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Bruce is 46 year-old father of one, stepfather of three and grandfather of two, who left a lucrative law practice at a large national law firm to work, advocate and write for social justice and equality and find a way to incorporate a spiritual life into the material world. He now struggles along to make a decent living while holding true to his deepest principles in Portland Oregon.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 5, 2007 WAR IS NOT A GAME, So Quit Talking Like It Is
Progressive media and leaders must cease discussing the Iraq war in terms of "winning" or "losing"; "doubling down" or "gambling." Using this language wrongly links wars to games, and makes it harder to convey the true horror of the Iraq War. War is hell; not a game. We need to stop using the language of games and start using the language of the serious failure of humanity the Iraq War really is.