Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media. Check out his platform at He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, more detailed bio: Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness and empowering them to take more control of their lives one person at a time was too slow, he founded which has been the top search result on Google for the terms liberal news and progressive opinion for several years. Rob began his Bottom-up Radio show, broadcast on WNJC 1360 AM to Metro Philly, also available on iTunes, covering the transition of our culture, business and world from predominantly Top-down (hierarchical, centralized, authoritarian, patriarchal, big) to bottom-up (egalitarian, local, interdependent, grassroots, archetypal feminine and small.) Recent long-term projects include a book, Bottom-up-- The Connection Revolution, debillionairizing the planet and the Psychopathy Defense and Optimization Project. Rob Kall's Bottom Up Radio Show: Over 400 podcasts are archived for downloading here, or can be accessed from iTunes. Or check out my Youtube Channel Rob Kall/OpEdNews Bottom Up YouTube video channel Rob was published regularly on the for several years. Rob is, with the first media winner of the Pillar Award for supporting Whistleblowers and the first amendment. To learn more about Rob and, check out A Voice For Truth - ROB KALL | OM Times Magazine and this article. For Rob's work in non-political realms mostly before 2000, see his C.V.. and here's an article on the Storycon Summit Meeting he founded and organized for eight years. Press coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table Talk Nation Radio interview by David Swanson: Rob Kall on Bottom-Up Governance June, 2017Here is a one hour radio interview where Rob was a guest- on Envision This, and here is the transcript.. To watch Rob having a lively conversation with John Conyers, then Chair of the House Judiciary committee, click here. Watch Rob speaking on Bottom up economics at the Occupy G8 Economic Summit, here. Follow Rob on Twitter & Facebook. His quotes are here Join the conversation: On facebook at Rob Kall's Bottom-up The Connection Revolution and at Google Groups listserve Bottom-up Top-down conversation
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Page 1 of 7 First Last Back Next 2 3 4 5 6 7 View All Evolving Dichotomies: Evolving Dichotomies, or not; Happiness vs Depression, Strict vs. nurturing parent, masculine vs. feminine, positive psychology vs. pathology oriented psychology, punitive masculine religions at war with women vs. feminine, liberation theologies, written and printed word civilizations vs oral cultures. ... How to Fight Back in the Universities: Right Wingers want to Silence Liberals. Progressives Must Build this Weapon or They Will Lose America; Starting a progressive Policy Promotion Think Tank in Your University. How to Fight Back in the Universities: Right Wingers want to Silence Liberals. Progressives Must Build this Weapon or They Will Lose America; Starting a progressive Policy Promotion Think Tank in Your University. by ROB KALL Now the right wing is tryin... Beware Strange Right Wingers Bearing Trojan Horse Gifts; the student bill of rights Beware Strange Right Wingers Bearing Trojan Horse Gifts; The Student Bill of Rights By Rob Kall www.OpEdNews.Com David Horowitz has proposed an "Academic Bill of Rights." It's really an aggressive attempt at censorship of university and college instructors, p... Making Living Will Should Be Required to Receive Health Care Pulling the Plug/ Feeding tube; Make Living Wills Mandatory to Receive Health Care by Rob Kall All this uproar over Terry Schiavo is taking place because she never left a written statement declaring how she wanted to be dealt with if this kind of condition arose. A simple way to deal de... Writing against Tom Delay; Use a strategy the Deaniacs did in the primaries to oust Tom the Sleazoid DeLay Writing against Tom Delay; Use a strategy the Deaniacs did in the primaries to oust Tom the Sleazoid DeLay by Rob Kall Back during the Democratic presidential primaries, I went to Dean meet-up, half to support Dean and half to check out the Deaniac phenomenon.... Electing the Next Paul Wellstone; Progressive Candidate Chuck Pennacchio Wants to Run Against Rick Santorum in the 2006 PA Senate Race, and he needs your help Electing the Next Paul Wellstone; Progressive Candidate Chuck Pennacchio Wants to Run Against Rick Santorum in the 2006 PA Senate Race, and he needs your help. This article tells you why this campaign has national significance. by Rob Kall IÂâ€... Rescuing the USA; How do we take her back from the wolves and jackals and what steps should we be planning to take to rid her of the cancers and chancres which right wing extremists have infested her with? Rescuing the USA; by Rob Kall How do we take her back from the wolves and jackals and what steps should we be planning to rid her of the cancers and chancres which right wing extremists have infested her with? If the USA is rescued from th... Taking back America, one Town and County at a time. Taking back America... one Town and County at a time. by Rob Kall I participated in a meeting a few days ago, discussing what the state DFA org should do- a kind of pre-meeting strategic gathering. . DFA is the post presidential primary version of the deaniac... Creating a Set of Laws for All Religions, Like Asimov's Laws of Robotics Creating a Set of Laws for All Religions, Like Asimov's Laws of Robotics by Rob Kall I believe that a short collection of basic laws or rules need to be developed that civilized, mature, evolved religions all subscribe to. These rules should aim toward supporting humanity, earth and ... Republicans Have the Same Problem with the Health Care Time Bomb that Hitler had with the nuclear Bomb. Republicans Have the Same Problem with the Health Care Time Bomb that Hitler had with the nuclear Bomb. by Rob Kall Fortune recently ran two must-read articles:Socialized Medicine? From Republicans? and How the Retiree Health-Care Crunch Will Affect You. These art... Finding Common Ground Between Progressives and Business; defining progressive values and matching them to the interests of big and small business is not only doable, it's essential. Finding Common Ground Between Progressives and Business; defining progressive values and matching them to the interests of big and small business is not only doable, it's essential. by Rob Kall Newsweek reports that a group of 160 companies, representing $ ... Understanding The Difference Between Old and New Friends Understanding The Difference Between Old and New Friends by Rob Kall, May 15, 2003 "A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines." Benjamin Franklin I've figured out one thing about George W. He's no traditionalist. ... A Democracy Dictionary A Democracy Dictionary; Bush Victory, Bush Treason; Must-Add Dictionary Terms by Rob Kall This is the third in an occasional series of articles suggesting new, politically useful words and phrases. Previous articles are listed at the end of this one. Move over William Safire. You're not the only one... The Techno The Techno-Voting Nightmare; Digital Vote Corruption-- First California-- then the 2004 Elections. by Rob Kall, OpEdNews.COM Comments from readers follow the article Imagine that a rogue programmer gets access to a few networks of computers in the California special gubernatorial election. The programmer... Bush Lie Number 1 Bush Lie Number 1; The Tax Cut Lie by Rob Kall OpEdNews.Com Bush is a flat out liar. Borrowing from his father's lie, "read my lips, no new taxes" you can, at any time, read George W's lips and he's probably lying. The biggest lie is that he cut taxes. And a big joke is that it will hit the rich people who are... A Liberal A Liberal's Eye View of the Democratic Candidate's Forum in Philly; a look at the "liberal media" and Former Democratic Party Chair, Governor Ed Rendell's Opinion on Neocon Think Tanks and Media. by Rob Kall, editor,, and in this case, reporter and photographer (all photos by Rob... If Wealthy Liberals and Liberal Foundations Don If Wealthy Liberals and Liberal Foundations Don't Fund Think Tanks to Take on the Right, then We Might as Well Throw in the Towel. Rob Kall Every day, as I cringe, observing the fleshing out of the BushCo / neocon vision for America-- the selling off of the... Our Stories and a Hero Will Save Us Our Stories and Heroes Will Save Us... Rob Kall When George Bush's extremist right took control of the senate and the house of representatives last fall, it wasn't his perky attitude, his intelligence, his panache, his articulate delivery of any particular message. He led the charge and won the batt... BirdBrain Watching; BirdBrain Watching; Echoes in Empty (ditto)Heads; you can tell a right wing radio listener by his repetitions of the spewings of the talk show hosts. by Rob Kall OpEdNews.Com It's amazing, after listening to a few minutes of Rush Limbaugh a few times a month, how easy it is to spot a dittohead. They spout anti-LIBBE... Tough Liberals Tough Liberals By Rob Kall Is it possible to be a tough liberal? After 911, many Gore voters said they felt better about George Bush because he would handle terrorism more effectively-- that Republicans were tougher in a war situation-- that democrats, particularly liberals, are not so tough, even w... |