylum, pushing huge groups to remote and more dangerous stretches of the border. We have tragically seen this result in the deaths of several children in New Mexico near some of our remote ports of entry."
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, June 21, 2019 Methanol Poisoning Signs And Treatment: Aspartame is a Major Cause [Analysis by Dr. Betty Martini]
Dr. James Bowen: "Only after long usage does liver damage cause methanol levels to rise because the liver mitochondria are too damaged to processes either methyl or ethyl alcohol. Then acute methanol poisoning is directly measurable from lab results, as the blood methanol level elevates. This sequence, or "toxic axis," begins with your very first dose of aspartame. Poisons accumulate." Eventually, all aspartame victims die.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, June 21, 2019 NM's US Sen. Martin Heinrich: "The President's Ineffective Rhetoric and Intentional Chaos vs. Pragmatic Solutions"
Senator Martin Heinrich: "I always wonder how different my own life would be if America had turned my father away, or broken up his family, when he immigrated here from Germany as a young boy in the 1930s. I am sincerely appreciative that so many New Mexicans are showing what we truly stand for by helping the mothers, fathers, and children who are desperately seeking refuge and the prospect of a better life."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 18, 2019 NM's US Senator Martin Heinrich: "It's time to end the Gila River diversion boondoggle"
US Senator Heinrich: "The river is the heart of the Gila National Forest and the Gila Wilderness America's first wilderness. It is far past time to scrap this doomed plan to remove water from the Gila and to instead pursue the conservation efforts we know can preserve and create access to the water we so desperately need. No diversion proposals have come close to demonstrating engineering, economic, or ecological viability."
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, June 17, 2019 What are the Symptoms and Effects of Roundup Poisoning? (If You Still Have A Shred of the Self Preservation Instinct)
Glyphosate causes extreme skin and eye irritation, blurred vision, burning eyes, rashes and skin blisters. Other symptoms: nausea, sore throat, dizziness, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract injuries; reproductive & Developmental Toxicity~high doses/prolonged exposures resulted in skeletal malformations, disrupted organ; human epidemiological studies: increased miscarriage pancreatic cancer, lymphomas, thyroid & testicular
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 11, 2019 The New Global Genocide: Roundup Weedkiller/Glyphosate (like Bayer's Parent Company Farben's Zyklon B used in Holocaust)
Roundup/Glyphosate manufactured by Monsanto/Bayer is pure Genocide; many nations have banned Roundup, including the leading genocidal nation of the 20th century, Germany, so able to recognize genocide more easily than naive Americans. And Vietnam? Another nation knowing the most about US neurotoxins (as in from their experience with AGENT ORANGE, another carcinogenic chemical made by the corporate killers at Monsanto/Bayer).
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, June 10, 2019 "Cancer is blowing in the wind," a new Santa Fe Opinion Editorial
Great to see an oped perfectly echoing my own sentiments. My articles have been focused on the legal developments against Monsanto's Roundup Weedkiller, not so much on general statements to educate the vast majority of people, especially as Amazon, Sam's Club, and Walmart all seem to be trying to compensate for the beating poor Monsanto is taking at the checkouts in the many states and cities where it is righteously banned.
(11 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 6, 2019 Robocallers Might Be Wiped Off the Face of the Earth ~ FCC Chair Ajit Pai: 5-0 Vote Will Help End Robocalls
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: "Stopping the deluge of unwanted calls is the FCC's top consumer protection priority. That's why I recently proposed to allow such calls to be blocked by default, before they even get to your phone. Call-blocking services are available now if a consumer proactively asks for it. Under my proposal, which the FCC will vote on Thursday, phone companies won't have to wait before offering these protections."
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Senate Republicans' Overwhelming Objections to "National Emergency" request for Mexican Tariff
Unprecedented GOP Senatorial objections to Trump's plans for "National Emergency 2" to result in an up-to-25% punitive tariff, the most cockeyed boondoggle concepts by him so far with devastating economic repercussions for our neighbor. I gratified as a Democrat to see this from the stalwart and normally most reactionary of the Senate Republicans~ so could this turn into some kind of weird "back flip into bipartisanship"?
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Inevitable Aspartame Dementia in the White House will Worsen
Nueorosurgeon Blaylock: "He's our president; his health is our business, too. If I were his physician, I'd advise him to do whatever it takes to ditch diet drinks." Aspartame Harms the Brain~ studies show that Diet Coke's aspartame harms the brain. Trump is 70; the damaging effects can be more pronounced on older folks. "Some had to be institutionalized with dementia because they drank large quantities of aspartame."
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 2, 2019 President of Mexico Lopez Obrador Responds to Trump's Tariff Threat
"Human beings leave their villages out of necessity. That's why I proposed opting for cooperation in development and aid for Central American countries with productive investments to create jobs and resolve this situation. Without violating human rights, we will stop passage through our country. Mexicans will not need to go to the United States because we are fighting like never before the main problem of Mexico: CORRUPTION."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 31, 2019 Former Republican Federal Prosecutors Boil Down Crux of Issue on Obstruction of Justice
1,000 former prosecutors signed their names maintaining that if Trump weren't president of the United States, he would have been indicted on multiple charges for obstruction of justice. Eleven of those former federal prosecutors appeared in a video with Robert De Niro and stated that the document detailed how Trump attempted, multiple times, to "stop, limit and interfere with the Mueller investigation and other investigations.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 30, 2019 JAY INSLEE: Remember freedom fries? 'Freedom gas' is now a thing, Energy Department says
Jingoistic nationalism and promoting fossil fuels are big for the Trump administration, but the DoE outdid itself on Tuesday with a press release touting natural gas as "freedom gas" full of "molecules of U.S. freedom." U.S. jobs are at stake, and going back more than a century, the United States is deploying heavy ammunition: the dictionary. "Freedom gas" and "molecules of U.S. freedom" the latest in Patriotic Renaming.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Immigration~~~In Our Own Image [Beto O'Rourke's Brilliant and Comprehensive Plan for Reform]
"This administration has defied the American aspiration welded into the welcome of our Statue of Liberty and secured by generation's sacrifices; it is pursuing cruel cynical policies that aim to sow confusion at our borders~it is manufacturing crises in our communities and seeking to turn us against each other. When done in our name with our tax dollars, we undermine our laws, economy, and security, we risk losing ourselves!"
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 23, 2019 Roundup Judge Chhabria Appoints Ken Feinberg as Case Mediator~Bayer Responds Today with Moronic NY Times Full Page Ad
Angry investors pushed Bayer's share prices to the lowest levels in 7 years, eviscerating more than 40 percent of Bayer's market value. Some are calling for Bayer CEO Werner Baumann to be ousted for championing the Monsanto acquisition, which closed in June 2018 as the first trial was getting underway. Judge Vince Chhabria has ordered Bayer to begin mediation talks aimed at potentially settling 13,400 lawsuits in the US alone
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, May 20, 2019 Phony Double Talk? Public Relations Lies? Dr. Martini Asks; Health Canada Still Lists Artificial Sweeteners as Approved
HJ Roberts MD warned of the damage aspartame can cause in infants and children. "Aspartame could affect subsequent generations borne to mothers who were misled about the safety of this and related chemicals. Some who regard the widespread promotion of aspartame products to these groups as "crimes against humanity" urge banning it. I recommend all pregnant women and breast feeding mothers to avoid aspartame products entirely"
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 18, 2019 Mark Zuckerberg will Remain Facebook CEO, no Matter How Many Sign Daily Kos' Sincere but Flawed "Petition"
I dislike some traits of Facebook (start with supreme indifference to the users' requests, or questions) but think about a company with 2.38 billion users~~~~just how accessible could it be without becoming dysfunctional? I use FB to send out my very serious OpEdNews articles on many subjects to millions. FB's contributions to USA's political intelligence are excellent. Zuckerberg isn't going anywhere, despite Kos petition.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 14, 2019 Health Canada NOW says: "Avoid Sugar Substitutes!" but U.S. Won't Do So Because of Corporate Manipulation of FDA
Dr. Betty Martini (Founder of Mission Possible International) and I took on the thankless task of assailing Health Canada for not labeling aspartame in products by repeatedly sending our OpEdNews Epidemiological articles to all 535 Canadian Parliamentarians and to Prime Minister Trudeau to confront a derelict industry-manipulated change about a year ago to remove warnings on 6000+ aspartame food products and 5000+ medications.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, May 13, 2019 California Jury: Bayer must pay $2+ billion to Couple with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in Roundup Cancer Trial
The jury found Roundup was defectively designed, that the company failed to warn of the herbicide's cancer risk and that the company acted negligently. The German chemicals giant now faces more than 13,400 U.S. lawsuits over the herbicide's alleged cancer risk. This is the 3rd-in-a-row American jury verdict against the Bayer in litigation over the chemical which Bayer acquired for $63 billion in its Monsanto purchase last year
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 9, 2019 Valerie Plame (Ex-CIA Agent Outed by Cheney's Chief of Staff, Spy Novelist) Running for Congress in New Mexico
"Scooter" Libby was convicted of lying to investigators and obstruction of justice following the 2003 leak. Plame was an undercover CIA officer who recommended sending her husband, the former diplomat Joe Wilson, to Niger to investigate Bush administration claims that Hussein had tried to purchase uranium from Niger, for use in weapons production. Wilson published an op-ed in 2003 casting doubts on the administration's claims.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Bernie Sanders' 1-on-1 ABC Interview with Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl
So glad to see Bernie reaffirming economic equity, justice, and limitations to the powers of the billionaire kleptocracy. He clarifies much in this vital 22 minute interview; please take the time to share it widely with friends, colleagues, family, and on Facebook. Bernie will revamp the FDA, whose regulatory powers have been usurped, corrupted, and strangled by criminal corporations and their revolving doors with the FDA.
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, May 6, 2019 Finally, Plans of Real Substance! Bernie's Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir Details Winning Strategies for 2020
No person in the world could implement our agenda just by winning the election, because the billionaires won't give up. Pharmaceutical companies will fight us when we work to lower drug prices. Health insurance executives will do all they can to stop Medicare for All. Polluters and oil companies will go all out to stop our climate control action. Sanders will need an unprecedented grassroots movement to transform our nation.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 2, 2019 Guardian Turns Profit for 1st Time in 20 years ~ What Encouraging Great News for Struggling Journalists!
"Our unique ownership model means we are not controlled by a billionaire owner, or a group of shareholders demanding financial returns any profits made, and all financial contributions from readers, are reinvested directly into our journalism," said Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief of The Guardian.
(12 comments) SHARE Monday, April 29, 2019 Battering Candidates Because of Their Age is Catastrophically Stupid: Remember Gandhi, Mandela, and Churchill!
South African leader Nelson Mandela, Britain's Winston Churchill and Konrad Adenauer, chancellor of West Germany for 14 years after the end of World War II, were all highly effective political leaders well into their 70s. Those worried about aging leaders might have in mind Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, whose leadership capacity was affected by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease; neither of those diseases is common.
(10 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 28, 2019 Starving a Defenseless Dog Should Require Owner to Suffer 5 Times Over the Same Cruel Lethal Treatment
Don't read this story if you are too softhearted to deal with animal cruelty, or if you don't believe that defenseless animals deserve as much justice as humans do. This case's judge must nail this miscreant with the maximum sentence; maybe he will suffer five times what this dog in Ohio suffered before dying a horrible and ENTIRELY AVOIDABLE death. If you witness animal cruelty, report it to authorities before its too late...
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Wall Street Journal Wins Pulitzer for Investigating Trump's Hush Money Story
What do you think of this? Please comment. My suspicions are even more aroused, and there is a bewildering amount of material to unravel.
The Wall Street Journal announced that its coverage on Donald Trump's role in hush-money payments won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting. This marks WSJ's 38th overall Pulitzer Prize.
My journalism is sometimes about other journalism, the fascinating unfolding of huge stories.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 17, 2019 Vietnam Bans Roundup/Glyphosate, then the Nation That Endured Agent Orange is Chastised by US Agriculture Secretary
Hoang Trung, head of Plant Protection Department under Vietnam's Ministry of Agriculture posted on the department's website that long-term exposure to herbicides and pesticides affects the environment and is severely unhealthy for those exposed. "The decision to remove herbicides containing glyphosate from the list of plant protection chemicals permitted for use in Vietnam is in accordance with international regulations."
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 11, 2019 Another Take on Assange's Expulsion from Ecuador's Embassy (Statement by the President of Ecuador Lenin Moreno)
Have we passed over into the next difficult paradigm in an untenable situation which couldn't go on forever; whether his prosecution is right or wrong will be determined by courts Could he ever be vindicated judicially? I hope he can get a fair trial and that he can prevail. This statement by the President of Ecuador which is quite illuminating. I've never been good at puzzles, and this is a very difficult very large puzzle.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 10, 2019 Tulsi Gabbard Reaches 65,000 Donors, Thus Enabling Her to Be on the Debate Stage (Her "Best Birthday Present of All!")
Tulsi wrote: We are succeeding because we stand strong for what the American people want and need: leadership free from corruption and warmongering, that puts people before profits; leaders who will not drag us into one regime change war after another, inflaming the new Cold War and nuclear arms race that has been and will continue to drain trillions of dollars from our economy and threaten our communities, nation, and planet.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 5, 2019 Senator Merkley of Oregon Sounds Alarm on McConnell's Senate Tricks to Ram Confirmation for Trump's Judges
Historians wondering who broke America: the answer clearly is McConnell; that's why we must fire him as majority leader, put Democrats back in charge, and then fix the Senate that McConnell and Republicans have so damaged. "It's galling that McConnell explains the change by arguing that 'Since January 2017, for the first time in memory, a minority has exploited procedure to obstruct a president staffing his administration.'"
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 4, 2019 From Ditch Mitch: McConnell has Kicked in the "Nuclear Option" for Judicial Confirmations: 30 hours of Debate Cut to 2
If Democrats stalled to prevent a judicial nominee from being confirmed, Senate rules allowed Republicans to limit debate to 30 hours per nominee. This let Republicans ensure that Democrats couldn't hold up a nominee for forever, but because there is a finite amount of time that the Senate is in session, the 30 hour rule meant that there were only so many of Trump's picks that McConnell could push through; 30 now reduced to 2.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 3, 2019 Millions of Lives Depend on Refuting and Reversing 4 Decades of FDA's Aspartame Lies---Statement By Dr. Betty Martini
FDA must stop refusing to accept a petition to ban just because they don't want to answer the facts I have provided in this email; they know it's on the market illegally as FDA's Dr. Adrian Gross told the Senate. His last words, "If the FDA violates its own law, who is left to protect the public?" If the FDA were doing its job instead of lying and denying, this global operation wouldn't exist.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 27, 2019 From Ditch Mitch: McConnell blocked 2 votes on resolution calling for release of Muller report
What is Mitch so afraid of? What does he think is in Mueller's report that he has to hide it from the American people? Mitch is the most unpopular senator in the nation; he knows he's vulnerable enough that he could lose. Even in ruby red Kentucky, our most recent poll from last month shows that McConnell is only ahead 3 percentage points in a head-to-head match-up against a Democrat. What Mitch McConnell fears most is US!
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, March 22, 2019 Brazil's Fascist President Bolsonaro Visiting CIA Headquarters Reiterates US's Latin America Plans
Backdrop of Brazil Leader Visit: Trump, National Security Advisor John Bolton, and U.S. Envoy for Venezuela Elliot Abrams envision a region back under control of Washington but their schemes have not gone according to plan. They expected a majority of the Venezuelan army to rebel, a maximum of 0.1 percent have done so, and the majority of the world's nations have refused to recognize Washington's hand-picked president Guaido.
(12 comments) SHARE Friday, March 22, 2019 Bayer/Monsanto Stock Bombs, Takes a Well Deserved Brutal Beating; Financial Outlook is Bleak, Prognosis is Bad
"This isn't the way Bayer expected the 1st bellwether trial of the federal multi-district litigation cases to go, because this was one of the better chessboards it was facing at trial." At the end of 2018 there were 11,200 glyphosate cases in multiple districts." "It's looking as if Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto is a candidate for the pantheon of truly terrible mergers-and-acquisitions, an air of cursed inevitability."
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 21, 2019 Please sign this Petition to Bring Justice In Pittsburgh for 2 Black Men Shot by Police
"Police killings are cutting the lives of Black people short. Black people are dying at the hands of police at a rate of 7.2 per million, while whites are killed at a rate of 2.9 per million -- it's no secret that police-involved shootings impact Black people at disproportionately high rates. With the acquittal of officers responsible for the murders of both Stephon Clark and Terence Crutcher, rampant violence goes unchecked."
(16 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Prepare the Funeral Dirge for Monsanto/Bayer~Unanimous Federal Jury: Roundup Weedkiller is Major Factor in Man's Cancer
The death knell for Monsanto/Bayer is getting louder; the federal jury's verdict came in Edwin Hardeman's lawsuit vs. Roundup's maker, the 2nd plaintiff to go to trial out of 1000's around the United States who maintain this weed killer caused their cancers, despite Monsanto maintaining that "Roundup's active ingredient is safe." This article focuses on videos re: Carey Gillam's 20 years of brilliant analysis and reporting.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Monsanto CA Judge Worked for Firm That Defended Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone; 3rd Trial starting March 25
Bovine Growth Hormone dangerous to humans & considered inhumane in causing health problems in cows~ painful udder infections, hoof problems and birth defects. To counter these issues, dairy farmers use antibiotics, which contributes to rising threat of antibiotic resistance, as explained in a report by Physicians for Social Responsibility Oregon~FDA approval in 1983 but synthetic growth hormone banned in Europe and
(14 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 17, 2019 "Hands off Venezuela" March in Washington: Background and Repercussions~Is Trump Trumping the Monroe Doctrine?
Eugene Puryear: "All over Washington any day of the week there are people eating out of garbage cans, begging for change, doing whatever they can just to survive. When they say they care about humanitarian aid, where's the humanitarian aid for thousands of homeless people in the D.C. region? They say money is more important than people and they want you to think that they're in Venezuela for some sort of humanitarian reason."
(8 comments) SHARE Friday, March 15, 2019 Reactions to Beto's Candidacy in Bernie's Largest Facebook Group, Bernie Sanders for President 2020
I've been for Bernie since Feb 2016. You must know your opponent well especially the strongest one. To not be informed is catastrophic; anyone political at any level know that; to not do so is to be BLINDSIDED. About Beto: I hold his intellect and integrity in high esteem; I worked on his 2018 Senate campaign 1200 hours; if he'd taken my advice about organizing supporters to write on Texas editorial pages, he'd have won.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 14, 2019 Absurd! (Elizabeth Warren and Robert Reich saying "Break Up" Facebook, Google, and Amazon); Regulate? Yes
But to put Facebook, Amazon, and Google on the same par as the monopolies of the early 20th Century, the big railroads and big banks, a la Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, and Jay Gould, with all of the anti-trust regulations, etc., that is an absurd draconian pie-in-the-sky knee-jerk conclusion, like throwing the baby out with the bathwater! start by asking your Congress members to shape some relevant bills.
(15 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 14, 2019 Beto O'Rourke is Running for President: "We can have a government that serves people instead of corporations."
"At this moment of truth where we could make or break our democracy, where we will decide the fate of generations to come, we must all ask what we can give to this country and to the people who will inherit the consequences of our choices. The connected crises in our economy, our democracy and our climate will either consume us or they will afford us the opportunity to demonstrate our resolve, our creativity and our courage."
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Journalistic Coverage of 60th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day March 10 was Internationally Thorough
This journalist composite on March 10 is very vital to me, having worked for 20 years to help obtain the release of Tibetan political prisoners. China has locked up tens of thousands in prisons all over Tibet, much like the Germans did to Jews at Auschwitz, Bergen Bergen, Treblinka, Dachau, etc. Once, in 2004, I was very successful, in coordination with Dalai Lama's office, Save Tibet International, and Amnesty International.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Sanders: Trump Budget is "Breathtaking in its Cruelty"~~~Leahy: "Dead on Arrival and Divorced from Reality"
Sanders proves WHY he is the front runner, & is backed up by longest serving US Senator, Vermont's Patrick Leahy. Pelosi dumps on impeachment; Steyer: "Is holding the President accountable for his crimes and cover-ups 'worth it?' Is doing what's right 'worth it?' Or shall America just stop fighting for our principles and do what's politically convenient?" Who can say for sure how the Senate would vote in an impeachment trial?
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 10, 2019 In Another Judicial Blow to Trump, Federal Judge Sabraw Rules in Favor of ACLU in Family Separation Cases: Texas Tribune
"The hallmark of a civilized society is measured by how it treats its people and those within its borders," Judge Dana Sabraw wrote in his 14-page ruling. "That Defendants may have to change course and undertake additional effort to address these issues does not render modification of the class definition unfair; it only serves to underscore the unquestionable importance of the effort and why it is necessary (and worthwhile)."
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 9, 2019 Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump 2020 Electoral Map Prediction
Electoral College Maps, already? Yes! Furthermore, the video's discussion is brilliant. There are many salient and relevant facts in this video; I encourage you to study it and even take some detailed notes, so you can use these points of view to convince ambivalent fence sitter friends and family. Please comment as your insights are quite important to me and to the Sanders campaign. I include an insight YouTube comment, too.
(14 comments) SHARE Friday, March 8, 2019 $4.4+ million from Oil/Gas/Coal, so McConnell Blasts Green New Deal and Doesn't Need to Believe in Climate Change
Mitch may say that climate change is just another political issue he can use to win by screaming "socialism" and denying that it even exists. But it is undeniably a very real and existential threat; Mitch doesn't take it seriously; big joke ~ that's why, together, we're building a grassroots movement that is going to finally hold Mitch McConnell accountable and defeat him once and for all when he's up for re-election in 2020.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, March 8, 2019 Most Sensible Reaction to Omar's House Vote was Just Published in Haaretz (Israeli Paper that Hosts Peace Conferences!)
With all of the ranting, raving, posturing, howling, pontificating, and sheer bloviating going on about a sincere and straightforward question as to why and how Israel has so much influence in Congress (and in the State Department), it is so refreshing to see opinion by a very open minded Israeli, Gideon Levy in this progressive Israeli newspaper, who states it perfectly, so I feel honored to republish his remarks in full.
(17 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 6, 2019 House Dems Postpone Omar Resolution Vote after Progressive Groups and Congress Members Defend Her
Questioning how much of US Foreign Policy results from long standing support for Israel and manipulation by pro-Israel Congress members, who have never in decades had their support challenged or questioned? I commend Omar for challenging the history of 1981 El Salvador massacres and assassinations by Trump's point man for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, and no one else did that: that speaks volumes to what she is really all about!
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, March 4, 2019 House Judiciary Proceeds Towards Impeachment; AP Fact Checks on Speech; UK Guardian's Selects Bizarre Moments
House Judiciary Chairman Nadler: "Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen." Nadler also said that it was "very clear" the President had obstructed justice. In his weekend 2+ hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee, Trump uttered a dizzying number of false statements in his 2+ hour long weekend speech, to an audience who loved and guffawed at every word.
(21 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 2, 2019 Russia, China veto US Venezuela Resolution in Security Council; Elliott Abrams' role in the 1981 Massacre El Salvador
Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia replied that Washington was staging an "illegal theater of the absurd" by seeking to install opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's president. "We are seriously concerned about the fact that today's meeting may be exploited as a step for preparations of a real, not humanitarian, intervention ... as a result of the inability of the Security Council to resolve the situation in Venezuela"
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 27, 2019 Ditch Mitch's Big News: House votes to overturn Donald Trump's national emergency declaration
McConnell swore an oath to "defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." But with the House bill to overturn Trump's emergency declaration now headed to the Senate for a required vote, don't expect Mitch to simply roll over and allow it to be passed. He has no ideology or ideals beyond winning, and he will trample all over our political institutions and norms to get what he wants....
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, February 25, 2019 Beto O'Rourke's Eloquence on the History of Defeating Racism: "Courage Makes Victory Possible"
Beto: We need education equity, changing a school-to-prison pipeline where students of color are 5 times more likely to be suspended than their white peers. We must address health care inequity, with a maternal mortality crisis impacting black mothers at 3 times the rate of white mothers. We must change our justice system in sentencing disparities causing 25% of black children to have a parent in the criminal justice system."
(16 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 24, 2019 Defending Reason, Logic, and Tempered Judgement: Reply to Bernie Sanders Critics Tearing up His Venezuela Position
Sanders: "Clearly Maduro has been very, very abusive. That is a decision of the Venezuelan people, so I think, Jorge (Unavision) there's got to be a free and fair election. But what must not happen is that the United States must not use military force and intervene again as it has done in the past in Latin America, as you recall, whether it was Chile or Brazil or Dominican Republic or Guatemala." Maduro endorsed Bernie in 2016
(21 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 23, 2019 Bernie Sanders' Foreign Policy Advantage is Clear and Substantial
What separates him in this race are his well-defined foreign policy views and his synthesis of domestic and international concerns. He can move to new territory, opening vital conversations about America's role in the world. He brings a new set of progressive ideas to the Democratic mainstream. Sanders could establish himself as the leading candidate for Democrats to rebuild the nation's reputation and as much as its economy.
(12 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 23, 2019 Ditch Mitch Releases Startling Credible Poll Results on the 2020 Kentucky Senate Race
"This is why we created Ditch Mitch, why we're building a grassroots movement dedicated to take him on and defeat him next November. If we can convince even just half of the undecided voters to support Mitch's Democratic opponent, we'll be within striking distance; if we register enough voters and show a fraction of the Republicans who don't like McConnell why they should Ditch Mitch, we'll win. We are taking on a behemoth."
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, February 22, 2019 Congressman Ro Khanna of Silicon Valley Gives An Eloquent, Incisive Endorsement for Bernie Sanders
Because of his conviction, courage, and consistency, a champion across his career, even when it's unpopular with party leaders, wealthy donors, and powerful interest groups, Bernie has fought for his constituents, the American people, understanding that people in this country have been left behind by an economic and political system that favors a few on top. He has been leading the fight against systemic inequality for decades
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, February 22, 2019 Billionaire Back-Stabbing of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with Times Square Sign - Her Defenders Fight Back
Corporations are used to communities and governments bending over backwards to give them everything they want in the name of "jobs," even if the jobs never materialize or go to well-to-do jobseekers. CEO's are terrified by the prospect of progressive politicians insisting that their neighborhoods and their labor be treated with respect; now scare-mongering about "socialism"; when people fight back, cash flow is in jeopardy.
(60 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 21, 2019 You Personally Could Help Bernie by Asking YOUR Democratic Officials to Endorse Him for 2020
Please think of how we could grow this Sanders endorsement list meaningfully and quickly. I'm asking my 2 US Senators to join this list that starts with longest serving Senator Patrick Leahy, and could soon include Oregon's Jeff Merkley; following Bernie's list is Trump's with the hope that it will motivate Democrats to realize what we are up against and how we'll work to help Bernie win the nomination and the general election
(35 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 20, 2019 Vital Strategic and Tactical Considerations to Ensure that Bernie Wins the Nomination and the Presidency
Editorial page strategy coalesces power, shows which community leaders support Bernie and why, doesn't cost any money like TV ads; people pay attention to letters to editor and op-eds; and most vitally, the editor who reads the letters and decides whether to publish them or not is usually the same person who writes the vital late October candidate endorsements, or in larger papers, talks to editorial board doing endorsements
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, February 18, 2019 The President Came to El Paso~~~By Beto O'Rourke
Last week, we welcomed the President to one of the safest cities in the United States. Safe not because of walls, and not in spite of the fact that we are a city of immigrants. Safe because we are a city of immigrants and because we treat each other with dignity and respect. A city that has the opportunity to lead on the most important issues before us, out of experience, out of compassion and out of fierce determination.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, February 18, 2019 Sins of the Father are then visited upon the Sons: The Saga of the Aspartame-Rumsfeld Plague
What defense does fetal RNA have for corporate-sponsored ravages of aspartame's formaldehyde and brain tumor causing agent, diketopiperazine? According to the translator of Searle's Central American research trials, many got brain tumors and seizures; those studies were never published, but perhaps as direct result of these studies, Searle sold to Monsanto, allowing the guilty to hide from disgrace, censure, and prosecution.
(21 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 16, 2019 You Really Need to Know Who Bernie Sanders Was In The 1960s! ~~~ Shaun King Introduces Bernie in Los Angeles
Progressive Heroes video: Bernie Sanders' civil rights activism at the University of Chicago and continuing segregation in the Chicago public schools, including Shaun King's introduction in Los Angeles; Black schoolchildren were not good enough to be schooled in 328 empty white children's classrooms, but had to be put in those freezing cold Mayor Daley's Willis Wagon trailers with holes in the floor for the rodents to come in
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, February 15, 2019 Trump's Emergency/Leon Panetta plus David Frum at The Atlantic: A State of Unreality
After signing a congressional funding bill, Trump plans to declare a national emergency to obtain money for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. But would such an executive action be lawful? Judy Woodruff speaks with former Defense Secretary Panetta about who decides what constitutes a national emergency and if the president is attempting to circumvent Congress. Is this alarming to you, or just another "Tempest in a Teapot"?
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Another Blistering Rational Rebuttal of Trump's Wall Against Mexico From New Mexico's US Senator Heinrich
"We should seek common ground on pragmatic, responsible solutions to challenges and opportunities in our border region, including more medical resources improving health and safety in remote areas of the southern border, improving infrastructure at ports of entry to grow our economy and create new jobs, and investing in smart border security like new technologies." Please see Udall's statement on Trump's Wall Against Mexico
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Zimbabwe and Tanzania's Baby Elephant Slaughter by Trophy Hunter Safaris Could Be Stopped, Using This Petition
To the Presidents of Zimbabwe and Tanzania: "We are appalled by the increasing senseless slaughter of Africa's wildlife by Americans, Europeans, and Asians. There are examples of successful ecotourism in nations like Costa Rica that would prove far more valuable to your nation than perpetuating this on-going slaughter of baby elephants, adult giraffes, water buffalo, white rhino, saiga antelope, primates, lions, ad nauseum."
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 31, 2019 Iowa's Unconstitutional Ag-Gag Law against Undercover Probes and Whistleblowers Tossed out by Federal Judge
"A grievous harm to our democracy occurs when the government uses the power of the criminal laws to target unpopular speech to protect those with power, which is exactly what this law was always about," said Rita Bettis Austen, ACLU Legal Director of Iowa. "It has effectively silenced advocates and ensured that animal cruelty, unsafe food safety practices, environmental hazards, and inhumane working go unreported for years."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Thoughts from the Road; Another Profound Epistle by Beto O'Rourke
Beto is one of the most sincere people I've encountered in many years of politics: his epistles are profound philosophically, and remind me of Travels with Charley, by John Steinbeck. Please read this to see how he rises above the fray with his at times anguished healing insights. He's been blasted for receiving large oil and gas contributions, but he is from Texas; they have a lot of oil and gas money so no big deal to me...
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 12, 2019 Ditch Mitch-"Troll Nation-How The Right Became Trump Worshiping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America & Truth"
Normally, I would not dignify McConnell with even a few keystrokes on my laptop's keyboard, but recently, his obstructionism warrants scrutiny, plus his tacit participation in continuing the shutdown has really started to bother me. Now, his career path has evolved to cementing Trump's judicial appointments at all levels, a complete about face from what he did to Obama's judicial appointments. Hypocritical, but not to Mitch!
(35 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 6, 2019 New York Times Exposed for Sabotaging Bernie Sanders 2020; How and Why This is Happening
Written by Brian Hanley; his 2 YouTube videos meticulously break down contrived attacks on Bernie Sanders' 2020 candidacy by NY Times writer Sydney Ember (I won't use "journalist" for her hacking articles). I analyzed the same kind of thing occurring in 2016, particularly the articles by Nate Cohn. The smear campaign is highly coordinated to curry favor with billionaires and Wall Street bankers still worried about Bernie...
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, January 4, 2019 Jimmy Dore: British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign, Operating in Iowa in 2016
The Integrity Initiative, a British pseudo-NGO tasked with running anti-Russian propaganda operation seems to involve a mole British spies inserted into the Bernie Sanders campaign.The Anglo-american anti-Russian campaign, of which the Integrity Initiative is a part, has a wider target field than Russia. It is used to press for censorship of all unwelcome opinion that runs against the 'deep state.'
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 30, 2018 Facebook Moderation Rule Book Leaked~~~Facebook Jail vs.The First Amendment
Articles about election integrity, Monsanto's weed killer Roundup, corporate lies coming out of a few mendacious politicians' mouths, or the carcinogenic sweetener aspartame: how are these deemed as dangerous or as "violating our community standards," as Facebook puts it with no clear posted rules whether determined by a robot in Menlo Park or a Facebook monitor sitting in a cubicle. I NEVER use hate speech nor incite violence
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 26, 2018 MSNBC won't tell you they fired the late Ed Schultz for wanting to cover Bernie Sanders
"I think the Clintons were connected to [NBC News chief] Andy Lack, connected at the hip," Schultz said. "I think that they didn't want anybody in their prime time or anywhere in their lineup supporting Bernie Sanders. I think that they were in the tank for Hillary Clinton, and I think that it was managed, and 45 days later I was out at MSNBC."
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 25, 2018 Who is Killing Indigenous Leaders in Colombia and Brazil? Newspapers say Paramilitaries~Families Blame NarcoTraffickers
"They will not silence us; their bullets will kill the body but the ideas, the conviction, of Edwin Dagua Ipia and the Nasa people will follow more alive and stronger than ever. This young liberator will continue to be present in each of our hearts. Today the cowards, the assassins, the policy of death of the State and their model of extermination, took your life, but your seed will germinate and people will honor your name."
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, December 24, 2018 NY Times Already Smearing Bernie For 2020 ~~~~ Jimmy Dore's Brilliant Analysis
This TYT video above concerns a different subject than Jimmy Dore's other video, a brilliant analysis of the flawed slanted coverage at the New York Times, already twisting the facts looking toward 2020. Dore goes into a lot of further analysis of how Bernie is being and has been treated by political pundits, journalists, and armchair elitists. For sureslanted 20202 coverage minimizing and belittling Bernie is already starting
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 23, 2018 Closed Until Further Notice~~~A Statement by Congressman Beto O'Rourke
"Take action on the most urgent issues of our day: climate change, healthcare, endless war, income inequality, immigration, the vibrancy of rural communities and inner cities, education and criminal justice reform. Define the goal in each area, build the coalition to achieve it, find the common ground (between parties, between branches of government), and move forward."
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 23, 2018 Kyrgyzstan and Bhutan: Soon to Have All Organic Agriculture; No More Roundup and Monsanto/Bayer
Gross National Happiness? 2 Central Asian Nations, Kyrgyzstan and Bhutan, with totally organic agriculture? Pakistan, a nation with 197 million people, completely banning Monosodium Glutamate? A possible new Undersecretary General of the United Nations focused on Nutrition, Organic Agriculture, and Consumer Protection? No, we're not dreaming ~~~ these ideas are all have either occurred or are moving towards realization.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Vicious Political Criticism is the Wrong Direction and Tactic to Heal America, and Will Only Worsen by November 2020
From Karli Thompson, Digital Manager for Democracy for America: "In the 14 months between now and Iowa, and we're going to spend every minute of that time pushing each and every candidate to do a better job of advancing progressive policies, expanding electorates and exciting the new generation of Black, brown and white voters who demand real change." Political hostilities don't have to grow like ugly cancers until Nov. 2020!
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Could the New FDA Deputy Commissioner Oncologist Amy Abernethy Help Rescind Approval for Carcinogenic Food Additives?
"In Oncology we think a lot about prevention. Ultimately, the best way to reduce the scourge of disease is to help people maintain health. Being an oncologist helps to frame things well for me from that perspective. As a doctor and a daughter of a man who died of cancer, we must learn what works and what doesn't work, and we have a level of confidence that allows us then to make judicious decisions in the clinic."
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 13, 2018 Senator Udall on Immigration Policies, Trump's Wall, Separating Children, Troops at the Border, and Related Legislation
"New Mexicans and other border state residents who experience border issues first hand want border security, but overwhelmingly reject the construction of the wall."
"Unfortunately, the President has yet to turn back these indefensible policies. However, I remain committed to advocating for their dismantlement and to seeking comprehensive immigration reform consistent with our long-standing values as a nation."
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Beto Tops MoveOn Poll / vs.Trump in 2020? A Compendium of Analyses: Pros, Cons, and One Electoral Mathematics Projection
Before we start with the Politico article and others from the New York Times, Newsweek, the Houston Chronicle, and the Washington Post, please take ten minutes and watch this fascinating and quite brilliant Electoral College analysis of a potential race between Beto and Donald Trump. This fellow, Ethan Kelly, presents nothing in this video that I am able to find fault with in terms of his cut-and-dried electoral mathematics.
(64 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 6, 2018 How to Beat the Climate Disaster Deniers at Their Own Game
Maybe Harrison Schmitt thought that his career as astronaut, Cal Tech undergrad and Harvard Ph.D. and former U.S. Senator would carry him through -- but the piles of letters from New Mexico Sierra Club members overwhelmed that~ as it should in a true democracy when constituents take the time to write in targeted letters. When Schmitt saw the Senate committee votes simply weren't there, he pulled the plug on his own nomination!
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 4, 2018 The Essence of Beto's Appeal to Americans: Why He Deserves an MSNBC or CNN Show of His Own
Branko Micetic, a New Zealand Croatian, weighs in on the issue of what Beto might do in 2020; I commend his research into Beto's legislative career, more thorough than any I read anywhere. I only fault the lack of perception of what the essence of Beto's appeal is to all Americans~his intelligence, independence, and his compassion, so needed in this era of international bad karma for America's actions and current policies.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 4, 2018 The Jerome Bressler Aspartame Report - From Beyond the Grave
The Bressler Report (by one of 3 key FDA scientists who denied approval for artificial sweetener aspartame) which was shoved under the rug in FDA's haste to get it approved in 1981, so that Donald Rumsfeld could make a $12-15 million from the patent holder, GD Searle, getting it approved by POLITICAL means rather than medical or scientific. Rummy was filmed saying precisely that, by the way. Truth is stranger than fiction, eh?
(11 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 1, 2018 Facebook Jail is Politically Driven & Oppressive, and It Usurps the First Amendment and Free Speech
Until it happens to you, "Facebook Jail" will sound funny, or irrelevant. But for Bernie Sanders activists and for critics of racism & police brutality, this is a constant threat with no written rules about what is acceptable and what is not. I know dozens of FB Democrat activists that think of FB jail as a kind of badge of honor~if you haven't been there "you need to step up your game!" Some incisive FB critics weigh in here
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 29, 2018 Clinton's Shift on Immigration is NOT a Victory for Conservatives ~ Europe's Experience is Extraneous to USA/Mexico
"Open borders" were NEVER the left wing stance; the trust in the procedures by law and asylum applications were clearly repeatedly delineated by Texas Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke, who has a better working knowledge of border issues than anyone in the entire national discussion. We concur with the recent judicial rulings which disallow henceforth any President re-casting immigration law by ill conceived "Executive Orders"
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 29, 2018 ProPublica Staffers Win 2018 First Amendment Coalition Award for "Trump Town" Investigative Series
"The task that ProPublica took on was enormous-it fought and negotiated for access to public information to shed light where light was needed. Its work is a great example of just how important aggressive and meticulous investigative journalism is." (FAC Executive Director David Snyder) They found 188 registered lobbyists in Trump's administration, many of whom once lobbied in the same areas regulated by agencies they joined.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Geraldo Hammers Fox News for Misrepresented Coverage of Immigrant Caravan; UN Asked to Send Observers to Monitor Border
"These desperate people walked 2000 miles--why? Because they want to rape your daughter or steal your lunch? No! Because they want a job. They want to fill the millions of unfilled jobs we have in the agricultural sector. They want to wash dishes in restaurants, they want to deliver pizzas. For goodness sake--we suspend our humanity when it comes to this issue and I fear that it is because they look different than we do!"
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 28, 2018 More Facebook Jail; International Lawmakers' Hearing on Facebook in UK: Venting Anger at Mark Zuckerberg's Empty Chair
Understandable how daunting it must be to develop a communications company like Facebook with now 2 billion members. Yet not dealing with the thousands of problems that such a corporation would manifest? There would come a point when your executives and you have far too many important concerns to even have working telephones or emails for any of you, and then somebody in authority positions is going to crash down legislatively
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 27, 2018 Beto O'Rourke: "Taking Kids from their Parents, Locking them up in Cages, Tear Gassing Them at the Border"
Glad to hear Beto weigh in on the immigrant caravan travesty at our border with Mexico; his is a voice of intelligence, reason, compassion, and international decency. Where are all of the similar voices in the newly Democrat controlled House? Taking a break? Waiting for more "substantive issues"? There is nothing more compelling than this one. However, Texas Election Fraud remains unaddressed, an Achilles heel of the Future.
(7 comments) SHARE Monday, November 19, 2018 FDA Bans 6 Flavor Chemicals Because of the Delaney Clause against Carcinogens, yet Ignores Petitions to Ban Aspartame
The FDA recently banned six flavor chemicals as carcinogenic under the Delaney Clause which prohibits carcinogens in food, yet ignored petitions about carcinogenic properties of artificial sweetener Aspartame; its approval was forced through the FDA by then Searle CEO Donald Rumsfeld in one of the dirtiest darkest chapters in the FDA's checkered history. It will take a court decisions to rescind aspartame's FDA approval.
(7 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 18, 2018 Facebook Jail: Content Driven and/or Numerically Based Censorship by Human Programmed Algorithmic Robots?
From one of my prior OpEdNews articles: "One never knows whether it was the content or whether it was the volume of group posts, or whether some Facebook monitor (Human or Robot, who knows?) who doesn't like what you posted and/or how many times you posted it. Facebook never posts neither rules nor anything that would clarify anything at all, except some vague references to community standards, as if that clarified it all."
(18 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 11, 2018 Vote Flipping/Election Fraud 2018: Final Article Compilation for Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota and Arizona
How could the voices of reason, logic, truth, conciliation and long range historical perspective be ignored and even totally drowned out in a state with 28 million people? How could a supposed majority of voters in Texas be swayed by mere talk of guns and taxes, even those who bought into the idiotic rhetoric that a vote for Beto's opponent was a vote against abortion, and all of those dangerous Mexican rapists & drug dealers?
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 11, 2018 People Instead of Political Action Committees ~~~ Beto O'Rourke Writes That He is Grateful in This Personal Message
To bring power and joy to politics. People instead of PACs. Communities instead of corporations. Polls and consultants left to the wind and hopefully to the past. To have the confidence to move with the courage of our convictions. To open our hearts to one another. To not allow our differences of party, of geography, of race or anything else to divide us. To not know how it would end but to know that we had to give it our best
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 8, 2018 Beto O'Rourke in 2020; Newly Elected Lucy McBath vs. NRA, and Other Reasons for Optimisim
Beto's Migrant Scandal? Much Ado About Nothing. The Next 2 years? House investigations, a standstill for DT's legislative agenda, newly elected rising women of color (especially Lucy McBath, gun legislation star who came out of retirement after her son Jordan was killed in yet another insane shooting). I will be writing about 2020 more, especially focused on GOPers becoming Democrats, like Steve Schmidt, McCain's campaign Mgr
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Beto: If You Believe GOP Vote Flipping Cheated You, Go to Federal Court! Eventually, You'll Still Make a Great Senator
Beto can't give up in an examination of the possible election fraud in Texas, especially the vote flipping that probably went on. Again, there is so much at stake, and he came to far to abandon us, his supporters, and what might actually have been his real victory, and I don't mean some consolation booby prize about having come so far against such overwhelming odds...
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 4, 2018 Texas Senate and Attorney General Races from NY Times, Corpus Christi, Dallas, The Hill & Willie Nelson and Ro Khanna
Victories can stem from Hail Mary's, from perseverance, from genius level political strategies, from highly polarized choices, from appeals to the inner goodness of a majority of the American people, from tireless efforts of inspired campaign volunteers, and from the clear pronouncements of editorial boards (if indeed anyone is listening to what editorial pages have to say anywhere in this stressed, befuddled, and coerced USA)
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 1, 2018 Beto's Optimistic Factors; Early Voting Records: Gov. Abbott: "If We Lose Texas to Democrats, We Lose USA Forever!"
There are major fear factors in for example a grandparent posting a Beto sign in their front yard in the Rio Grande Valley or in Houston, for fear that the undocumented grandchildren might be deported as a consequence. Trump's threats to 14th Amendments Birthright will backfire by galvanizing Hispanics to vote, as they realize that their vote is the first and most important line of defense in these GOP fear manipulations.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 31, 2018 Texas Vote Flipping: Update; Same Garbage Happened in 2016 and Was Never Fixed; Even Trump Raised Similar Concerns
This warrants an investigation by the US Justice Department, as well as t lawsuits. This must not go unattended, or Beto's and his team's hard work could go down the drain. This reminds me of New York State purging 1/3 million voters in the 2016 primary, which should have been done over. NY's power structure treated this as "business as usual." and that fatally flawed NY Primary got crammed down New Yorkers' throats.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 28, 2018 Texas Voting Machines Flipping Beto Votes to Cruz! Star Telegram Endorses Beto (5th out of 6 Largest Papers)
Voting Machines rigged, while Star Telegram endorses Beto. Mark my word: editorial page battles will become increasingly vital for 2020; we need to examine Beto's tactics to win with as a template. Only a party full of total idiots would ignore this sweep of the largest newspapers' endorsement; there will be more next week. Many wait till the last weekend, but the smaller papers in rural Texas will tip the scales to victory.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 27, 2018 USA Today on Beto's Use of Facebook; Early Voting Breaking Records; Ft. Worth Star Telegram Endorses Beto!
Beto's Early voter strategy works. In Harris County including Houston, 181916 voters turned out in first 3 days of early voting, compared to 83347 for the same period during 2014 midterms according to Texas Tribune~ Travis County counted 83162 votes first 3 days compared to 27116 votes in same period of 2014- USA Today publishes fierce OpEd declaring that Trump is lying about migrant caravan to intentionally scare voters!
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 25, 2018 Dallas Morning News Endorses Beto O'Rourke for Senate, Updates from Beto's Campaign
This is the 3rd of the Big 3 papers in Texas to endorse Beto. We await with great anticipation to hear the endorsements from Austin, Fort Worth, Amarillo, Lubbock, and the smaller but vital papers. In 2020 elections, this Battle of the Editorial pages is going to become far more important, since Editorial Boards and journalists will lead the charge by apparently comprehend political truths better than most of the electorate.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 25, 2018 McCain's 2008 Campaign Manager Leaves GOP Due To "Internment Camps for Babies"
Wow! What a turnaround for a former GOP Presidential candidate's campaign manager to leave the GOP with a harsh and accurate barrage of criticism of various policies, in particular, that of separating children from their parents after they cross the border illegally. (Remember which GOP Santa Monica CA High graduate apparatchik and presidential aide came up with that horrible idea? Although he will probably deny it now....)
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 23, 2018 Can You Remember any US President Insulting a Senate Candidate? I can't, and My Political Memories Go Back to 1956
Analysis of Trump's "insult onslaught," his participation in one Midterm election in Texas, hoping that more than just me will recognize how deranged all of this is, how entirely non-presidential this is, and hopefully, voters will reject ALL of it. Yet there are always some with half brains barely at work who don't see through it at all, and simply care no more than to pull a straight GOP ticket, to solve America's problems.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 23, 2018 Miami Herald endorses Gillum, then Trump's DeSantis Pulls Out of USA Today Chain Editorial Board Meeting
Great! The largest paper in the state, the Miami Herald, endorsed the Democrat! It is now very clear that Tallahassee Mayor Andre Gillum is going to win the Florida's governor's race, if all is fair and square and the GOP doesn't resort to voting machine manipulation. May the best man win? That would be Andrew Gillum, hands down!
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 21, 2018 El Paso Times and North Texas Daily Endorse Beto ~ plus Exemplary Letters to the Editor
Beto's endorsements will continue to pile up. Will they make a difference? They are compiled by smart, articulate, and dedicated members of editorial boards all over Texas; what they write is like taking the political pulse of their readers. In the 2020 elections, my idea of winning the Battles of the Editorial Pages takes shape and blooms into major victories for the people, and not the corporations: that is one of MY goals.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 21, 2018 AZ Republic and AZ Star, #1 & #2, Endorse Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ~ Nevada's 2nd Largest Endorses Democrat Jacky Rosen
Arizona and Nevada: These would be two very key states to flip over as Blue in this fiercely contested Battles for the Editorial Pages, and the larger battle to retake the United States Senate. Again, the editorial pages of the United States newspapers will take on an increasingly important and well deserved position in the evolving races for 2018 and will be more important in 2020.
(19 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 20, 2018 Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Longview Papers Endorse Beto for Senator, Justin Nelson~Attorney General
Vicente Fox Endorses Beto! Fruits of the Battle of the Editorial Pages, my strategic focus on races: endorsements have started coming in, starting with a colossal bang, the largest city's newspaper, the key to victory for Democrats, especially Beto and Attorney General candidate, Justin Nelson. There will be more endorsements soon; they will be like a might tide sweeping to victories, provided we are able toprevent vote theft.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 19, 2018 Beto in McAllen for CNN ~ Focus on Immigration ~ Explains "Lyin' Ted" ~ "There is Enough for Impeachment"
The McAllen Texas CNN Town Hall reached the entire nation, might just turn the tide, get the fence sitters off the fence, and bring Hispanic voters to the polls, having given them the reasons to do so. Clearly, Beto boils over with new ideas, compassion. eloquence, and shows the polar extreme of the rehashed rhetoric of the Far Right and Ted Cruz lambasting Democrats as "violence-prone Socialists." It is called "dialogue"!
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Fact checking the Texas Senate debate by Texas Tribune and by Associated Press
NBC did a great job fact checking both candidates in the first Texas Senate Debate. Both Texas Tribune and the Associated Press did a superlative and thorough job examining claims in this second debate conducted Tuesday evening in San Antonio. The larger question of who tells the truth to be trusted to do the right thing~ in my view Beto wins again, so that fence sitters get off the fence and give Texas the Senator it deserves
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Beto O'Rourke vs.Ted Cruz, Second Debate ~ What this Race Symbolizes ~Trump Tweets "Beto is a Flake"
Without exaggeration, and with no hyperbole intended, I believe this campaign is truly a contest between Good and Evil, between "We, the People" vs. the corporations, between the humble working and thinking classes, and the billionaire plutocrats. Want to learn about cheating at the polls, how it is done, when it started in the 21st Century? Watch this 80 minute film on YouTube: Uncounted: the New Math of American Elections.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 14, 2018 Beto Explains His Non-Corrupted Practices, Ethics & Solutions; Joe Kennedy III Campaigns for Him; Texas Voters Purged
Beto's integrity and intelligence shine through in this video, which every one in Texas should see before voting. Help by sharing it widely to Texas friends, Facebook groups, and colleagues. Voters are being purged illegally; Ring of Fire article mentioned is thorough, plus select revealing and incisive comments on the YouTube video, Can Small-Donor Progressives Win? These donors have given Beto a Senate record $38 million!
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 9, 2018 A Worried Ted Cruz Spews the Usual Richard Viguerie/FedUp Blather~~Letters to Editors for Beto Needed Now
What do YOU think of this vitriolic deranged right wing nonsense? Please take ten minutes and write a letter to 3 editors in Texas about how this Senate race has become NATIONAL, pitting Cruz's conservative corruption against Beto's tough idealism, and that the nation needs Texas to retire Ted. The contact info for all of these papers are all listed at usnpl.com TX Those same editors will be writing their endorsements soon!
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 6, 2018 Beto O'Rourke Speaks Out on Kavanaugh: "If I were in the Senate, I would have voted no."
"We will ensure that the senators voting on lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court fight for people, for our rights, for our future. That they put country over party. That they bring a sense of civility and decency to what is supposed to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. We will do it because Tex is the epicenter for the maternal mortality crisis"--"three times as deadly for African American women."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 5, 2018 Murkowski & Heitkamp: No to Kavanaugh; Viguerie Leads Charge Against Heidi, Donnelly, Manchin, Nelson, and McCaskill.
"If this were a political decision for me. I certainly would be deciding the other way. History will judge you but most importantly you will judge yourself. I can't get up in the morning and look at the experience I've had and say yes to Judge Kavanaugh." The 5 Senators targeted by Viguerie should scream about his mendacious vile tactics, and have a press conference in Washington DC together! Tell them to fight back, please!
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 4, 2018 "BRANDING DEMOCRATS?" More of Richard Viguerie's Lunacy: Democrats as "Far-Left, Radical, and Violence Prone Socialists"
BRANDING Democrat candidates as bigoted anti-Catholic supporters of taxpayer-paid partial birth abortions on demand is the most effective way to motivate Catholic voters, the largest group of swing voters in any election, to turnout in November and prevent a Democrat takeover of the U.S. Congress, those "dangerous, far-left socialists, anti-God, anti-Christian, supporting open borders, higher taxes, & weak national defense."
(33 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 3, 2018 Bernie's Statement on Raising Amazon Wages to $15/Hour~ Jeff Bezos thanks Bernie
"The time is now for Walmart, McDonald's and the fast food industry, the airline industry, and the retail industry in general to start paying their workers a living wage -- at least $15 per hour. The American people are tired of having to subsidize profitable corporations who pay their workers wages that are so low that many of them are forced to go on food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing and other federal programs."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 2, 2018 Texas Attorney General Paxton's Mugshot/Securities Fraud Indictment vs. Democrat Opponent, The Honorable Justin Nelson
Defunding the prosecution? Is this something out of Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Nazi Germany's Holocaust, or some current 3rd world judicial nightmare? As the shadowy facts emerged here and there, I wondered whether Texas had become Tammany Hall, Rod Blagojevich's Illinois, Albany a la Eric Schneiderman, or some harkening back to Huey P. "Kingfisher" Long, in Louisiana, all rather nauseating. Democrat Justin Nelson is indeed Honorable
(7 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 30, 2018 Beto O'Rourke and Willie Nelson Rally in Austin Texas / Media and YouTube Coverage / Fence Sitters and Unregistered
This rally pulled in support for him in areas where he needs help the most, rural Texas and East Texas, plus firing up the faithful to go out and convince those fence sitters and the unregistered that change is needed, and that Beto is the valid instrument of long overdue change, particularly for Texas. Please talk to your Texas friends and associates! Beto's November victory will help win the Senate, restoring some civility.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, September 28, 2018 Beto O'Rourke and Ted Cruz Debate #2 postponed; Beto Victory Totally Depends on Hispanic Vote
This Texas race is such a huge election in which I have taken a keen interest. So much depends on Beto's victory, on many vital and urgent levels.
I also want to see Idaho Representative Paulette Jordan win the Governor's race in Idaho, and here in New Mexico, I support former Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham for NM Governor. Things look better and better every day for that big Blue Pendulum the 1st week in November!
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, September 28, 2018 Senator Jeff Flake: You did the Right Thing ~~ Please Don't Leave Public Service!
Flake did the right thing, for sure. This move came after he and Senator Coons Delaware pulled Flake aside for a private conference, as they are friends. Maybe he appealed to their friendship; maybe he lowered the boom on what an impending electoral disaster awaits the Republican party; maybe he suggested a one week FBI investigation as a compromise that Flake needed to move forward with, to break this very angry log jam.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 27, 2018 O'Rourke/Cruz Debate #2 Postponed~CNN Town Hall Rio Grande Valley with Beto (& no Cruz) 10/18; Willie Nelson/Austin 9/29
NY Times conservative columnist re Ted Cruz: "He's like a serpent covered in Vaseline. Because he treats the American people like two-bit suckers in 10-gallon hats. Because he sucks up to the guy who insulted his wife, by retweet, no less. Because of his phony piety and even phonier principles. Because I see him as the spiritual love child of the 1980s televangelist Jimmy Swaggart and Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 24, 2018 Warping November's Elections by "Branding Democrats as Violent Radical Socialists" ~ Worried Richard Viguerie At Work
"We must BRAND the Democrats as the party of open borders, sanctuary cities protecting illegal immigrants, violent radical socialists, job-killing regulations and trade policies, a weak "lead-from-behind" foreign policy and a hollowed-out military, restrictions on our Second Amendment rights, taxpayer funding of partial birth abortions and sex selection, higher taxes and Blocking construction of President Trump's border wall"
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 22, 2018 Beto O'Rourke's Eloquent Idealism and Command of the Facts Clobber Ted Cruz in First Televised Debate at SMU in Dallas
Clearly, Beto won hands down, just by showing what kind of Senator Cruz has NOT been, and how different he would be. His command of the facts and issues was both brilliant and compassionate, showing why Texas is now a "toss-up", and not "leaning Republican." To these two journalist: please keep up the great work! I may be from out of your great state, but I saw the need for an improvement in who your Senator is VERY clear.
(8 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 20, 2018 Bayer/Monsanto Asks Court to Throw Out $289 Million Award, Legal Experts Say: On Flimsy Grounds
Monsanto will have difficulty getting verdict tossed. legal experts said; the judge considered whether to allow Johnson's scientific evidence under California law and reached a defensible conclusion that the jury should hear it. David Rosenberg, Harvard Law professor , said editorializing in a courtroom needed to be egregious for a judge to even consider throwing out a verdict. "Such remarks are part of the game during trials"
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 19, 2018 Ipsos/Reuters poll: Beto up by 2% vs Quinnipiac Poll Texas Senate Race puts Cruz up 9%
These two polls must galvanize and fire up the efforts to get out the vote, especially among unregistered fence-sitters, Hispanic, African American voters. Beto has never relied on nor consulted pollsters, always basically saying: "Why should I? I am talking directly with hundreds of thousands of Texans all over Texas; I don't need anyone to interpret what they are saying and what they want!" Beto will diligently fight to win!
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Dallas Chief says she can't fire Amber Guyger because of civil service laws; O'Rourke & Cruz Reactions to Botham Killing
Dallas Chief says she can't fire Amber Guyger because of civil service laws!
Daily Kos: "Even if you think Guyger would have been behaving reasonably for immediately killing an intruder in her own apartment, she wasn't in her apartment, and she couldn't recognize that basic fact. Who cannot understand the idea that a person can be disqualified from holding a specific job for something short of criminal behavior?"
SHARE Monday, September 17, 2018 Senator Udall: Kavanaugh's Confirmation Hearings Reveal Troubling Views on Indian Law and Policy
More serious concerns about this nomination to the Supreme Court. Few in the Senate have the legal insights, background, and experience regarding Native American issues than Senator Tom Udall. (I clearly remember Tom's father, Stewart, Secretary of Interior for Kennedy and Johnson, late in life, approaching 90, marching in Farmington, New Mexico with the widows of the Navajo Uranium miners.) Tom is carrying on those concerns.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 15, 2018 Star Power vs. Editorial Page Power vs. Trump's Stadium ~ Willie Nelson Rally for Beto O'Rourke
How will it all shake down in Texas? Editorial page endorsements could make huge differences all over the United States, not just Texas. Will this vital race boil down to corporate money vs. The People? I welcome comments~ Please take the time to share this article. Willie wrote: "Beto embodies what is special about Texas, an energy and an integrity that is completely genuine." And up against Ted Cruz? Should be a no-brainer!
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 15, 2018 New Mexico's US Senator Martin Heinrich Demands Full Transparency On Kavanaugh's Record
To Grassley: "I am troubled by your unilateral and unprecedented decision to mark many of the documents 'Committee Confidential,' essentially blocking Senators not on the committee from conducting their constitutional due diligence necessary to perform our role of 'advice and consent.' Judge Kavanaugh's documents from his time in the White House and the Office of the Independent Counsel illuminate his thoughts and approaches.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 13, 2018 New Mexico's Senator Tom Udall's Statement on Why He Opposes Kavanaugh for Supreme Court
Former Attorney General of New Mexico, now Senior US Senator from NM lays out some memorable points: "Our campaign finance system is broken and in need of urgent repair. Unless we change the rules - either through a Supreme Court decision or congressional action and constitutional amendment - we will continue to see the kind of perverse results where a few super-wealthy individuals and big corporations drown out the many."
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 11, 2018 How NOT to Pressure Maine's Senator Collins to Vote Against Kavanaugh for Supreme Court, by Desperate Gambit
In terms of both basic etiquette and basic lobbying psychology, this crowd funded PAC effort is bad manners, one likely to crystallize and precipitate Collins to vote FOR Kavanaugh, an approach that inevitably backfires. I understand the intent: "we will fund your opponent if you don't vote the way we want you to," but anyone with a rudimentary understanding of how Washington works (and how it doesn't work) will see this flaw.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 8, 2018 Monsanto's subpoena on Avaaz is Quashed by Manhattan Judge! by Avaaz's Ricken Patel
The judge absolutely DESTROYED Monsanto's subpoena on Avaaz! He said the subpoena would have a "tremendous chilling effect", saying "no member would want to have their privacy and their activity known" and gave Monsanto a lecture on democracy and free speech! This subpoena would have had Avaaz spend months and hundreds of thousands of dollars digging up and handing over to Monsanto everything our team had written for years.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 6, 2018 How Many Innocent and Unsuspecting People in 2019 Will Die Because of the FDA's Revolving Doors?
The Revolving Doors at the FDA has always been a serious subject, but in the past two years, it has gone from serious to catastrophic. How many people will suffer and die in 2019 as a result of the failed regulatory processes in the very agencies that were created to protect the American public? This ghastly imbroglio affects every single American plus other nations who still believe FDA is "so stringent"! What a cruel joke.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 29, 2018 Andrew Gillum (Bernie-backed) Wins Florida Gov Nomination, vs Trump-endorsed Ron DeSantis, by Charles Chamberlain
Bernie-backed Mayor of Tallahassee FL wins Governor's Nomination; let's keep the momentum going! Bernie adds his strategic analysis; Arpaio is out in Arizona, and David Leonhardt at the NY Times sums all of this up. Please add YOUR strategic insights in the comments; it will all be forwarded to the right people, and will be put to immediate good use! see my FB group, Bernie Sanders Advice and Strategies to win in 2020~ Thanks!
(14 comments) SHARE Friday, August 24, 2018 Biochemically Quashing Roundup's Carcinogenicity~Stephanie Seneff, MIT Genius~~Tulsi Gabbard Weighs in Against Roundup
The California Supreme Court recently refused to hear Monsanto's challenge which would have removed glyphosate/ Roundup, from California's Proposition 65 list of cancer-causing chemicals. What follows from Monsanto is the usual mendacious corporate claptrap with all of its predictable feigned innocence, wallowing in ineffectual lies (remember this: the company is facing more than 5,200 similar lawsuits from cancer victims.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 12, 2018 Brazil's Battles against Bayer/Monsanto: 83 percent of breast milk samples were found to contain glyphosate
Brazil's Battles against Bayer/Monsanto: Brazilian Federal Judge bans Roundup/Glyphosate for all of Brazil; 83 percent of breast milk samples were found to contain glyphosate; the ban on Roundup will be appealed by pesticide groups AND by Brazilian Health agency next week; Monsanto/Bayer are facing some serious problems; watch for them to take a beating very soon in the world's stock markets and on Wall Street.
(35 comments) SHARE Friday, August 10, 2018 End of Monsanto/Bayer is Coming, Thanks to Jury's $289 million Award to Roundup/Cancer Victim, Dewayne Johnson
THERE ARE MILLIONS OF OTHER VICTIMS; don't forget three other very relevant quasi-courts: the Court of Public Opinion, the Court of Consumer Choices, and the final one of importance, the Stock Market, because Bayer/Monsanto is about to get its nefarious posterior knocked into the dust, despite the tactics of the Monsanto Mafia, and all of their high placed henchmen. Today's judgement will be precedent for ALL FUTURE CASES!
(18 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 1, 2018 'Trump 2020' banners produced in China, despite campaign's vociferous denials, yet proven by Reuters, CNN, USA Today
Bernie Sanders recently wrote on Facebook: "Given the choice between hiring American workers at a living wage or hiring much less expensive workers from China that he can exploit, Trump opts for the low-cost overseas labor day in and day out" Despite video footage showing "Keep America Great" banners being cranked out of a Chinese factory, THE re-election campaign of president Donald Trump brands the suggestion "FAKE NEWS'!
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 31, 2018 Senators Henrich, Van Hollen: Cuts to Medicare paid for Tax breaks for wealthy; Bernie Sanders on Medicare
"We recognize the need to address budget deficits, one of the main reasons we were opposed to Trump's unpaid-for tax giveaway. In issues of taxes and federal spending, we need a system of shared sacrifice and shared responsibility, but asking families dependent on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security to pay for tax breaks for the wealthiest among us~as President Trump and Republicans are asking us to do~can't be the way!"
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, July 27, 2018 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Article: Plaintiff Testifies in Landmark Monsanto Roundup Trial
In any normal judicial frame work, this watershed case could turn the international tide against the corporate regulatory onslaught. Johnson suffers from brain fog, memory loss, chemotherapy depression, lives in constant pain, has lost the pleasure of intimacy with his wife. "There's been times where intimacy is out when you're looking like that," pointing to graphic photo of the sores carpeting his ravaged body on the video
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Otto Warmbier, North Korean Hostage~Doug Bock Clark's Brilliant GQ article~~Political Prisoners Worldwide Need Our Help!
We need to create a foundation to help political prisoners all over the world, named after Otto Warmbier! Please read the entire GQ article; I only excerpted small key sections of it that are true breakthroughs in investigative journalistic scrutiny. If you wish to discuss helping form a new Foundation or NGO to help political prisoners in any and all nations, to be named in honor of Otto Warmbier, please comment at length.
(56 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Measles Vaccine Kills Two Samoan 1 Year Old Babies~No Vaccine Reports for 30 years! Health and Human Services Negligence
My deepest condolences to the parents of these two children. The investigation is absolutely worth following, no matter how embarrassing and how incriminating they will turn out to be. What a mess vaccinations have caused, and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s lawsuit reveals that Health and Human Services have not filed a single report with Congress over the past 30 years, as required by law!
(8 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Shaun King Wins, with Removal of Lewd Racist San Bernardino County Deputy District Attorney
He said: "Being a loud-mouthed c-word in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this b---h by now." Yeah. He said that. To be clear, he doesn't even deny it. He has a long history of being deeply bigoted and offensive online. Those are his words. Public employees, particularly ones who hold life and death in their hands with the justice system, should be held to an even higher standard!
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, July 2, 2018 "Roundup/glyphosate needs no carcinogen label and FDA is there to protect Americans?" USA's Self-Preservation Disappears
Battles against corporate induced ignorance and FDA sanctioned genocide continue, with many developments accruing in other nations who don't want Monsanto's Roundup/Glyphosate killing off their citizens with lymphomas; the serious question remains: have Americans lost their instinct for self preservation in a biochemical sense? The rest of the world has definitely not lost that instinct, with many international examples cite
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 24, 2018 Aspartame's Mitochondrial Damage to Sperm Does Permanent Damage to Human Gene Pool
Fertility specialists are aware that since the advent of aspartame for human consumption, only human sperm quality is precipitously falling~ chemical sensitivity engendered by NutraSweet/Aspartame makes damage from other toxins millions of times worse, like the Persian Gulf Syndrome~~ 85% of human spermatozoa are genetically damaged: sluggish, lack motility and are fragmented with DNA damaged methyl alcohol and formaldehyde!
(18 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 20, 2018 GMO Blowback Enlarges with South Korea Rejecting Canadian Wheat and Flour, Might Even Bite Back Bayer!
The whole rotten corrupted GMO thing is slowly blowing up in the faces of these Canadian wheat farmers; under these circumstances, they will grow increasingly furious at how they have been lied to over decades by Monsanto, now subsumed into Bayer. Will they and their government be angry enough to dump the agribusiness GMO takeover and revert to the prior 8000 year history of agriculture by getting rid of Bayer? We'll see, eh?
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 17, 2018 Damage Control Dance, After Japan Suspends GMO Canadian Wheat Import Modified to Resist Bayer/Monsanto's Roundup
What will this mean to other nations? Is this a market ploy to get better prices or to divert inferior wheat to Bangladesh and India? Will anyone wake up to the medical horrors of spraying Roundup/Glyphosate? Be prepared for far worse emerging horror stories about agricultural poisons, GMOs, and sanctioned genocidal regulatory failures resulting from international governments giving carte blanche to the Monsanto/Bayer merger!
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 17, 2018 Rep. Beto O'Rourke: Taking Action on Detaining Children Taken Away from Their Parents
"Today we were able to bear witness, to ensure that this is on us, on our conscience. And that we bear that burden now because we know it will be unbearable for long -- that it will force us to act, to push, to pressure, to ensure that our laws reflect our kids, those kids, and that idea and ideal of America that we still hold true." NPR, UK, CBS coverage, plus Washington Post Editorial excerpts, making Ted Cruz look inhumane
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, June 15, 2018 What Will We Do To Resist? an Editorial in the Santa Fe New Mexican, plus NY Times Editorial on Detentions
The policy of the U.S. government to separate parents and children caught on the border will be viewed with disgust. Sessions has instituted the family separations as part of his zero tolerance policy of stopping illegal entry, dismantling the system that grants asylum to people seeking a safe refuge. This affects not just new asylum-seekers, but tens of thousands of people here; many will face death if they forced to return.
(20 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Morally bankrupt ~~ Children in Cages! From US Senator Jeff Merkley
U.S. agents are tasked with taking the children out of their parents' arms and putting them into cells. Imagine a family that is persecuted abroad for its political engagement, or a family targeted by a drug gang. The family escapes to the United States. This is wrong. Terribly wrong. Ripping the children away from their parents induces anxiety for the parents. Where are their children going? Will they ever see them again?"
(15 comments) SHARE Friday, June 8, 2018 Monsanto Name to Disappear in Merger, and Bayer's Intentionally Giving AIDS to 5 Nations Remains Unpunished
Staggering, isn't it? Two of the most evil companies in the world merge; the only objections by major governments concern whether it is a monopoly, with zero concern about the health and agriculture ramifications! Get used to this on going catastrophe! The only remedy is consumer intelligence which must thwart the diabolical plans of these corporate monsters planning the end of agriculture as we knew it for the past 8000 years
(12 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 23, 2018 World Governments are Ignoring Health Danger of Monsanto/Bayer Merger with Fixations on Monopoly (non-Medical) Concerns
As if this merger were for some dimly lit reasons acceptable to the monopoly regulators, but the health implications of ending 8000 years of agriculture as we know it and the approval or non-approval of the World Health organization are deemed somehow irrelevant, extraneous, not part of any regulatory discussions! This omission is monstrous, egregious, and despicable, and will lead to something worse than than the Arms Race!
(10 comments) SHARE Friday, May 18, 2018 Beto O'Rourke Statement on the Mass Shooting that Killed 10 in Santa Fe Texas
Beto O'Rourke~ What if we required universal background checks to ensure that firearms only get into the hands of those won't harm themselves or someone else-close all loopholes and exceptions. Every single gun purchase has a background check. We can stop the new sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines to ensure that firearms designed to kill as effectively as possible on the battlefield aren't used in our schools.
(17 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Schneiderman's Resignation, the New York Attorney General who Tolerated 1/3 million Voters Being Purged in 2016
Schneiderman was oblivious to the Moveon.org petition I wrote asking him to get a Federal Judicial order for a repeat of the fatally flawed NY primary in 2016. Guzzling alcohol, slapping women and spitting on them during sexual intercourse? Not what state Attorneys General do in their spare time. Bernie Sanders was the political victim of this abusive behavior in Albany, and we have to focus on what this means for 2018 & 2020.
(8 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 3, 2018 Battle of the Editorial Pages in Texas Senate Race plus Resurrecting and Transforming Important Facebook Bernie Group
How an important Facebook Bernie group has been resurrected, retooled and transformed, minus the Russian fake news posters and the even more destructive Clinton Trolls, and about the most important US Senate race in 2018, between El Paso Congressman Beto O'Rourke and the incumbent Ted Cruz, is ramping up and about to become extremely volatile, to determine just how red, blue, or purple the Lone Star state has become....
(12 comments) SHARE Monday, April 9, 2018 Russian Woman Embalmed Alive by Formaldehyde~~Aspartame Metabolized by Millions as Formaldehyde by Masterplan?
One of the most horrific medical errors I have ever read about! A young Russian woman is embalmed while still alive by formaldehyde instead of the saline drip she should have gotten after a routine surgery. Yet, hundreds of millions consume aspartame daily which is metabolized as formaldehyde, and governments, food safety administrations, FDA's, etc. all over the world, think nothing of this state sanctioned genocide.
(13 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 25, 2018 Health Canada's Step Backwards from Consumer Protection to Corporate Propaganda
Rather than accept the truth that aspartame is a neurotoxic carcinogenic poison, Health Canada responds with corporate driven misrepresentation concealing the medical harm done to Canadians' health by not prominently labeling the presence of this destructive chemical; expect more of this kind o thing in other nations, if Monsanto/Bayer merger goes unblocked for serious health concerns, not just legal discussions of monopoly
(18 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Please write to your Senators today, asking them to help to prevent the Merger of Monsanto and Bayer!
The approval of the United States and of Russia are necessary for this merger to take place. Russia may be the only possible nation to prevent this, given the Trump's likely acquiescence. The US Senate should be weighing in on these matters to protect the interests of not only American farmers but the health of Americans and most of the rest of the world. If Trump greenlights this, write to Putin and his Parliament and Duma!
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 16, 2018 New Mexico Senator Tom Udall on Protecting DACA and the Dreamers
"Unfortunately, while President Trump ended the DACA program, he is rejecting any reasonable bipartisan solutions, despite his promises to do so. Nevertheless, I will keep working to protect the DREAMers and their families and communities. I remain committed to comprehensive immigration reform that would provide an earned path to legal status for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 9, 2018 President Trump's $25 billion border wall boondoggle [by U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico]
NM's Senator lays out the flaws inherent in Trump's too rapidly evolving plan, which is doomed to failure as a concept and as an deterrent for illegal immigration~~"I refuse to allow Dreamers to be used as political bargaining chips to advance the President's horribly offensive and wasteful campaign talking point. I will keep doing everything I can to protect Dreamers and fight for smart investments in our border communities"
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 4, 2018 Please Sign Bernie's Petition to End US Participation in Morally Indefensible War in Yemen
Please sign Bernie's Petition! It could make a huge difference in saving lives in Yemen, and certainly clarifies what kind of President he would be and what kind of President he would NOT be! In the Comment section, I have included a video of Ro Khanna speaking on this issue as well...
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 28, 2018 EU may Intervene to Prevent Monsanto/Bayer merger; CA Judge: Monsanto "Not Required to Place Warning Labels on Products"
Maybe the EU will stop the planned Monsanto/Bayer merger! Pulaski County Arkansas Circuit Court Judge Chris Piazza threw Monsanto's lawsuit out recently to protect Arkansas farmers' interests and health. Monsanto's suit countered complaints by many farmers that maintain that dicamba drifted away from where it was sprayed, damaging millions of acres of crops that were not able to survive the effects of the "Dicamba Drift."
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 22, 2018 Pakistan's Sindh and Khyber follow Punjab in Banning Ajinomoto's Monosodium Glutamate
The first domino is falling in the direction of eventual worldwide bans of Neurotoxic food additives; it can't be propped up by corporate bribes, threats, or lawsuits, thanks to the courageous health ministers in Punjab, Sindh, and now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, representing 92% of Pakistan's population. I think this will inevitably lead to Pakistan's banning of Ajinomoto's other neurotoxic carcinogenic poison, Aspartame.
(31 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Sen. Gillibrand Will No Longer Accept Corporate Political Action Committee Money
Kirsten Gillibrand, New York's junior senator since 2009, has joined with Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) in her promise to not take corporate PAC money. To my knowledge, only Beto O'Rourke of El Paso, Ro Khanna of the Southeast San Francisco Bay, Jared Polis of Boulder, Colorado, and three others are the only House members not accepting PAC money.
(31 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 11, 2018 Manipulating Voting Machines Far Surpasses Russian Interference and Facebook "Fake News"
Larger problems looming over the 2018 and 2020 elections are voting machine election fraud & vote flipping, which change state results and entire elections. Greg Palast has written articles detailing this; the best introduction to educating Americans that must take place before anything preventive is to watch this film on YouTube: Uncounted The New Math of the American Election. Not enough are officials on top of this.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, February 9, 2018 Republicans' Threat to Defund WHO for Monsanto's Roundup's Carcinogenicity Findings Makes USA Look Increasingly Ignorant
"This hearing is about the ability of a health agency to call a carcinogen a carcinogen, even if it makes a huge amount of money for a powerful corporation. Are we willing to sell out the public's right to know about harmful chemicals in the places we work live, and play. just so that Monsanto can sell more glyphosate?" Monsanto fights back in a preposterously stupid manner despite their high paid corporate lawyers and stooges
(11 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 3, 2018 Clinton Operatives Continue Pattern of Toxifying Facebook Political Groups: Bad Omens for 2018 and 2020!
Dirty Tricks against Bernie Sanders continue in Facebook political groups, while routine Toxic American Politics remain horrifying, if you still cling to any naïve hopes for collegial discussions, no matter which party you espouse. How to fix it? When Trump praises egregious strongmen in the Philippines, Honduras, Cambodia, Russia, and Egypt, he negates decades of (sometimes?) sincere American posturing against those leaders.
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, January 19, 2018 Punjab Pakistan Food Authority bans Monosodium Glutamate Made by Ajinomoto of Japan
From Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, as well as subsequent breakthroughs this week in two Indian states (Jammu-Kashmir and Kerala) great news for global consumer protectionists! Thanks to the authorities who set this in motion: you have done something great which already has had international beneficial implications. These Pakistani and Indian regulations won't be dismantled by bribery as has occurred in other nations in the past.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 5, 2018 Journalism about Rep. O'Rouke's US Senate Campaign: Letters to the Editor Will Help Win Back Another Senate Seat
Journalism about Senate Race in Texas is getting interesting 11 months before the election. A serious campaign asking supporters to write letters to the editor in Texas could help win this for him. ALL politicians should be doing this once in a while, as a refreshing change from asking for money time after time. What do you think? Please comment and please share this article widely, especially to Facebook political groups!
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 1, 2018 O'Rourke's Senate Campaign--Bernie has changed Texas Politics--Small Newspapers Will Have Huge Effect on Senate Race
El Paso Congressman Beto O'Rourke: "In February 2017, Ted Cruz's approval rating was
between 38% and 39%, in the neighborhood of Donald Trump's at 35%, the lowest in 70 years for a sitting president. Roy Moore, Alabama Republican Senate candidate was accused of crimes against women, had a higher approval rating thanTed Cruz. That's how Doug Jones won the seat. A Republican can be beat in the state of Texas."
(20 comments) SHARE Friday, December 29, 2017 Howard Dean is Very Wrong To Tell Democrats over 50 to "Get the Hell Out of the Way"
This is Dr. Dean's way of abruptly (on a morning talk show) dealing with the abject failure of the DNC and of his advice in obliviously backing Hillary, despite her overwhelming and damaging "baggage," so harsh that even middle of the road Democrats voted for Trump and the Liberal Wing went for the Green candidate. We have learned from history to ignore this brash insult to older Democrats. Dr. Dean is dead wrong this time.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 27, 2017 New Year's Message from Beto O'Rourke, Democrat Candidate for US Senate from Texas
A New Year's Message from the Texas Democrat Congressman running for the seat occupied by Ted Cruz. Beto is a populist with even better chances than Doug Jones had in running against Roy Moore in Alabama. Just one more victory towards taking back the US Senate, let's prove once and for all time the invincible power of Editorial Pages in the USA by winning editorial page battles, one 150 word letter at a time, all over Texas.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 23, 2017 White House "Supersize Me!"~~~Canadian Journalist Lives through Donald Trump's Diet for a Day
Don't wait for Bernie Sanders or some unknown not-yet-emerged Presidential candidate to overhaul the FDA in 2020, and don't wait for Donald Trump to wake up and realize that the Diet Cokes are leading inexorably to neurodegenerative illnesses, particularly dementia and multiple sclerosis! Please write a letter to your Senators now asking them to ask FDA Commissioner to rescind aspartame's approval as soon as possible
(30 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 19, 2017 Aspartame's Neurotoxicity Gets Mainstream Coverage in Newsmax because of Trump's 12 Diet Cokes a Day Habit
Could huge mainstream media coverage on carcinogenic and neurodegenerative effects of the 12 Diet Cokes a day consumed by Donald Trump bring about the kind of massive shift in consciousness necessary to force the FDA to take aspartame off the market? This could happen if these mega media sites keep hammering on this. Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock in this article speaks of Trump's habit leading certainly to dementia and cancer
(40 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 14, 2017 Fixing One Facebook Problem Serious for Activists; How Facebook Groups Can Increase Readership of OpEdNews Articles
I share my deep concern about Facebook Jail eroding Freedom of Speech by constraining activists with sharing to groups restrictions, with no clear rules laid down. (Article 1); #2: my best articles over ten years, particularly on protecting consumers worldwide; Article #3 will be on where this once fervent Democracy is going, with the political pendulum swinging to the Left again. Thank you for one million OpEdNews page views
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, December 11, 2017 How Does the U.S. Senate Expel, Censure, or Refuse to Seat any New Member?
Regardless of the Alabama outcome, we are compelled to research the history of Senate Expulsion and Censure; at this late date, we hold out the lofty and long range chance that the Democrat Doug Jones and the sane Alabamians will prevail, particularly those who care about morality and ethics in elected officials from all states and nations. The Committee hearings would be an internationally observed PR bloodbath for the GOP
(17 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 9, 2017 Honorable Keith Ellison: Please Run for Minnesota's United States Senate seat! (Gov. Dayton could appoint you as well)
I hope Keith Ellison will
enter this race as soon as possible and that as an even stronger political statement, Governor Dayton considers appointing him. Certainly millions of progressive-minded people will help Ellison politically and financially all over this nation. Even more certainly, we would see Bernie Sanders campaigning vigorously for the great move forward represented by United States Senator Keith Ellison!
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 30, 2017 To Beat Doug Jones: Richard Viguerie's Plan to Drive Alabama's Catholic Anti-Abortion Vote to Roy Moore
This incredible monstrous plan laid out before you, verbatim, just might throw the election to Roy Moore! I wondered why he has been talking about such things, but now it is clear that he is doing so at the recommendation of Republican pundits and strategy craftsmen at the highest level. We must counter this to not be blindsided by such diabolical tactics! Your comments are vital, so please do comment and share this widely
(16 comments) SHARE Monday, November 27, 2017 Mexico Rescinds Monsanto's Permit to Grow GMO Soybeans - Major Boost for Consumer Protection
I thank the Mexican Ag officials and Judges who ruled against Monsanto to protect Mexico, the birthplace of corn, after millennia of experimentation. If only Americans official and judges showed this level of intelligence free from the egregious corporate manipulation and coercion upon Monsanto thrives. How in the world (and for what good reasons?) can Bayer proceed with buying out Monsanto? THAT question needs more research
(21 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 26, 2017 Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine Causes Autism? Sourced from Manufacturer's Own Warning Sheet
What could be more obvious? Potent mixes of toxins and bad chemicals in vaccines are harming babies as young as 2 months, and causing neurodegenerative harm. Judge for yourself, please. Ex-Congressman Burton chaired a six year committee investigation on this summed it up: "Mercury is toxic to the human brain." Can't decide who is telling the truth? Then, best not to take chances with your child's health and future.
(47 comments) SHARE Friday, November 24, 2017 Farm Groups from Iowa, Missouri, SD, ND, and CA join Monsanto in Lawsuit after CA lists Roundup ingredient as Carcinogen
Monsanto and some soybean and wheat growers' organizations are suing California re: mandatory carcinogen labeling on Roundup/Glyphosate, described by Robert Kennedy Jr: "Democracy is alive and well in California where judges are still willing to stand up for science, even against the most powerful corporate polluters. This decision gives Californians the right to protect themselves and their families from chemical trespass."
(16 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 16, 2017 All Eyes on Alabama: A Litany and Chronicle of Republicans Agree that Roy Moore Must Step Down
A serious analysis of the dozens of Republicans now lining up against Roy Moore, who could still win in Alabama, but things are looking bad for him, given the almost universal condemnation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Alabama; this makes me personally VERY happy if we are able in due course to include Alabama's Doug Jones as a US Senate Democrat! Stranger things have happened, but not very many! Please comment
(7 comments) SHARE Monday, October 16, 2017 Facebook Bernie Supporters React to MSN Article Democratic Strategist Says Trump Has 'Clear Path To Winning Reelection'
I posted this article with my request for comments on a variety of Bernie Facebook Groups, hoping for vigorous and specific responses; this was my introductory salvo:
"Strategists and advisers for Bernie in 2020! Please comment
in detail on this! We must go into a higher gear to counter this!"
Please take the time to read this and report your own insights and conclusions as useful and applicable strategic suggestions
(16 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 1, 2017 New Mexico's Bill Richardson Hired by Family to Press for Release of Joshua Holt, Political Prisoner of Venezuela
Richardson has had a very long history in obtaining the release of many American political prisoners all over the world going back to Tony O'Brien's release from Afghanistan in 1989. We hope Otto Warmbier's egregious tragic death at the hands of North Korea galvanizes Americans, especially Donald Trump, to not be complacent or indifferent about their plight, and indeed towards all political prisoners of all political regimes.
(27 comments) SHARE Monday, June 19, 2017 Retribution on Otto Warmbier's Passing Must Be Swift and Decisive: USA Today Publishes My Letter on N. Korea
I am normally not outraged by what happens to Americans in other nations, preferring a conciliatory and diplomatic approach, but this nut case psycho North Korean regime deserves the most severe punishment and and the fiercest sanctions and whatever we can muster without using weapons and troops for killing this poor kid who begged forgiveness for his stupid prank....my letter printed in 5 national newspaper editorial pages!
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 15, 2017 Why I ended my membership in 'Terminate the Republican Party' Group on Facebook, and Don't Forget About Seth Rich
A quick analysis and some things that must be said about why I just pulled out of the Facebook group, Terminate the Republican Party; what might all of this potentially portend for Armed America? Plus a little update on Seth Rich's Murder: please take a few minutes and watch these videos about a murder thag some would like to sweep under the rug, as far back as right when it happened!
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Bob Dylan 2016 Nobel Lecture in Literature, recorded in Los Angeles June 4, 2017.
Bob Dylan 2016 Nobel Lecture in Literature. Dylan received the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition. This is a brilliant lecture which I am honored to present, and I have added two prior press conferences and an interview with Ed Bradley for some historical perspective and some very compelling nostalgia on an excursion into the past 52 years.
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, June 9, 2017 Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto, "Emperor," whose Genius is Unparalleled in Music History!
What a joy to write about the most beautiful and most magnificent piano concerti, adding to my prior articles at OEN on Sibelius, Stravinsky, Mozart, Mahler, Brahms, and Chausson. Writing about any of Beethoven's music is like writing about God or the Ocean or the Mountains, monumental, yes, daunting, to say the least, but still an inconceivable honor to add my thoughts to those of far more able classical music critics!
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 28, 2017 Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 4, The Finnish Symphony about Existentialism and Psychoanalysis
Underappreciated and comparatively unknown, compared to his Violin Concerto and his 2nd and 5th Symphony, the 4th deserves to be performed far more often, as a rewarding and powerful excursion into existentialism, to me; it completely transcends the usual superficial geographic programmed interpretations of the forests and lakes of rural Finland. There is much more to this one; I hope you will take time to listen to all of it.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Still Revolutionary! 104th Anniversary of the Premiere of Stravinsky's Ballet, The Rite of Spring
What makes Music and Ballet Revolutionary? We attempt to answer this question, and are inspired at the start by the brilliant reconstruction of Nijinksky's 1912-13 choreography by the Joffrey Ballet's 1987 performances here, a true cinematic accomplishment that still strikes the viewer as totally revolutionary 104 years later.
(11 comments) SHARE Friday, May 19, 2017 OpEdNews author, Maurice Webster, 90, author of series on Machiavelli, passed on this morning
Maurice Webster, a great educator, OpEdNews writer, intellectual, and political activist passed on this morning in Santa Fe at home, when his heart stopped beating. His OpEdNews series of articles on Machiavelli and contemporary politics are worth re reading. This series was the last in his long life, although there are ample notes for a future (posthumous) article soon on his ideas on how to improve education in America.
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 in D Minor Stands Far Above All of His More Cheerful Piano Concerti
Mozart in the Key of D minor: this concerto, Don Giovanni, the Requiem Mass, from the same period as Prague Symphony, the Clarinet Trio, the C minor Concerto~~~all stem from the same deepest state of mind. Performed here by Lili Kraus with the 7 next piano concerti that followed after the monumental No. 20; this is considered to be a "recording of the Century," by Lili Kraus, graduate of Budapest's Franz Lizst Academy.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 6, 2017 Brahms' First Symphony Warrants His 21st Century Accolade as Beethoven's Greatest Heir
This First Symphony of Brahms was 14 years in the making, one that not only carried on the genius of Beethoven, but secured Brahms' place in the constellation of great composers and also completely redefined what a symphony is. Performed here with orchestra video from the Orchestre de Paris.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Right Wing Venue, Liberty Planet, Nails Down Schneiderman's Obfuscation on NY Primary Election Fraud
Finally, someone gets this right! "Even though Schneiderman claimed he was very interested in resolving election fraud in New York State's 2016 Democratic primary, he turned a blind eye to clearly documented issues such as incompetent poll workers, broken voting machines and one in eight Brooklyn voters being dropped from voting rolls, all of which allowed Clinton to steamroll over progressive Democrat Bernie Sanders."
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Please Correct Your Egregious Praise of Ajinomoto's Ghana PR Campaign
Even a Nobel Laureate can be misled by a corporate monster like Ajinomoto, with Yunus praising their egregious public relations campaign to feed artificial sweetener aspartame and monosodium glutamate to poor children in Ghana, but it cannot go uncorrected on the global stage or the harm it will do to unsuspecting millions. Yunus' ethical challenges and trials raise serious questions as to his motivation in praising Ajinomoto
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 16, 2017 Santa Fe Mayor Gonzales Reaffirms Sanctuary City Status, Moving Forward to Taxing Soft Drinks for 1000 Children's Pre-K
"I've been asked if I'm really willing to risk those federal dollars just to take on a fight over one simple policy. My response is simple. Every time we're faced with a choice between standing up for our values or caving in to a bully, we will stand strong." To put Santa Fe on better legal footing, councilors recently pulled the word "sanctuary" from a resolution aiming to reaffirm and strengthen local immigration policies.
(21 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 9, 2017 Mexico Continues to Prohibit and Interdict Monsanto's GMO Corn, This Time, by Court Decision
Corn was invented in Mexico from strains of grasses, so they are fiercely resistant to monstrous corporate lies~~ Monsanto is far worse than mere "corporate bad boys," and their practices in usurping, subverting, and abnegating 8000 years of farming history with their GMO madness: these aren't mere "shenanigans"! Their tactics are far worse than the Mafia's~Monsanto GMOs have ruined agriculture in many nations, like India.
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 9, 2017 Using Great Music to Get through Temporary Political Tragedy; Beethoven, Sibelius, Shostakovich, Villalobos, and Barber.
As we ponder what the world is going through and is becoming, many arrive at a state of sadness, and, for some, an inconsolable sense of foregoing what History could teach us. Listen to them now, please: Beethoven, Sibelius, Shostakovich, Villalobos, and Barber. This is my first OEN article on music, painting, and international film, as I am pulling away from purely political concerns, as my way to survive adverse times.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 5, 2017 Tibet's Drapchi Prison = Auschwitz 1944;Tillerson Responds Well Despite China's Belligerent Bloviating Bluster on Tibet
Secretary of State Tillerson's response to Senate Foreign Relations Committee questions were quite excellent, but I have forebodings that Trump will do nothing specific to help Tibetans in any way, and by doing nothing in the White House, the Chinese will feel emboldened to step up their psychotic pathological lying genocidal oppression of Tibetans, unabated. Drapchi prison in Lhasa is the Auschwitz for China's abused Tibetans
(7 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 29, 2017 Mandatory Carcinogen warning label on Monsanto's Roundup weed killer: Coming Soon in California!
A breakthrough for consumer protectionists, environmental lawyers, victims of Roundup poisoning and cancers, farmers who want to produce organic crops, and other farmers persecuted by Monsanto for daring to produce fertile seeds or to label their products as "no GMO," "pesticide-free," and "glyphosphate-free." This is important because the same legal machinery may soon result in similar labels on aspartame-containing products
(27 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 28, 2017 Former President Gorbachev writes: "Looks as if the world is preparing for war"; Similar Insights to our 2008 Interview
"A resolution should come from Trump and Putin, presidents of two nations holding 90 percent of world's nuclear arsenals and therefore who bear special responsibility. While state budgets are struggling to fund people's essential social needs, military spending is growing" In 2008 I spoke with Mikhail Gorbachev about him getting the US out of Middle East; his recent opinion piece in Time Magazine is totally incisive &
(16 comments) SHARE Friday, January 27, 2017 Mexican Avocados vs. US GMO Potatoes: USDA's Vindictive Response Part of the Wall against Mexico?
Confrontation with our neighbor's refusal to pay for the Trump Wall against Mexico must not enlarge any further in retaliative tit-for-tat battles in the world of mere agriculture. The evidence for this may seem sketchy but most international confrontations are sketchy and usually concealed. Better buy up all the avocados you can as soon as possible: they don't cross the border in pipelines or through tunnels under the Wall.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Video on Justice Democrats formed by Sanders Staff & Young Turks; One Goal: California's Carcinogen Label on Aspartame
Video launch! New organization, Justice Democrats, with Sanders' staff and The Young Turks, a breakthrough survival strategy, a lifesaver for a drowning Democratic party, could revitalize the prospects for success in 2018 elections, plus update on how you can help bring about a major reformation in California, the mandatory labeling of aspartame-containing products (diet drinks, Equal, and sugarless gum, plus 5000 medications)
(18 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 24, 2017 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - Response to Rob Kall's Assessment of Blame
George Santayana wrote 'those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," and Edmund Burke wrote in Revolution in France that "people will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors." Rob Kall is right in his assessments; in a few cases, I get even more specific, especially regarding that disastrous crooked New York Primary, and about all of those overwhelming dirty tricks in 2016.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, January 23, 2017 Sputnik News Blaming Soros and the CIA for Funding March Misses the Point and Denigrates the Sincerity of the Marchers
I watched 13,000 beautiful, joyful, and angry people walk down Santa Fe streets. I steadfastly guarantee not one single one of them, including our Mayor and two City Councilors, was paid a dime by Soros, the CIA, or anyone else to be there. How could such contrived speculation even begin to be useful to Russia globally by denigrating the sincerity of the marchers, even with Paul Craig Roberts and "Sputnik News" as the source?
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 21, 2017 Women's March, January 21: Overviews and Aerial Views from Helicopters and Tall Buildings
A series of aerial overviews, and Santa Fe's Mayor Javier Gonzales took part in the March and the speeches. The size of the march here dwarfed initial expectations: as many as 10-15000 people packed the city's streets as they made their way from the Bataan Memorial Building on Galisteo to the Plaza and then to the state Capitol. Includes a link to photos by NM photographer Risa Gandy, reminiscent of Peace Marches 50 years ago!
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 19, 2017 Portland Oregon: City #8 to sue Monsanto over Polychlorinated Biphenyls Cleanup Costs (Like 1990's Tobacco Suits)
These lawsuits are about PCB's "Just the name Monsanto inspires terrifying images of organically mutated super vegetables with a potential for causing sickness and death. It has been a hotbed of debate for the past decade, despite federal government support from various agencies. The giant seemed unstoppable" up til now. This isn't about GMO farming but the legal foundation for accountability could come out of these lawsuits
(8 comments) SHARE Monday, January 16, 2017 Santa Fe Mayor's Plan for a Sugar Tax To Fund Pre-K Should Become Wave of the Future in Every American School District
While discussing his plan for a 2-cent-per-ounce tax on sugar containing beverages, Santa Fe Mayor Gonzales stated that pre-K educators have been "screaming at the top of their lungs that if we want to find a game-changing policy that will truly assure every child has access to the American Dream, you invest in them at their earliest years." Savvy Santa Feans recognize the merits of this plan and will pass it in March 2017.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 14, 2017 Ode to Obama, NY Times Editorial by Charles M. Blow (but Too Little Too Late, from this formerly great newspaper)
Where were their collective New York Times editorial boards' brains when in the Primary they pumped up puff pieces and delusional articles about Hillary, Wall Street's darling, deliberately blindsiding voters, pretending that there were no problems with her, and not even mention those 1/3 million purged voters, then leading New York media's presumption that Bernie was finished (all of which was officially swept under the rug!
(11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 11, 2017 Unmitigated Gall in North Dakota Legislature Now in Uproar: Who's Footing the Bill for Standing Rock Brutality?
Unicorn Riot videos showed it all and now North Dakota Legislators are going through fiscal contortions to determine who will pay for all of the unnecessary police brutality and overtime for those cops at Standing Rock as Feds have so far declined to do so. Maybe Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners and ND Governor Jack Dalrymple should "pony up" and pay the cop bills plus damages for those who were injured so egregiously!
(20 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 7, 2017 President-elect Trump, Please Tear Down that Wall Against Mexico Before You Build It!
Updates today from NY Times, Washpo and the Hill clarify discussion is ongoing. Yes we'll see changes and perhaps improvements in immigration policies. Throughout history walls have ugly histories; Congress may not allocate monies to build Wall Against Mexico, nor will Mexico. Mexicans supply a large part of the labor in jobs that Americans don't want to do. WHY SHOULD THEY PAY FOR ANYTHING like a wall between our nations?
(33 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 5, 2017 Court Rules Feds Cannot Prevent Local Governments From Banning GMO's; Hawaiians Unprotected from Egregious Corporations
The 9th Court of Appeals in mid-December struck down Kauai County Hawaii's ordinance against excessive pesticide use in corporate research farms and reserved that right at times for states and at times for the US Department of Agriculture, also affirming that federal laws cannot be used to prohibit states and from creating laws regulating genetically modified crops. All of this confusion will end up in Trump's Supreme Court.
(18 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 5, 2017 Eat, Drink, and be Buried: Aspartame is a Carcinogen; California May Soon Declare It as Such- National Health Federation
Republished with the permission of Scott Tips, President and Counsel, National Health Federation; this article is their magazine's current cover story by Dr. Betty Martini of Mission Possible International, the researcher and activist who has been working since 1992 to ban aspartame and to educate billions of unsuspecting naive people worldwide who still trust the FDA and Ajinomoto of Japan, world's largest aspartame maker.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 1, 2017 White House Photographer Souza Assembles the Best Photos of Obama in 2016
A compilation of the best photos of 2016 by White House Photographer, Pete Souza, the last of its kind. No matter what you think of Obama in this or that context, these are some great and compelling photos, which, in time, we will look back on with sincere nostalgia
(14 comments) SHARE Friday, December 30, 2016 Before Acquiescing to Another Nuclear Arms Race, watch BLACK RAIN, Imamura Shohei's Film about Hiroshima
Before you accept that Mr. Trump will lead another nuclear arms race, take two hours to watch this astonishing film, the only realistic depiction I have ever seen of what it was like to live through (or die) at Hiroshima. It is in black and white, and is the most compelling answer to ignorant complacent Americans who believe that there is nothing wrong with continuing another bestially idiotic arms race.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 29, 2016 Korea: Food items will require GMO labels; Update on India re: Health Minister and Consumer Protection
Here is the kicker in this big Korean consumer protection news: The revision makes it possible for consumers to seek compensation for medical treatment costs due to adverse side effects from using medical products, starting in January. Victims of medical side effects are currently eligible to demand compensation for for damages, disability and funeral costs.
(7 comments) SHARE Monday, December 19, 2016 Can Sierra Club and Others Go into High Gear Nationally? New Mexico Cabinet Matters have Striking National Implications
Tactic: NM's Sierra Club targeted 3 swing vote NM State Senators in Rules Committee (which has to pass on an appointment before it goes to Senate Floor), and deluged them with hundreds of letters ripping up Astronaut, former US Senator, and Geologist Harrison Schmitt as a "climate change denier." This totally scuttled the nomination when Schmitt realized that the votes were not there and no one had written in his support.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 16, 2016 Facebook and its Effects on American Politics, and now Cleaning up the Fake News; Who is Colin Stretch?
Woo! Getting real! Will Facebook manage to get rid of that phony deranged journalist publishing daily weepy fake obituaries of folks who haven't died yet, his favorite repeat obituary for Hugh Hefner?! These might stay around, despite my many letters to the Facebook Board of Directors, none of whom have ever responded to me. Why might this most glaring source of fake news on Facebook survive? Because his is paid advertising.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 15, 2016 Official Response from US Senator Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) on Dakota Access Pipeline
This letter proves this battle has shifted entirely to Washington DC! Some Senators will emerge as real leaders during the coming confrontation hearings and any hearings or Senate Floor discussions on the Dakota Access Pipeline. As former NM Attorney General for 8 years, his ability to argue a case is strong and trustworthy, speaking as a long term friend and campaigner for his races, and as an active constituent and writer
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison wins DFA vote for DNC Chair with 87% of the vote
DFA members are joining Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the AFL-CIO, and numerous progressive Democratic Party leaders across America to endorse Keith Ellison because we need his unyielding voice leading the fight against Donald Trump's agenda of bigotry, hate, and greed.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Tribal Coalition in Montana Predicted Zinke as Trump's Interior Secretary last May
Every bit of the contents of this article are far too important to anyone who cares about not privatizing national forests and about Native Americans, that I must go beyond a mere quick link to this article or summarizing it clumsily when it is so perfectly written and detailed. All Americans need to know this information, as originally published on Native News Online
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Ugandan Nursery and Elementary School needs Malaria Clinic to Prevent Deaths of Children
This is an Oxfam photo of a mass grave for children in Africa. One in five deaths of children in Africa is caused by malaria. A friend's Ugandan school recently lost to this deadly disease a bright young girl with a promising future. The school has a fine track record and now wants to establish a Malaria clinic; this urgent need must somehow be met by direct financial help of more affluent donors and global foundations.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 11, 2016 Inquisitr Hosts Comprehensive Article on Africa/Aspartame Effort, Discusses UN Resolution Written by Stephen Fox
This Inquisitr opinion piece by Kaanii Powell Cleaver details our efforts to warn African heads of state and health ministers as well as the unsuspecting consumers in African Nations about aspartame and Ajinomoto! We are writing at length with Doctors Without Borders and will continue to write to Doctors without Borders, Health Ministers, politicians and legislators in Africa, and many activists, consumers, and journalists.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 10, 2016 Latest Update For Sophia Wilansky, one among the hundreds who got ambushed at Standing Rock
From her father, Wayne Wilansky:
We have doctors in NY waiting to meet with her and plan her next steps and we hope and pray that they will be able to reattach her median nerve and some tendons and get some feeling and function into her arm and hand. Keep up the fight at Standing Rock and keep us in your hearts and prayers. Love and Light Always!
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 10, 2016 Please vote for Keith Ellison for DNC Chair in this DFA Official Vote!
DEADLINE: Monday, December 12, 12 pm
Raymond Buckley, Chair New Hampshire Democratic Party
Keith Ellison, U.S. Representative from Minnesota
Jaime Harrison, Chair South Carolina Democratic Party
If the DNC is not taken over by Bernie Sanders, both his choice for Chair and his ideals, the Party is doomed to even more humiliating defeats in 2018 & 2020
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 9, 2016 Ajinomoto, Japanese Carcinogenic Neurotoxin Manufacturer Expanding Aspartame & MSG Sales in Unsuspecting African Nations
Wake up, African Heads-of-
State and Health Ministers! The world's largest maker of two neurotoxic food additives, Ajinomoto, has bought into grocery chains to guarantee that tens of millions will be further poisoned, at an unprecedented level. The author asks OpEdNews readers to recognize this issues's gravity, and then be activists to prevent its possibility of happening to this entire continent. Please share this widely
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 9, 2016 Native American Lands Soon to be Under Assault by Developers Allied With Trump Administration
Jockeying to get that oil on the Reservations! Our fears before the election are becoming true. These concerns began in articles I wrote on Bernie's bill to Save Oak Flat in Arizona's Tonto National Forest and protect it from the plan by AZ's Senior Senator, John McCain, to privatize the national forest and turn it over to a partnership of copper mining companies, turning it into North America's largest copper mine
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 8, 2016 New Mexico's US Senator Tom Udall will stay in the Senate and won't run for governor
To me, this is good news, because a Senator of Tom's seniority will be invaluable in the next four years, and as much I was sure he would be one of our greatest Governors, he truly is needed more in the Senate, by ALL Americans, and not just new Mexicans! I used this video because it says so much more than a mere photo.
(8 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 4, 2016 Michigan's Senator Stabenow on Large Oil Spill plus MoveOn Petition Comments, Recent ND Drone Videos
From Michigan's Senator Stabenow, a sobering reminiscence of the Marshall Michigan oil spill of 800,000 gallons into the Kalamazoo River in 2010, which makes the concerns of the Standing Rock Sioux much more real and understandable.Followed by more incisive comments from petition signers and then video footage from our drones filming, and an interview with a half Sioux half Navajo drone operator
(21 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 4, 2016 Bernie Sanders in San Rafael: Democratic Elite to Blame for Trump Victory
At last! A serious analysis moving toward the truth we have known all along! This DNC elite is so brazen and now apparently oblivious, and I am not just writing here about missing the "economic pain of an increasingly large segment of the nation." He should go into details specifically about the blatant purging and cheating that went on in 12 states, and how to vigilantly prevent this in from happening in 2018 and in 2020.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 4, 2016 Standing Rock isn't Over; Discussion of Trump's Attorney General and Potential Homeland Security Secretary
Energy Transfer Partners CEO Kelcy Warren was silent on the pipeline during a halt in the pipeline's construction but said in an NBC News interview in November that he was "100 percent sure that the pipeline will be approved by a Trump administration," regardless of what the Army Corps ultimately decides. So, let's talk for a moment about Trump's considering for Homeland Security the draconian Milwaukee Sheriff Clarke
(14 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 3, 2016 Statement by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests
The Attorney General Speaks. What do you think? The next one certainly won't say these kinds of conciliatory things. I know she could be a lot tougher, and sometimes, that comes with that job. I don't think there is any safe "middle ground" with this issue, which will define the 21st Century much like Vietnam defined the late 60's and all subsequent politics.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, December 2, 2016 The People Speak out in Defense of the Standing Rock Defenders, from Moveon Petition Signers
Each of these comments were from people who signed the petition I put up less than 24 hours ago on Moveon. At this writing, 1700 have signed it, and I have extracted some of the most articulate comments. This issue is going to become as important as Vietnam was 50 years ago. If you haven't signed the petition to various Democrat members of the US Senate, please do so soon. The URL is at the head of the article.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 1, 2016 NM's Senator Tom Udall Calls for Urgent Action on Dakota Pipeline to Protect Tribal Rights, Safety of Demonstrators
Tom Udall is the Vice Chair of the Indian Affairs Committee. Thus, the forces behind the Pipeline and the inexcusable brutality are getting both barrels from both New Mexico Senators. This is a vital document, one with profound legal implications, and as far as I can determine, we are leading the nation in this context. I ask both NM Senators and others to go to Standing Rocks and televise your insights for the world to see!
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 1, 2016 New Moveon Petition asks Key US Senators to Expand and Strengthen Standing Rock Support
Please take the time to read, sign, and share this petition and the reason for it having been created. I have faith in the Senators to whom it is directed, great faith, and I call on them to take the support to the next level, as this issue will become as important as Vietnam was 50 years ago. Reach out to Republican Senators, too, for they are in the Majority and we need their support and intervention as well. Thank you!
(13 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 30, 2016 "The Violence at Standing Rock Must End" Nevada Senator Harry Reid Speaks out in Support
Don't forget that he is still the Minority Leader for five more weeks, and what he says here is quite eloquent and very welcome and very accurate. This might help other Senators ta take the big leap of faith and pressure the Corps of Engineers to rescind their Eviction at Standing Rock.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 30, 2016 National Lawyers Guild Files First Standing Rock Class Action Suit!
The first of many, we hope! Because the Governor is outgoing and because there aren't enough Democrats in the North Dakota Legislature to get an impeachment, and because we scrutinize the Sheriffs and others who have militarized the response at Standing Rock, the massive series of lawsuits, both private and by class action are the only remedy for Justice ever geting done for the victims in North Dakota.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 30, 2016 NM Senator Heinrich Asks President to Overturn Arbitrary Date of 12/5 to Evict Standing Rock Demonstrators
This is breaking news, reaching you soon after it was delivered to the White House. Hoping to add more Senators registering this kind of thought, and have recommended that they make their case also clear directly to the head of the Army Corps of Engineers as well as to the President. Please send it to your 2 Senators and request that they weigh in on this in the remaining days of the week, including the Republican Senators!
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 26, 2016 North Dakota Gov. Suspends One Sheriff; Army Corps of Engineers is Evicting Water Defenders
PLEASE ASK YOUR US SENATORS AND CONGRESS MEMBER IN A LETTER EMAILED TODAY TO PRESS THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS BY ASKING THEM TO RESCIND THEIR DECEMBER 5 EVICTION NOTICE OF THE WATER DEFENDERS! WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN !he numbers aren't there in the Legislature for impeachment; Department of Justice after Jan. 20 not likely to pursue prosecution; ND will have new Governor soon: justice will come via massive lawsuits
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, November 25, 2016 Sophie Wilansky's Father Wayne Speaks at Length in this Video about his Daughter's Injuries at Standing Rock
PLEASE ASK YOUR US SENATORS AND CONGRESS MEMBER IN A LETTER EMAILED TODAY TO PRESS THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS BY ASKING THEM TO RESCIND THEIR DECEMBER 5 EVICTION NOTICE OF THE WATER DEFENDERS! WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!"You don't expect those kind of wounds happening when they're not in combat...felt like it was a combat wound...she had shrapnel wounds." However, the police who were involved quickly blamed it on the protesters
(19 comments) SHARE Friday, November 25, 2016 NM's Senator Heinrich asks Obama to Move Pipeline; "Don't Reward Inexcusable Brutality"; 2nd Norwegian Bank Pulls Out
NM US Sen. Heinrich decries "inexcusable brutality" at Standing Rock; 2nd Norwegian Banks Pulls Out of ND Pipeline
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 24, 2016 New Mexico Cartoonist Ricardo Cate "Without Reservations" Reports from Standing Rock
My personal favorite-in-the-whole-world cartoonist was at a traffic light in Colorado and decided to go to Standing Rock North Dakota to do what he could to help, instead of coming back to New Mexico, and this article details his efforts.
(10 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Remembering the US soldiers who refused orders to murder Native Americans at Sand Creek
As we ponder whether there will be any kind of just resolution in North Dakota with the Pipeline issue, and as we await any news about the 21 year old woman who was hit with a projectile and may have to have her arm amputated after being helicoptered to Minneapolis, I am honored to present this article sent to me by one of my best Native Artists, George Curtis Levi, Southern Cheyenne.
(30 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Trump Absolves Clinton and her Foundation to "Help Her Heal" and White Supremacist Trump Supporters use Nazi Salute
Unbelievable! Quasi-judicial pardoning of Hillary and her Foundation despite Trump's strong campaign threat to "instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation." Supports do the Nazi Heil Salute while proclaiming white superiority and speaking of the LugenPress, a Nazi term to criticize the press!
(22 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Update on Injuries to Sophia Wilansky, who may lose her arm due to injuries from North Dakota police concussion grenade
This may happen again too soon in Oak Flat, Arizona in Tonto National Forest, John McCain's future copper mine! Cops say protesters caused injury, but this is contradicted by the victim and many eyewitnesses. This incident adds to the gravity that impels reaching viable solutions in North Dakota and not allow this situation to devolve further into egregious disgraces equal to those we saw in South Africa during Apartheid.
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 20, 2016 Petition asks Department of Justice to Prosecute ND's Governor Dalrymple for Standing Rock Abuses / Tear Gas Video
The petitioners write of their anger at the abuses by the North Dakota Governor towards the Water Defenders at Standing Rock! This is what a few have to say, recorded on the petition in one hour on Sunday, November 20. I firmly believe in petitioning to suggest to the signers that they comment at length and in detail, and the depth and profundity of what they have to say is striking, indeed! Please sign it and ask others to!
(14 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 19, 2016 Requiring Carcinogenic Label on Aspartame: The Most Important American Consumer Protection Effort of Early 21st Century
A vital step toward protecting California consumers with required labeling of aspartame as a product known to cause cancer, a slow process, but we are moving closer to achieving this; a detailed report from one of the 4 testifiers in Sacramento on Nov. 15, 2016, Dr. Betty Martini who has relentlessly led international efforts coordinated with the world's top physicians who have treated many aspects of aspartame poisoning.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, November 18, 2016 Norwegian Bank sells 10% stake in North Dakota Pipeline plus Video of Beating of Protester at Wells Fargo in Bismarck
DNB was supplying 10% of the line of credit and has pulled the plug, a financial, public relations, and international stumbling block for the company behind DAPL; tell your friends and colleagues about this very good news, please. There is a petition directed to Obama on line to make it a national monument. Please find and sign it. Also, now is the time to be talking about this to Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and JPMorgan!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 17, 2016 Santa Fe's Mayor Javier Gonzales Defends City as Immigration Sanctuary
This takes some real courage to stand up to Trump's campaign promise to withdraw Federal funding from all sanctuary cities, which also include New York and Chicago. I am so proud of my Mayor: he is articulate, forceful, polite, and accessible. Santa Fe has seen no evidence whatsoever of any increase in crime because of granting harassment-free status to undocumented aliens, who form the backbone of our Nation's work force.
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 15, 2016 In support of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook's Beneficial Effects on American Politics
As creator of a Bernie Sanders Facebook group, I see a magnificent unprecedented level of public knowledge that would not be possible without Facebook. As a pacifist in the late 60's driving hundreds of miles from LA to San Francisco to be in marches against the Vietnam War, I have a warranted intrinsic distrust of the mainstream media, which has become increasingly irrelevant while Facebook becomes increasingly MORE relevant
(15 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 10, 2016 Trump's Cabinet Brings Alarm while Bernie Sanders Doesn't Rule out 2020 White House Run
We are not at all jumping the gun by discussing these Cabinet possibilities, after the President-elect "making nice" with Obama in discussing the transition. Some draconian naysayers and fear mongers have described it as a "Cabinet of Horrors." But I think we must try to keep an open mind. Remember that the Senate will likely go along with all of his appointments because of his carte blanche there with the Republican majority.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, November 7, 2016 Norwegian Bank Considering Pulling out of Dakota Pipeline Investment (10%) if "Native Concerns Not Addressed"
A major international bank has the sense to begin to consider to withdraw its investment in the line of credit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. Let's hope others follow through, and the financing falls flat on its face thus giving the Standing Rock defenders a victory and ending the violence thus far we have seen so reminiscent of Apartheid brutality in South Africa, or even Germany's treatment of the Jews in the 1930's!
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 3, 2016 US Demands a Resolution: Standing Rock Defenders Article and Police Videos Hit #1 in Page Views in OpEdNews, since 2004
Thanks to all involved for helping make my article on the Standing Rock Defense vs. the North Dakota Police the #1 OpEdNews for page views since 2004, especially the brave folks at Unicorn Riot Video and the Standing Rock Sioux Defenders themselves.
Please watch this on YouTube.com:
Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock broadcast by the Young Turks
(124 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 29, 2016 NYC Council "STANDS UNITED" WITH N.DAKOTA PROTESTERS, 2 new videos of police using pepper spray and rubber bullets
This is really sickening footage from North Dakota, but you need to watch it now and share it widely with your friends and groups, please. Bernie Sanders has made clear that he supports the native defenders and that he wants to put a stop to the Dakota Access Pipeline. He is only one Senator: ask yours to help soon!
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 18, 2016 Cypress College's Peter Mathews interview with Stephen Fox on California, eventually labeling aspartame as a carcinogen
Stephen Fox discusses the colossal regulatory failures inherent in this neurotoxic artificial sweetener still being on the market with Peter Mathews, Professor of Political Science at Cypress College in Southern California, and the need for citizens of all states to write in to Sacramento in support of this labeling of aspartame as the carcinogen it has always been.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 13, 2016 New Mexico State Senator Ortiz y Pino Supports California Labeling Aspartame as Carcinogenic, plus Stephen Fox Testimony
New Mexico Senator as well as Consumer Protectionist testimony in support of California leading the world towards truthfully labeling the artificial sweetener aspartame as CARCINOGENIC, found in thousands of medications, tens of thousands of food products, and dumped into hundreds of millions of cups of coffee daily, even though it is metabolized as formaldehyde and lodged as such in the RNA
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 17, 2016 Bernie Sanders as Vice President? Signers of the Petition to Redo the Hijacked NY Primary Respond to My Article
Our VP presides over the US Senate, and Bernie's position would give him unprecedented abilities to advance overdue progressive legislative solutions
One commenter: Sanders as VP would be the most healing thing for our country at this time. I am appalled at some of the comments that I have read from 'former' supporters. At the wise age of 71, I contemplate that this may be one source of what is wrong with our nation.
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, July 15, 2016 More Responses on the Idea of Bernie as Vice President, My Recent OpEdNews Article
This sincere idea is bringing out a lot of strong responses, all worth reading to take the pulse of American Presidential Politics right now.
Comment by Kristan Hill-Love in California Grassroots Organizing: Bernie Sanders as VP: I would find this to be at his best, constantly chastising Clinton to stay straight and not becoming more corporatist and corrupt; as VP Bernie would constantly be kicking Hillary to improve!
(63 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Bernie Sanders is the Best Possible Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
Make no mistake: without Bernie Sanders on the ticket as the VP candidate, Clinton and the Democrats will probably go down in flames. With him, Trump loses badly. On the other hand, what a great VP he would be, because as President of the Senate, he would be able to advance a great progressive agenda.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Saving Oak Flats Arizona from Copper Mining Giant Rio Tinto: Bernie Needs YOUR Help to Prevent Privatizing Nat'l Forest
With terrible photos of the environmental destruction in many nations wrought by Rio Tinto Mining of Australia, the corporation which got Arizona's John McCain to put in a bill privatizing the Tonto National Forest and turn it into North America's largest copper mine! Senator Sanders jumped into this to protect Apache Sacred land with the Save Oak Flat Act (S2242), which is hung up in Lisa Murkowski's Senate Energy Committee!
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 3, 2016 My Defense of Bernie Appears in Monterey California Herald: "An insidious take on Sanders"
This may inspire you to write your own response on editorial pages when you see condescending and illogical misrepresentations in American newspapers, which are going to increase as the Convention approaches. Get ready, folks: the worst corruptions in American mainstream political journalism are about to increase exponentially, and if you don't respond, they get away with it, and everyone forgets that there is such as TRUTH!
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, July 1, 2016 How and Why to Counter Mainstream Journalist-Apparatchiks Defeatist Trivializing of Bernie's Charismatic Accomplishments
Many letters are intelligent and comprehending, but many have begun to manifest seething turncoats and the condemnations of "fair-weather friends." Many are boiling over with trivial advice, consolation prizes for Bernie, and spectacularly illogical conclusions. The worst mainstream full scale article in my estimation was Nate Cohn's recent one in the New York Times, which I eviscerated for 1,000,000 Facebook Berniecrats
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 30, 2016 Examples of Letters to Bernie's Lawyer Brad Deutsch asking him to De-certify the 11 Hijacked Elections
Even the first wave of articles on your efforts to de-certify the "results" of hijacked elections, no matter what judges decide down the line, and no matter what the other side would ask for in terms of dismissals for lack of cause (which you then vigorously argue for!), if this were coordinated in eleven or twelve states, would bring a lot of good, and would fire up the troops, and send a message to the entire world.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Unanimous Supreme Court Decision Limiting Public Corruption Trials: What does this really mean?
Watch what pundits, professors, judges, and scholars have to say about this decision. I hope it won't pave the way for levels of corruption like we routinely decry in Third World Nations, yet we excuse and ignore in our own, thus sending a chilling message to those who only trust in one man, Bernie. In my skeptical political mind, this is just more of an extension of corporate manipulation of appropriate regulatory processes.
(10 comments) SHARE Friday, June 24, 2016 Facebook Suppression of Bernie Sanders Supporters?
Do these two week Facebook restrictions result from the volume of postings, from complaints from shills and Hillary Trolls, or actual corporate policy? For many Bernie supporters, they seem like outright censorship! Whatever the reason, the restrictions are sudden, painful, oppressive, and saddening for many. Do they happen to Clinton and Trump supporters too? I doubt that very much....
(14 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 15, 2016 CA Exit Polls reveal 23% Discrepancy; 11 States With Vote "Flipping" Evidence; Our New Directions in American History?
"In eleven states besides California, there has been noted a difference between the Edison Research exit polls and the electronic vote totals presented on the morning after the primaries. These differences show votes appear to be shifted from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton. The chances of this shift happening are considered to be statistically impossible between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning in these eleven states."
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Interview: Former San Bruno CA Mayor Gary Mondfrans about Bernie, Contemporary CA Politics, and Facebook Censoring
51 ways Bernie Sanders can ditch the Democrats and go on to win a majority of the 51 separate elections in November, which lead to the all-important "electoral college" vote on December 19th, where the Next President of these United States of America is elected, and with Sen. Bernie Sanders being the "King of Amendments" in both the House and Senate: he knows every one of these the options and opportunities those present.
(61 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 12, 2016 In the California Primary, More Ballots Remain Uncounted than the Total Number of votes for Hillary Clinton!
I warned Californians that they would see their primary become as egregious as New York's! California's Uncounted Ballots, from sages, pundits, pollworkers, and commenters in California. Totaling the votes for Clinton, Sanders and uncounted we get 6,149,706. A majority of that would be 3,074,853. To reach that number, Bernie needs 1,447,818 of the 2,423,607 uncounted ballots, or 60%.
The fat lady has a case of laryngitis!
(12 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 8, 2016 How to Prevent Philadelphia from Turning into Far Worse than Chicago in 1968
Philadelphia must not be turned into a blood bath. That would snap the sole remaining strands holding up what is left of American Democracy. Please write your letters and send this article to these 3 key Pennsylvanians, the Mayor and Chief of Police in Philadelphia, and the Governor of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia has a poverty rate of 26 percent, yet it will spend upwards of $60 million to house millionaires and billionaires.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 7, 2016 Media Blind Spots and the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Hijackings
I have been recommending a new tone to Bernie's lawyer in Washington D.C., Brad Deutsch, plus court actions to de-certify several phony primaries. About the NY Primary heist, our citizen's evidence has been turned in, to both the NY Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, and to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara. What they do with determine the future of what is left of the American Democracy
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, June 6, 2016 5 Formal Requests to Preet Bharara to Redo Primary from Seattle, New York City, Spokane, Santa Fe, and Brooklyn
Lisa Canar, Seattle:
"NY AG's Schneiderman's lack of response has lead us to other means of formal request for a Federal Court order for a new primary, complete with safeguards, monitors, and forensic computer experts"
Dr. Kowalchyk, NYC: "There still remain politicians in this world who are worthy of the public's trust. You are one of them"
Celeste Leibowitz, Brooklyn
"Your incorruptible guidance is indispensable."
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 24, 2016 DNC Poised to Repeat Mistakes of 1968
A superb article, with my own comments added. I first saw this in the Los Angeles Progressive, a new West Coast media site striving to do great work similar to what goes on here at OpEdNews. This version is republished from Veterans for Bernie, with the author's enthusiastic permission for it to be further shared widely.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 21, 2016 Obama's response to two other petitions asking for a AZ Primary
The blindsided DNC and the Super Delegates are leading Dems down the path to destruction with the doomed "front-runner," but bad press plus lawsuits for decertifying hijacked primary results could take place between Washington DC's primary June 14 and the July 25 convention in Philadelphia after the primaries shaking up the deluded deals with those "pledged" pledged super delegates and give Bernie the victory America needs!
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, May 16, 2016 "Those Pledged Super Delegates would run like rats from a sinking ship" ---NY Primary Redo Could Win it for Bernie
The process of redoing the NY Primary might cause those pledged super delegates to change their tune when they see their own political survival will be impugned by consorting further in this egregious rotten super delegate mess that makes some of DNC top brass look like 21st Century Tammany Hall, as if Boss Tweed had come back to life and was working for Bernie Sanders' opponent, hammering to us that the "fix is in"!
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 14, 2016 Refute the Los Angeles Times Endorsement of HRC with Short Published Letters + Some Longer Polemics not Publishable
Fight back at corporate-serving editorial idiocy with a short letter to editor to be published, + longer letters to each editorl staff, all easily accessible with the links in this article. Don't roll over and play dead about this endorsement when there is so much at stake. This is the largest circulation newspaper in the remaining states. Will this effect on Bernie's 2-to-1 polling in California. Tell LA Times: Hell No!
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, May 13, 2016 New Yorkers and Others Give Reasons to their Attorney General for a Redone Clean Primary Election: Installment III
The 3rd OpEdNews compilation of comments intended directly to be read by New York's Attorney General mostly from New Yorkers outraged at the unmitigated hijack and heist of their votes in the primary held a few weeks ago, that was so fatally flawed the moment 200,000 voters were disenfranchised that it must be done over, and soon! Please, if you haven't signed our moveon.org petition, do so today.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 12, 2016 For a Redone NY Primary, please make these five telephone calls today
How to get this achieved by calling the key decision makers. Please make these calls as soon as you have read the article. WE can make this happen.
The crunch is here and we are down to the wire for the new clean New York Primary petition to be achieved.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 8, 2016 Pre-President Sanders is Winning Fair and Square, without Vote Theft by Flipping and Purging
On behalf of the almost 5000 signers of the petition and as author of the petition, I today emailed Election Justice USA the offer for them to please join our efforts in asking Mr. Schneiderman and the Civil Rights Bureau in his Executive Office to move forward with requesting a Federal Court for ordering a new Primary.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 5, 2016 Petition for RedoingNew York Primary Advances to NY Civil Rights Bureau in New York Attorney General's Office
What could be more of an obvious violation of New York and U.S. Civil Rights statutes than denying 150,000 African Americans and Hispanic Americans the right to vote by purging them intentionally from the polls! When you take the time to read the OpEdNews compilation of comments by the petition's signers, it is clear that the victims of this are not just in the Bronx and in Brooklyn!
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 5, 2016 Don't Let What Happened in New York Happen to You. New Yorkers on Why Repeat Their Primary
Why don't you ask Jimmy Carter to head up the oversight committee for a new primary. He has recently made it clear that because of these phony primaries, he believes that America no longer has a functioning democracy. You can repair that, and also why not ask UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to participate, as well as ask the FBI Director to lend you some of his best computer forensic experts for the new primary?
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 3, 2016 Petition for Redo of NY Primary Filed today with NY Attorney General Schneiderman
What better way is there to correct the unprecedented disenfranchisements, computer fraud, voting machine breakdowns, closed polling places, and other "irregularities" in that disgraceful primary than throw it out the window and do another one?
(10 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 27, 2016 New New York Primary Petition Restricted from Facebook Bernie Groups by HRC Trolls Reporting "Spam" or "Pornography"?
The only way to correct the massive injustices of the New York Democratic primary is to ask a Federal Court to order that a repeat primary must be held. This petition has already 1200 signatures and our goal is 50,000. Please sign it and share it with as many as you can, to help prevent the destruction of what is left of America's Democracy.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 23, 2016 Philadelphia Tribune, Oldest African American Newspaper in US, Endorses Bernie Sanders
Bernie's victory depends on him winning the Battle for the Editorial Pages in all of the remaining states, and this depends on you writing to them to ask them to do so! This is what we are focused on in our Facebook group, Bernie Sanders; Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win!
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 23, 2016 To Both Bernie and New York Attorney General: Please ask a Judge to order a new New York Primary Via Article 78
New York's Attorney General and Bernie's Lawyer truly should ask for a new New York Primary! We waited and waited while the United States Supreme Court caved in on that hanging chad question years ago. This idea could be entered and maybe even granted as "appropriate relief" in a Judge's order by the end of the week!
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 16, 2016 The Most Eloquent Letters to the Editor and Commentaries about Bernie, Part II, April 2016
This compilation is a synopsis of the 20 most eloquent recent letters to the editor and commentaries which support Bernie Sanders for the nomination. I hope you enjoy them, and if you see one you really like in your reading of newspapers, please let us know, even if it yours before it gets published.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 14, 2016 I. Newspapers in an Electronic Social Media Era and II. New Facebook Tools to Advance Your Own Politics
New Facebook Tools for you to use to help elect Bernie Sanders! and a discussion of newspapers continuing relevance in an era of electronic media.
"Facebook's tool, Bernie Friend Finders, allows you to identify who are your friends who like Bernie who are living in California or Pennsylvania, for example."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Pennsylvania: In the primary home stretch, it's all about the delegates by Lowman Henry Chairman Lincoln Institute
"But, should it take more than one ballot many of those delegates become unbound and are then free to vote for whomever they choose. There are also "super delegates" on the Democratic side: party officials who are not bound to any specific candidate, and uncommitted delegates on the Republican side who are similarly unfettered."
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, April 8, 2016 Joan Baez Endorses Bernie Sanders
"I joyfully and wholeheartedly endorse Bernie Sanders to be the nominee for the Democratic Party in the 2016 Presidential Election."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Website for Lists and Contacts of Most of the Incumbents and Candidates Supporting Bernie!
Superb compendium of candidate and incumbent contacts for Bernie supporters; the campaign HQ for Bernie should contact all of these for much more than memes, but for full scale commentaries and letters to editor on editorial pages in all remaining primary states. To win this for Bernie, this must kick into high gear this week. Contact info included for Tad Devine, Campaign Advisor and Symone Sanders, National Press Secretary
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 3, 2016 Bernie Sanders Meets With the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial Board (34 minute video)
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the largest circulating Wisconsin newspaper's editorial board interview of Bernie Sanders, and perhaps will endorse him on Sunday or Monday before the Tuesday election. This video clearly demonstrates what my focus on the Editorial Page Battles are all about, in terms of getting Bernie to win the nomination.
(33 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 2, 2016 A Woman Will In Due Course Be America's President; Just Not This One, Please!
Some ruminations on feminist issues about one candidate; some reflections on Eleanor Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, and Emma Goldman, three great American women political leaders; a long hard look at the often repeated mantra and shibboleth of "We have to have a woman in the White House."
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Wisconsin's Former Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton Endorses Bernie Sanders; This will really help him on April 5
Just in plenty of time before the primary next Tuesday in Wisconsin, this important endorsement was welcomed by Sanders, and the former Lt.Governor will introduce him at a rally this Wednesday in Appleton, Wisconsin. Please share this widely, especially with the friends, family, and newspapers in Wisconsin!
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, March 25, 2016 Bernie Meets with LA Times Editorial Board (this is the complete transcript!)
Of the papers remaining in the primary states, this would be the most important endorsement, but so would the Hartford Courant, the Providence Journal, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Sacramento Bee, The Oregonian, the Honolulu Advertiser, and so on. Since Bernie can't personally speak with all of them, how about YOU asking your local papers and even some big ones to do endorse him?
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Bernie Needs Editorial Page Endorsements and Letters to the Editors to Secure Nomination
Bernie Supporters need to submit their endorsements to editorial page editors instead of just clicking like on Facebook or, if they are really campaigning hard, share a page or two, like preaching to the choir! Californians are comprehend this and writing but not so much the rest of the nation.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, March 7, 2016 Seattle Times Endorses Bernie Sanders and John Kasich (By Seattle Times Editorial Board)
A huge endorsement for Bernie Sanders from this enlightened paper in the progressive city of Seattle. This may lead to what I believe will happen: Bernie will make a clean sweep of most of the Western United States. Take the time to forward this to your newspaper editor(s) and tell them this is your precedent for doing the same thing!
(14 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 6, 2016 How Bernie Sanders Might Solve and Beat the Super delegate Problem
Bernie supporters are overwhelmed with the unfair and anti-democratic Super delegates ostensibly "pledged" to Hillary. Yet if millions of people wrote to thousands of newspapers about how this usurps the very foundations of our democracy, and how the newspaper should be endorsing Bernie Sanders rather than going along with main stream media acting like the battle is all over, TRUE DEMOCRACY would be served, for a change!
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 5, 2016 Delusion and Fear at the Core of Trump's Ascension, by Maurice Webster
An analysis of the reasons underlying Trump's rise by a venerable Santa Fe 89 year old wise man, a must reading if you remain baffled by the appeal this buffoon Mad Donald Duck Trump! Like the Economist, the UK publication did recently did, it is quite another matter to analyze the HOW and the WHY the GOP rank and file has advanced such a pathetic buffoon and demagogue this far; the Republicans must be having a Quack Up!
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 25, 2016 New Mexico State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino Endorses Bernie Sanders
We can win the Primary for Bernie by a massive effort to win the voters by a very strong presence on the editorial pages of America. This endorsement is by the most progressive member of the New Mexico Legislature. Your friends and legislators can write and publish them also, particularly if you ask them to do so right away!
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, February 22, 2016 Bernie Sanders Champions Legislation in U.S. Senate to Protect Apache Sacred Lands Oak Flat in Arizona from Destruction
Only Bernie Sanders, and later New Mexico's Senator Martin Heinrich and Wisconsin's Senator Tammy Baldwin, are standing up to fight Senator McCain's intended plan to privatize part of Tonto National Forest in Arizona and give it over to foreign interests for a huge copper mine! Sanders' effort proves what kind of President we need and what kind of President he will be.
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, February 15, 2016 Bernie's Supporters Must Start Writing Opinion Editorials and Publishing Them Widely!
A call to action for Bernie's supporters to write op/ed pieces and share them widely in their own local papers but also in the battle ground states. This campaign is going to be a long one, but it will be over before you know it, folks! We need to patch this gaping whole in the campaign efforts thus far!
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 4, 2016 Bernie Sanders is the True Democrat!
Bernie Sanders is a true Democrat and Hillary is so often aligned with Republican dogma; Santa Fe County, New Mexico: 75% of our Democrat delegates are supporting Bernie Sanders!
SHARE Saturday, December 19, 2009 Must watch: Kid assaulted and suspended for handing out vaccine flyer at school
Minnesota High School student Robert Wanek faces Assault by Teachers and Suspension for passing out flyers warning his fellow students about the dangers of vaccination. Don't miss this shocking footage! I think this kid is quite brilliant!
(7 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 17, 2009 World's largest aspartame maker Ajinomoto is trying to rename it AMINOSWEET!
Evidently, the heat from the truthful bad press about the medical effects of aspartame has gotten to the corporate giant Ajinomoto, who is trying to change the name to something more warm and fuzzy: AMINOSWEET. Let's hope Obama's FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg, MD, rejects their name change and kicks this neurotoxic carcinogen out of the USA once and for all! Please google and readRead RUMSFELD'S BIOWEAPON LEGACY!
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 16, 2009 Major Legal UK Victory Against Aspartame Maker, Ajinomoto
This is a serious and superb legal milestone affirming that a supermarket chain can describe artificial sweetener aspartame as "nasty," if it wants to do so, based on customer responses, whether the corporate miscreant behind the manufacturing of this deadly poison wants to bludgeon critics into silence or not!
SHARE Friday, June 26, 2009 Roger Williams, UK Parliament Member, Applauds Reinvestigation of Aspartame's Neurotoxicity
Williams said: "Although the Food Standards Agency [UK's FDA] says this product's safety has been established, the fact that a fresh scoping study is being carried out points to concern about aspartame. In recent years I have done significant work on these chemical compounds and my belief is that they can have profoundly damaging effects on certain individuals."
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Burmese Monk Mettacara Finalist for Brilliant Blog Award; VOTING ENDS APR.30
Voting Ends April 30! Burmese Ashin Mettacara Finalist for Most Brilliant Blog Award; Please vote! This is for the Chapeau Blogging Awards, and to vote only takes about one minute. He is a Buddhist monk and refugee living in Sri Lanka, where his visa runs out shortly, and the $2000 prize money could make the difference between survival vs. staggering difficulties he will face.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, April 13, 2009 Burmese Ashin Mettacara Finalist for Most Brilliant Blog Award; Please vote!
Please take the time to quickly vote for our fellow OpEdNews blogger, Ashin Mettacara! He is absolutely a brilliant blogger. If he wins, he can use that money to get out of Sri Lanka, as his Visa there is running out next month. Please help!
(12 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 7, 2009 No to Ajinomoto Asking FDA Approval of New Sweetener Advantame!
Yet another biochemical nightmare from Ajinomoto, the world's largest maker of aspartame and monosodium glutamate; this time, they are asking for FDA approval; write to Obama's FDA Commissioner, Dr. Margaret Hamburg, M.D., and ask her to not only turn them down, but rescind approval for aspartame; put an end to neurotoxic food additives causing dozens of illnesses that go undiagnosed accurately.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 4, 2009 ERIC TREISMAN: an Oscar Schindler for Tibetans, Dies in Santa Fe at 64
Reminiscence on the passing of a fine Stanford Lawyer, Tibetan supporter, linguist, and friend of the internationally downtrodden, especially the Tibetans, whose "beachhead" in New Mexico he was instrumental in establishing.