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John H Kennedy

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John H Kennedy is a A 44 year Denver Colorado Democratic voter and Obama supporter. He organized the Impeach Colorado Coalition which has morphed into ANGRYVOTERS.ORG http://ANGRYVOTERS.ORG
which is an effort to help other progressive groups build the results of their Petitions.

Currently we are promoting petitions dealing with prosecution of officials of the Bush Administration for Torture, War Crimes and other violations of our Federal Laws and Constitution.

Our efforts are responsible for sending many thousands of American voters to sign the petitions advocating Torture Prosecution.


OpEd News Member for 887 week(s) and 0 day(s)

11 Articles, 7 Quick Links, 318 Comments, 3 Diaries, 0 Polls

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(19 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 15, 2009
To Stop The Pardons, Kucinich & co-sponsors should file impeachment bills before January 20th The US Representatives who co-sponsored Rep. Kucinich's Bush-Cheney Impeachment Resolutions have been very silent since they were re-elected with the impeachment movement's campaign donations. Do they want Bush to pardon Cheney and the rest? Call and ask them if they will file an impeach resolution before Jan 20 To Stop The Pardons. 800-828-0498
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 12, 2009
Is Rep. John Conyers corrupt? Rep. Conyers poses as pro impeachment but as chair of the House Judiciary Committee he has blocked impeachment for years. He promised to hold impeachment hearings after the election but broke his word. He ignored petitions with up to two million signatures asking for impeachment hearings. Now we find that Conyers was using a GOP operative involved in vote rigging scams to maintain his House website. Very curious indeed.
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 13, 2008
Promote impeachment at each showing of the Frost/Nixon Movie We can reach hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of moviegoers who are interested in and sympathetic to learning more about Presidential Abuse Of Power, Removal From Office, and Impeachment. THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to motivate thousands to contact their Congressman and tell them to call for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Just tell'em to call 800-828-0498 & SAY IMPEACH, leaving a message for their Congressman
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 6, 2008
Kucinich gets ignored once again by Obama & Dem Leadership Rep. Kucinich, former Candidate for President of the United States held a press conference today where he showed his frustration with President Elect Obama's ignoring him as Obama assembles his cabinet of rivals. The main stream media and the Democratic Party leadership did a great job of ignoring his candidacy, probably because Kucinch was the only Dem who addressed issues Americans wanted discussed. TELL US WHAT YOU THINK !
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 19, 2008
If MillionDoorsForPeace.org coalition had done this for Impeachment, our troops would be home by now If all groups in the MillionDoorsForPeace.org peace coalition event had done the same joint effort for impeachment hearings, our troops in Iraq would already be coming home. [[IMPEACH]]
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Vote in AOL.com Impeach Bush Poll, DO IT RIGHT NOW ! YOU SHOULD Vote To Impeach Bush & Vote That Bush Lied about WMD, NOW, Dang it! At The AOL.Com links
(61 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 23, 2008
To Impeach before Nov 4, Do Something Different, Quickly! What can we do that is different and radical enough to cause Congress to hold impeachment hearings? Perhaps realizing that Congress itself is the current clear and present danger to the Constitution will help. If Congress takes an oath to defend the Constitution and does not, it is the enemy of both the Constitution and the people. I am not proposing rebellion, but how are we to get their attention?
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, April 19, 2008
Is there an imminent danger of giving up on impeachment? HR24 was 'laid on the table' in New Hampshire. TELL US What YOU Think. Is there a danger that the failure of HR24 will be framed as the end of the battle for accountability, for impeachment? Let's talk about this. We'd love to hear from the leaders of UFPJ, AfterDowningStreet.org, Democrats.com, WorldCan'tWait.net, Veterans Groups, Unions, Congressmen, the leaders of local, regional impeachment groups through out the Country, AND Of Course YOU. Lets talk.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 14, 2008
TODAY! Help pass New Hampshire's HR-24, a bill to tell Congress to Impeach (Mail list & sample message included) We must have Impeachment Hearings before the Election. PLEASE SEND this prepared email to these NH Democrats asking them to Support Rep. Betty Hall's Resolution to impeach Cheney and Bush. HR-24, is a resolution that will be voted on in the New Hampshire House on Wednesday. Our last chance this year to have a State Legislature send a directive to Congress telling them to get busy and Impeach. I tested this list, it works.
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, April 13, 2008
Activists need to get tough with House Democrats who are seeking re-election. We need to campaign against every Dem Congressman in a tight race, regardless of whether running for the House or Senate. Accuse them of being a traitor to their oath, of hating the Constitution. Create doubt in the minds of the public. Get nasty. Get tough. We Can Make impeachment Happen!
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 4, 2008
Time to Quit Playing Impeach Games with Conyers & Pelosi A wake up call to the anti-war movement that the time is short to stop the killing in Iraq. The war will go on for years if we don't find a way to get the cooperation of the House Democrats. Trying to be their friend has so far gotten us nowhere.

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