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Sally Castleman is an activist "from way back" and has been actively working on issues of election integrity (EI) since before the '04 election. She is one of the 3 co-founders of Election Defense Alliance, an organization established to foster coordination, communicaiton and resource sharing among the many grassroots EI groups nation-wide.
SHARE Friday, February 22, 2008 10 minute ACTION STEPS needed for NH -- important!
Your help is needed to put pressure on the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission (BLC),the SoS's office,and the office of the Atty Gen to hold a full hearing.(The BLC is the legally prescribed avenue for appeal in NH)We must keep their feet to the fire.In a friendly way.We want them to get calls from across the country to put pressure on them to hold a full hearing.We must not sound angry or hostile.Please help!
SHARE Tuesday, July 15, 2008 Alert to NETROOTS NATION participants
We have arranged a SNEAK PREVIEW Special for NETROOTS participants. You will be the first in the country to see this powerful film. Then, be the first to blog about it! STEALING AMERICA is a vehicle for change and can help you/your group with YOUR efforts. Don't miss it!
SHARE Sunday, November 5, 2006 Action Alert! Help Needed to Report Precinct Tallies When Polls Close
Election Defense Alliance has developed a ground-breaking real-time data analysis capability for election night.Pollworkers and monitors who will be working inside the polls when they close -- or will be outside if the totals are posted -- are needed to capture the precinct tallies for use in an exciting new real-time analysis project.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 5, 2006 Action Alert! Make a Difference! One More Critical Exit Poll Needed
As the ground continues to shift, the need for one particularly critical exit poll has arisen. Tonight, Sunday, November 5th, is the latest possible time the poll can be commissioned. We are $15,000 short. Please contribute immediately. You could make a difference!