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Stephen Fox

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Early in the 2016 Primary campaign, I started a Facebook group: Bernie Sanders: Advice and Strategies to Help Him Win! As the primary season advanced, we shifted the focus to advancing Bernie's legislation in the Senate, particularly the most critical one, to protect Oak Flat, sacred to the San Carlos Apaches, in the Tonto National Forest, from John McCain's efforts to privatize this national forest and turn it over to Rio Tinto Mining, an Australian mining company whose record by comparison makes Monsanto look like altar boys, to be developed as North America's largest copper mine. This is monstrous and despicable, and yet only Bernie's Save Oak Flat Act (S2242) stands in the way of this diabolical plan.
We added "2020" to the title.

I am an art gallery owner in Santa Fe since 1980 selling Native American painting and NM landscapes, specializing in modern Native Ledger Art.

I have always been intensely involved in politics, going back to the mid's 1970's, being a volunteer lobbyist in the US Senate for the Secretary General of the United Nations, then a "snowball-in-hell" campaign for US Senate in NM in the late 70's, and for the past 20 years have worked extensively to pressure the FDA to rescind its approval for aspartame, the neurotoxic artificial sweetener metabolized as formaldehyde. This may be becoming a reality to an extent in California, which, under Proposition 65, is considering requiring a mandatory Carcinogen label on all aspartame products, although all bureaucracies seem to stall under any kind of corporate pressure.

Bills to ban aspartame were in the State Senates of New Mexico and Hawaii, but were shut down by corporate lobbyists (particularly Monsanto lobbyists in Hawaii and Coca Cola lobbyists in New Mexico).

For several years, I was the editor of New Mexico Sun News, and my letters to the editor and op/eds in 2016 have appeared in NM, California, Wisconsin, New York, Maryland, the Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, and many international papers, on the subject of consumer protection. Our best issue was 10 days before Obama won in 2008, when we published a special early edition of the paper declaring that Obama Wins! This was the top story on CNN for many hours, way back then....

My highest accomplishments thus far are
1. a plan to create a UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry, a plan that is in the works and might be achieved even before the 75th UN General Assembly in September 2020.

2. Now history until the needs becomes clear to the powers who run the United Nations: a UN Resolution to create a new Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection, strongly supported ten years ago by India and 53 cosponsoring nations, but shut down by the US Mission to the UN in 2008. To read it, google UNITED NATIONS UNDERSECRETARY GENERAL FOR NUTRITION, please.

These are not easy battles, any of them, and they require a great deal of political and journalistic focus. OpEdNews is the perfect place for those who have a lot to say, so much that they exceed the limiting capacities of their local and regional newspapers. Trying to go beyond the regional papers seems to require some kind of "inside" credentials, as if you had to be in a club of corporate-accepted writers, and if not, you are "from somewhere else," a sad state of corporate induced xenophobia that should have no place in America in 2020!
This should be a goal for every author with something current to say: breaking through yet another glass ceiling, and get your say said in editorial pages all over America. Certainly, this was a tool that was essentially ignored in 2016, and cannot be ignored in the big elections of 2020.

In my capacity as Editor of the Santa Fe Sun News, Fox interviewed Mikhail Gorbachev: http://www.prlog.org/10064349-mikhail-gorbachev


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Tucker Carlson: Dr. Joseph Ladapo Interview Tucker Carlson 2/5/24 : Could foreign DNA enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA -- and humanity ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Scientists recommend "Global Moratorium" for mRNA injections by Liberty Counsel in California's Desert Review This news is a profound and long overdue breakthrough to protect the health of several billion people, whose Health and Justice Ministers, and United Nations Ambassadors I will send this OpEdNews article graciously published by OpEdNews Founder, Rob Kall from Pennsylvania! We are winning this specific war which will eventually be recognized by Historians as WW III, a cruel, unprecedented monstrous insidious war of ATTRITION!
China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade It's about more than just economics. Help us make more ambitious videos by joining the Vox Video Lab. It gets you exclusive perks, like livestream Q&As with all ..., From YouTubeVideos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 17, 2020
The Yuan cannot replace the Koran! Criticism of China: "The New Blasphemy of Unadorned and Unstoppable Power" China has made inroads with a different approach than USA's: that of being there to do business, rather than oppressive military backed hegemony. Because of its excessive dependency and reliance on military power, and arms manufacturing, what we have come to expect from USA's many years of dependency on the military industrial medical corporate vaccine complex, the USA should continue to listen and watch via satellites.
The Island Where People Live Longer Than Others How to live longer? Tales about .the fountain of youth. have been passed down through centuries, yet we still haven't managed to find it.or have we?, From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 14, 2020
Towards a United Nations Council of Centenarians: Benefits, Principles and Practices Seeing past so much of the idiocy confusing the forefront of the current plandemic, we should be listening to the Centenarians from each nation, particularly statesmen to find the best path into the future. From present data the number of worldwide centenarians is around 450,000.
DNA animations by wehi.tv for Science-Art exhibition Edit of wehi.tv's DNA animations. Created for V&A exhibition .The Future Starts Here. 2018 No narration, Yes sound and text., From YouTubeVideos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 28, 2020
Recommendations for Preventing Illnesses Caused by USA Continuing to Allow Corporate Manipulation of the FDA and EPA USA will appear in the International Court of Justice (not just Gates and Rumsfeld in the lower International Criminal Court), in response to the lawsuits of other nations for the wrongs done by the USA in weaponizing the coronavirus patented by William Henry Gates in 2015 in "Her Majesty's" London patent office at WO 2016 O12793 A1. Dow Jones Industrial average at 30,000 is contingent upon a chromosomally impossible vaccine.
Santa Fe: New Mexico State Capitol The New Mexico State Capitol, located in Santa Fe at 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, is the house of government New Mexico. It is the only round state capitol in the ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 27, 2020
Update from Project to Create A New United Nations Branch in Santa Fe, New Mexico The future for Humanity, that is to say the 980 years before we reach 3000, requires serious focus on resolving many serious problems not through continuing biological warfare as we have seen since the beginning of this recent medical cataclysm, which I believe still deserves a UN Secretary General's Pandemic Board of Inquiry in New York appointed by the Secretary General, in coordination with the International Courts.
Japanese Emperor Naruhito's coronation ceremony at the Imperial Palace | FULL Japanese Emperor Naruhito proclaimed his enthronement on Tuesday at Tokyo's imperial palace in a centuries-old ceremony attended by some 2000 people, ..., From YouTubeVideos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 30, 2020
Japan's Emperor Naruhito Asked to Rescind Exports of Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde, the Artificial Sweetener 27 October: Stephen Fox, United Nations Santa Fe, sent by registered mail to Kunaicho formal request for Naruhito to rescind the approval for Ajinomoto to continue to manufacture and to export aspartame, including a detailed letter from Betty Martini, Mission Possible International on Rumsfeld's regulatory usurpations in 1981; assimilating formaldehyde worsens effects of Gates' UK Patented virus {WO 2016 012793].
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on coronavirus trials and therapeutics FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn spoke at the coronavirus task force briefing at the White House on Friday., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Maryland's Chief Federal Judge, James Bredar: Requested to Order FDA to Rescind Approval for Aspartame/Formaldehyde Stephen Fox has sent this 26 minute treatise on aspartame/formaldehyde to the Hon. Judge James Bredar who is Maryland's chief federal judge having jurisdiction over the matter, as well as Fort Detrick, Maryland, asking him to send an order to Stephen Hahn, the FDA Commissioner to rescind aspartame's approval. Please send your letter to: Hon. James Bredar, 101 W. Lombard St., Baltimore, MD 21201 [410-962-0950
Incoming UN General Assembly President, Volkan Bozkr First Press Conference First press conference by #UNGA75 #UNGA President Volkan Bozkr of Turkey following the opening of the historic 75th session of the United Nations General ..., From YouTubeVideos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 26, 2020
UN 75th General Assembly Must Convene "Documents of Adjudication" Conference to Stop International Child Trafficking UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, the new President of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir of Turkey, and United Nations Undersecretaries General in New York must initiate the effort to bring about a cohesive international conference of compiled documents concerning adjudication of child trafficking cases in their respective nations.
The destruction of the Amazon, explained The 2019 fires were just the tip of the iceberg. This is Part 1 of Vox Atlas: The Amazon, a three-part series about the world's largest rainforest, why it's in jeopardy, ..., From YouTubeVideos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 7, 2020
Establishing The Truth and The Solutions for Bolsanaro's Term of Office for the Amazon Basin The LUNGS OF THE WORLD are at stake, and I encourage heads of state to shout at Bolsonaro, and for those American readers who see that their letters can make a difference, to take on the CAUSE represented in protecting the indigenous peoples of BRASIL, who have suffered from the genocidal onslaughts of the past 500 years, from the Portuguese, now revamped with this right wing President, Jair Bolsonaro.
Arthur H. Hayes Jr., From WikimediaPhotos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 24, 2020
Rescinding Aspartame's FDA Approval Depends On Maryland's Federal Chief Judge James Bredar Inquiries by journalists may be made by letter to Maryland Federal Judge James Bredar, 101 W. Lombard, Suite 5A, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. I particularly encourage victims of Aspartame poisoning to write down their accounts, in informal letters delineating the chronological cause and effect in Rumsfeld's Aspartame Plague, on going irreparable sufferings, key components for Judge Bredar's order to FDA to rescind Aspartame.
Zhou Qiang elected president of China's Supreme People's Court Zhou Qiang was elected president of China's Supreme People's Court at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), the country's top ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 8, 2020
Hiroshima August 6, Bill Gates Day August 8, Nagasaki Day August 2Breakthrough Media Coverage on United Nations Santa Fe Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and by all means send it on to at least five million readers. Sitting back and doing nothing in this world to right the wrongs is how ignorance triumphs and libraries are closed and schools are shut down and those wearing masks are angry at those not wearing masks and so on and so on and so on.....
Herman Wouk 2014., From WikimediaPhotos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 6, 2020
International Court of Justice Report on Child Trafficking in Belize, Canada, USA, Germany, Mexico, Haiti, and Guatemala This report is in partial fulfillment of the dissection of the USA's own appetite for its 400,000 missing children in 2019. International Court of Justice Members recognize that Belize officials won't want to cooperate with a few mere USA citizens like me inquiring into why they "look the other way", how much they are paid to do so, and by whom, within the International Court of Justice's Advisory Powers.
Bill Gates, From FlickrPhotos
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 5, 2020
International Court of Justice Filing Regarding Gates' Coronavirus Patent Number External silence thus far from the International Court of Justice regarding an injunction to stop Bill Gates doesn't indicate that the 14 top jurists in the world have given tacit approval for Gates' actions in African nations and in Europe. Delays are inherent in the judicial process, but while time goes by, more Africans are being murdered by Gates and his Pandemic Profiteering Vehicle, the World Health Organization.
International Court of Justice in the Hague, From FlickrPhotos
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Brief Submission for International Court of Justice Re: Administrative Order to USFDA to Rescind Aspartame Approval The International Court of Justice might seem to some of the uninformed, venomous, and vituperative, recalcitrant subset as irrelevant, bought out, or inaccessible, but they know little of how it was created nor what was the intent of those principled leaders who put it together. This court is truly the most important part of the United Nations system, and deserves much more study by all who read this article.
International Court of Justice orders U.S. to lift re-imposed sanctions on Iran .  .,  .    . . . The International Court of Justice has ordered the United States to ease sanctions on Iran for ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 22, 2020
International Court of Justice: Please Investigate Child Trafficking and Recommend Death Penalty in All Jurisdictions The 75th United Nations General Assembly could be held in Santa Fe New Mexico, as New York City, always a demanding and inhospitable place, sometimes the target of architectural and financial collapses, might be past its prime. The decision to relocate the UN to Santa Fe rests with the 197 heads of state who participate in deliberations that go back to the Prophet Isaiah.
Double-electrified fence - Auschwitz I, From FlickrPhotos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 19, 2020
Part 3: Video Expansion of ICJ Injunction Request Regarding Peru, Ecuador, Poland, and USA Unlimited are International Court of Justice' Jurisdictions and Powers to do the right thing to protect humanity, DNA, RNA, freedom to pursue happiness and good health. "We hold these truths to be self evident," was how the USA Constitution framers put it. How shocked they would be to see how far USA has devolved into promoting pandemic profiteers William Henry Gates III and Melinda Gates, so unlike trillionaire merchant Bezos
Aleppo Syria Before War Attack And Now(Pray For Syria-Aleppo)Before And After . PRAY FOR SYRIA PRAY FOR ALEPPO PRAY FOR WORLD PRAY FOR HUMANITY THE FALL OF ALEPPO After and Before Before And After 2007 to 2016 I'm ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 18, 2020
A New Look at Syria, for the 14 Members of the International Court of Justice A closer look into the Russian bombing of Aleppo, and the intricacies of "strategic power considerations", which, if unchallenged, will continue to be the indifferent bored complacent way that the two old super-power rivals, Russia and USA, enjoy themselves flaunting the use of their weapons. I can't speak to or for Russia but I can at least ask key questions as an American. Others may dissect these efforts, but no problem.
Auschwitz at the Nuremberg Trials: The Early Evidence, the Start of Holocaust Comprehension The 1945-1949 Nuremberg trials brought Nazi leaders to justice for their crimes, including World War II aggression and crimes against humanity. But as those ..., From YouTubeVideos
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 14, 2020
William Henry Gates 2020 = Heinrich Himmler 1940 ---- Equation for the International Court of Justice Millions have already been killed to further Gates' pandemic profiteering, and these depredations must be stopped. Gates patented an early version of this weaponized virus, but further weaponizing was done with grants from USA's "Institute of Health."
Child Trafficking American Style: How Cash-for-Kids exists and how to Stop It by January 16, 2015 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE Divorce Corp VIDEOS: youtube.com/user/Di vorceCorp?sub_confirmation=1  Director Joe Sorge reveals how good ..., From YouTubeVideos
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Child Trafficking International Video Series Ongoing Expose of Child Trafficking Videos International as part of United Nations Santa Fe efforts. Efforts are underway for the Attorneys General of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico Arizona and California, to speak with the Attorneys of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Sonora, and Baja California. What they discuss will result in fewer children victimized.
Children for Sale: The Trafficking Ring Selling Babies from the Slums to Rich Couples A vast underground network of traffickers has made a living convincing poor mothers in Bulgaria to sell their infants to rich Greek couples. From the courts, to the ..., From YouTubeVideos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 16, 2020
A Start on How to Stop Child Trafficking Internationally As part of the emerging UN Branch in Santa Fe, New Mexico, we are focused on several key goals, the most important of which is the cessation of child trafficking in many nations, the most egregious of which statistically is the United States.

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