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Merv Ritchie

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Mid 50 year old male. Generally a blue collar worker. Heavy duty mechanic by trade, later, Diesel electrician, then alternative energy systems importer, seller, designer and installer. Then a home construction general contractor and now a web based news service managing/publishing editor. www.TerraceDaily.ca was our first and is the parent website.

Very controversial writer. A guy who pays no mind to pablum delivering media services. The truth no matter how ugly, serves everyone correctly. I believe, as did my dad, (a very prominant lawyer), that university is no place for real thinkers. A ph'd only proves you were competent at repeating back to the prof's what they wanted to hear.


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Original Map from the BC Knowledge Network with an addition to reference the region discussed, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Last Genocide In North America - Why Are They Ignoring Our Indians? At the present rate of mortality, not many months can elapse "ere the Northern Indians of this coast will exist only in story" - "... "What will they say in England?" The authorities have commenced the work of extermination - let them keep it up .... Never was there a more execrable Indian policy than ours" (The (Victoria) Daily Press June 1862).
From ImagesAttr
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 18, 2013
What is Really Behind the Idle No More Controversy - Follow the Money There are literally billions, likely trillions of dollar of revenue to be earned from the region. Just the investment alone into 6 proposed projects is over 10 billon dollars. Gold mines, coal mines, pipelines, transmission lines and power generation plants. It is the Sacred Circle, the world's largest, most prosperous region, traders want to come and exploit.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 27, 2012
Americans Kill But Don't Want To Be Killed - #Idlenomore The issue is death. Twenty dead children. Innocents. We support it. No matter how it comes and from which direction, it is our very own industries, our comfortable lifestyles, our personal pacifism and our disinterest in those who run our democracies that allow it. Sit on the couch, flick away at the remote, play the "Games" and we are complicit in the Connecticut crime. (Connect da dot crime).
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, December 21, 2012
The Tragedy Must Trigger Awareness Or It Is Sure To Repeat The problem, the reason for this incident, is very simple to address, the solution is very difficult. In fact, the solution will challenge society so greatly we will all likely avoid the truth, as we generally do when solutions take effort, and watch this same situation; another Columbine, another Gifford, another Polytechnic, happen again.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 18, 2011
China Corrupts Canadian Corporatism: Red Daze of Regulators Canadian politicians of all stripes and from all levels of government have been courting China to invest in Canada and to buy our raw resources. They are doing this while China is being exposed repeatedly for electronically monitoring, digitally infiltrating and personally spying on every level of Canadian politics and industry. CSIS, Canada's own security agency, has repeatedly spoken about these activities.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Where The Waters Begin - Shell, Fortune Minerals And Salmon Royal Dutch Shell is preparing to employ a method to extract the Methane gas by using Fracking. Fortune Minerals is planning to simply tear down Mount Klappan to take the coal away. Reason and logic demonstrate a simple truth, this is nature's water filter for all life. As can be shown by using an aquarium water filter or a counter top Brita water filter, coal and charcoal are the highest premium water filtering systems
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 28, 2011
It's Not About Keystone XL or Enbridge Being Bad The only question now is does Canada possess real leaders? If Canada looked forward to the future and offered a real tangible alternative, Bono and Robert Redford might arrive to shake the Prime Ministers hand. Today Canada looks foolish on the world stage. Travellers are even removing the Maple Leaf from their apparel. When a solution to all the issues is simple yet comprehensive it is a wonder why the resistance is
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Clear Soluton to the Occupy Wall Street Revolution No more secret behind doors deals with laws passed by motions and committees without the true representatives having their secret ballots cast and counted. Governments "by the people and for the people" require this one change at all levels. And it is very easy to do based on Occam's razor, also known as the Keep it Simple Sweetheart (KISS) process.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 10, 2011
Doing Nothing for Profit -- World Money Problems Explained and a Solution There are hundreds, thousands, millions of men and women walking freely down the streets, allowed to run free, that do not have the slightest idea how to check the oil in their car, what mixed gas means, how to even properly use a shovel. They don't know how to grow food, use a gun or fix the plumbing in their home. [...] yet they take the profits, skim the interest and margins off the sweat and hard labour of the working man.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 24, 2011
YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT AT ALICE'S RESTAURANT Today common everyday men, women and children are protesting much like during the Vietnam War. No one has been shot in Ohio yet (four were killed at Kent State University on May 4th, 1970) but hundreds have been arrested. The shootings seem likely to come; it is only a matter of time. Protests took place all this past month at the White House over the proposed pipeline from the Tar Sands. Shootings may come yet.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 6, 2011
WHEN IS IT TIME TO TEAR DOWN ALL RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES? Amazing; simply flipping amazing! In fact it is truly unbelievable, inconceivable! What person, what entity, what in Christ's name would permit any human or spiritual structure to allow such reprehensible actions to continue and then claim there was no legal binding authority to report them?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 25, 2011
FROM PEACE KEEPING TO WAR MONGERING -- CANADA'S NEW STATUS Canada has historically always taken the role of assisting in diplomatic and peaceful manners. If military action was used to settle a dispute Canada usually held back ... Canada virtually never, except in the two World Wars and Korea, got involved in regime change or geo-political-economic fights to the death. That has recently changed and now Canada is as guilty as any other aggressor country.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 24, 2011
American and Eurozone Debt Explains Bachmann's Migraines Poor Ms Bachmann has to face the conflict of her countries debt crisis and the reality of the debt. None of it can endure reasoned thought. Much of the American news over the past few days has also focused on the severe migraine headaches suffered by one of the leading republican presidential candidates, Michele Bachmann. There is no manner in which to create a reasonable logical discussion, a discussion of facts wit

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