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For 12 years, as a professional journalist, I covered education, environmental legislation, criminal courts, and politics. Throughout my career, I described myself as from the "Dragnet School of journalism -- Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts."
In 1998, I left journalism because I refused to become the type of sensationalist I would've had to become to continue in my chosen field. Instead, I entered a new career in education, working with inner city, at-risk students trying to make a new and better life for themselves.
I still write for magazines, mostly historical and biographical non-fiction, and have a continuing interest in (true) journalism, environmentalism, world poverty and a new world economy.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Why Government Isn't Hearing Us
We've forgotten what democracy is really all about, which is why it's not working.
SHARE Friday, September 4, 2009 Headed for The Last one Standing
On the 70th anniversary of WWII, there are subtle comparisions to our own economic crisis.
SHARE Saturday, August 8, 2009 The Cycle of Empires
The US likes to think it is unique and will avoid the life cycle of empires, but the end days are merely more subtle.
SHARE Thursday, July 2, 2009 How Have We Served "The Dream?"
The very fact that Michael Jackson "belonged" to African Americans tells us that there is a long way to go in realizing King's Dream.
SHARE Wednesday, June 17, 2009 What Sort of Freedom Is That?
Those who want Letterman fired and those who want abortion illegal share something in common: tyranny
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, May 29, 2009 And The Sheep Shall Lead
Remembering who works for whom and who has control of our health.
SHARE Friday, May 15, 2009 Can We Look Back to Go Forward?
As education has gotten more complex, our learning has gone down. Maybe we're on teh wrong track.