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(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 20, 2017 "Has North Korea Invaded Any Country?"
"Has North Korea Invaded any Country?" Some people say the answer is a self-evident Yes, because we all know that North Korea invaded South Korea and provoked the Korean War.
But is this answer totally satisfactory to debunk all there is to debunk? Probably Not.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, April 17, 2017 On North Korea
MSM experts rant there is unacceptable risk of war from North Korea. But close examination shows that the true risk of war comes from the US, not North Korea.
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 21, 2016 Professor Paul Krugman and Candidate Bernie Sanders on Health-Care Reform
Krugman criticizes Bernie Sanders' proposal for a single-payer health-care system as totally unrealistic and counterproductive, but his arguments are seriously flawed and display prejudice, not enlightenment.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, January 8, 2016 "Is the Recent Deal on the 'Comfort Women" between S. Korea and Japan a Win-Win? Really?"
It is unfortunate that many experts in the US fail to recognize the critical importance of a genuine reconciliation of the past among the East Asian nations, as such failure is not only a serious moral failure which is repugnant in itself but it also is a diplomatic error which will be costly to all nations concerned in terms of the most consequential real world consequences.
(8 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 2, 2009 Does North Korea Really Pose a Grave Threat to the Security of the US?
It should be possible to resolve the N. Korean nuclear problem peacefully and at eminently reasonable economic costs to the US, if the US pursues diplomatic avenues ernestly and with enlightened approach, based on practical and workable solutions.
(7 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 12, 2009 President Obama Must Really Order An Investigation of Torture Program
Torture demeans not only the victim but also the perpetrator and the communities to which they belong, and is effective principally to extract false information from innocent victims. Bush admin's torture program was an unconscionable travesty of justice and insult to our national legal heritage and precedent, which can be rectified only by a meaningful investigation and prosecution.
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 13, 2008 Open Letter to Mr. Barack Obama
Open letter to Obama: You have failed to deliver your message to a large number of white, working class voters in critical swing states. Please hurry to give them a clear message as to why they should vote for you, rather than for McCain. If you do that before the election day, you will be elected president. Please hurry. There is not much time left.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 22, 2008 An Exit Strategy or a Perpetuation of the Iraq War?
A "long-term" security arrangement with Iraq, which the Bush administration tries to conclude with the Iraq government, can be a device to perpetuate our occupation of Iraq and thus to prolong the war indefinitely, rather than part of a genuine exit strategy from the war, unless the security arrangement is principally for safe withdrawal of our troops, not for perpetual colonial rule of Iraq.
(21 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 13, 2008 The Decline of Empires in the Past, the Future of the United States and the Contribution of President Bush
The United States faces far more potential harm from the misguided policies of its own government than from any possible action of an external organization. The Bush administration has caused more damage to the U.S. and the welfare of its citizens than was caused by the attacks on 9/11 and more than any external organization could have caused since then.
(9 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 13, 2008 "President Hillary Clinton" vs. "President Barack Obama": Which Will Be A More Significant Historical Precedent?
Hillary Clinton has claimed that she has got a raw deal because she is a woman, and that the bar for a woman is higher than the bar for a black. I discuss whether this claim is true, and whether the election of a woman, or the election of a black president, would be a more significant historical event by reviewing relevant historical cases of females who ascended to the top of the political system in the past.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, May 5, 2008 Three Paradoxical Aspects Of The Wright Controversy
Analysis of the Media's Handling of the Wright Controversy: the Media is practicing an indirect form of racism on the pretense that voters at large practice racism; Wright sermons have become controversial because his discredited sermons contain kernel of truthl, not because they are ludicrous, as alleged by the pundits; also discusses why traditional power centers for blacks have been so unenthusiastic to Obama's campaign
Discusses why it is imperative to actively support Obama's candidacy through his final election in November, and not worry about the charge that he may not be strong enough to be a fighter.