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Weiner, a poet and playwright, also is a public speaker on matters political and cultural. He is the author of four books of poetry, numerous produced plays, and "Boy Into Man: A Fathers' Guide to Initiation of Teenage Sons" (Transformation Press). SHARE
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Bernard Weiner, Ph.D. in government & international relations, has taught at universities in California and Washington, worked for two decades as a writer-editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, and currently serves as co-editor of The Crisis Papers (www.crisispapers.org).
(13 comments) SHARE Monday, July 6, 2020 Suicide, Homicide, Genocide: Will Trump Resign?
Trump is getting more and more desperate and incoherent, more and more openly racist, more and more dangerously authoritarian. What can be done to counter America's drift toward a homegrown brand of fascism?
SHARE Monday, October 9, 2017 The Post-Trump "Restoration"
When he was finally gone, nothing less than a thoroughgoing cleansing of the foul-smelling stable was in order. That was "The Restoration" era, years of undoing the great damage his administration had foisted on the country.
SHARE Friday, November 4, 2016 James Comey Visits His Shrink
The embattled FBI director is an emotional wreck. He finally locates someone that he can vent to about the untenable situation at the Bureau.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 29, 2016 Is the Future a Trump-led Apartheid Society?
Here's the Trump movement, and the opposition to it, examined in historical and political context. It ain't pretty, but it's important to know.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 10, 2014 It's the Stupid, Stupid
Barack Obama is not stupid and he says he doesn't want his administration to do "stupid things" in foreign policy. So why, then, has he done a reckless, stupid thing by starting a new, two-theater war in the Middle East? And why did that war in Syria have to commence immediately as an existential necessity?
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 2, 2014 A Successful "Negotiation" of Israel/Palestine Peace Treaty
Something has to change if there is to be any serious movement toward peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. If there is no such movement, we can expect yet another generation of hatred, intransigence, slaughter of the innocents. So here's one dramatic scenario for how peace might be obtained.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, March 7, 2014 Cutting Through Fukushima Fog: Radiation in U.S.?
If the reactor-meltdown disaster at the Dai-ichi nuclear plant in Fukushima is as dire as much of the evidence suggests -- a "ticking time bomb," now with more radiation crossing the Pacific by air and ocean -- what can the U.S. and international community do to mitigate the worst effects?
(9 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 4, 2014 Capitalism in Crisis: Who Are the REAL "Takers"?
While capitalism is struggling to redefine itself in the face of obvious disfunction and populist anger, how should progressives react? We may be getting closer to a revolutionary tipping point than appears to be the case.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Letter to European Friends: Understanding "The Stupid" in U.S. Politics
Precis: Here are informative hints, and some historical contexts, to help decipher the current bizarro world of Washington, D.C. It's a 50-year-long descent into Republican partisan warfare, with some post-Civil War resentments added to the Tea Party mix. Read it and weep.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 12, 2013 The Momentous Confrontation in Turkey
Precis: The Erdogan government in Turkey made a bad mistake in unleashing massive violence against those opposing its Istanbul redevelopment project -- like going after a bothersome gnat with a howitzer -- and now it's not clear which side will emerge victorious. Either way, it's going to be of monumental importance in the region.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, March 22, 2013 Where's "The Revolution"?
In America and across the globe, citizens are desperate and angry at the social, economic, political forces crushing their hopes and dreams. The "objective conditions" for revolution would seem to be in place. What's keeping it from happening?
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 21, 2012 "A Modest Proposal": Bring Back the Inquisition!
American society is in desperate shape. Wimpy liberalism can't really solve the various problems. It's time for something more muscular, more robust, more (how shall we say?) medieval in its effectiveness.
SHARE Tuesday, November 8, 2011 Shallow Throat: Has "The Revolution" Started?
The Republican mole has a lot to say about the forcess behind the two major parties, the Occupy Movement, Obama's more combative approach, and the laughably scary GOP candidates.
SHARE Wednesday, July 27, 2011 Whirlpool of Crazy: A Letter to European Friends
Having trouble figuring out our cockamamie political system these days? Imagine if you're trying to do that on another continent. Here are some answers for our European friends.
SHARE Monday, June 6, 2011 The Water Is Wide: Building a Revolution
There are outbreaks of positive, activist responses to GOP extremism in the U.S. -- but there's not a coordinated effort to create a national movement against the worst excesses of the HardRight. With so many citizens turned off by Obama and Dem fecklessness and refusal to fight, here are some ideas for how the Left can battle its political despair.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Inside Karl Rove's Diary: Return to Permanent Political War
Rove (aka Turdblossom, Bush's pet name for him) has returned to center stage with renewed desire to playmake the GOP's return to power. He has plenty to say about the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, the Big Dog, the GOP's "Big Lie" practice, and his plans to destroy the Obama presidency and the Democratic Party.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 23, 2010 Mystery of American Political Madness
In our current plutocratic system, rarely do leaders in positions of power ever have to pay a real penalty for their bad, or even illegal, acts. Either they are given a free pass or they find a "bad-apple" scapegoat. Republicans had one goal and one goal only: destroying his presidency in order to regain their political power, and all the perk$ that go with that power.
(101 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 20, 2010 WTF?: A Letter to Appalled, Puzzled European Friends
Friends from Germany and France raise provocative questions about America's current descent into the crazier-than-usual midterm election circus. The answers in response are not always pleasant, but they have to be faced. God help us, everyone!