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Zin Linn

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Zin Linn was born on February 9, 1946 in a small town in Mandalay Division. He began writing poems in 1960 and received a B.A (Philosophy) in 1976. He became an activist in the High School Union after the students' massacre on 7th July 1962. He then took on a role as an active member in the Rangoon Division Students' Union. He Participated in a poster-and-pamphlet campaign on the 4th anniversary of 7 July movement and went into hiding to keep away from the military police. He was still able to carry out underground pamphlet campaigns against the Burmese Socialist Programme Party ( BSPP). However, in 1982, he fell into the hands of MI and served two years imprisonment in the notorious Insein prison. In 1988 he took part, together with his old students' union members, in the People's Democracy Uprising. In November of that year, he became an NLD Executive Committee Member for the Thingangyun Township and later became superintendent of the NLD Rangoon Division Office. In 1991, he was arrested because of his connections with the exiled government, the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB), and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment in the notorious Insein Prison. In last week of December 1997 he was released. Zin Linn was an editor and columnist and contributed articles to various publications, especially on international affairs, while in Burma. He fled Burma in 2001 to escape from military intelligence and worked as information director for the NCGUB from 2001 to 2012. He is also vice president of the Burma Media Association which is affiliated with the Paris-based Reporters Sans Frontiers. Zin Linn is still writing articles and commentaries in Burmese and English in various periodicals and online journals on a regular basis.

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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 18, 2015
Burma's Nationwide Ceasefire Accord looks like half-done Participation of all the ethnic armed groups was agreed during the Laiza Conference in November 2013 to sign the treaty. During an inspection tour in Kachin state On 16 March 2014, U Thein Sein promised to build a free and open society that encourages full participation of all national races, the state-run newspaper said.
Boys in Burma peek out a window. The future they'll see is in transition., From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 17, 2015
A Shattered Dream of Burma? The split deepens in recent weeks once the USDP under Shwe Mann ignored some senior military officials to accept as its candidates for the upcoming elections. Over a hundred of army officers resigned their military ranks to play a part in the election but only 59 were accepted as candidates.
Putting journalists in jail at this critical political juncture in Burma is terribly dangerous for the people., From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 18, 2015
Is Burma's reform abortive as journalists under threats? Putting journalists into jail and attacking the media by using goons will make the country a failed state. While the country is at a juncture of political change, the media workers in the country are looking forward to have more pragmatic backing from the global media groups, especially for the security supports.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 2, 2015
Burma: Shackling press freedom, Reform will be futile it is very important that the freedom of expression and the press must be guaranteed and protected as democratic elections are going to be held. Media personnel, such as journalists, reporters and editors, should be able to do their jobs without restraints. Even more important is to promise the right to seek and receive information during the upcoming elections.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Will Burma faithfully carry on its political reform? In an interview with Reuters on 3rd April, the Nobel laureate told Reuters that her opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) party was "ready to govern" but that President Thein Sein was insincere about reform and might try to postpone the election. It is also remarkable that Aung San Suu Kyi has an option of boycotting the upcoming elections.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Burma: "Sustaining Ethnic Media" via "Third Ethnic Media Conference" In 2015, Myanmar ranked 145 out of 180 on the Reporters Without Borders (RWB) Press Freedom Index, 6 places higher than the previous year. The incumbent government has made 6-place progress because it makes some free space for coming back of several exiled media.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 4, 2015
After the 67th Anniversary of Independence, Burma has still lost her choice But people continue doubtful of political transformation under President Thein Sein who claims his regime as a reformist government. The reason is that the regime just changes its uniform rather than its high-handed stance. People believe country's independence has been crushed as several natural resources of the country have been sold out on cut-rate to China by the successive military-backed regimes.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Burma closed down the democratic reform in December 2014 Despite much talk about needed economic reform, President failed to mention the corruption and unprofessional conduct of officials from UMEHL and MEC. Without officially recognizing the well embedded corrupt practices in society, there can be no means to adequately address the issue.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 1, 2014
Burma's constitutional crisis crack up its reform Burma's political scenario in last quarter of 2014 seems more complicated than ever because there will be do-or-die struggles between the 'pro-2008 Constitution faction' and 'anti-2008 Constitution parties' that is basically connected with the presidential selection in 2015.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 10, 2014
Is Burma's reform backtracking as press freedom at stake? The embassies of the United States and Britain in Rangoon have called on the Government of Burma to open a transparent investigation into the current killing of a local journalist by the Government Army. The US Embassy said in a statement that it is "deeply concerned and saddened" by the reports of the death of journalist Aung Kaw Naing alias Par Gyi, while in custody of the Burma Army in early October.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 25, 2014
Burma needs to investigate extrajudicial killing of a journalist If the junta is sincere regarding democratic reforms, the journalists must be free at the outset since access to information is essential to a healthy democracy. But in Burma, the political opposition as well as journalists and media personnel are under the strictest controls by the quasi-civilian government.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 3, 2014
Burma: Conflicts carry on as President urges nationwide ceasefire for 2015 election Even though there have been quite a lot of meetings between the government delegates led by Union Minister Aung Min and the Representative of the Ethnic Rebel groups one by one or jointly, the bargaining result for peace is no trouble-free topic. And after several decades of fighting for better self-determination, the distrust between the ethnic rebels and the Burma army -- the Tatmadaw -- goes on with uncompromising.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 14, 2014
Can Burma make a difference in peacemaking without hostilities? The national ceasefires agreement between the government and more than a dozen ethnic armed groups has also been at a state of gridlock for several months. However, the popular peace process is not likely to be sustainable unless negotiations begin soon on the topic of the deep-seated political, social and economic causes of conflict.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 11, 2014
Does Burma's reform reverse as journalists got harsh prison term? The public has a right to be informed on a subject of general interest like the story covered by the Unity Journal. Journalists who are just doing their job must be protected, and if anyone has to be prosecuted, it should be the newspaper. Under no circumstances should journalists be imprisoned because of the content of their articles.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 28, 2014
Why does battles maintain in Shan State of Burma? Although peace talks are taking place, there seems to be no end in sight in the war against the ethnic rebels, especially in Kachin and the Shan states. For instance, the President Thein Sein Government has reached a truce with the Shan State Army (SSA), but the Government Army seems no notice of the agreement.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 9, 2014
Can Burma improve bilateral trust for truce? If Burma Army is reluctant to pull out from conflict areas, no ceasefire may not be materialized, particularly locations close to rural villages. It is also necessary that both armies should reduce troops, army bases, checkpoints and weapons inventories to show the change to peace.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 17, 2014
Burma: Is there a solution for Kachin Conflict? KIO has been calling for a true political dialogue for decade-long old warfare. But, U Thein Sein government stays away from political talks since its key interest is to sign a nationwide ceasefire accord rather than solving the root cause of the conflict.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Burma: MPs untrue to the voters as they support electricity price-hiking Burma or Myanmar’s public improvement also depends on fair and square electricity charges, without which health, education, home industries and other essential services certainly suffer shortcoming. The sitting government has many more to do with the electrification problem to be addressed step by step in an attempt to guarantee promoting the living standard of the greater part of population.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Is Myanmar peace process going well? Even though U Thein Sein’s government has announced its self-styled reform repeatedly, people rarely see any sign of genuine change in ethnic areas. As a result, displaced communities are cautious because security concerns hang around, including landmine problem and various persecutions of the armed forces.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 21, 2014
Burma needs good human rights records As Myanmar National Human Rights Commission has a massive responsibility to scrutinize human rights violations of the government. Besides, Myanmar has to do more on human rights rule and regulation clearly. If the government officials breach the laws, the relevant officials have to keep an eye on and call attention to violations. The formation of the MNHRC seems totally against international standards.

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