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(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Skinny Bob -The Forgotten Extraterrestrial
Sightings of alien spacecraft are recorded every day on video, yet our leaders are hiding the now obvious fact of a massive alien presence on planet Earth. The leaked Skinny Bob extraterrestrial videos are digital evidence ignored by the mainstream media. Less than two minutes of that evidence has been shown to us out of three full hours of filmed material. Science is meant to be shared, not hidden away by an elite few.
(10 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 27, 2018 The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down.
Can the discovery of an inherent mathematical relationship created by nature, not by man, become political and scientific dynamite? Who is to blame for upsetting the status quo, the people who discovered the relationship or Mother Nature, who created the relationship? Whom do we punish if we do not like what it all means?
(13 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 25, 2017 Biofuel farming is killing our bees
Biofuel farming is killing bees in mass numbers all over the world. A third of America's honeybee colonies died just last year, and bees are now an endangered species. Our politicians, our farmers, and corporate biofuel manufacturers have put short term profits above the long term survival of the human food supply.
(30 comments) SHARE Monday, October 13, 2014 Low Energy Nuclear Reaction passes big test in Switzerland
A well-constructed independent test of an Andrea Rossi designed "E-Cat" Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) reactor, built by Industrial Heat, LLC, shows that LENR is capable of producing commercially usable amounts of heat. LENR reactors are safe, simple to construct, nontoxic, portable, made of recyclable materials, and potentially adaptable to all forms of transportation as well as electricity production.
(28 comments) SHARE Monday, December 2, 2013 Climate Change and the End Times
Al Gore and other Climate Change gurus have mislead the world about many important issues, including biofuels, windmills, and global-warming theory. This article explains my concern that Climate Change theology has become a dangerous doomsday religion that is far more destructive than the mild global warming trend the Earth experienced during the last century.
(9 comments) SHARE Monday, December 17, 2012 Sleepwalking To Starvation
The biggest crime of the 21st century is global biofuel production. It makes a very few of us temporarily rich through ill gotten profits, but is immediately destructive to the majority of people on planet Earth, and will ultimately even destroy the biofuel advocates and manufacturers themselves. No one will escape the long term environmental, economic, and political consequences of global biofuel production.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 20, 2012 Energy is our blood
Ninety percent of my friends are Democrats, and my parents were as liberal as they come. Then why am I not voting for Barack Obama and other Democrats this November? Is it because most liberals are genetically incapable of understanding energy policy? Do emotionally oriented, health food store shopping people lack the basic math and science skills needed to understand energy policy?
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 5, 2012 The National Food Security Act
Americans face sticker shock every time they enter a supermarket. There is a way to fight back against sky high food prices and protect the environment at the same time. The solution is the National Food Security Act. Our politicians know it is needed, but they are enslaved to big money special interest groups and will not act to save our food unless we demand it.
(12 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 4, 2012 What if Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) really works?
Is low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) real or is it a hoax? If it is real, then it will change the world far more than the personal computer and Internet revolutions. Hold on to your hats!
(17 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 14, 2011 The Fusion Revolution
A shocking breakthrough in affordable, low-tech nuclear fusion may be as important to human evolution as the discovery of how to make fire. Andrea Rossi's E-Cat promises extremely low cost energy with no radioactive materials or toxic waste. Imagine a luxury automobile you could drive for thousands of miles without refueling. The E-Cat may soon make science fiction fantasies a living reality.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Century of Starvation
Barack Obama's reckless food and fuel policies threaten to accelerate an almost inevitable collapse of the human food supply in this 21st century.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 12, 2009 Barack Obama's ego driven war
Barack Obama's war in Afghanistan is being fought for ego and vanity, not because of any legitimate national security interests. Those who opposed Lyndon Johnson's war in Vietnam and Bush's war in Iraq should also oppose Barack Obama's counterproductive military adventure in Afghanistan. Any unjustified war is immoral and a tragic waste scarce of national resources.
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 28, 2009 Revolutionary Thorium Reactor - The most environmentally beneficial power source on earth
Limitless, low cost energy is now possible through a revolutionary new fission reactor that provides all of the benefits of pure fusion power, but with a simpler and more practical design. This will change the world like television, the discovery of DNA, and the Internet.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, June 1, 2009 Renewable Energy Leads to Disaster
The public has been misled into believing that "renewable energy" is a good thing, but the provable facts show just the opposite. Hobbits may be able to live poetically, generating energy from the wind, the sun, and the soil. The true facts show that real human beings need concentrated nonrenewable energy to survive.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, February 13, 2009 Biofuelgate - The Food Fuels Fiasco
Biofuels are a destructive, dead end technology born out of the desires of producers to make money and politicians to get the farm vote. Biofuel production causes topsoil erosion and raises food prices, without providing any real benefit in the form of energy independence.
SHARE Tuesday, June 17, 2008 The starvation weeds of Barack Obama
Once planted, biofuel weeds will be difficult to get rid of, thus destroying the food producing capabilities of farmland without very expensive and time consuming eradication programs.
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 10, 2008 The Great Biofuel Famine
United States and European Union biofuel production mandates are creating a world food crisis and famine that will contribute to the avoidable deaths of millions of human beings in the year 2008 alone.