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SHARE Monday, March 3, 2008 TX Citizen Exit Pollers Display E-Voting "Wheel of Glitches"
All of the electronic voting systems currently used by TX voters have been discredited&in some circumstances decertified in three states within the past six months:CO,CA&OH.The reason?In-depth investigations by computer security experts have revealed that machines made by ES&S, Hart InterCivic; & Diebold(now known as Premier Election Systems)"lack the necessary security features to prevent tampering."
SHARE Sunday, September 2, 2007 VoteRescue/Texans for REAL Elections Conduct Exit Poll at Texas Straw Poll
Our small but very committed group of volunteers assembled at the Ft. Worth Convention Center and succeeded in garnering a fantastic 23.8% participation rate,or 308 exit poll participants,among the 1300 official Republican delegates who voted in the official Straw Poll.THE TEXAS STRAW POLL WAS EXECUTED WITH HAND-COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS.it seemed peculiar to us that pencils were provided to voters at all since...
SHARE Friday, February 8, 2008 Dave Berman on VoteRescue Radio this Sunday, Feb. 10th, from 2-4pm CST
Our special guest this week will be Dave Berman. Dave has been actively involved with election integrity advocates throughout California and across the country. CA Secretary of State Debra Bowen called Dave "a stalwart [who has] educated so many people." He is a prolific author of dozens of published letters and OpEd columns, as well as hundreds of essays posted first at his GuvWurld blog and now at We Do Not Consent.
SHARE Saturday, November 1, 2008 Save VoteRescue Radio!
We all know that it takes months, sometimes years to do the forensics and figure out what really happened on Election Day. Karen and I look forward to helping illuminate that process with all of your reports as soon as we get back on the airwaves!
SHARE Monday, May 28, 2007 Help Save our elections NOW!
Here are two new YOU TUBE videos. One featuring Austin, Texas election reform editors and authors Vickie Karp and Abbe Waldman Delozier , the other featuring Mark Crispin Miller-N.Y.U. Professor and voting integrity advocate.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, September 26, 2008 Tonight on VoteRescue Radio - 9/26 from 6-8PM
we are proud to welcome JONATHAN SIMON, co-founder of the Election Defense Alliance,PENNY LANGFORD FREEMAN, longtime District Political Director, caseworker and campaign manager for Ron Paul, and possible candidate for governor of Texas in 2010! We also plan on getting another update on illegal purging of Texas voters from our return guest MIKE CONWELL!
SHARE Tuesday, March 4, 2008 Texas Citizen Exit Pollers Display E-Voting "Wheel of Glitches" Today
When: Tuesday, March 4th, 2008, ELECTION DAY,12 pm Noon.Where: Austin,TX, at the Rosedale Elementary School,2117 W. 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756,Travis County Precinct 236.Who: VoteRescue and their Coalition,Texans for REAL Elections.Why: To demonstrate the myriad of ways that electronic voting machines can secretly alter votes, totally unknown to the voters.All of the electronic voting systems currently used by TX voters
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 14, 2007 New Version of Holt Bill: A Giant Step Backwards
Without grassroots opposition, this could become a reality within the next few weeks. Please help clear the path for real election reform. Contact your Representative TODAY. Tell them to put a HALT to HOLT!
SHARE Saturday, November 10, 2007 G. Edward Griffin on VoteRescue Radio this Sunday, November 11th
This Sunday on VoteRescue Radio we are honored to have as our guest G. Edward Griffin, founder of Freedom Force International, the Coalition for Visible Ballots, producer of the 2003 film, Invisible Ballots, and author of many books and films on diverse political subjects and health issues.
SHARE Sunday, April 6, 2008 Today 4/6/08, 2-4pm CDT on VoteRescue Radio: Focus on Texas
News about Hart InterCivic and the William Singer whistleblower lawsuit! We'll report on VoteRescue's appearance at the "Public Hearing" Thursday at the Texas Secretary of State's State Division of Elections office as they heard and videotaped our comments regarding the possible upcoming certification of Hart's software version 6.2.1.With a copy of the Singer lawsuit in hand,we were armed and loaded for bear at that hearing!
SHARE Saturday, November 10, 2007 Lady Liberty holds press conference in Austin, Texas
Last Tuesday was Election Day across the country. Coalition National Chair Vickie Karp and VoteRescue, the Austin based election reform group with which she works, held exit polls all day in the Austin area, then held a press conference in front of the County Election Clerk's office that evening with their special guest: "Lady Liberty", on leave from New York Harbor. See YouTube video, link included.
SHARE Friday, November 2, 2007 Listen up! VoteRescue Radio Sunday Nov. 4, 2-4pm CST
This week, Sunday November 4 , 2-4pm Central time, on "VoteRescue Radio - Where Citizens Count, One Vote at a Time", our special BLOCKBUSTER MYSTERY guest will be a courageous citizen activist who gathered evidence after the 2000 election that ES&S ballots were manufactured to create the "hanging chad" fiasco leading to the purchase of electronic voting machine across the country! Tune in and hear his amazing story!
SHARE Sunday, November 18, 2007 Jim Welch on Today's VoteRescue Radio Where Citizens Count, One Vote at a Time!
JIM WELCH from Wharton County, Texas, will be our special guest this week. Jim is a resident of Boling, Texas, who observed the ES&S touchscreen voting machine he was using "flip" his vote on one of the issues he had just voted on!
Jim Welch isn't taking this "sitting down". Tune in and hear what he's already done about it, and what he plans to do!
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Post Election Comments from Coalition for Visible Ballots
The fact that many activists for honest elections now appear to be placated by a Democratic victory in the recent elections demonstrates that they really never understood the problem. It shows that their primary concern was, not over honest elections,but over who wins those elections.Who needs an instant count anyway? The newscasters can wait like everyone else. Honest elections are worth the effort.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 1, 2006 Election Day is Around the Corner - What Should YOU Be Doing?
Logically,citizens keep raising the question:Does this mean we shouldn't vote, since our vote will probably be corrupted,flipped,or stolen anyway?
Our answer is: Vote anyway! As Bev Harris says, make "them" have to steal your vote to manipulate an election. But secondarily,vote so that you can record your experience or that of other voters you see or meet on Election Day.There are many orgs that will be gathering info...
SHARE Sunday, January 27, 2008 VoteRescue Radio Sun. 1/27, 2-4 CST: NH Rehash, & Debbie Stevens!
I just returned after spending four days there,part of the time with Bev Harris and some other fine election reform activists.I was one of the drivers "chasing" the van(driven by "Butch" and "Hoppy")and the police car that were picking up the boxes of ballots from various NH towns for the recount at the State Archive building.I met some courageous,committed people,especially the Republican candidate who filed for the recount
SHARE Friday, May 23, 2008 VoteRescue Radio, Friday, 5/23, 6-8pm CDT presents Bruce Funk
Bruce is the 23 year veteran clerk of Emery County,Utah,who called in the Black Box Voting "hacking team" to examine the Diebold election equipment delivered to his office in 2006 when he noticed some suspicious things about the machines.The resulting examination of the Diebold systems by Harri Hursti,Finnish computer programming expert brought in by Bev Harris of Black Box Voting,uncovered "the most serious security gap ever
SHARE Friday, May 2, 2008 Clint Curtis on Vote Rescue Radio - Sunday, May 4th, 2-4pm CDT
Clint is a FL computer programmer who rocked the election integrity movement world when he became a whistleblower, alleging publicly in a deposition that FL Republican Congressman Tom Feeney hired him and his former employer, Yang Enterprises of Oviedo,FL,to design "vote-flipping software" in 2000.
SHARE Tuesday, November 6, 2007 "Lady Liberty" Personally Delivers Voters' Message to Travis Co.: No more electronic voting!
An urgent message to Travis County Election Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir: Travis County Voters have had enough of fraudulent electronic voting systems that count votes in secret. They demand a return to transparent, hand-counted paper ballot elections for Travis County.Currently there are 2 non-electronic voting methods that fulfill the HAVA mandate.Hand-counted paper ballot elections,with enhanced security measures,are preferred...
SHARE Saturday, October 6, 2007 Kathleen Wynne on VoteRescue Radio Sunday
Kathleen began her work as an election activist in Ohio, and later became Associate Director of Black Box Voting and teamed with Bev Harris on many relevant investigations on electronic voting machine fraud. Her videography skills also resulted in the best evidence used to convict (this past March) two election workers in Ohio of rigging the 2004 Presidential recount there, resulting in 18 month prison sentences.
SHARE Saturday, February 2, 2008 VoteRescue Radio Sun. 2/3: Michael Badnarik, Mark Adams, Jeannie Dean!
Libertarian candidate Badnarik who will give us his take on the election season so far, the NH recount,& recall the infamous hacked OH recount from the 2004 Presidential election which resulted in 18 month prison sentences for two election workers in Cuyahoga County.Also,I will be giving another NH recount update;& we'll be joined by Jeannie Dean,videographer extraordinaire from Sarasota (home of the 18,000 undervotes in '06!)
SHARE Friday, December 21, 2007 John Gideon on VoteRescue Radio Sun. 12/23, 2-4pm CST!
John Gideon is Co-Director and Information Manager for VotersUnite.org He is a disabled Viet Nam Vet(Navy)and a retired
federal employee.He has been learning about and working on the issues related to voting reform and voting integrity since early in 2003.He maintains the current news links on the VotersUnite!website and compiles the "Daily Voting News,"a clipping service of voting news articles on voting reform issues.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 19, 2007 This week, Sunday October 21st, 2-4pm Central time, on "VoteRescue Radio - Where Citizens Count, One Vote at a Time!"
Many of you know and have worked with Abbe Waldman DeLozier, who is a media and PR dynamo and has been a wonderful inspiration and work partner for me (Vickie) as the originator of the idea for our co-editing collaboration of our book "HACKED! High Tech Election Theft in America - 11 Experts Expose the Truth". She is a valued member of the election integrity movement,and gives a lively interview - you won't want to miss it!
SHARE Sunday, July 8, 2007 Action Alert! Monday, Tell your Congressional Rep. to vote NO on HR 811
False solution codifies secret votecounting on proprietary software, adds printers that can be "hacked-around" to e-voting machines, and gives BUSH the ability to select the commission overseeing elections at the federal level. Sound good?
SHARE Thursday, October 12, 2006 Booksigning for Hacked! High Tech Election Theft in America
Thursday, October 26, 2006, 7:00 PM in Austin Texas at Book People, 603 N. Lamar. This event is free, open to the public and co-sponsored by VoteRescue. Come and bring your friends.
SHARE Sunday, March 2, 2008 Sunday March 2nd, from 2-4pm Central, VoteRescue Radio - Where Citizens Count, One Vote at a Time
We're excited to announce our guests this week: Ohio Election Integrity activists Marj Creech and Victoria Parks!Marj and Victoria are both State Coordinators with Ohio's Project Vote Count for the Primary this coming Tuesday, March 4th, organizing citizens to conduct citizen Exit Polls/Affidavits.