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Colleen Turner, Ph.D. is a communications analyst, trainer, coach, and speaker who focuses on transformational communications. She is a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel who has designed and evaluated terrorist defense scenarios and conducted research on "Best Practices for Inspiring Pro-American Sentiment - Exploring Methods of American Masters for Winning Hearts and Minds Around the Globe": See University of Southern California, USC Center on Public Diplomacy -- She served as Chief of Strategic Communications for the Iraq-Afghanistan Joint Interagency Transition Planning Group in 2006 and as a Senior Analyst and Deputy of the Joint-Cross Service Team of the 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC). In the sport of volleyball, she was a member of the USA team and her jersey was retired at UCLA where she obtained her Ph.D. in Social Welfare. Website: colleenturner.com
SHARE Sunday, September 18, 2011 War Is Over If We Want It?
The average American household is paying $700 a month on defense and only $2 on peacekeeping. The impact of increasing this amount to just $4 could be dramatic. I hope that the United Nations' International Peace Day on September 21st finds us closer to the end of war. Just perhaps, "out of the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train."
SHARE Thursday, August 6, 2009 Best Communications Practices for Making a World of Difference
Our nation's leaders can benefit by implementing proven communications practices routinely used outside of the political sphere to promote cooperation rather than ruffle more feathers.