URL: https://www.opednews.com/populum/visuals/2014/07/2014-07-50778-300-Images-populum_uploadphotos_s_300_farm3_static_flickr_com_50778_14420430746_2e46630ab2_n_705.gif
Used By: Steven Jonas
Submitted By: Steven Jonas Added On: 07/06/2014 at 8:00 PM EDT
Image Caption: Au musee de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame : Nativite (Alsace-vers 1470). Let's all gather 'round --- whether you believe or not --- or suffer the consequences of the law.
Owner Name / Source: anne arnould
URL of Owners Page: https://www.flickr.com/people/95103456@N03/
Image Source: ImagesAttr
License: License Unknown
Notes:From Image Gallery "Christ" Search