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Scott Baker
At: /scottbaker

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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.

His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:

Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of articles for Common Ground's national publication, GroundSwell, and has advocated for the Georgist Land Value Tax to public and political audiences.

A complete list of his publications can be found here:

Click Here

He is also New York State Coordinator and Senior Advisor for the Public Banking Institute

Click Here, which seeks to promote Public Banking. The PBI is chaired by another OEN blogger, Ellen Brown. Scott has appeared on TV/Radio and in in-person Presentations to explain the principles of Georgism, Greenbacking, and State Banking. These may also be found on his personal blog: http://newthinking.blogspot.com/

Scott has a dozen progressive petitions on Change.org which may be found here:

Scott was an I.T. Manager for a major New York university for over two decades where he earned a Certificate for Frontline Leadership.

He had a video game published in Compute! Magazine: Click Here

Scott is a graduate and adjunct faculty of the Henry George School of Social Science in New York City.

Scott is a modern-day Renaissance Man with interests in economics, science and all future-forward topics.
He has been called an "adept syncretist" by Kirkus Discoveries for his novel, NeitherWorld - a two-volume opus blending Native American myth, archaeological detail, government conspiracy, with a sci-fi flair http://amzn.to/10nUoDV

Scott grew up in New York City and Pennsylvania. He graduated with honors and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University and was a member of the Psychology honor society PSI CHI.

Today he is an avid bicyclist and ride co-leader in a prominent bike advocacy organization.
Technorati code: a72h4zxgud


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Democratic 2020 hopefuls Biden, Harris, From GoogleImages
Saturday, August 22, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Reasons for Optimism in Biden/Harris Biden/Harris is not as bad or regressive a combination as many progressives think. But the contest will be more difficult than the polls indicate. Why progressives should pull out all the stops right now to ensure Trump's defeat and progressive change.
Panic buying hits New York as first coronavirus case announced., From GoogleImages
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 (22 comments) SHARE More Sharing Time to reopen, at least in the worst hit city, New York City It's time to reopen in NYC. The economic consequences outweigh the potential harm of continuing the lock-down in corona virus infection rates.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
left-vs-right-politics is warping our thinking, even killing people., From GoogleImages
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 (18 comments) SHARE More Sharing Politics, Politics, Politics...and Science Left-Right ideology is not just pitting Americans against each other, it is killing them. Covid-19 is an object lesson.
CORONAVIRUS - Is the Cure worse than the Disease?, From FlickrPhotos
Saturday, July 18, 2020 (19 comments) SHARE More Sharing Bombshell Report: Herd Immunity Reached at 20% (Video) Kim Iversen cites 2 studies that show only 10-20% infection rates confer herd immunity, not 60-70% as previously believed. This means NY, UK & Sweden are already past this & other states and countries soon will be. NY can open up now, and other states soon & other measures might not be necessary or effective. It is then just a coincidence that strict measures were enacted at the same time as Covid-19 peaked.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Covid-19 is everywhere, including the headlines., From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, June 11, 2020 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing 10 thoughts on the Covid Crisis Where are we in the Covid curve? While some areas become safer, others are seeing skyrocketing rates of infection. Some observations, positive and negative.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Did Trump commit voter fraud by voting where he is not a resident?, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Did Trump commit Voter Fraud? Did Trump and his wife commit voter fraud by voting in Florida, where they should not be allowed to declare residency? It sure looks that way.
Sunday, June 7, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Midway to Normal? Musings on Covid, Protests & Primaries so far The news is changing from 24/7 Covid to something resembling normal breath and depth...but we aren't there yet.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Nurse Practioner speaks out against mistreatment of patients in NYC, From Uploaded
Friday, May 1, 2020 (11 comments) SHARE More Sharing "People are being murdered by horrible care for Covid-19 in NYC" - Licensed Nurse Practioner People are dying of Covid-19 from terrible treatments that are killing them, not because of science, but often politics. Doctors and other medical professionals are speaking out, but the politics are overwhelming.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell - getting fat off of Blue State generosity?, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, April 28, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Blue States overpay Taxes and Should withhold them Senator Mitch McConnell has picked a fight over state public pensions badly supported, so he claims anyway, in Blue democratic states like those in the northeast and Illinois. Fine. New York's Governor Cuomo has called him out on it. He should go further.
Earth Day succeeded by being ignored, From InText
Thursday, April 23, 2020 SHARE More Sharing Economics, Post Earth Day at 50 Earth Day and Economics are more entwined than commonly admitted. Some thoughts on both, one missed, the other on life support.
New York National Guard checking for Corona virus., From WikimediaPhotos
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing COVID-19 Treatments may soon be available..if they're allowed to be We live in the Information Age. Will the best science be allowed to cure us of the corona virus, or will old Big Pharma and Big Bureaucracy force people to wait, and die?
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Coronavirus precautions - the problem is the healthcare system, not the virus., From FlickrPhotos
Friday, March 27, 2020 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing Lessons from Coronavirus Ground Zero The Corona virus is exposing our real sickness: our over-burdened, under-responsive, creaky, expensive healthcare system. Unless we fix that, millions will die from periodic epidemics.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Saturday, March 21, 2020 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing What Lies Ahead: the problem is not the Corona-virus It's not the virus that is causing markets to plunge and 100s of thousands of people to lose their jobs, soon to be millions. It's the economy, stupid.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Breadlines in Depression-Era New York City -- History of New York City, From GoogleImages
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 (26 comments) SHARE More Sharing Welcome to the New Communist Police State, blamed on a virus A virus will be blamed for our permanent loss of rights, dependence on the State, and depression. The New Communism includes a police state. And people will die from the recessions anyway.
Saturday, March 14, 2020 (18 comments) SHARE More Sharing Iranian, Russian and Chinese Officials Claim COVID-19 Is A Biological Weapon (Video) For the few of you who say I shouldn't cover this or "peddle conspiracy theories" let me ask you this, do you think I should censor what three nation's leaders are claiming? Do you feel it's better to ignore these leaders and not report what they are saying? Just because you don't agree with the theory doesn't mean it shouldn't be heard.
Series: Covid (16 Articles, 31828 views)
Top hopefuls Buttigieg, Sanders under fire in Democratic debate, From GoogleImages
Thursday, February 27, 2020 (11 comments) SHARE More Sharing Pre-Super Tuesday Predictions The jockeying for poll position in the Democratic presidential field has only just begun. The next week will be very telling.
From ImagesAttr
Saturday, February 8, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing A modest proposal for the settlements on the Israeli West Bank Israel, whether it chooses to acknowledge it or not (or we do), is heading toward a one-state solution. Here's an alternative that no one has proposed, which will end the bloodshed and produce positive change for both sides, and for the world.
Viktor Shokin, The Prosecutor General of Ukraine.  UCMC-16.02.2015 Viktor Shokin, The Prosecutor General of Ukraine., From YouTubeVideos
Thursday, January 30, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Former Ukraine Prosecutor General Files Criminal Complaint on Joe Biden (video) The former Ukraine Prosecutor General has filed charges in Ukraine against Joe Biden for interfering with his prosecution of Burisma, the oil&gas firm Hunter Biden worked for, in the 2014-2016 period, when the senior Biden was V.P. of the U.S. Under the filing, the Ukraine investigators are obligated to move quickly to launch an investigation into the charges. The penalties can result in up to 4 years jail time.
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 31368 views), Politics (56 Articles, 193631 views)
Syria crisis: the violence mapped by the UN, From FlickrPhotos
Monday, October 14, 2019 (67 comments) SHARE More Sharing Trump stumble into Foreign Policy Genius: Syrian Pullout the best decision he's ever made Trump's gut gets him a good result for once. Why the withdrawal is a very good thing for everyone.
Where is the DNC server hiding?, From FlickrPhotos
Saturday, September 28, 2019 (13 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Other Subject of Trump's Call to the Ukraine - the DNC server Why has the focus of the Trump call to the Ukraine ignored the issue of the DNC server and Crowdstrike, clearly articulated by the president?

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