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Scott Baker
At: /scottbaker

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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.

His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:

Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of articles for Common Ground's national publication, GroundSwell, and has advocated for the Georgist Land Value Tax to public and political audiences.

A complete list of his publications can be found here:

Click Here

He is also New York State Coordinator and Senior Advisor for the Public Banking Institute

Click Here, which seeks to promote Public Banking. The PBI is chaired by another OEN blogger, Ellen Brown. Scott has appeared on TV/Radio and in in-person Presentations to explain the principles of Georgism, Greenbacking, and State Banking. These may also be found on his personal blog: http://newthinking.blogspot.com/

Scott has a dozen progressive petitions on Change.org which may be found here:

Scott was an I.T. Manager for a major New York university for over two decades where he earned a Certificate for Frontline Leadership.

He had a video game published in Compute! Magazine: Click Here

Scott is a graduate and adjunct faculty of the Henry George School of Social Science in New York City.

Scott is a modern-day Renaissance Man with interests in economics, science and all future-forward topics.
He has been called an "adept syncretist" by Kirkus Discoveries for his novel, NeitherWorld - a two-volume opus blending Native American myth, archaeological detail, government conspiracy, with a sci-fi flair http://amzn.to/10nUoDV

Scott grew up in New York City and Pennsylvania. He graduated with honors and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University and was a member of the Psychology honor society PSI CHI.

Today he is an avid bicyclist and ride co-leader in a prominent bike advocacy organization.
Technorati code: a72h4zxgud


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Monday, November 7, 2016 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing The opening case against Election Fraud is filed by Donald Trump The first case of election fraud has been filed by Donald Trump's campaign in Broward County, in the critical swing state of Florida. An affidavit has been notarized and filed (see link) by a temporary election office worker who was fired after a day and a half.
Evan McMullin, possible U.S. President?, From ImagesAttr
Saturday, November 5, 2016 (31 comments) SHARE More Sharing President McMullin? A real possibility says ABC news and a well-respected stockpicker President Evan McMullin is a very real, albeit narrow, possibility. Why the election may continue past Tuesday. Aren't you proud to be an American? Hello...? See how the House might elect the next president.
Hacking an election is about influence and disruption, not voting ..., From GoogleImages
Thursday, October 20, 2016 (11 comments) SHARE More Sharing Will the Election be Rigged? The big news of the debate last night is that Trump may not accept the results of the election. It sounded like sore loserism, since presumably he won't challenge the election if he wins. But Trump was right to question the possible results of the election.
Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
From tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/RussiaToday: Russia Today (Creator) - TV Tropes, From Images
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 (12 comments) SHARE More Sharing A U.K. Bank shuts down Russia Today's Bank Account U.K. Bank shuts down RT account, following on other "sanctions" against Russia for supposed war crimes no different than our own, except that they were invited in and we weren't. A bad path gets worse.
Many people feel like this..., From ImagesAttr
Monday, October 10, 2016 (49 comments) SHARE More Sharing Did Trump win the Second Debate? Predicted to implode after a terrible week which included allegations of groping women with impunity and bragging about it, Trump managed to score in the 2nd debate. Here's a rundown. Could he actually have won?
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Robert Reich posts a video on Facebook describing Trumponomics, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Robert Reich explains Trumponomics Trump's newly appointed economic team channels extreme supply-side economics through Trump in a speech to a prestigious Detroit economic group this week. Robert Reich pulls his proposals apart.
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312597 views), Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views) (View All Series)
Gary Johnson, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 (13 comments) SHARE More Sharing Hillary Clinton needs Gary Johnson to Defeat Donald Trump It's a 4-way race now, and that matters. Clinton vs. Trump has a very different result when Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are factored in. Why the perjury investigation may benefit Bernie Sanders and even make him the eventual nominee.
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Public Banking Institute Logo, From ImagesAttr
Thursday, June 16, 2016 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing How to start a public bank: A Modeled Exercise Based on a contracted assignment from the Oakland, CA chapter of the Public Banking Institute, a real-world model was created to simulate a Public Bank for that city. Based on an established simple bank spreadsheet that considers a Public Bank's operating ratios, returns, 8-year performance, loan loss ratios, ROE, ROA etc. All figures taken from real amounts in CAFRs etc. New Hampshire is considered & compared.
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312597 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160795 views)
Surfer Dude, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 (15 comments) SHARE More Sharing Dem Nomination hangs on California, but CA just hangs out California has not counted nearly half its votes. These votes - over 2 million now - have to be hand-processed, and may potentially change the results, or at least strengthen Bernie Sanders bid. The question is, do we have time to wait until the state deadline of July 15th? Will Sanders wait?
Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
MSM spotlights Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, June 8, 2016 (19 comments) SHARE More Sharing Despite Media Coronation, Hillary Clinton is NOT the Official Nominee (video) Hillary Clinton was coronated by the media and even herself last night, but she was not nominated and does not have enough pledged delegates. Other reasons why her campaign might yet derail...
Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Who Voted?, From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, May 19, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing Thousands of presidential primary votes already cast are not being officially counted Does your vote count? It might not depend on who's doing the counting. A state-by-state breakdown shows chronic under-counting in a dozen Democratic presidential contests.
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Trump and major Democratic candidates, From MyPhotos
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 (17 comments) SHARE More Sharing Sanders blows away Clinton in West Virginia. What next? The contest tightens up, with momentum on Sanders side. Will it be enough to turn the tide and should the Democratic Party be looking at who can best defeat Donald Trump?
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
From flickr.com/photos/47422005@N04/5471912349/: Donald Trump - Caricature, From Images
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 (14 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Great Trump Sellout Begins... Trump goes trolling for dollars. He will appeal to the same donors he has campaigned against. Will they come around or will he turn-around?
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Ted Cruz and John Kasich get together (Hook-Up) Crasich, From FlickrPhotos
Saturday, May 7, 2016 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing Have Ted Cruz & John Kasich really suspended their campaigns? Is it all over and is Trump really the presumptive nominee? Maybe not say some supporters and at least one conservative commentator.
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump - Caricatures, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 (15 comments) SHARE More Sharing After Indiana, what now? It's Clinton vs. Trump now...or is it? Sanders is in the rear view mirror, but closer than he appears. What could still derail the Clinton coronation...
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31369 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
The 1920 Bank of North Dakota Headquarters, From ImagesAttr
Saturday, April 30, 2016 (10 comments) SHARE More Sharing It's Not the Oil & Gas: The Bank of North Dakota Scores 12th year of Record Profits The Bank of North Dakota achieves its 12th year of record growth, obliterating critics who said it was all about the gas and oil.
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312597 views), Public Banking (36 Articles, 160795 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83197 views) (View All Series)
Harriet Tubman on the Money, From FlickrPhotos
Friday, April 22, 2016 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing Replacing American Liberty on the $20 bill The replacing of president Jackson on the $20 bill is more than just a re-balancing of history. And it is also less than the populist change than it appears. It has as much to do with supplicating the pro-banker forces as appeasing the anti-racist ones.
Series: Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312597 views), Sovereign Money (20 Articles, 83197 views)
Cuban Canadian Ted Cruz, From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, April 14, 2016 (93 comments) SHARE More Sharing Canadian Born Ted Cruz fools a lazy court to continue his quest for the presidency Ted Cruz is a Canadian born citizen, probably ineligible to be President/Vice President. Conservative? Family man? It looks more like Cruz is a cruising swinger with an open marriage (his wife supposedly knows about his affairs and has told his staff it's OK with her).
Series: Politics (56 Articles, 193632 views)
America is Not Broke, but does anyone care?, From ImagesAttr
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing America Is Not Broke, Revisited 4 economic super-reforms are bigger than anything being talked about on the campaign trail. They would change everything for the better forever and dramatically. What are they and why aren't they being discussed?
Series: Banking (18 Articles, 53922 views), Economic Reform (99 Articles, 312597 views), Georgism (36 Articles, 120402 views) (View All Series)
Donald Trump, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 (15 comments) SHARE More Sharing Donald Trump's Bold, Progressive Idea to end ISIS, reduce dependency on M.E. oil and even save the planet Donald Trump threatens to get off of Saudi Arabian oil, perhaps the most progressive foreign policy espoused in the presidential race, from EITHER Republicans or Democrats. Actions have good consequences, even if you're The Donald.

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