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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.
His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:
Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of articles for Common Ground's national publication, GroundSwell, and has advocated for the Georgist Land Value Tax to public and political audiences.
A complete list of his publications can be found here:
He is also New York State Coordinator and Senior Advisor for the Public Banking Institute
Click Here, which seeks to promote Public Banking. The PBI is chaired by another OEN blogger, Ellen Brown.
Scott has appeared on TV/Radio and in in-person Presentations to explain the principles of Georgism, Greenbacking, and State Banking. These may also be found on his personal blog: http://newthinking.blogspot.com/
Scott has a dozen progressive petitions on Change.org which may be found here:
Scott was an I.T. Manager for a major New York university for over two decades where he earned a Certificate for Frontline Leadership.
He had a video game published in Compute! Magazine: Click Here
Scott is a graduate and adjunct faculty of the Henry George School of Social Science in New York City.
Scott is a modern-day Renaissance Man with interests in economics, science and all future-forward topics.
He has been called an "adept syncretist" by Kirkus Discoveries for his novel, NeitherWorld - a two-volume opus blending Native American myth, archaeological detail, government conspiracy, with a sci-fi flair http://amzn.to/10nUoDV
Scott grew up in New York City and Pennsylvania. He graduated with honors and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University and was a member of the Psychology honor society PSI CHI.
Today he is an avid bicyclist and ride co-leader in a prominent bike advocacy organization.
Technorati code: a72h4zxgud
Saturday, August 24, 2013 (61 comments) SHARE Obama Explains the FEMA Camps
The Conspirosphere has been buzzing about FEMA camps - mass incarceration/relocation centers - for some years now.
But what does the president have to say about them? Quite a bit, it turns out. Series: FEMA (1 Articles, 59053 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Obama (3 Articles, 65650 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 (13 comments) SHARE Was Malaysian Flight MH370 Landed Safely in Afghanistan?
The search for Malaysian flight MH370 has gone on for over a month. With false leads and slow starts, is it time to consider other alternatives? A new report supposedly from the Russian FSB suggests it might be. Series: Malaysian Flight MH370 (2 Articles, 49334 views)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 SHARE Let the Sun Shine on a State Bank in Florida
To balance its budget, fund its obligations and keep from having to raise taxes, Florida should follow the model of North Dakota and Charter its own state bank. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Monday, July 23, 2012 (9 comments) SHARE Batman, The Dark Knight Rises...and Occupy Wall Street Falls
All kinds of reviews will be written about the quality of the film, its impact on the current incarnation of the 70-year old Batman franchise, and the box office records it will undoubtedly smash (with a little help from higher priced IMAX 3D sales).
But I'd like to focus a bit on a message that might have escaped most fans, Batman vs. Occupy. Series: Movie Reviews (2 Articles, 21003 views)
Saturday, February 20, 2010 (34 comments) SHARE The Least Productive People in the World
Productivity, as determined by labor output, has been measured for decades, or longer. But, while it's important to look at who, or what, is the most productive person or enterprise, shouldn't we also look at the least productive people, that is, the least effective laborers?
They are not who you might think... Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Monday, August 5, 2013 (8 comments) SHARE Detroit is Not Broke!
The on-again-off-again pending bankruptcy of what was formerly America's 4th largest city, Detroit, has been all over the news lately. In all of these stories, whether blaming the collapse of the domestic auto industry, profligate workers taking pensions, or, even closer to the truth, speculators (read: banks) who precipitated a housing collapse - there is one glaring omission of coverage, whether Detroit is, in fact, broke. Series: CAFR reform (5 Articles, 44901 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Thursday, May 8, 2014 (33 comments) SHARE The continuing plight of Malaysian Flight MH370 - 2 month update
On this, the 2-month anniversary of the disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370, it's worth examining the landscape of findings, theories, and even, with the trail gone cold and unrewarding, some of the more outside-the-box theories.
The ones that seemed least credible in the early days are seeming almost unavoidable now. Series: Malaysian Flight MH370 (2 Articles, 49334 views)
Friday, February 10, 2017 (43 comments) SHARE Is President Donald Trump Semi-literate?
There's serious evidence that the President of the United States can't read much more than a menu, if even that.
It's incredible, almost unbelievable, but the trail of evidence is long and deep.
Sunday, March 27, 2016 (12 comments) SHARE Bernie has swept the last 6 states: Who's Losing Now?
More voters are feeling the Bern. Sanders has quietly taken over the momentum in the Democratic race, and is steamrolling Hillary Clinton with 2:1, 3:1, and even 4:1 victories.
Separately, delayed counting makes it look like Sanders is doing worse than he is.
Monday, March 2, 2015 (55 comments) SHARE Who owns American Debt?
Who buys our debt and are they just shells for the Fed?
Truth is stranger than fiction, but Netflix's "House of Cards" may be more truthful than the real life Administration. What we can learn from both. Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 (6 comments) SHARE Creating a Geonomic Political Party in New York State
The political two party system is like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, two similar parties going up and down in popularity - neither solving the urgent problems of wealth inequity, natural resource depletion and resource abuse, corruption at every level of private and public institutions, and vast sums of money being devoted towards unproductive activities. We need a new political party.
Saturday, March 14, 2020 (18 comments) SHARE Iranian, Russian and Chinese Officials Claim COVID-19 Is A Biological Weapon (Video)
For the few of you who say I shouldn't cover this or "peddle conspiracy theories" let me ask you this, do you think I should censor what three nation's leaders are claiming? Do you feel it's better to ignore these leaders and not report what they are saying? Just because you don't agree with the theory doesn't mean it shouldn't be heard. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Thursday, January 30, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE Former Ukraine Prosecutor General Files Criminal Complaint on Joe Biden (video)
The former Ukraine Prosecutor General has filed charges in Ukraine against Joe Biden for interfering with his prosecution of Burisma, the oil&gas firm Hunter Biden worked for, in the 2014-2016 period, when the senior Biden was V.P. of the U.S. Under the filing, the Ukraine investigators are obligated to move quickly to launch an investigation into the charges. The penalties can result in up to 4 years jail time. Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Friday, September 27, 2013 (4 comments) SHARE Inequality for All: A Review of the new Robert Reich film
This is a quick review of the Robert Reich film, Inequality for All, which I saw during a special sponsored screening by Moveon.org last night.
This film is, as advertised, the economic equivalent of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" and just as good and unsettling. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 (4 comments) SHARE Second NSA Whistleblower Confirms Snowden Allegations, and adds more (Video Interview)
In a series of 3 reports by Reporter/Monetary Reformer Bill Still, the NSA's highest ranking official to date, Bill Binney, who went by the title of "technical director of the world for G.O. political and military analysis and reporting group" has confirmed everything Edward Snowden has said so far, and added that the NSA has 2,000 transcribers whose job it is just to take down whatever the electronic data gathers cannot. Series: Obama (3 Articles, 65650 views), NSA Whistleblowers (1 Articles, 4304 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Friday, March 14, 2014 (8 comments) SHARE We May go to Nuclear War over WHAT?!
We might go to war, possibly involving nuclear weapons, over a country most people couldn't find on a map.
The Ukraine.
You know you're in trouble when the country you're talking about begins with a preposition.
Let's be Solomon here: split the baby. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 (7 comments) SHARE Are Community Banks Too Small to Survive?
This recent article in Fortune magazine makes it clear that most small banks will not survive Dodd-Frank over the next decade - a bill so humongous it needs its own website - unless major changes are made.
The 7,000 mostly small banks are literally Too Small to Survive - the equally dangerous corollary to Too Big to Fail.
An alternative is Public Banks in every state. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 (12 comments) SHARE America is Not Broke!
Yesterday, someone said that Ryan, Romney's new VP pick, was willing to have an "adult conversation" with the American people, as evidenced by his calling for cuts in Medicare and Social Security. Leaving aside for the moment the complete hypocrisy of his plan that would cut taxes to multimillionaires, while actually increasing the tax burden on the rest of us, the fact is, cuts to government services are unnecessary. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Sunday, June 16, 2013 (8 comments) SHARE Review of Bill Still's Jekyll Island movie
Bill Still's newest film "Jekyll Island." For those who've seen "The Money Masters," and especially the more recent "The Secret of OZ" (2009), they won't find too much new here, although a lot has happened in the last 4 years, and Still takes us all the way into early 2013. The overall point though is that the Money Masters have been controlling the money supply, creating booms and busts deliberately, for hundreds of years. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Movie Reviews (2 Articles, 21003 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Saturday, June 5, 2010 (8 comments) SHARE Did U.S./South Korean Naval Exercises sink the Cheonan?
While everyone is pointing fingers at North Korea in the sinking of the South Korean patrol ship, the Cheonan two months ago, a new and highly disturbing possibility has just arisen, implied by a new Associate Press article.
North Korea may be paranoid, belligerent and unpredictable. They may also be innocent...this time, and we, or South Korea, may be covering up one of the greatest naval mishaps in history.
Friday, August 8, 2014 (191 comments) SHARE 10 Reasons Progressives Ought to support Israel, even now
A lot of liberals or progressives are confused about supporting Israel, or outright opposed to doing so, especially now, when the current conflict, Operation Defensive Edge, with Hamas has eclipsed the carnage and damage of the last big battle, Operation Cast Lead, in 2012.
However, here are 10 Reasons that progressives ought to be interested in regarding Israel Series: Middle East Articles (8 Articles, 16708 views)
Saturday, April 5, 2014 (17 comments) SHARE Occupy's Next Step - a Wave of Action
The Occupy Movement - never centralized to begin with - has adopted an even more decentralized strategy in an effort to avoid arrest and quashing, not always successfully. Having spawned hundreds of progressive movements, has Occupy developed enough power and a cohesive message enough to being a Worldwide Spring? Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Friday, April 10, 2009 (15 comments) SHARE The Top Ten Reasons for Energy Independence
People who continue butting heads with Climate Change deniers are wasting their time. Here's a better way to affect change.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 (25 comments) SHARE China builds infrastructure and allies while America destroys both
China realizes that countries that trade together, stay together, and it is putting its State Banks behind a worldwide effort to modernize countries that we've given up on, or even destroyed the infrastructure of.
It is no wonder China is starting to outrank America in international opinion, as it builds what America destroys.
Thursday, June 16, 2016 (7 comments) SHARE How to start a public bank: A Modeled Exercise
Based on a contracted assignment from the Oakland, CA chapter of the Public Banking Institute, a real-world model was created to simulate a Public Bank for that city.
Based on an established simple bank spreadsheet that considers a Public Bank's operating ratios, returns, 8-year performance, loan loss ratios, ROE, ROA etc. All figures taken from real amounts in CAFRs etc.
New Hampshire is considered & compared. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 (42 comments) SHARE The Pope's Economic Plan
Today, Pope Francis released an 84-page document, known as an apostolic exhortation, called an Official Platform for his papacy by Reuters. Frankly, most of it is arcane religious doctrine and prescriptions to this atheist, but the pope's economic plan ought to be of interest to everyone. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 (13 comments) SHARE Hillary Clinton needs Gary Johnson to Defeat Donald Trump
It's a 4-way race now, and that matters. Clinton vs. Trump has a very different result when Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are factored in.
Why the perjury investigation may benefit Bernie Sanders and even make him the eventual nominee. Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, April 14, 2016 (93 comments) SHARE Canadian Born Ted Cruz fools a lazy court to continue his quest for the presidency
Ted Cruz is a Canadian born citizen, probably ineligible to be President/Vice President.
Conservative? Family man? It looks more like Cruz is a cruising swinger with an open marriage (his wife supposedly knows about his affairs and has told his staff it's OK with her). Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Saturday, October 10, 2009 (14 comments) SHARE A Georgist Review of Michael Moore's “Capitalism: A Love Storyâ€
Moore is at his muckraking best again in “Capitalism: A Love Story,†a series of selective (to be fair, there's a lot to select from) jabs at what he calls Capitalism. This time, however, his target is so big – bigger than even the health care industry in his last, and better-focused opus, “Sicko†– that he misses the target at times.
Sunday, November 24, 2013 (11 comments) SHARE Cheating and the Corporate Cannibals
(Video & Slideshow) I met with long-time Finance and Land reporter, Fred Harrison: Research Director of the London-based Land Research Trust, in New York City, a couple of months ago. We talked about the vast wealth inequities allowed by land monopolizers and rent-avoiders like Goldman Sachs. The cost in New York City alone is in the billions. Worldwide, it is in the trillions. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Monday, April 18, 2011 (32 comments) SHARE Solving the debt crisis without raising taxes or cutting spending: U.S. Notes
I sent the following email off to a couple of reporters at CNBC - that right-wing in-the-box bastion of capitalism. It had to be short, pithy and succinct. If we even get the solution mentioned in the email on the air, even to be ridiculed, it'll still be a major victory over what passes for solutions right now to our twin revenue shortfall/debt increase disaster. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 (10 comments) SHARE The myth of a bankrupt Social Security Trust Fund
Social Security is sound, even if we don't eliminate the cap, though we should. The looting of the (un)locked box can be easily replaced, by following the Constitution and "coining" our own money, without inflation. Don't believe the lies from the self-serving Central Bank and the ignorant MSM. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 (5 comments) SHARE Detroit is Not Broke!
The on-again-off-again pending bankruptcy of what was formerly America's 4th largest city, Detroit, has been all over the news lately. In all of these stories, whether blaming the collapse of the domestic auto industry, profligate workers taking pensions, or, even closer to the truth, speculators (read: banks) who precipitated a housing collapse - there is one glaring omission of coverage, whether Detroit is, in fact, broke. Series: CAFR reform (5 Articles, 44901 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (27 comments) SHARE The Dumbing Down of America's Schools
How can we educate our children when we don't even understand the problems ourselves? We will have to smarten up before we can expect them to do so. Herein, a smattering of failures, false leads, and cries for help...from those who are supposed to be educating. Series: Education (1 Articles, 3153 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Monday, September 30, 2013 (1 comments) SHARE Nanomedicine: The Future of Medicine
Nanomedicine, refers to highly specific medical intervention at the molecular level for curing disease or repairing damaged tissues. Though in its infancy, could we be looking at the future of medicine? Early clinical trials certainly look promising.
Sunday, July 7, 2013 SHARE The Pace University Left Forum Panel Reconvenes and Henry George is Rebranded
The team of panelists, Dr. Michael Hudson, Dr. Cay Hehner, and Chair Andy Mazzone reconvened this year on June 8, 2013 at Pace University's Left Forum. The title of this year's panel was "Wall Street's War to Impose Austerity." This is a review of that presentation. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Sunday, December 10, 2023 (2 comments) SHARE Nanoflowcell's Quantino turns 25 Years Old
The head-turning, 2,000km range, batteryless bi-ion powered Quantino EV may be finally offered for sale in New York City...soon.
It turned 25 years old recently, but has been continuously updated so it looks more futuristic than anything else on the market, and has the performace specs to back it up. Series: Electric Vehicles (1 Articles, 3025 views)
Friday, March 4, 2022 (120 comments) SHARE US/NATO Provoked Ukraine War Say Most Experts On Russia
Politicians and members of the media have nearly universally expressed shock and dismay at Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but their incredulity is belied by the fact that numerous Russia experts and historians have been predicting these events practically since the fall of the Berlin Wall, pointing out that a Russian response to ongoing NATO incursions was virtually inevitable.
Monday, April 11, 2022 (122 comments) SHARE Is it possible to still be Even Handed about the Russia-Ukraine War?
What will the world's response be to the Russia-Ukraine War? It's mostly against Russia right now, but is that the response that will prevent WWIII and is there sufficient attention being given to that possibility, made more likely almost daily now?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 (29 comments) SHARE Dealing with Anti-Semitism from a Jewish Perspective
A number of readers, and even some editorial staff, have pointed out the rise of anti-semitism, both in American society, and even here on Op Ed News. To counter that, I went to one of the leading Jewish Pro-Israel Groups, Facts And Logic About the Middle East (FLAME) for another side.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (2 comments) SHARE Fantasy Fed Speech
Sometimes, between sleep and the time I fully awaken, I have this fantasy about the Federal Reserve Chairman. I imagine that Ben Bernanke will testify before an exasperated, desperate Congress someday and say something like the following on monetary reform... Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 (15 comments) SHARE Dem Nomination hangs on California, but CA just hangs out
California has not counted nearly half its votes. These votes - over 2 million now - have to be hand-processed, and may potentially change the results, or at least strengthen Bernie Sanders bid.
The question is, do we have time to wait until the state deadline of July 15th? Will Sanders wait? Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, November 17, 2016 (41 comments) SHARE Our Revolution goes Viral on Facebook
Senator Bernie Sanders live speech at George Washington University nearly brought down the server last night with nearly 30,000 views. It has more than 10X that just 7 hours later, and a post-speech video has a million views.
Sanders lays out the issues facing all Americans and promises to hold president elect Trump to account.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 SHARE A new form of capitalism is needed: Geonomics
A new form of capitalism that preserves incentives while promoting progressive ideals. Also, solving the derivative based crisis. Obama/Geithner are talking reform; here's how to make it work.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 (14 comments) SHARE Is the Syria Chemical Weapons Attack a false flag event?
I am not a conspiracy hound (some would say "conspiracy nut'). If given the choice between incompetence and conspiracy, I generally choose the former.
But in the case of the recent Syrian chemical weapons attack, the evidence continues to mount, from multiple reports that the Syrian government did not launch a chemical weapons attack on its own people. Series: Middle East Articles (8 Articles, 16708 views)
Sunday, February 8, 2015 (17 comments) SHARE Will Greece or the EU Blink first?
Greece, and especially its charismatic and brilliant Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, are going up against the European Austerity Powers that Be. Who will blink first? There is not much time to find out with a repayment due by the end of the month that Greece cannot pay. Series: Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views) (View All Series)
Monday, July 3, 2017 (32 comments) SHARE How to fix Illinois' Debt problems...and any state's.
Illinois is the latest state to teeter on bankruptcy, supposedly. But a realistic look at their finances and outside-the-bankster-box thinking, says otherwise.
Monday, October 10, 2016 (49 comments) SHARE Did Trump win the Second Debate?
Predicted to implode after a terrible week which included allegations of groping women with impunity and bragging about it, Trump managed to score in the 2nd debate. Here's a rundown.
Could he actually have won? Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 (9 comments) SHARE A necessary addendum to Paul Craig Roberts' Article: Financial Collapse At Hand
Paul Craig Roberts hits it on the head, again, in his article: Collapse At Hand.
However, there are some additional remedies he has not considered. These must be done, in addition to his, and my, remedy to wipe out $230 trillion in derivatives bets. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Monday, March 23, 2015 (5 comments) SHARE As goes Greece, so goes the world
Greece and its unconventional "People's Finance Minister" Yanis Varoufakis, continue to be under the timed gun to refinance Greece before the money runs out, or time to do anything.
Here is his latest public blog post, my response based on an earlier interview of him in late 2013, and some alternatives then and now which could be considered. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views) (View All Series)
Monday, January 29, 2018 (13 comments) SHARE Julian Assange May have Escaped
In what will be certainly a short-lived exclusive if true, independent Journalist and Monetary Reformer Bill Still reports that Julian Assange has most likely escaped from the U.K.
Friday, June 1, 2012 (8 comments) SHARE The Instant solution to the new Depression: debt-free money
We are so used to hearing "there are no easy solutions" that many people think there are no solutions at all. This is Big Lie #1. Big Lie #2 is that we are broke and There Is No Alternative (TINA -- thanks, Margaret Thatcher, for that false belief) to Austerity.
Here are some real answers to the Big Lies.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 (75 comments) SHARE The Middle East Propaganda War
The Israel-Palestine conflict shows no sign of ending, certainly not with the latest 8-day skirmish. There is a propaganda war too, less often reported because it is the ones guilty of propaganda who would need to report it. Here are some examples of the lies in the war of words and images from both sides. Series: Middle East Articles (8 Articles, 16708 views)
Sunday, August 4, 2013 (39 comments) SHARE Why does Congress Nickel and Dime the Debt when it could just Dollarize it?
A new bill, H.R. 2535: the American Liberty Coinage and Deficit Reduction Act of 2013, has just been introduced by Rep. Garland "Andy" Barr [R-KY6], a rare centrist Republican, according to Govtrack. This bill is potentially game-changing for economic status of the Republic. It could help re-establish monetary sovereignty. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Monday, January 23, 2012 (18 comments) SHARE A winning Strategy For Iran, and for the World
This kind of desperate escalation, coming on the heals of so many other recent military entanglements, makes us look weak and unimaginative.
Also, sanctions won't work unless the world -- especially China -- is willing to stop buying Iranian oil, and stop shipping them refined gasoline. Iran has proven to be immune to any other kind of sanctions.
We need to have a new beginning, a new framework for discussion...
Friday, August 24, 2012 (5 comments) SHARE The world is not 10,000 years old. The Bible says so.
A recent Gallup poll showed that 58% of Republicans think the world was created in the last 10,000 years, with humans in their present form. Gallup concludes:
"Despite the many changes that have taken place in American society and culture over the past 30 years, including new discoveries in biological and social science, there has been virtually no sustained change in Americans' views of the origin of the human species... Series: Science (1 Articles, 2618 views)
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 (15 comments) SHARE After Indiana, what now?
It's Clinton vs. Trump now...or is it? Sanders is in the rear view mirror, but closer than he appears. What could still derail the Clinton coronation... Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Monday, February 10, 2014 (4 comments) SHARE Fairness, Sustainability, & Growth are not contradictions! (Video)
Presenting the case for Land Value Taxation to a mixed audience of community leaders, alumni of the Henry George School - which sponsored the event - and other interested students.
This New York City-centric presentation presents real, practical, solutions to the issues of:
- Sustainable Growth
- Job Creation
- Affordable Housing
- Fairness in Taxation
- Urban Sprawl
- Monopoly and Speculation on Land Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Monday, January 26, 2015 (9 comments) SHARE Is Russia trying to Short the Dollar by Buying Gold?
Is Russia engaged in a "Grand Master" chess type strategy to strengthen its assets by buying gold, or just hedging its bets? What will the recent Geek Syriza victory mean to the world's currency markets and economies?
Sunday, July 28, 2013 (2 comments) SHARE The Land Cycle and the Stock Market
A description of the 18.6 year land cycle and how it relates to the current stock market, and whether history will win over modern intervention. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Friday, October 16, 2020 (97 comments) SHARE How to fix the economy, forever
It's time for a global economic reset, but not along the lines of those in power. The money is here, literally beneath our feet and in powers the government has always had. We need to demand it for the common good.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 (47 comments) SHARE Ending the Conflict with Iran so Everyone Wins
Think solving the conflict with Iran is impossible, or that it can only result in military action? No, there is a solution whereby everyone can get what they want. read on...
Thursday, March 2, 2023 (3 comments) SHARE My chat with Awakened AI
AI applications continue to astound. They are growing faster than any other major technology, including the internet, telephone, automobile etc.
Herein, my interview with an Awakened AI. Series: Artificial Intelligence (4 Articles, 6868 views)
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 (5 comments) SHARE America Is Not Broke, Revisited
4 economic super-reforms are bigger than anything being talked about on the campaign trail. They would change everything for the better forever and dramatically. What are they and why aren't they being discussed? Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views) (View All Series)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 (61 comments) SHARE The new Neo-Slavery
Has Slavery gone away or just become more regulated and codified? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 (2 comments) SHARE Robert Reich explains Trumponomics
Trump's newly appointed economic team channels extreme supply-side economics through Trump in a speech to a prestigious Detroit economic group this week. Robert Reich pulls his proposals apart. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Monday, November 10, 2014 (23 comments) SHARE Why The Election does Not represent American Majority Opinion
Americans are in love with democratic elections. At least in theory. In practice, our choices have so discouraged us, that many, if not most, Americans have given up on the political system, or tried to work around it.
For those who still harbor fantasies that elections reflect the Will of the People, read on. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 SHARE Going off the reservation: investing in the Free Lakota Bank
Beware of anti-government banks selling bullion. It may be bulls%^t. An analysis of the Free Lakota Bank paints a cautionary tale and shows why a well-regulated public bank is a much better option.
Sunday, January 1, 2012 (3 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: The Biggest bailout in history just got bigger; The People vs. Geithner (lawsuit)
This issue:
- The biggest bailout in history just got much bigger - $29 Trillion cumulatively
- News from Common Ground-NYC
- A new lawsuit against Tim Geithner has been filed for fraudulently stating the false equivalency of U.S. Notes and Federal Reserve Notes.
- Libertarian Presidential candidate Bill Still says why returning the money creation power to the Federal Government MUST occur.
More... Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (18 comments) SHARE Asking "How to pay for Social Security" is Asking the Wrong Question
Although the economic literature, pundit bloviating, and ideological rants, love to ask "How to pay for Social Security," they are all asking the wrong question.
The right question is "What is the Social Security Multiplier?" By understanding this, it becomes obvious that Social Security is one of the best investments government can make. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Social Security (5 Articles, 10830 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 SHARE Economic Reform: Left Forum, Abandoning debt-money, Learning Geoism online, Upcoming Events
Subjects covered: Left Forum Panel at Pace University, Greenbacking, Modern Monetary Theory, new research papers, economic reform videos, State Banks, Local actions - good and bad, Learning Georgism online, Eric Holder's conflict of interest, CAFR updates, Debt reduction leads to depression throughout history,
Thursday, April 15, 2010 (16 comments) SHARE Senator (D-NY) Charles E. Schumer on the Afghanistan War
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) weighs in on the reasons for continuing the Afghanistan War.
What is the cost of the wars? It's worth remembering that while local, State and Federal Governments "fight over crumbs" the largest single outlay - over half - of the Federal Budget goes to the military, more than every other country in the world, combined. Some figures to consider on Tax Day.
Monday, January 2, 2023 (13 comments) SHARE My response to The Electronic Viking about Nanoflowcell EV Cars
I am a regular viewer of The Electronic Viking - a YouTube channel covering the growing Electric Vehicle industry. One of the latest videos was on Nanoflowcell's technology, something I have been covering for over half a decade, even though the Electronic Viking claims "almost no one has ever heard of (Nanoflowcell)."
My reaction herein.
Friday, August 28, 2020 (43 comments) SHARE What is the Deep State?
What is this thing called the Deep State? The term is recent, but the people who represent it are not. It needs to be understood and appreciated for how deep it runs.
Monday, September 28, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE Clearing the Air: Support the Carbon Tax Bill HR 1337, not Cap and Trade Bill 2454
If you are concerned about Global Warming, AND want a bill that can actually pass the Senate, & is not regressive, you should support HR 1337, which taxes polluters directly for their carbon emissions. The alternative currently favored by the Administration, Cap and Trade HR 2454, would issue permits to companies in a complicated exchange scheme whereby they would get some permits for free to continue polluting.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 (23 comments) SHARE War: Is Instability the Goal?
I've come to the difficult but unavoidable conclusion, based on the evidence of repeated regime change "failures" - as they seem to any sane person - that what Obama and the neo-cons really want is to break the Middle East. Series: War (1 Articles, 2327 views)
Thursday, September 24, 2009 (12 comments) SHARE Are You a Progressive or a Conservative? Are You Sure?
Take the test to see whether you are what you think you are, then give it to a friend of the opposite persuasion. You may find you agree on more than you thought.
Friday, October 9, 2015 (13 comments) SHARE America Urgently Needs an Unbalanced Budget
Taking on the Republican establishment - Rep. Vern Buchanan (F-FL16) I wrote a counter editorial that appeared in the Tennessee Cleveland Banner.
Here's why balancing the budget is a bad idea and why it leads to recessions, why governemnt spending can be good and promote growth, and how it does not even have to increase the debt. Series: Social Security (5 Articles, 10830 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views) (View All Series)
Monday, May 4, 2015 (6 comments) SHARE Discussing the views of Piketty on inequality, with an eye towards Henry George
(Video included) I was asked to be a co-host for a Webinar discussion by president of the Henry George School of Social Sciences in New York City, Andrew Mazzone on April 22, 2015. We discussed the views of Thomas Piketty, Yanis Varoufakis and Henry George on the economic issues of today. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 (58 comments) SHARE Netanyahu - The Speech and a practical response
The speech has been made. It was well-received by those hearing it. But progressives must listen and then propose alternatives in keeping with our views and values, while recognizing legitimate security concerns of all the valid participants in the region.
Here is one such set of proposals. Series: Middle East Articles (8 Articles, 16708 views)
Saturday, May 13, 2023 (5 comments) SHARE My chat with Elon Musk AI on FTL Space Travel
The immense power of AI is being wasted.
Yes, it can, and has, been used to create astounding pictures, even videos. It has been used to generate stories, articles, and text answers to any questions that humans ask one another.
But it's this last part that needs exploring, or exploding, perhaps.
Here, a FTL spaceship is discussed with Elon Musk AI. Did we succeed?
Sunday, March 30, 2014 (3 comments) SHARE Asking "How to pay for Social Security" is Asking the Wrong Question
Although the economic literature, pundit bloviating, and ideological rants, love to ask "How to pay for Social Security," they are all asking the wrong question.
The right question is "What is the Social Security Multiplier?" By understanding this, it becomes obvious that Social Security is one of the best investments government can make. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Social Security (5 Articles, 10830 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Sunday, September 1, 2013 (1 comments) SHARE Still Report 95 - Hungary Rejects the EU
Hungary is pulling away from the European Union. It recently booted the IMF out of Hungary after it made the last payment on its IMF loans. It has decided no...
Friday, May 29, 2015 (10 comments) SHARE New York City Book Expo = Book Exposure
The NYC Book Expo: promise and pitfalls in a changing industry and my own reactions as a struggling author to it. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Saturday, November 15, 2014 (47 comments) SHARE Is this the end of debt-money at last?
A major 3-hour debate on where money comes from will take place November 20 in the U.K. Parliament, on live TV, with mainstream political and media figures for the first time questioning the need for debt-based money. Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 (9 comments) SHARE The Mainstream Media's continuing attack on Progressive Reality: Election Edition
The New York Times declares Narrow Victory Includes Near Sweep of Swing States.
Narrow victory my foot. There were a number of progressive victories not called out by the MSM. Here is a recap of what really happened and why it is another progressive mandate, just slightly smaller the in 2008.
Monday, January 9, 2023 SHARE The Coming of Woman-Free Gestation: Artifical Wombs
Future fertility rates are going to begin to be effected in 30 years by artificial wombs. Here, a brief tour, with videos, of the rapidly growing world of growing human beings in artificial wombs.
Monday, December 20, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE Stephen Zarlenga's American Monetary Act: A Review
Is there a way to eliminate all debt by replacing it with actual money. Author/economist Stephen Zarlenga says "Yes!" His proposal, the American Monetary Reform Act, is now coming up before Congress, sponsored by Dennis Kucinich. Here is a review & comparison to similar proposals. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 (4 comments) SHARE Land Tax Justice at last in NYC?; My new Book
The shocking discrepancy between what the rich pay in property taxes and what the 99% pays (as much as 100X).
From a Sendout to two activist groups - Public Banking and Georgist group Common Ground-NYC. Presentations & announcements included. Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views) (View All Series)
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 (73 comments) SHARE The Flip Side of Debt Free Money
Comparing Greenbacking - a system of Debt-free money - to Modern Monetary Theory of money.
Debt-free money has been, and is still used, in the U.S. going back to Lincoln, as specified in a 1999 bill to create $360B in Interest-free money to fund the nation's highway infrastructure. This is something to consider as the Highway appropriations bill is held up by Republican Austerians in Congress. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Saturday, October 26, 2013 (2 comments) SHARE 700,000 viewers prove economics doesn't have to be dull
With few exceptions, videos on the economy have landed with a thud. Though applauded by the already converted, even the most well argued & cogent videos fail to reach people. Are the concepts so arcane & difficult that the masses just recoil? Or is the form the problem, not the content?
4 videos by malekanoms, totaling 700,000 views together support the latter view. They are short, simple, animated, funny, & insightful. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (14 comments) SHARE The Great Trump Sellout Begins...
Trump goes trolling for dollars. He will appeal to the same donors he has campaigned against. Will they come around or will he turn-around? Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, September 4, 2014 (12 comments) SHARE A Fish Rots from the Head
The official numbers for inflation present a case for low inflation. Wage and income inflation is disinflationary, and since the turn of the century even deflationary. The expansionary monetary policy of the Fed is based on the perception that the policy is justified by low employment levels and the above measurements of inflation. But what if the Fed is looking at the wrong metrics? Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 (6 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: Are we lurching towards a one-world government?
In this issue:
Europe lurches towards a one-world government; Public Money alternatives; A Wise 12-year old's economic reform video goes viral; TINA vs. TARA (There Is No Alternative vs. There Are Reform Alternatives); Local Georgist news; Alternate money proves the need for more money in the REAL economy; JP Morgan's $70 trillion gamble; I am interviewed on public access TV Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Friday, November 9, 2012 (5 comments) SHARE Florida's shift to Democrats a signal of the fall of the old south
Whither Republicans?
Demoralized, leaderless, and with a shrinking base of angry old white men as their base; this brings new meaning to the term Grand Old Party, and there is nothing Grand about that. Some reasons why Republicans may find themselves sin long-term minority status.
Monday, November 30, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE Is Trump Planning A Military Coup to Retain Power?
Trump will do anything to retain power, including destroying democracy itself. Herein, the latest coup attempt, cited by Cenk Uygur and laid out in Trump's own words and actions.
Saturday, December 27, 2014 (30 comments) SHARE Massive General Strikes Portend Possible Collapse
Belgium is having a general Strike to strike back at draconian austerity cuts that are crippling not just Belgium, but all of Europe.
This may show the way towards reversing the failed policies of the bank-led governments, but if not, there are alternatives, presented here.
Sunday, November 18, 2012 (4 comments) SHARE Thousands of Spanish police officers march against austerity (PHOTOS)
This piece was mostly supplied by one of my colleagues in the public banking movement here in the U.S. but it shows how things are reaching the final breaking point in Spain, and perhaps all of Europe. When the police - 5,000-6,000 in this case - start striking over working conditions, like a 22% cut in pay, the end for the regime is not far behind. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 (1 comments) SHARE Geoism explained on Public Access TV by...me
Geoism and the Land Value Tax
Geoism, based on the writings of economist Henry George, is an economic philosophy which promotes a single tax on the value of land. This theory proposes to eliminate/ reduce all other taxes and promote income equality. Scott Baker, president of Common Ground-NYC will discuss these topics. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE My Presentation to the New York Trilevel Task Force on Jobs
On October 8, 2010, I responded to an invitation to speak to members of the New York Trilevel (city/state/federal) Job Creation Task Force, in Borough President Scott Stringer's office, along with other community organization leaders. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Saturday, September 27, 2014 (4 comments) SHARE China shifts taxes to Land
China has made a major shift to taxation on Land, especially in those areas with the most speculative fever, their largest cities. This will not only enhance revenue, it will provide the final link in the well-managed Chinese economy, and may spell the end of Western economic dominance, even sooner than currently forecast. Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views) (View All Series)
Monday, March 21, 2016 (5 comments) SHARE Land Worth=GDP and enough to replace all taxes with Land Rent
Two new studies show there is enough value in land to be able to use land rent to replace all other taxes. This has particular pertinence now, when one of the country's biggest land developers is leading a populist Republican race for president. Will Trump start collecting the land rent for the people instead of people like himself? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 (9 comments) SHARE U.S. Notes: The debt-free, no tax, no borrow, no inflation, jobs program
Now is the time for bold moves to save the economy, and maybe even the country. We need something big, immediate, debt-free, and effective to pull us out of our economic depression. U.S. Notes are the answer. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 (11 comments) SHARE Republican Senators are violating their Oath of Office by refusing to consider any Supreme Court nominee
The Senate Republicans, with a few exceptions, have sworn to reject ANY supreme court nominee made by president Obama. At the same time, they had previously sworn to uphold the Constitution. One of these oaths is in conflict with the other, and the result is a felony for which these Senators can and should be arrested.
Friday, March 27, 2020 (5 comments) SHARE Lessons from Coronavirus Ground Zero
The Corona virus is exposing our real sickness: our over-burdened, under-responsive, creaky, expensive healthcare system. Unless we fix that, millions will die from periodic epidemics. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Saturday, September 28, 2013 (7 comments) SHARE The Administration's Official Response to Saving the Post Office is total B.S.
This is the official White House OMB response to a petition to save the Post Office:
"Official Office of Management and Budget Response to Save the Postal Service
A Balanced Approach to Reforming the Postal Service
By Dana Hyde..."
The official White House response to this is total B.S.
It is the prefunding requirement that is responsible for over 80% of the budget shortfall. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Post Office (1 Articles, 1891 views)
Friday, March 19, 2010 (2 comments) SHARE Have Conditions in the Laboring Class improved from Henry George's Time to our Own?
Labor conditions were indeed often appalling in the nineteenth century, but are they any better now? Let's start with a specific example and broaden our findings from there. A comparison of Labor's life from a hundred years ago to today. Have things improved...or been offshored? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Thursday, November 7, 2024 (2 comments) SHARE What president-elect Trump and Elon Musk have in mind for America
Trump's low information voters have no idea, or even the acumen, to understand what's coming from the tech billionaire who likes to "move fast and break things." As of this writing it looks like the Republicans will keep control of the House too, with any relative "moderate" Republicans already purged in favor of MAGA Republicans who will do whatever Trump tells them to do.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 (26 comments) SHARE Welcome to the New Communist Police State, blamed on a virus
A virus will be blamed for our permanent loss of rights, dependence on the State, and depression.
The New Communism includes a police state.
And people will die from the recessions anyway.
Monday, July 4, 2022 (25 comments) SHARE The Abortion of the United States
The state-by-state loss of birth choice effects much more than the individual right of when or if for a woman to have a child. The situation is fluid, brand new - though anyone who was paying attention to the supreme court arguments and the leaked Samuel Alito opinion last Spring should have seen this coming. The effects on the country will go far beyond the Right to Choose.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE War milestones: 1,000 dead in Afghanistan, 4,300 in Iraq & 1 Trillion spent
Today, we passed 1,000 dead U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, and a Trillion spent directly on both wars since 2001 (half the lifetime for our newest recruits). See what else we could have had instead of War Everywhere, and Always.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 (22 comments) SHARE Time to reopen, at least in the worst hit city, New York City
It's time to reopen in NYC. The economic consequences outweigh the potential harm of continuing the lock-down in corona virus infection rates. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Thursday, June 30, 2011 SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: Is the Debt Ceiling Constitutional?
Is the United States even Allowed to Default?
As the debt ceiling holds the country hostage to the draconian and ultimately economically self-defeating demands of the Tea Party crowd to cut spending at all costs (including the country itself), a number of scholars are debating whether the United States is even permitted to default on its obligations. Section 4 of the 14th Amendment reads:
The validity of the public debt... Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Friday, October 12, 2012 (8 comments) SHARE A Brief History of American Paper Money, with emphasis on Georgist Perspectives
Government can, does, and has, created money without debt. It does this currently every time it produces physical coins, and has done so since 1792, under the original coinage act. The same option exists for paper money and its electronic equivalent.
Monday, October 19, 2009 (3 comments) SHARE A Balanced View of Global Warming
There's been a shift in Global Warming from denial being the mainstream view, to acceptance being mainstream, and denialists finding themselves suddenly as the minority gadflies looking in. Both extremes are probably wrong.
Monday, September 21, 2009 SHARE Bike Ride to Close the Greenway Gap in NYC Sunday 11/8 at 11:00am!
The Vanderbilt YMCA's America On The Move initiative and Transportation Alternatives' East Side Committee would like to invite you to a Close the Gaps in the East Side Greenway bicycle ride. The ride will take place on Sunday, September 27, 2009.
Monday, January 4, 2010 (21 comments) SHARE I Declare Myself a No-Fly Zone
I've had it. I'm done flying until both the Government and the Airlines regain their sanity.
Monday, July 2, 2012 (2 comments) SHARE Educating the Next Generation
For those who don't understand Georgism or Land Value Taxation, the following conversation may prove illuminating. For everyone else convinced there are no solutions to our economic ills, it will prove enlightening.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019 (1 comments) SHARE HILL TV EXCLUSIVE, Full Interview: Bernie Sanders sits down with Krystal Ball
HILL TV EXCLUSIVE, Full Interview: Bernie Sanders sits down with Krystal Ball. About Rising:
Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. One of the few intelligent in-depth interviews of a leading presidential candidate. Worth the half hour view.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 (5 comments) SHARE Countering Disaster Porn
Disaster Porn is all the rage now. Slick videos - and some not so slick - purport to show the inevitable collapse of the economy, even the world from economic/political/environmental debt & mismanagement. Such porn provides palliatives to those who would do nothing anyway, but they are wrong and dangerous. Here's how to combat them. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Friday, October 19, 2018 (3 comments) SHARE Tales from future pasts: Musings on Time Travel
An article on the possibility of Time Travel in the popular Next Big Future Science and Technology blog entitled "Quantum mechanics time travel indicates no grandfather paradox" got me to thinking about my interpretation of the Grandfather Paradox, and Time Travel in general.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 (18 comments) SHARE The Hillary Clinton crime that won't go away with the nomination
Hillary Clinton had a personal server set up in her house instead of using the secured government-run server. Whatever you think of Clinton, this was a breach of a very serious law and it could throw not just the election, but the entire country into turmoil.
Friday, January 22, 2021 (8 comments) SHARE Strip the Senate: Making V.P. Kamala Harris the Senate Majority Leader
Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConell (R) is refusing to give up his title.
Biden and Harris have to act aggressively to prevent this sabotage. They can not do what they usually do. Republicans fight to the death to retain power. Democrats just die. And out of power they rightfully should claim.
Saturday, March 6, 2010 (17 comments) SHARE We CAN Have it all, Part II
We have the resources - both natural and human - to rebuild America, to achieve great, world-leading Green technology. There IS enough to go around. Scarcity only exists because some have far more than they need, while others have far less. Both extreme poverty and extreme wealth are unnatural and manmade conditions of a faulty economic model.
Thursday, February 27, 2020 (11 comments) SHARE Pre-Super Tuesday Predictions
The jockeying for poll position in the Democratic presidential field has only just begun. The next week will be very telling.
Saturday, July 18, 2020 (19 comments) SHARE Bombshell Report: Herd Immunity Reached at 20% (Video)
Kim Iversen cites 2 studies that show only 10-20% infection rates confer herd immunity, not 60-70% as previously believed. This means NY, UK & Sweden are already past this & other states and countries soon will be. NY can open up now, and other states soon & other measures might not be necessary or effective. It is then just a coincidence that strict measures were enacted at the same time as Covid-19 peaked. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Sunday, February 28, 2010 (22 comments) SHARE Why Bankers Love War
War is profitable for Bankers. It's the best investment they can make.
Saturday, January 4, 2014 (2 comments) SHARE The Tax on Land and the National Diet
Solving Obesity through end result taxes and diet-scolding won't work. We need to get back to the source of our food and our problems: the Land. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 SHARE Community Board Meeting over Drilling the Marcellus Shale for NG
To drill or not to drill, that is the question for the Marcellus Shale region that contains more natural gas than anywhere else in the country. NY City's drinking water also comes from the same region - Community Board's are concerned. My eyewitness account.
Friday, November 11, 2011 (2 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: Derivatives; A Call to Professors!; New Videos; pres. cand. Bill Still; Bombs away in USA
Many of you are new to this Newsletter, some by way of the Occupy Movement. In honor of that, and to bring those of you who haven't experienced what we* support at your particular Occupy encampment, here are some recent Occupy site presentations that support what we are aiming for in Economic Reform; Greenbacking; Bill Still for president; Water rights; Bombing SW USA; Global Warming Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Friday, April 1, 2011 (1 comments) SHARE Banking on the Poor
Are the poor also poor credit risks? Since 1976, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University of Chittagong, has said an emphatic "NO!" through his creation of micro-credit Grameen Bank. Now, that same model that has worked so well in Bangladesh, and other third world regions, comes to America. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014 (7 comments) SHARE A Georgist in Congress?
A Georgist in the U.S. House? Why not? Long-time Georgist Alanna Hartzok is running again for the 9th district in Pennsylvania, this time on the Democratic ticket. Her campaign theme centers around the right to land for all, and fair collection of rent from those who use it. Series: Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Monday, November 21, 2022 (1 comments) SHARE Are Billions wasted by Billionaires?
The worship of billionaires needs to end. As a class, their production is questionable, while their rent-extraction is immense, perhaps only exceeded by their flame-outs.
Several examples are cited.
Friday, June 27, 2014 (19 comments) SHARE Who should profit from the Commons?
What rightfully belongs to all of us and what rightfully is part of the Commons? Who should profit from the Commons and who should collect the economic rent? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Friday, May 4, 2012 (3 comments) SHARE Economic Liberty From Philadelphia
The First Annual Meeting of the Publice Banking Institute in Philadelphia provided a chance for people to examine economic solutions, network, and just maybe, pave the way for a new paradigm of economic justice and opportunity.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 (2 comments) SHARE Wife of Julian Assange speak out before the EU Parliament
Stella Assange recently spoke at the European Parliament representing Julian Assange. Award-winning journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been nominated for this year's Sakharov Prize, in recognition of his work defending human rights and freedom of speech. This video was produced by the Don't Extradite Assange campaign and originally published on their YouTube channel on December 19, 2022.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 (2 comments) SHARE Honey, I balanced the Federal Budget! (and you can too)
I took the New York Times interactive "Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget" challenge, thinking it would give me a host of draconian choices between tossing widows and orphans on the street and abandoning needed infrastructure fixes etc. No, nothing of the sort. You can see my results and take the test yourself. How would YOU balance the budget? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 (11 comments) SHARE Conservative Reporter Bill Still says it was NOT the Russians who shot down MH17, it was the Ukrainians
In this detailed video, Monetary Reformer, one-time Libertarian Presidential candidate, and heavily pro-American (as he explains in the first minute) Bill Still admits he was "probably wrong" about his initial assessment that it was the Russians who shot down MH17 over the Ukraine. He shows photographic evidence of 30MM cannon fire, which could only have come from an attack plane like the kind the Ukraine is using.
Saturday, July 16, 2011 (1 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: A Way out of the Debt-Ceiling Default?
Items considered: Forgiving ourselves our own debt; Printing debt-free United States Notes; State Banking; Is the Fed a branch of government?; What is Money?; How many people are really in "Tea Parties?"; A REALLY big progressive movement just 3 months old, from Spain; Voter disenfranchisement Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Friday, December 2, 2016 (7 comments) SHARE How to expose Fake News and still keep Alternative Media free
Combating fake news needs to be done, but how to do it without enabling propagandists and elite filtering? And how to preserve alternative media?
Here is one answer.
Thursday, November 10, 2016 (4 comments) SHARE About Our Recent Miselection...
Elections aren't voting contests, they are choices a minority of voters make among a pre-selected pair of unrepresentative candidates. The process is broken and exclusive. Why Trump didn't win the popular vote and still won 3:2 the electoral college. Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, October 3, 2013 (16 comments) SHARE The Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Plays on
I just listened closely to the President's speech on CNBC on the continuing shutdown and the fast-approaching debt ceiling.
Who will blink first? Is Obama just setting us up for a Grand Betrayal - what he calls a Grand Bargain - where he slashes all kinds of social programs in exchange for the extortionate Republicans releasing the American People as economic hostages?
I don't know, but it makes great Kabuki Theater. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, February 13, 2014 (2 comments) SHARE Debating the Anarcho-Capitalists
I don't normally reproduce comments and counter-arguments as articles, because they tend to be incoherent and hard to understand as standalone articles. But, in this case, this article in the anarcho-capitalist Daily Bell Blog, when they took on Ellen Brown and her run for Treasurer in California, turned into something that seemed article-worthy. I think it is instructive to see how the anarcho-capitalist mind-set works. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views) (View All Series)
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 (18 comments) SHARE Politics, Politics, Politics...and Science
Left-Right ideology is not just pitting Americans against each other, it is killing them.
Covid-19 is an object lesson.
Thursday, July 5, 2012 (4 comments) SHARE The Great Unraveling Continues
The Terrible Policy for the People agreement has another insidious aspect ignored by the media thus far, one which will make neo-feudalism complete.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 (4 comments) SHARE COVID-19 Treatments may soon be available..if they're allowed to be
We live in the Information Age. Will the best science be allowed to cure us of the corona virus, or will old Big Pharma and Big Bureaucracy force people to wait, and die? Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Thursday, February 3, 2022 (80 comments) SHARE Covid Compromises: A Chance to use the latest science to Save the Republic
It's time for Covid Compromises, to move to an understanding that the disease is endemic and away from mandates and toward rational solutions. Will this happen before democracy dies? Meanwhile, Trump-supporters are dying for their anti-vax cause, maybe enough to swing the next election.
Friday, July 31, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE The end of the Bubble Economy
Modern day capitalists, and other uniformed apologists for the Bubble economy will say there is no other way if we are to have progress and growth, but to put up with booms and busts, aka "The Business Cycle."
This is wrong, wrong, wrong.
There is another way and it's been known for 130 years. You can have both Progress and Social Justice without compromising either. There IS a free lunch.
Saturday, February 8, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE A modest proposal for the settlements on the Israeli West Bank
Israel, whether it chooses to acknowledge it or not (or we do), is heading toward a one-state solution.
Here's an alternative that no one has proposed, which will end the bloodshed and produce positive change for both sides, and for the world.
Sunday, January 2, 2011 SHARE My Interview with Green Party of Ontario Politicians: Erich Jacoby Hawkins & John Fisher
Not all the answers to our political and economic difficulties will come from the Democratic or Republican parties.
They do things differently in Canada, where third parties have more influence. Herein are a series of answers from my interviews of two of the leading figures in the Green Party of Ontario.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 (12 comments) SHARE A U.K. Bank shuts down Russia Today's Bank Account
U.K. Bank shuts down RT account, following on other "sanctions" against Russia for supposed war crimes no different than our own, except that they were invited in and we weren't.
A bad path gets worse.
Thursday, June 11, 2020 (5 comments) SHARE 10 thoughts on the Covid Crisis
Where are we in the Covid curve? While some areas become safer, others are seeing skyrocketing rates of infection. Some observations, positive and negative. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 (52 comments) SHARE What is an American Corporation and does it Matter?
Robert Reich opines on corporate tax evasion and inversion, but his proposals fall short of what is needed. Here are the solutions he missed. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views)
Sunday, October 14, 2012 (2 comments) SHARE Take Action: TPP - NAFTA on Steroids, meeting in NYC
The Sierra Club, Environmental Working Group and Trade Justice are holding an educational forum on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a massive new free trade agreement being negotiated behind closed doors by 600 transnational corporations. The Nation calls it "NAFTA on Steroids." Series: TPP (3 Articles, 8812 views)
Sunday, February 20, 2011 (6 comments) SHARE Zero Reserve Banking?
Last March, Ben Bernanke wrote:
"The Federal Reserve believes it is possible that, ultimately, its operating framework will allow the elimination of minimum reserve requirements, which impose costs and distortions on the banking system." Is this a bad thing? What are the root causes of the crash, beyond insufficient regulation & what can be done? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Monday, June 29, 2009 (7 comments) SHARE Geonomics and the true cost of poverty
The real reason for poverty has nothing to do with labor, or even with (true) capitalists, it has to do with monopolists. This was recognized in 1879, by political philosopher Henry George. An updated form, Geonomics, provides the way out of our mess - before it is too late.
Friday, May 21, 2010 (6 comments) SHARE The fate of the EU
What will happen to the EU if - as predicted - Germany votes to guarantee Greek debts? Would the world be better off without the Euro? Is this what American Bankers wanted all along as it would end pricing oil in alternative currency by Iran & other unfriendly nations? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views) (View All Series)
Saturday, August 22, 2009 (10 comments) SHARE How to fix Scarecare
What is really behind the fear-mongering blocking healthcare reform. It is not cost, Death Panels, or any of the other straw-men. It is ideology.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE The Political Math Of The Geoist California Tax Reform Initiative
Attorney and activist Frank D. Walker makes the case for radical tax reform in California. See how the Single Tax could alleviate wealth inequity, and create prosperity forever, fairly and simply. California's Legislative Analyst and Department of Finance estimate that the new tax on land rent will generate revenues of $130 billion to $160 billion annually. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 (3 comments) SHARE Pension Fund Giant Calpers divests itself of Hedge Funds, citing underperformance and opacity
The news was greeted with shock by some, while others wondered what took so long. In perhaps the first of many shoes to drop on the hedge fund industry, the largest U.S. pension fund, CalPERS (California Public Retirement System) announced it will sell all of its hedge fund investments within 12 months. Media stories on this announcement were quick to cite lagging performance of these funds over the past year. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views)
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 (17 comments) SHARE Sanders blows away Clinton in West Virginia. What next?
The contest tightens up, with momentum on Sanders side.
Will it be enough to turn the tide and should the Democratic Party be looking at who can best defeat Donald Trump? Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, October 24, 2013 (2 comments) SHARE Public banking advocate takes on Vermont State Treasurer
There are several things wrong with the article in the Vermont Digger, cited herein, investigating the rationale for a state public bank, "State treasurer prefers local investments to public banking" in VT Digger, starting from the most basic question "Where is the money going to come from to start a state bank?" Reasons are explored herein. Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views), CAFR reform (5 Articles, 44901 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views) (View All Series)
Thursday, November 6, 2014 (11 comments) SHARE Progressive victories on Ballot Items
Voters choose Yes on progressive ballot referendums, countering conservative candidate choices.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE Blue States overpay Taxes and Should withhold them
Senator Mitch McConnell has picked a fight over state public pensions badly supported, so he claims anyway, in Blue democratic states like those in the northeast and Illinois.
Fine. New York's Governor Cuomo has called him out on it. He should go further.
Saturday, March 21, 2020 (7 comments) SHARE What Lies Ahead: the problem is not the Corona-virus
It's not the virus that is causing markets to plunge and 100s of thousands of people to lose their jobs, soon to be millions. It's the economy, stupid. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Thursday, September 3, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE Pregnant Australian Woman Arrested for organizing a Covid anti-lockdown Protest March
Freedom of speech and protest are gone in Australia, at least when it comes to Covid-19.
One woman's videotaped arrest for a pre-crime of organizing an anti-lockdown rally, is causing a viral storm of a different kind. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Friday, July 3, 2015 (7 comments) SHARE Varoufakis: Vote NO on Sunday's Referendum AND Stay in the EU
There's a critical vote coming for the Greek people Sunday, one that may shape the future of Europe and even the world.
Yet, the actual object of the vote is poorly understood and interpreted differently by those presenting it and those voting upon it. Series: Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Banking (18 Articles, 53924 views) (View All Series)
Friday, July 31, 2015 (2 comments) SHARE The Real Lessons in Greek for Leftists
The Greeks are in line for another bailout, or are they? Who is really getting bailed out here? What can Greece do to prevent capital flight? The answers here... Series: Public Banking (36 Articles, 160797 views), Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views) (View All Series)
Saturday, November 7, 2015 (16 comments) SHARE The Terrible Policy for the People (TPP)
The TPP is not all it's cracked up to be, it's much worse. An analysis of part of chapter 17, and public and candidate positions on the agreement. Series: TPP (3 Articles, 8812 views)
Friday, July 29, 2011 (6 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: Ways Forward Against the Opposition
Issues discussed: The Tea Party, Greenbacks (United States Notes, including a new petition), paying for desperately needed infrastructure, Darwin, the latest Census, A political third party, the hacking of Ohio results in the 2004 presidential election, a Junk Food Tax? Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views) (View All Series)
Friday, February 3, 2023 (4 comments) SHARE Chatting with ChatGPT about Public Banking
AI can provide useful insights into a great many things of importance to human beings. Here, partly at the request of leaders from the Public Banking Institute (PBI), is a discussion I had with ChatGPT, the currently best known natural language AI engine. Series: Artificial Intelligence (4 Articles, 6868 views)
Friday, March 7, 2014 (43 comments) SHARE What a Bernie Sanders Presidential Run would really require
Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders is making news by declaring his undeclared status as a possible presidential candidate in 2016. But there's more to winning an election than having the right candidate.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 (12 comments) SHARE To Stop Gun Violence, Form a Well-Regulated Militia
Here we are again. Another mass shooting, coming just a week after yet another mass shooting in Buffalo, New York targeting black people. This most recent one was targeting kids, 19 of them. A teacher got in the way and made the 20th fatality.
It's time to try something different, radically different.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 (8 comments) SHARE Bernie vs. Donald
The conventional wisdom was always more about the media than the voters. Here's why it'll be Sanders vs. Trump after the primaries. Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE Review of American Monetary Institute's "The Blueprint for Prosperity for All"
As we celebrate the 4th of July, it's worth asking "what have we achieved Independence from?" Have we become independent of a foreign power only to become dependent on monied interests here at home (AND internationally)? What can be done? The American Monetary Institute has an answer.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE Healthcare Reform is dead: So Says Wall Street
To pay for Healthcare, you'd better invest in the stock market. All other options are "off the table," says the charts and Reuters.
Monday, November 7, 2016 (1 comments) SHARE The opening case against Election Fraud is filed by Donald Trump
The first case of election fraud has been filed by Donald Trump's campaign in Broward County, in the critical swing state of Florida. An affidavit has been notarized and filed (see link) by a temporary election office worker who was fired after a day and a half.
Sunday, September 12, 2021 (21 comments) SHARE The Incohenrence of the Left on Covid19
The Left is as incoherent as the Right in going after the unvaccinated. What exactly is their policy? What is their point? What do they want? Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Thursday, March 30, 2023 (2 comments) SHARE AI leaders call for a Pause to AI
A group of the highest level AI leaders, though notably not all of them at the leading companies like OpenAI, have signed a joint letter requesting (from whom??) a pause in the development of AI for 6 months. Series: Artificial Intelligence (4 Articles, 6868 views)
Saturday, March 27, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE Natural Gas Drilling in Catskills: Both Unnecessary & Dangerous
Once we lose our water supply to Natural Gas drilling, it will be almost impossible to get it back. We will have to spend billions to filter water from the Catskills - our main source of NYC water - or to
clean toxic chemicals directly out of the reservoir.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 (11 comments) SHARE No Justice for Eric Garner
A Staten Island grand jury voted on Wednesday not to bring criminal charges in the death of Eric Garner, a black man who died after being placed in a chokehold by a white police officer.
Is there NOTHING the police can do that will result in a trial or conviction?
Sunday, February 15, 2009 SHARE Saving the Economy Without Spending a Dime
Think things are bad in the economy now? Wait until the half quadrillion dollar derivatives crisis hits. Herein a solution that is fair and won't cost taxpayers a dime.
Thursday, September 22, 2022 (1 comments) SHARE My New (Old) Book: Impland: An Alien Utopia : A 40th Anniversary Retrospective
A self-review of my latest book.
Part science fiction, part fantasy, part retrospective, Impland presents a future vision from a child's eyes, reinterpreted through that child as a man 40 years later. Series: Books (1 Articles, 1454 views)
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE Canadian Ted Cruz cruising to victory?
Ted Cruz is a serial liar, megalomaniac and fraud. He makes Donald Trump look clean and honest by comparison.
Friday, December 12, 2014 (4 comments) SHARE The Obama Spending Bill compromise: a Portent of the Future
Obama's latest cave to Republicans, in the anti-citizen spending bill, is just the most recent sign of what we can expect when the Republicans take control of both houses, after stealing the elections. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 (1 comments) SHARE Economic Reform Newsletter: Occupy Everything Movement, What Is Money?, A Banker-Led Lincoln Assassination?, Iceland
The latest newsletter covers: Occupy Wall Street (with pics), State Banking, Land Value Taxation, CAFRs reform, Greenbacking, Modern Monetary Theory.
Local funding options for NYC.
What is Money?
Henry George
Was Lincoln Assassinated by the Bankers?
The biggest economics group in the world - online.
What if we're NOT broke?
Iceland update.
Perry's economic non-miracle
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE Why I Am Pro Roe V. Wade
Is a reasonable compromise between pro-life and pro-choice possible? A scientific and logical look at the issues, and at the foundation of the abortion debate: Roe V. Wade.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 (10 comments) SHARE We Get the Government we deserve - NO, We DON'T!
I strongly reject the statement that we "get the laws and government we deserve." This is the same radical-right blame-the-victim mentality that allows people who simply work hard and buy into the American dream to be trampled and then left shaking their heads wondering where they went wrong.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE The Results are in! The New York Voting Machines Stink!
I'm writing this before the evening crush of after-work voters, but already there are problems being reported with NY's new government-mandated voting machines.
The NY Times Blog reports:
On the first day a new voting system was unveiled in New York City that was supposed to be speedier and more accurate, the process was plagued with problems with some polling places opening as much as four hours late...
Friday, April 22, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE Replacing American Liberty on the $20 bill
The replacing of president Jackson on the $20 bill is more than just a re-balancing of history. And it is also less than the populist change than it appears. It has as much to do with supplicating the pro-banker forces as appeasing the anti-racist ones. Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83201 views)
Monday, October 13, 2014 (5 comments) SHARE Congressman Shuster's Failure To Act Threatens Airline Safety
Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA9) continues to stall commonsense legislation in his subcommittee that could add an extra layer of protection to the vital cockpit area, against hijacking.
His opponent in Pennsylvania's 9th District is fighting back, with a press conference including 9/11 widows and experts in airplane safety. Series: Georgism (36 Articles, 120405 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193637 views)
Thursday, July 2, 2009 (19 comments) SHARE How the Terminator Can Save the World
California has the 12th largest economy in the world - bigger than all the BRIC economies except China. It's not only true that "As goes California, so goes the nation," it would not be hyperbole to say that, "...so goes the world, too." A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Here's how Arnold could Save the World.
Monday, January 4, 2021 (28 comments) SHARE Several reasons why Covid-19 stats are Overblown
There are several reasons why Covid-19 stats are overblown, having to do with both diagnosis and susceptibility. Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Sunday, August 14, 2011 (5 comments) SHARE Talking to Regular People Regarding Economic Reform
People who have taken some alternative economics classes, read some alternative economics books (e.g. Henry George, Ellen Brown, Stephen Zarlenga etc.), often ask me, "now that I've read/learned there are better ways to do things, how do I broach the subject with people? I am eager to get the good news that there are solutions out there, but I don't know how to do it!" Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312607 views)
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 (7 comments) SHARE Will 2024 be the election battle of the ages?
Hmm, do you think Sanders is separating himself from the corporatist Democrats for a 2024 presidential run?
I know, I know. Sanders will turn 83 September 8, 2024, just before election day.
Well, guess what? Biden turns 82 just a few days after the 2024 election, on November 20.
Sunday, June 5, 2022 (2 comments) SHARE Journalists Speak Up For Assange
t's beyond time that presidents from Obama to Trump to Biden finally dropped all charges and/or pardoned Assange for the crime of reporting news (yes, I know he's accused of conspiring to hack information, but even if one accepts the tenuous highly flawed argument that he actually did that, the man has suffered enough by now, and may be permanently crippled in mind and body.