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SHARE Wednesday, December 12, 2007 What is wrong with Sen. Feinstein?
Your urgent action is needed today.As early as Thursday,Senator Dianne Feinstein will make a decision to stand with President Bush and huge telecom companies or with her constituents in California.Now, our friends at CREDO Action (from Working Assets),are ramping up your campaign to hold Sen Feinstein accountable for her vote.Please read the email from CREDO below and then take action before it's too late.
SHARE Friday, October 27, 2006 Protect the Election- Join the Immediate Response Network!
We sincerely hope that the November 7th election comes off without any
problems. But if it doesn't, are you ready and willing to take action?
We won't have enough time to email you, but we can deliver a text
message straight to your phone with a short and easy call to action
that could help save the election. Signing up takes only a moment, and
you'll be a great service in helping protect the election.