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Jeff Maehr

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Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper called the Southwest Free Press, an alternative news source dedicated to truth and Constitutional law, and educating our people in true health, personal freedom, personal responsibility in maintaining freedom, and resisting tyranny and lawlessness on every level. The education of Americans in the Constitution and laws for freedom and preservation of rights is key to taking our country and counties back!

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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 2, 2012
Wanton, Willful Treason By Congress! The 55 Senators who voted to NOT protect Americans from indefinite detention should be deemed as "terrorist."
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 5, 2011
Liars, Thieves, Murderers! Why is leadership, and those in positions of power and with money, so often given to evil? Why does government consistently lie to the American people about so many different things? WHY has this been going on for 150 or more years? WHAT would lead such people to choose to do evil over choosing to do good?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 20, 2011
ARREST THEM ALL, TRY THEM ALL, IMPRISON THEM ALL, OR WORSE! Could corruption be any more in our face than what is happening on a daily basis lately? Talk about flaunting evil... displaying their sins in public, wide open for all to see. This is nothing short of a clear, public confession by criminals, including details of their crimes.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Egypt's Wake Up Call To All Americans! What is it about Egypt that gripped the world in suspenseful observation of their revolution? What was the excitement people were experiencing who were in other countries? Why was this "uprising" beginning to be seen in other similarly situated nations? Where should it stop?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanklessness is destroying us. . . Are we so hard-hearted, so callous, so selfish... that we are willingly turning from freedom and liberty, to slavery and death? Have we gone past the point of NO RETURN in saving our republic? Have we abandoned our future, our children, our families, for a brief lie? Unless we apply some absolutes... some truth, some courage in our lives, we are already dead, and we are taking our friends, our children and our friends with.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 21, 2010
WHY? What are the odds that out of all the leaders, heads of nations, power centers, wealthy across the planet, that the vast majority can become completely corrupted, greedy, perverted, uncaring, evil... and there not be an equal number of good, generous, caring and just people to counter balance this?
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lawlessness, Corruption, Seeds of Evil and American Downfall! Choice is killing America. People are choosing, whether they actually make a choice, or make NO choice. No choice IS a choice, and it leads to certain effects. America is in HUGE trouble. Will it survive because of the stirring of people and groups, or will they be lulled back to sleep and seduced, once again, by evil? Can we survive without hard choices and immediate action to stop the madness?
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 19, 2009
U.S. Corporate Takeover... of the United States of America When I say the words, "United States," what do you first think of? A nation called America? A group of 50 States called by one name and making up one nation? What if I told you that the "United States" is NOT the same creature as "The united States of America?"
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 7, 2008
Public bailout, long overdue, revealed! The bailout mania is sucking more and more companies along, zombie-like, with their hands out for money that simply doesn't exist. The bailouts are unconstitutional, and fraud on the American public, and it voids ANY liability they might try to hold the American public to. This public bailout can only come if we take the right steps and understand the economic problems.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Public bailout, long overdue, revealed! The bailout mania is sucking more and more companies along, zombie-like, with their hands out for money that simply doesn't exist. The bailouts are unconstitutional, and fraud on the American public, and it voids ANY liability they might try to hold the American public to, So... here is the easy public bailout answer:
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monsanto's attempt at global food control... Dr. Frankenstein at work again. Monsanto's attempts to patent pig genes, and subsequently, many other life forms through genetic modified organisms (GMO) is as criminal as they come.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just Say NO! We will NOT pay for this bailout! Recently, Congress defied the American people, once again, in voting for the 850 billion dollar bailout (2 trillion dollars after interest) for their pimp friends, and for themselves with the added 150 billion for pet projects... acting as the criminals they are.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Are you being taxed on your "income?" For most American's, the answer is NO! The word "income" is nowhere defined in the IRC. It is a legal term but it has an illegally applied definition by the IRS and blindly believed and accepted by the American public. The only place "income" is defined is in case law and Congressional testimony, and it is THIS definition alone which stands in law. Believe it or not, "income" is NOT "wages, salaries or compensation for labor or services."
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 16, 2008
The U.S. Government's "End Game" for America itself. Concentration camps in America? Welcome to Nazi, fascist America in the making, with tacit approval, or even willing complicity, by most leaders in government, law enforcement and the military.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 9, 2008
Corrupt government elements, and others, plan to keep their power and control over YOU... at ANY cost! The available evidence of corruption in our government, military, media and corporate structures is undeniable. If we think for one minute that these forces are NOT conspiring, right now, to keep that power, and to establish even more power and control over Americans, we have lost the war, and our country and way of life already.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 4, 2008
Does America Need a Good Coup de Etat? We have a corrupt administration, violating our Constitution at every turn, and a weak and spineless Congress (save for Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich and perhaps a few others) does nothing to try to stop these crimes... also violating their oath to defend the Constitution. We have a media that has sold out all Americans for special interests, and military elements also joining in these crimes.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thought Police Bill H.R. 1955/S1959 and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) just passed... Government trying to prevent the growing threat of another revolution and cover their own treasonous tracks?
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, April 13, 2008
Quotes to remind us of our responsibility and rights. Our nation and way of life is under attack. We must take to heart what many leaders and others have told us repeatedly over the past two centuries... that freedom is NOT free.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, March 22, 2008
Our worst Enemy Is US The law is a means for a society to function in a healthy and fair way when adhered to, but can destroy a nation when it is violated. However, we've been "dummed down" by schools, the media and by our own choices to be ignorant.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 24, 2008
Where are America's Defenders We have, across the country, the military... Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and National Guard, we have Governors and other State representatives, we have Police officers and Sheriffs and Deputies, all whom took an oath to defend our country and Constitution, and we have a population of 300 million people... so the question is, "Who is defending the Constitution and our freedoms here at home?"

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