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Scott Baker
At: /scottbaker

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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.

His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:

Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of articles for Common Ground's national publication, GroundSwell, and has advocated for the Georgist Land Value Tax to public and political audiences.

A complete list of his publications can be found here:

Click Here

He is also New York State Coordinator and Senior Advisor for the Public Banking Institute

Click Here, which seeks to promote Public Banking. The PBI is chaired by another OEN blogger, Ellen Brown. Scott has appeared on TV/Radio and in in-person Presentations to explain the principles of Georgism, Greenbacking, and State Banking. These may also be found on his personal blog: http://newthinking.blogspot.com/

Scott has a dozen progressive petitions on Change.org which may be found here:

Scott was an I.T. Manager for a major New York university for over two decades where he earned a Certificate for Frontline Leadership.

He had a video game published in Compute! Magazine: Click Here

Scott is a graduate and adjunct faculty of the Henry George School of Social Science in New York City.

Scott is a modern-day Renaissance Man with interests in economics, science and all future-forward topics.
He has been called an "adept syncretist" by Kirkus Discoveries for his novel, NeitherWorld - a two-volume opus blending Native American myth, archaeological detail, government conspiracy, with a sci-fi flair http://amzn.to/10nUoDV

Scott grew up in New York City and Pennsylvania. He graduated with honors and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University and was a member of the Psychology honor society PSI CHI.

Today he is an avid bicyclist and ride co-leader in a prominent bike advocacy organization.
Technorati code: a72h4zxgud


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Bernie Sanders for President, From FlickrPhotos
Sunday, March 27, 2016 (12 comments) SHARE More Sharing Bernie has swept the last 6 states: Who's Losing Now? More voters are feeling the Bern. Sanders has quietly taken over the momentum in the Democratic race, and is steamrolling Hillary Clinton with 2:1, 3:1, and even 4:1 victories. Separately, delayed counting makes it look like Sanders is doing worse than he is.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 (11 comments) SHARE More Sharing Republican Senators are violating their Oath of Office by refusing to consider any Supreme Court nominee The Senate Republicans, with a few exceptions, have sworn to reject ANY supreme court nominee made by president Obama. At the same time, they had previously sworn to uphold the Constitution. One of these oaths is in conflict with the other, and the result is a felony for which these Senators can and should be arrested.
Donald Trump - Caricature, From FlickrPhotos
Monday, March 21, 2016 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing Land Worth=GDP and enough to replace all taxes with Land Rent Two new studies show there is enough value in land to be able to use land rent to replace all other taxes. This has particular pertinence now, when one of the country's biggest land developers is leading a populist Republican race for president. Will Trump start collecting the land rent for the people instead of people like himself?
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120403 views)
Hillary - These allegations are false., From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, March 16, 2016 (18 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Hillary Clinton crime that won't go away with the nomination Hillary Clinton had a personal server set up in her house instead of using the secured government-run server. Whatever you think of Clinton, this was a breach of a very serious law and it could throw not just the election, but the entire country into turmoil.
Ted Cruz-nocchio, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing Canadian Ted Cruz cruising to victory? Ted Cruz is a serial liar, megalomaniac and fraud. He makes Donald Trump look clean and honest by comparison.
Friday, February 26, 2016 SHARE More Sharing Christina Romer refutes Gerald Friedman's analysis of Bernie Sanders economic plan: A Rebuttal & Observation The wonks are warring over Sanders proposals. Are they looking at all the factors fairly? A possible policy addition is proposed too.
New Congresional Candidate, Timothy Canova, From ImagesAttr
Saturday, January 9, 2016 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Tim Canova: A Progressive Alternative to the Debbie Wasserman Shultz "Machine" Candidate A new progressive runs against Debbie Wasserman Shultz in Florida's 23rd District.
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120403 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83198 views) (View All Series)
Cover of America is Not Broke, From ImagesAttr
Friday, November 20, 2015 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing My Campaign to Change the World (and also sell some books) Changing the world while selling your book. An exercise in Publicity. Using a publicist, I try to promote economic reform over a 3-month campaign. The results are in...
Series: Public Banking (36 Articles, 160795 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120403 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views) (View All Series)
TPP Leesburg Rally, From FlickrPhotos
Friday, November 13, 2015 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing This is the kind of anti-consumer legislation to expect under TPP A concrete example of what we will lose if TPP passes, and what we are already losing under similar but weaker deals and the WTO, with comments by Senator Schumer.
TPP Leesburg Rally, From FlickrPhotos
Saturday, November 7, 2015 (16 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Terrible Policy for the People (TPP) The TPP is not all it's cracked up to be, it's much worse. An analysis of part of chapter 17, and public and candidate positions on the agreement.
Series: TPP (3 Articles, 8812 views)
Existing oil pipeline is robust and over-capacity already, From ImagesAttr
Saturday, November 7, 2015 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing The rejection of the Keystone Pipeline: Why Now? Next Big Future: "In 2015 US denies oil market access to its ally Canada but grants access to Iran." Why now?
U.S. Notes have been issued in many forms since 1862 until 1972, remaining in official circulation until 1996., From WikimediaPhotos
Monday, October 26, 2015 (10 comments) SHARE More Sharing Updated: Debt No More! How Biden can defeat Austerity Thugs by Using the Constitution and Debt-Free Money Trillion dollar coin, greenbacks, or something else? The president has not just the right, but the DUTY, to pay our debts, despite the unconstitutional debt-ceiling imposed by Congress. There is broad support from economists, the constitution and fairness.
The Country is turning Red, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Losing debates and losing strategies There are several ways to score a debate. Some of them refect the will of the voters and some don't. The same can be said for the strategies of the political parties.
Federal vs. Family Budget, From ImagesAttr
Friday, October 9, 2015 (13 comments) SHARE More Sharing America Urgently Needs an Unbalanced Budget Taking on the Republican establishment - Rep. Vern Buchanan (F-FL16) I wrote a counter editorial that appeared in the Tennessee Cleveland Banner. Here's why balancing the budget is a bad idea and why it leads to recessions, why governemnt spending can be good and promote growth, and how it does not even have to increase the debt.
Series: Social Security (5 Articles, 10829 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193634 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views) (View All Series)
bitcoin accepted here, From ImagesAttr
Sunday, September 20, 2015 (15 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Bank of England's Digital Currency proposal is part of the War on Cash Digital currency proposals by the Bank of England and some of the largest banks are a new attempt to extract wealth from the 99%, usurping their original anti-bank purpose.
Is there a Money Tree?, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing A Rebuttal to Doom-and-Gloom forecasts such as Debt Collapse: The Decline and Fall of the USA We do not have to submit to debt default or to austerity. We have all the resources we will ever need, if we learn where to look.
Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53923 views), CAFR reform (5 Articles, 44899 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views) (View All Series)
Bernie Sanders - Painting, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 (8 comments) SHARE More Sharing Bernie vs. Donald The conventional wisdom was always more about the media than the voters. Here's why it'll be Sanders vs. Trump after the primaries.
Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193634 views)
Greeks face off.  What happens when the police switch sides?, From ImagesAttr
Friday, July 31, 2015 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Real Lessons in Greek for Leftists The Greeks are in line for another bailout, or are they? Who is really getting bailed out here? What can Greece do to prevent capital flight? The answers here...
Series: Public Banking (36 Articles, 160795 views), Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120403 views) (View All Series)
Will a Grexit cause a European collapse?, From ImagesAttr
Friday, July 3, 2015 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing Varoufakis: Vote NO on Sunday's Referendum AND Stay in the EU There's a critical vote coming for the Greek people Sunday, one that may shape the future of Europe and even the world. Yet, the actual object of the vote is poorly understood and interpreted differently by those presenting it and those voting upon it.
Series: Greek Economics (4 Articles, 8593 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312599 views), Banking (18 Articles, 53923 views) (View All Series)
Fred Foldvary, From ImagesAttr
Monday, June 15, 2015 (17 comments) SHARE More Sharing A rebuttal to those who discount the Multiplier Effect of spending on Social Security The Money Multiplier is real and demonstrates why Social Security payments are a net positive for the economy. Herein, a rebuttal to a well-known economist who refuses to see it.
Series: Social Security (5 Articles, 10829 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83198 views)

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