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Frenchie was born in Paris, France. She Currently lives in the California Bay Area and has been self employed as an accountant for the past 26 years. Frenchie has been married for 24 years and has raised two daughters, one in her last year of high school, and the other attends Harvard University.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 19, 2009 Howard Kurtz of CNN "Reliable Sources" is a Biased News Critic! So why Bother?
Mr. Kurtz stated that he believes that Fox might have gone a little over the line in their promotion of the Tea parties, but that there is a real legitimate movement out there, and that anytime American Citizens gather, it should be covered. He felt that the other media channels didn't do a very good job of making that known, and that many opted to ridicule the tea parties instead.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 5, 2009 Rick Santelli's Chicago Protests a Bust-- and Maybe a Con
Internet bloggers have been digging into this Rick Santelli Rant/protest story from the start, because it felt to many progressives a bit forced, phony and rehearsed, to say the least (did you check out Ricky's appearances all over MSNBC the following day? Let's just say you are lucky if you missed them)... and this is what investigative Bloggers have unearthed to date -
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 26, 2009 Facts about Pres. Obama, Social Security, Medicare, and Tax Free Savings Accounts
President Obama was clear throughout his candidacy as to what he believed needed to be done in reference to saving our entitlement programs and ensuring their viability. Yet there are those who still react in a third rail sort of way when they hear the words "Social Security Reform".
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, December 15, 2008 What part of "F*ck him" does the Media NOT Understand?
"I've got this thing, and it's f*ckin' golden, and uh, uh, and I'm not going to give it up for f*ckin' nothing." Blagojevich said while speaking on tape in reference to the Senate Seat vacated by President Elect Obama.
SHARE Wednesday, November 26, 2008 The Obama Approach: Progressive Policies Presented as Pragmatic
There appears to be some understandable confusion, since the election, as to whether Barack Obama is a Progressive or whether he is a Centrist. Much of the discussion has occurred within Barack Obama's support on the left. The questions are being fueled by Barack Obama's choice of personnel in filling cabinet posts.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, September 15, 2008 McCain's Terminal Case of "Obama Envy"
We might well want to pity John McCain for his intense "Obama Envy" in the immediate future. Although he may not yet know it, this is why John McCain will lose the election.
SHARE Wednesday, June 25, 2008 McCain slips the Terror Card to the Corporate Media
Just because the stereotype of Republicans being "tough" on defense, and by extension on terrorism has been peddled by the Republican Party and the media for the last 25 years, doesn't make it so. Yet the Corporate Media insists that this is indeed an unarguable fact.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 21, 2008 FISA - Obama can choose to lose the War, but still fight the Battle
I urged Barack to fight to remove the Immunity Provision for the Telecom from the bill in question as he has promised he would. I also urged that in failing to do such, he should vote against the bill.
It is clear to me that barring a miracle, Barack most likely will not be able to mobilize enough votes to strip the provision, and in addition, he will not be able to stop the bill from becoming law.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 17, 2008 How in the General Election, Character will Trump Melanin
I have picked up on the fact that many Americans are asking themselves and each other; can Obama win a General Election? Whether the question comes with a doubting sneer from his fervent detractor, or quietly within the minds of his thoughtful supporters, the question is undeniably being pondered from sea to shining sea.
An affirmative answer does not come easily, and is as complex as the question being asked.
SHARE Thursday, April 17, 2008 The Super Duper Delegate Test
The Pennsylvania Democratic debates' were held last night for the sake of the most important voters on earth; The Super Dupers!
The 21st primary debate was the test to see if Barack Obama is truly poised to become the First African-American President in our nation's history.
The question needing an answer is can Obama withstand a General Election and come out the winner?
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Barack' s Words of Reasonable Origin in a Topsy-Turvy Party
"When their economic policies fail, when the country's coming apart rather than coming together, what do they do? They find the most economically insecure white men and scare the living daylights out of them. "-Bill Clinton
(33 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 13, 2008 "BITTER" DOUBLE STANDARDS: WHAT'S the Matter with PENNSYLVANIA?
When Senator Obama was speaking in San Francisco about folks in small town Pennsylvania, he wasn't saying anything new nor anything unheard of. He was talking about some of the same issues raised in the best selling Book, "What's the Matter with Kansas", by Thomas Frank.